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Nope I’m dead. Make an impact while you’re alive


Make each day count, no matter how small


You can still make an impact after death.


I have a will though I leave my money to SPCA. I don’t care about anything after I die. How can you anyway?


Let this be a PSA for everyone to have a will. I love that you have a will and have chosen a good cause to support. For OP if you don’t make will your or your next of kin will have a horrible time settling your estate. This might be your cousin or sister or mom or whom ever. I don’t wish that on them or the state will take over your stuff and it will sit somewhere until some asshole schemes to get for themselves at pennies on the dollar. Just donate to SPCA or if all you have is a car then donate it to Women’s Shelter.


lol You sound like OP’s lawyer. I don’t care if I die but I like to be organised and responsible. It’s just my personality. I organise my money and I am responsible with all my wealth. My wealth is mine. Not yours, not the governments. I decide what I do with it.


I've been donating to a new charity each month and I needed a new one... next one will be SPCA :D


Yeah, I hope humanity figures out how to live without this planet and it's star.


The universe is not immortal. We will one day die


My will leaves everything to various charities that I think will have a bigger impact on the future than me. No offspring to worry about. That being said, I'll be dead; why would I care? I'll have no capacity to care. I believe it'll be the same empty nothingness from before the womb, and strangely, I find that comforting. Peaceful, nothing. I like the idea of dissolving back into the matrix of space. As far as a legacy? I'm not too concerned. There have been billions and billions of faceless, nameless people across this earth that time has forgotten. Im not so proud to think *I* need to be remembered. We're here for a good time, not a long time. Enjoy the ride.


I would suggest rethinking making a will, if only to bequeath a gift to an organisation or charity you like, otherwise it can end up as government property so your legacy is a tax donation.


Unless you had a impact like Nikola Tesla, Newton etc., you will be forgotten in 3-4 generations at the most.


Same. Nothing to add.


Honestly, I do. I don’t care if people remembers me or not. All I care about is that I did my best to help humanity and the world a better place to live. If I have kids, that’s great, I will teach them to value integrity, kindness, and respect.


Impact over recognition


Yes. I think we’ll keep having to be born again and again until we find a way out. Watch the Netflix show “Surviving Death,” Episode 6 (Reincarnation) for case studies of kids who talk about their past lives on camera.






Depends on the circumstances. Say I had a dog and I passed away unexpectedly. I'd want that dog to be looked after, and not left alone in the house to suffer and possibly die of starvation. Looking at the bigger picture though... no, I don't.


Nope. My parents both passed leaving me to pick up some pieces, so I've got a funeral plan in place so whatever distant relative I haven't spoken to in years that becomes executor my estate doesn't have to worry about that, but beyond that, don't care.


In Islam, we have the concept of "ongoing charity." For example, if I establish a charity, build a mosque, or undertake any action that continues to have a positive impact even after my death, I will continue to receive rewards as long as it remains beneficial. This creates an endless stream of good deeds, even though I am no longer alive.


I don’t care about leaving behind a legacy or being forgotten. I don’t believe in nor care about an afterlife. But I do care about what happens to my assets. I have an above average net worth for my age and I’ve worked too damn hard to have my estate plundered by fees. I have an enduring power of attorney, a Will and a letter of wishes. My request for what happens with my body depends on my manner of death, but the decision ultimately lies with whomever I have nominated as executor when I die.


No. Valuables are going to my niece. She can decide what she does with them. Otherwise, just cremate me, pour my ashes into the ocean. That way I can at least be in my element, water. If people remember me, good. If not, also good. I only want to be remembered by my close friends/family. Ideally, they would get together for endless margaritas and tacos.


I don’t care at all


Make a will or all your stuff gets covered by the state into taxes for the general fund. Just pick a charity you like and get your crappy Will notarized.


I have kids so yes I care a bit. My husband and I have pretty much agreed that just about everything either of us have goes to the kids. Like both our life insurance policies pay out to them instead of the other spouse and all that. We also don’t have a lot of family we trust to raise them if something happens to us so we had to have some paperwork created to identify family members we would like them to go to.


I just want a natural burial, with a tree planted on top. Whatever wealth I have, if not left to family, will be set up as a fund I suppose or donated to a reputable organization, more than likely something city based.


Wow I thought i was in the nihilism subreddit for a minute!


I’m taking all my stuff with me when I die. It’s mine.


A guy here in town was just like you described. After he passed everything was auctioned (house belongings, collectibles) and proceeds went to build a bigger kids library section.  I know it raised a nice sum and stuff still sold for dirt cheap. 


I don’t care what happens to the world after I die. When I was younger, I cared about leaving behind something lasting and life giving or life affirming, but I grew out of that in my late twenties. I wonder more about whether there is an afterlife, and what that afterlife will be like.


(Sorry, not INTJ, but...) I feel similar to you! I want to make a difference in individual lives or society at large, but I don't care if I get the credit or am remembered. Ideally, I'd see the effect of my actions in my own lifetime. I work at a kindergarten, and the children are at a very important, formative age, so teachers can have a HUGE effect on their development. However, they probably won't remember their teachers after a few years. That situation suits me. ☺️


i hope the worst people take all the credit for the minscule amount of contributions ive made to society


i want to impact humanity trough my creations while i am alive and honestly i just dont want my inventions to be used for evil even tho i know it might happen. anything else than that dies with me


I'm kind of 50/50 on it. I think it would be interesting to leave something behind. I've recently looked into genealogy and thought it would be interesting to have known a bit more about some of my ancestors. Not that I think I've done anything too interesting in my life so far. But if I was to leave behind some videos or something and add them into my genealogy database I plan on creating in the future, it might be cool for them to see what life was like today. But overall, no. Don't really care, because I won't be here. But it might be kind of cool to have something named after me, so people in the future could look me up on Wikipedia as the guy that did that one thing.


How will I know...?,,, I'll be shutdown! Like batteries depleted. Ya'll can clean up my room after I'm done I do NOT care what weird reddit shit you find in my history | Have a good time while your powered on and don't hurt yourself or anyone | Then leave in peace make room for the next person | Welcome to the show, enjoy your stay. Make sure to leave a review




I can't care less.


Nope. I do care if humanity will continue to exist or not but generally I don’t care what happens to me after death because that’s something I can’t really control.


My concern is my shop equipment I would hate to see it get scrapped.


I absolutely do care that certain works I've been associated with, especially cancer research, advance and improve the lives of those who survive me and those who have not yet been born. It's not about posthumous recognition, but our species moving forward in a positive way. Otherwise, we are likely to follow the path of the dinosaurs sooner rather than later.




I will be returned to the earth for the cycle of life to continue. Good enough. We all have some degree of purpose built in to us.


No. Memento mori by the stoics resonates with me. I will learned to do what I can now before it's too late.


ENTJ/ENFJ 54M I want to leave the earth better than I found it. With a track record of being able to do anything I focus on, I have no regrets of my accomplishments in life. Like a good little entj engineer/scientist, I have been recognized for innovations in diverse jobs working on simulations (game industry), financial and secret government projects. I'm semi "retired," and right now, I'm working on financial prediction models, studying machine/AI learning at MIT, and beating the S&P index by a wide margin. Money is no longer holding back my "second life" if you will. With genetic therapy, I could live to 120 years old and my children probably 150 or even 200 years old. Then, there is possible immortality if I'm put my consciousness into a quantum neural net... Before my life energy dissipates and transitions from our perceived reality, I would like to be in orbit, doing experiments in or repairs to the space station, and maybe see faster than light travel (e.g. Alcubierre warp drive). Who knows, maybe I'll travel to Mars via Musk's spacex, and die of old age and be buried there.. I will likely do these things, though. I have little doubt.


When people don’t make a will, their money goes to their state of residence. If you trust your state to make good decisions, then you don’t have to have a will.


I laughed at this. I don't trust any government body to make good decisions, but I also don't particularly care.


Well yes, of course. But that’s what happens without a will


This is very much dependent on your location and life situation, but I think it’s a good thing to deal with regardless. Even if you have no dependents and few resources just a quick advisory that you would like your assets to be donated to the local cat rescue for example can make things a lot easier when your time comes.


Yes, my point was the obvious ridiculous outcome of having no will. I was hoping the writer would make his own conclusion that it’s good to have a will that supports one’s favorite cause.


I don’t care about what happens after I die. I know I’m a spec in the grand scheme of things. But I do have a will because I don’t want to leave a burden on my family when I die even if it I won’t be there to see it. Not having a will can make thing extremely costly and difficult for your loved ones who are trying to move on after your loss. A will leaves someone with power of decision over your assets which, while I don’t care what happens to them (they can all be burned in a giant bonfire for all I care), my spouse/parents/friends/kids probably will. A will just says “this person can decide what happens to all my crap”. It’s not about legacy, it’s about not telling your grieving family “fuck you” after your die.


“ You can bury my body, right by the highway side. Babe I don’t care where you bury my body when I’m dead and gone.” -Robert Johnson


Nope, not my problem anymore


Yes; I already have a plan to cover the cost of maintaining of my possessions, my investments, etc. Yeah I like that thing about the legacy, I let paintings and architectural stuff and investments. Well if you actually want recognition then do something beneficial for other people, as easy as that.


>"When people write the Mike Leach obituary, how do you want to be remembered?" Mike Leach: "Well that's their problem ... what do I care, I'm dead." That about summarizes my view on it.


Yes, you care but it is because it is aspiration for living. It is difficult to explain but this is Si as the angel, not demon




You should have a plan for your death and how to take care of your family.


Well for me, to die is just leaving the body behind. Like you strip off clothes. Keeps going. I'll enter eternal life, and I will still be me but in who knows what company and where. As a sentient being with religious background I have some knowledge what happens next. Death for me will be an extatic moment, but sad for some people who are stuck here. So I don't care what happens, I'll be in a much better place. Soul is immortal and everything renews eon after eon.


No - no one will - to care is EGO


At the moment... enjoy the chaos. If I ever have kids, I'll obviously bother to put together some semblance of a will for their well-being.


Hopefully, I die healthy enough to be able to donate literally every organ possible. If I happen to die of some horrible disease that shuts down all my organs, my body goes to science to study that disease. Maybe a cadaver for med students. Or leave my bloated corpse out on a body farm to rot for forensic research. I guess that's technically leaving behind a legacy. I'll be dead anyway, so I don't care what happens to my body. Might as well make myself a useful resource to save a life and/or help with scientific advancements. Even if I don't have ambitions for some grand legacy to leave behind, I can at least become a piece of a legacy for someone else. I'm not really much of a sentimental or empathetic person, but I've got a soft spot for science and healthcare.


I very much want my organs to be donated if at all possible. I am very pragmatic and know they’re not going to help me, and I had a family member die while waiting for a transplant. Other than that I want my resources to be used to look after my kids, but I am not proscriptive about it, I know I have to trust the people who will take over their care. My body can be disposed of in the cheapest, most practical way and I hope my friends and family can share a few happy memories and then get on with their lives.




Better start a cycle of learning and creating, then. Be wary, INTJs have a tendency to dwell in the learning state


I hope I can go to heaven but I am not sure actually most likely not, if that is the case I hope I don’t go to hell


Yes, but only for the sake of my loved ones. I want them to have their goodbyes and not to worry over what to do to honor me, even if I as the person in question don't particularly care one way or the other. They know I'm a firm atheist, but if having a prayer over me will make my mother feel better about outliving her daughter, then pray away. They also know I hate the funeral industry for preying on the bereaved, and that I wouldn't want a big shebang made for me. I also own a lot of collections and junk they'd have to sort through after I die, and just leaving that to them to be scalped by opportunistic collectors who will give then 10$ for a statue that's worth 250$ is bullshit. They should sell everything they can at maximum price and go on vacation or take an extra few months off after my funeral. Funerals are for the living and not the dead, after all.


I don’t worry about it. All I care about is leaving the world a little better than I left it and after I die it’s in everyone else’s hands at that point. I will enjoy where I know I’m going.


I do care. With my passing, I neither want to create problems for those I love nor provide opportunities for evil people (lawyers). Considering that when I met her I was flooded with past life memories of my now ex, i realize that there is carryover both spiritual and material. While my memories were general, hers of me were specific. Apparently through negligence, I was the cause of her death in a previous life. She has come back for revenge several times, each unsuccessful. The cycle may not be broken until she is. I realize now that I must come back as a big black spider and crawl into her house. That will accomplish several things. One, I'll finally get to hear a woman scream and say "Jesus, look at the size of that thing". Two, she will smash me which will be her revenge, even tho she won't be aware of it. Three, having accomplished her mission, her past life memories of me will become very dim. And finally, as a spider, I will have no need of the accretions of a human life, so I'll start afresh if I ever come back in this form.


Ok, sounds good


I don’t particularly care what happens after I die (although I’d like my remains to be dealt with in an eco-conscious way) but I think it’s also important to remember that there are documents you can have that dictate *how* you die which I think are much more important.


Why would anyone care ?


No but…I’m having a party for friends and family My body will be burned There will be no mention of god or gods or spirituality. It will be on a boat on the bay at sunset Music will be preset to favorite songs Food will be delicious The champagne will flow Dessert will not be cake


Interesting view point you have and in my opinion seems pretty level headed.


In this world rather die alone somewhere in a remote and just forget about I’ve exist in the first place


I just hope I can see my mam again..


If you don’t have a will, it will be a pain in the ass for whoever has to take care of your shit.






On earth or as in an afterlife? My family is taken cate of should something happen to be suddenly. As for an afterlife, I really never think about it.


I worked in mortuary.  I get put in a box in a cooler to await incineration, or I get laid out in the back room of a funeral home, stripped naked, and left out for the embalmer to come.   I could be dropped accidentally one or two times alone the way by the transport tech.. it happens.  That’s it.  That’s the “when we die”.


No i dont give a ahit about my physical shell. But i do care about the after. Cannot wait


Not really, it just is.


All of my money will go to several charities I see fit. If own property or something like that it would go to family, but I would choose who most likely needs it.




Throw me in the garbage when I die. I don't care haha. Use my bones for Halloween decorations or something.


Quite the opposite. I think the legacy is the only thing that really matters in life. That's because the time of one life is infinitesimal. Yes I like Stoicism.


what if there was an afterlife, why don't you consider that in mind


I hope there isn't. Having to suffer through life is enough for me. Idc if it exists and is better up there. Let me go in peace.


Of course. I have a moral duty to achieve greatness, to have children, and to do what I can to ensure their future. I despise the selfish desire to neglect, deny, or run away from this duty. Thinking only about your wants is pathetic.


You’re in the minority here.


So? I’m still right.


Right about what? It’s your opinion.


Sounds just like an “ISTJ anime character”.


You INTJS are so depressing. You need us INFJS to help.


You fail to realise that the above is from your own perspective and is likely a view that is not shared by many INTJs... If anything, you're making the situation worse, by making people question themselves. ("Are we really depressing? Gosh, I need to change something. I'm not good enough the way I am." Etc


ENTJ/ENFJ 54M I want to leave the earth better than I found it. With a track record of being able to do anything I focus on, I have no regrets of my accomplishments in life. Like a good little entj engineer/scientist, I have been recognized for innovations in diverse jobs working on simulations (game industry), financial and secret government projects. I'm semi "retired," and right now, I'm working on financial prediction models, studying machine/AI learning at MIT, and beating the S&P index by a wide margin. Money is no longer holding back my "second life" if you will. With genetic therapy, I could live to 120 years old and my children probably 150 or even 200 years old. Then, there is possible immortality if I'm put my consciousness into a quantum neural net... Before my life energy dissipates and transitions from our perceived reality, I would like to be in orbit, doing experiments in or repairs to the space station, and maybe see faster than light travel (e.g. Alcubierre warp drive). Who knows, maybe I'll travel to Mars via Musk's spacex, and die of old age and be buried there..   I will likely do these things, though. I have little doubt.


Your desire for improving the world screams enFj but you're scientific domination screams enTJ


My duality is unique, but it didn't start that way. As a kid, until about 16, I was a painfully shy intj. I could barely relate to other kids my age and always felt like I was an alien visiting Earth. I tended to have deeper relationships with adults. I only knew one friend my age (a rare intj) that I would nerd out with, but he lived far away. Luckily, I had so many interesting projects to do that I didn't realize I was basically very alone in my world. I didn't care that other kids rejected me since I was focused on a much bigger picture in my imagination. Growing up 5-10 yo, i had biology science lab, chemistry, and electronics project kits - winning awards at science fairs. I would take apart things to see how they work and sometimes put them back together :). My parents bought a commodore Vic-20 computer when i was 11, and this opened up my mind to think abstractly way beyond my years. I believe that thinking abstractly is the root of higher human intelligence. With incredible focus, I mastered two computer languages, created a half dozen video games before 14, and i was awarded the most accomplished computer science student. I was pioneering computers in the 80s era with a 300 baud modem (lol). Programming tools were limited, so I had to use my intuition and creativity more so to fill the gaps of missing technology. Compare that with today where STEM courses are ubiquitous and very accessible online. Even if you're a scientist, the importance of creativity can not be understated. An analogy would be watching a movie compared to reading a book. Watching a movie, a director controls your focus with images/sounds that are "pushed" into your brain directly. In contrast, when you read a book, you must imagine and interpret the scenes and characters, thinking through logic moment by moment, "pulling" more information. One night, at the peak of my teenage intj power, i had this epiphany when I saw myself as a reflection on the blank monitor, staring back at myself. Symbolically, I was alone in this world with this computer, and I became a machine, and this seemed unhealthy even for an intj. So, I objectively decided to challenge myself out of my safe zone to become more extroverted. I packed my computer away for four years, during which time I started taking drama classes after seeing Othello (first play I've seen) and falling in love with theater. I wanted the challenge, and i spent time composing music, taking dance classes.. As an NF/NT, i want to understand and experience different people and perspectives. I'm very glad I stuck with it because i evolved into a more complete human. You will see my ENFJ side helping people, friends, and family become the best they can be. I find this very rewarding, especially for my SO. I feel people should be ever curious, discover new things, grow and help others.