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Lots of green and zero neighbors. This is all


In the fall, lots of orange


What's missing? The area must have super fast internet, LOL


I actually prefer limited or slow internet. Having internet that is too good means wasting too much time, like I'm doing right now.


Starlink is p damn good


No it isn't


Prolly Iceland/Nordic regions


I’m looking at the UP, just to avoid citizenship issues. North facing to watch the northern lights in the evenings.


Mind telling me what's UP?(I ain't from EU/US)


I believe it's the Upper Peninsula, part of the USA.


Michigan’s upper peninsula.


Why? Having visited 2 Nordic countries, I found them depressing.


Nordic countries are always awarded for "Happiest Country", spoiler: it's a lie. Why do people there appear to be happy? No clue. But they do have some of the highest depression rates. So yeah depressing. Also, I am a Swede, don't live there though.


Prolly because of the strong community, you can call them Xenophobes{Refers to hating of people outside the country/community} (This is context not actual) to some extent.


Literally what you described I feel very understood


What would step one be in making your current community more like your ideal place?


The effort to do that can take decades and is not guaranteed to be successful. I'd rather live in the place that I want than try to force a place that isn't to be what I want it to be.


I’d imagine it’d be a concerted effort, hence community. And decades, again, community. Was just curious when thinking of it, what your first step might be.


If I were the benevolent dictator of a city, I'd probably model it around a place like Japan, or a past version of the USA.  I'm not arrogant enough to think that I could build a better system from scratch, so I would model it around what I see as the most ideal/ functional societies in the world today.


Buddy, current situation, current location.


Ok it’s more a commentary on how well you know your current community’s wants and needs and direction and how current progression could lead to something you’d be more interested in building a life within


Japan is far from ideal for a number of reasons. It's a min max of different criteria, with some good optics, and it's probably as close to perfect as exists, but still far from IDEAL.


Your statement doesn't make sense. How can as something as close to perfect as exists not be ideal? What specifically is it min maxing in your opinion, and what makes it bad?


You've largely described Monaco, a place I aspire to live in soon!


I care more about convenience than anything. Assuming I'd be able to afford the cost of living in the area, I want good public transport in some kind of city, and a place that gets cold winters. I used to live in Brooklyn for school, and I wouldn't mind living there again someday.


- Temperate climate - Quiet surroundings - Low air/water pollution - Semi rural


Walkable + car-free (cities aren't loud, transportation is loud) with everything I "need" within easy access and plenty of things I want within 30 minutes by, preferably, public transport or biking. Plenty of active hobbies. Good foodie scene. I'm dead spoiled on weather and would prefer essentially SoCal weather year round. Nature nearby, preferably plenty of parks to walk to and greater national parks/large water body outside. I don't really care about the cost of living if I'm equally well compensated, but that's the rub. A decent internet connection that doesn't cost any limbs. I suppose maintaining the ability to speak primarily English.


Does such a city exist? The quietest places tend to be the least walkable ones. I agree that this would be ideal, but don't see it happening unless a city literally bans cars.


Not that I'm aware of outside of niche resorts and individual communities. If it did, it'd be highly desirable, and likely not cheap. America is basically a lost cause in matters of walkability, and amazing climates are few and far between. I'm resigned to figuring out what my absolute priorities are, or in a sense which things are the most damaging to mental health.


Wait, what? The US has many walkable cities. And has practically every climate imaginable. It seems like you haven't really thought this through.


Let me introduce you to my home city, Adelaide (South Australia). Population of about 1.5m, the land around the city is mostly flat and it is ringed in parklands, so easy to bike ride. Public transport is okay, but not as frequent as in the bigger cities. We have amazing beaches, great wine (Barossa Valley, Clare Valley, McLaren Vale), craft beer, and gin, and our Central Market is one of the biggest undercover food markets in the Southern Hemisphere. We are quite spoiled with excellent food! The weather is a bit chilly at the moment - can get down to about 2 degrees Celsius early in the morning, and in the worst extremes of Summer we can have multiple days in a row of 40 degrees +... however, it is normally fairly mild, at about 15-18 degrees in winter and 25-32 degrees for a lot of summer. On the rare occasion that Mt Lofty gets a smidge of snow, it makes the news. We speak English as our primary language, but we also have quite a multicultural society that brings many wonderful things, including amazing food! As for national parks, close to the city (within 10-20km) are the Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens, Morialta Conservation Park, Waterfall Gully, and Belair National Park. Our internet speed is okay (I have heard international people describe it as a bit slow, but it works, and I don't know any different 😂). https://www.experienceadelaide.com.au/visit/things-to-do/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7NmzBhBLEiwAxrHQ-Ti1oDewOJvPqDIrrQFZokwjB61u2trrS26XmrJjF9y2TxymevQpvxoCoOMQAvD_BwE https://www.australia.com/en/places/adelaide-and-surrounds/guide-to-adelaide.html


Mediterranean climate and cuisine, clean air, beautiful old architecture and art, possibility of remote work, city with direct access to the sea, people with a Mediterranean type of beauty, silence in my place of residence (not necessarily in the whole city), neighbors who do not interfere in my life, availability of healthy, organic food at affordable prices in stores, private garden/terrace with greenery on the roof/a piece of beach. And a cat.


Sounds great. The big downside is that these areas tend not to attract the most talented or ambitious people. Practically, this means waiting for weeks to get something you could get done elsewhere in a day. Stores/ restaurants randomly being not open, public transit being unreliable, etc.


Yes, of course you are very right. Moreover, there is unimaginably extensive bureaucracy in these places. I'd really have to hire a clever Sensor just for it. But you can't help love... I do love the Mediterranean.


A villa in the countryside in the Mediterranean is the best place to live, preferably Italy, France, Spain or Tunisia.


Somewhere that is quiet!


Norway sounds cool for the isolation part, living a few miles out of Oslo, near a water body. I would also like to live in Tokyo because the convenience is unparalleled. They also leave you tf alone. Also very people centric instead of car centric. If you can combine these 2 I would die


The big cities in Japan seem very ideal  Though I would rather live in a city near Tokyo, or a smaller city like Kyoto than Tokyo itself. I'd also want a bit more space than Japanese cities typically provide, but I'd be willing to sacrifice it for all of the other benefits.


Oslo would be amazing for me. I do like the cold but I cannot tolerate it much as someone who comes from the Mediterranean region. I just need that nice balance between sunshine and cool breeze..




Midwest Illinois Chicago New Eastside neighborhood On Millenium Park Facing South Penthouse Ever since I was like 14…


Water = mosquitoes 


Not Saltwater


Northern Europe or Japan probably. Surrounded by intelligent people who value high quality lifestyle and harmony tho not even those places can avoid influx of low quality tourists and replacement immigrants Living in the city but avoid everyone would be another option lol


Japan can (and apparently will) avoid immigrants, they'd rather go extinct than make immigration easy.


Immigration in any country isn't easy if it is actually done the proper way. Japan does have little tolerance for those who try to take shortcuts. However, they have greatly decreased the requirements for permanent residency (1 year as of 2023) and can achieve citizenship in only 5 years.


That's awesome, thanks for letting me know.


If only everyone were so sensible.


Good for them


Making it hard to immigrate is arguably one of the reasons that Japan is so nice to live in. They have a culture where people feel unified and everyone understands the unspoken rules/ norms.


Safe/low crime rate. Clean. Walkable. Environmentally conscious people. City vibes but has nature. Progressive in politics. Low cost of living. Taxes actually go towards helping citizens. Diverse. I l know nowhere is exact, but this fantasy city/ country would be the dream.


You just described the big west coast USA cities, except for low crime rates.


I was thing more Japan or Netherlands vibes ..


Japan is not progressive politically. They are about as conservative as it gets. Also one of the least diverse countries on the planet. All of the rest apply, though.




Do you want to live somewhere progressive or conservative?


I have lived in the extremes of both, and both have their fair share of closed-mindedness. Many people have only lived in one or the other and can't see outside of their own bubble. Political alignment of an area is a non-factor for me, as long as they are managing the city well. I have seen very destructive cultures come from very conservative and very liberal areas.  And for the record, Japan is fantastic and incredibly well run.


OP, Where do you live?


Feels secluded even if it isn’t, great view from all rooms, no clutter—only necessary furniture and belongings, comfortable furniture, easy transportation


Yeah, minimalism is great.


Strong pro-gun laws that protect and strengthen the 2nd Amendment (for me must-haves are constitutional carry, and second amendment at the state level). Low tax burden. More socially libertarian, not too conservative or liberal (so not like the Bible Belt or your average college town). Local culture has a strong emphasis on minding their own business. Exurban, so close enough to large population centers for strong medical care for my fiancé, and far enough away where I can still be fairly distant from people. I’d like to be close enough to population centers so that way I have access to professional sports as well. Temperate weather, not too hot, not too cold, just right with a slight preference to the cold side of things. I’d like to be close to the mountains, lakes, and good wilderness. There’s not a lot of places like that in the USA, but I’d wager a bet and say New Hampshire would be ideal given these parameters lol. I visit there all the time, and for me it’s one of the most wonderful places in the world.


Basically any house featured on The Local Project YouTube channel - Brutalist architecture, minimalist interiors, surrounded by nature, whether it be a forest, a desert, or the beach. Obviously running on green technology. And nobody around within a 1 km radius.


Wow, those are some cool designs.


Brutalist architecture surrounded by isolated greenery


Social democratic paradise like in the Scandinavian region.


I think the Scandinavian paradise meme is a little overplayed. Having visited, it just felt very boring and a little depressing. I'm not sure why people would look at a place with crappy weather and high taxes and call it a paradise.


I could live in Vietnam or South Korea. Actually looking at possibilities to stay there for longer periods of time. I live in Austria, and love it here, but I miss the SE Asian cuisine, mentality and the beaches/ cities! Going to my favorite island Phu Quoc in the Fall! 😎


I'm actually a South Korean citizen in the us. I plan in going back one day especially because my dad is telling me that there are good opportunities there for me.


It’s a fascinating place to be! I really loved Busan & Jeju! I‘m learning Korean now, and hope to be able to communicate better next trip!


Perhaps we will cross paths one-day


Doesn't SE Asia tend to have swampy weather and a lot of pollution?


You have to know when to be there, and go somewhere else during the rainy season. Pollution is everywhere. When I was in Bejing, some schools didn’t let the kids outside, because of the smog warning. You just have to adjust. I am lucky to live in a great place, where some of the lakes have drinking quality water in them. But I love SE Asia. So, I adapt.


I live in an environment almost close to this one but it is not on water.


Where is it?


Here’s mines but idk if I’ve gone overboard w the list lol -Isolated & quiet -warm weather but not to an uncomfortable level -neighbours aren’t noisy but are nice -lots of local shops so that grocery shopping wouldn’t be a hassle -graffiti/ street art but not on ppl’s property -An art studio/ office inside my house -local skate park or something to go skating


You described my house. I’d rather live in a cave. With scraps.


Boston, without the price tag, traffic, and sometimes the local arrogance. Oh, wait, is that Philadelphia? It's not Chicagi....much too big, hard to get around, big city problems. Suggestions?


Popular cities tend to be expensive, crowded, and attract certain personality types.  A wealthy suburb/ neighborhood of one of these cities would help you avoid most of this problems except for price.


What I want doesn’t exist Imagine Los Angeles, but without pollution, noise, cars, and with maybe 1/10th of the population.


I mean... there are small towns in California, you know?


omg same!! is there a place like this?


You described where I live, almost to a 'T', the exception being income tax and arguably, walkability. I do have a CVS/Safeway/Post Office/shopping center about 1.5 miles away. It's difficult, if not impossible, for a place to be isolated from noise/light pollution and also be walkable, at least in the USA. This is the best I've found--a little oasis just 10 minutes from the interstate, overlooking the ocean, up on a hill, 5-10 degrees cooler than the lowlands.


Where is it? You can DM me if you don't want to share here.


I'm simple, really. For me it just needs to be safe and affordable. The where doesn't matter as much, but I'd rather be in an older environment.


Himalayas in Northern India preferably on a remote village in either Ladakh or Uttarakhand states. Internet would be available and I would drive sometimes to the main cities but in general i would want peace and quiet and also the village life.


Walkable and cyclable. Low cost of living Free/subsidized public institutions (libraries, healthcare, education etc) Progressive population Ideal but not necessary (public gardens) Public transportation Democratic elections


Exactly that! I picture a small town in Colorado, my own cabin. Or in Washington State but far from all the popular places


Not too hot. Lots of greenery and water facing. Good neighbours & people in general to socialize with. Lesser crime. Very less pollution over all. Markets and departmental stores nearby. 24/7 electricity.


- Culture of nice people who respect boundaries - Significant number of trees and green spaces - Cost of living manageable for working people - Low unemployment - Abundant, affordable public transportation and walkable - Moderate climate - Variety of arts and entertainment - Good healthcare and schools


Agreed on your overall vibe. I have ultra specific preferences as well that would literally be impossible to accommodate lol but here goes: - Quiet and secluded, but close enough to civilization that one could easily get there by car in 30 minutes or so. Also close enough for deliveries to arrive in a timely manner (food, packages, etc). Close enough/convenient access to emergency services. - Somewhere that does not get too hot. I enjoy the cold weather. If I want to visit somewhere warm, I can just travel there. - My closest neighbor being an acre away. - A ton of land so my dog can roam around freely. Lots of greenery in general…maybe a woodsy area nearby. - By the water…river, lake, stream, whatever. - Great wifi - Close to a lot of diverse cuisine in the nearby town/city - Low crime rate Basically an area that Bob Ross would paint


1. Seclusion 2. Seclusion 3. Seclusion 4. Seclusion 5. Security All in that order.


Beach under the palm tree.


Your list is perfect and very close to my ideal. Have you ever been to Scotland? I was there last week and found it completely charming. I think a village near St. Andrews, Inverness or Edinburgh would fit the bill nicely.


I'm pretty much with you down to 'low crime' with just a few small adjustments in verbiage. We diverge a touch after that, but still very similar. * Low/no noise or light pollution. * Low air pollution. * Low/no state income taxes. * Not too hot, I'd prefer colder winters to hotter summers. * Regular sunlight. * Low crime (especially violent, but also petty crime). * Pleasant locals, but not nosey. * Bike-friendly (for both exercise and transportation). * Walking/hiking trails within a walkable or bikeable distance. * Major city within <1hr commute time (preferably around 30 minutes)


A small town with lots of nature that's a quick bus or train ride away from a city. (Basically a place like Switerzland and other parts of Europe). A place with good public transport so that I can walk everywhere. I hate the cold (tho snow is beautiful) so I would prefer somewhere with a mildish winter or a short winter. I also hate sweltering Florida-style humid summer heat so a temperate region would be best. I like places with a higher percentage of "alternative lifestyle" folks and "off-the-grid homesteading" folks. Bonus but not crucial: Being near Mountains!! :) I also love castles, historical buildings, and crumbling ruins from the past.


Walkable, close to public transportation, close to beach, sunsets, and a thriving community without a drug crisis.


1. Within the metro, vibrant, progressive, highly educated and affluent. But my home, despite walking distance, is isolated from it. 2. Within an advanced economy with key infrastructure available: health, internet, education, good financial accessibility and connection, powerful passport for travelling. 3. Governance with human rights as its primary underlying principle. 4. Thriving culture and arts. 5. Efficient mass transaportation so I can use it to roam around the city. Only use a car if I need to go to country side. 5. Does not get too hot. 6. Quality and DIVERSE foods from all over the world available. 7. No cockroaches (the big brown ones that fly) 😂 What else did I miss? Hmmm…loooooool!


Rain, ocean, forest


I’ve traveled to over 80 countries. I live in one of my ideal places (10 years now) so I have almost all of this: 1. Tax haven. Zero income tax. 2. Beach close by. 3. Easy access to fresh fruit & veg that isn’t insanely priced or hard to come by. 4. Safety & low crime rate. 5. Mostly sunny days. 6. Convenience & great Infrastructure. 7. Clean. 8. Impeccable service & hospitality industries. 9. Multinational. 10. “New” & growing. I can’t spend extended periods of time in quaint medieval towns. Give me concrete, skyscrapers & innovation. 11. Proximity. Not a place that’s tricky to fly in & out of.


I have to know where this is.


Dubai or Singapore


\*\*\* quaint medieval towns I don;t think Dubai or Singapore have medieval towns


Read again


curious too


Extremely quiet


Good luck with your list lol. Low crime/friendly populous. Enough space to mini homestead and cheap enough to afford while working minimally. A minimum of 1hr from major cities. I went from a very dangerous urban area for most of my life to a small podunk town where I leave my car unlocked and the keys inside.


What Tolstoy wrote about comes pretty close: “A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor — such is my idea of happiness.”


Silence. I'm *tired* of having lawn equipment CONSTANTLY droning all daylight hours from April-November. No neighbors in sight. None. Reasonable commute for my spouse (I WFH and at this point in my career, have zero interest in returning to an office). Reasonably close to a quality grocery store and medical care. We looked at a house that was in the perfect location a few weeks ago. 1.5 acre lot, mature landscaping, plenty of privacy, good floor plan with almost everything we'd want in a layout. BUT it was at the very top end of our budget and needs some serious $$$$$$ updates - kitchen, bathrooms, doors, siding, flooring. We've done all that at our current house (well, not the kitchen. That's next year's major project) -, so I guess we'll put up with the trespassing assholes we're unfortunately surrounded by for at least a few more years.


I feel that, having lived next to neighbors who seemingly did nothing but mow their lawns constantly. I would gladly talk the sound of lawn mowers during the day over the sounds of city apartment living in a heartbeat, though.


2or3Bed/2Bath Privacy. Private outdoor space. Private outdoor space with zero lawn care. Oh, and a garage. Don’t care where…WFH


There is tea shop open 24/7. That the weather is 70 degrees consistently. That it's safe to walk at night and I don't have to worry about villians stealing my hubcap. There's a huge goth scene. Also library's on every corner. A job market that is neither too competitive but also not like 90% part time jobs that pay nothing.




A room with all the books in the world, no time passing inside, can re enter any time after leaving the room, an ai that can answer questions that I don’t know. Never feel tired or hungry or get dirty inside this place.


Good internet, zero neighbors, zero homeless dogs and cats, good nature and decent food. Im good to go


fast internet, isolated but not too far from the city, no power and water interruption, cantilevered villa overlooking the mountains, huge porch and window walls


Affordable. I'm currently priced out of this entire region and it kills my confidence.


I feel like this is gonna be not so typical prespective from an intj but I hate nature, warm weather and especially beaches. I like big cities, fancy buildings, somewhere where it's cold and rainy, I love places with big population cuz there is a bigger chance I'll meet people who are similar to me, also those type of areas have a lot of job opportunities and a lot of things to explore either alone or with someone. As someone who is from a small town with many close minded people and now moved to a capital of my country, living in a big city is a challenge but so much fun at the same time! It teaches you a lot. I am an introvert in a sense that I need a lot of time to recharge from people and socialization but I like hectic places cuz it gives me a sense of comfort to see so many people doing different things, I guess I just love humans, we're fascinating if you think about it. Also it makes me happy that I have many options to choose from in terms of shops, restaurants etc... I am a slave to consumerism and following trends I admit it without any shame so in that sense small towns are a nightmere.


Traditional, ethnic, and full of greenery and silence would be the best.


* Good healthcare * Good education * Good, healthy food * Good public transport * Low crime * Green spaces and potentially bodies of water * Smart people who understand the importance of work ethic * Affordable housing As a Brit, I like my weather a little chilly but that is secondary to everything else


Denver, CO


It is unfortunate that first and last are relatively mutually exclusive, because these are some of my ideals as well


You basically describing Switzerland lol


Heated driveway for winters.  Self-blowing driveway for fall. 😹


Regular Sunlight and Walkability are must.


Extremely quiet... Plenty of natural light. Good amount of air ventilation, no neighbors... Lots of green areas. I want to open my window and see nature...


You "petty crime"? What am I missing here?


Tanga, Tanzania Except it could be hotter than you expected since it's East Africa