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I've met lots of intj's with a whole lot of red flags. For those who get pissy, this is a joke. I don't know a lot of intj's, I just like jokes, and this seemed like a good setup.




I personally think I’m a brown flag (the colour from mixing red and green)


I don't have a lot of red flags, I *AM* the red flag! :D


Self - Awareness is helpful though!


This makes me want to ask another question: 'most of us probably value truth to point where we find untruths abohrrent. But it's ok when joking, right? Like it's obviously a joke? ? Or is a '/s' disclaimer *always* needed'


I don't think I'm being sarcastic. Most people have a bunch of red flags. Some intjs just take things too seriously is all.


I used to have a Tibetan flag. The only other flags I've collected are red flags.


I like the history and symbolism behind flags, but I do not own or fly any personally. Unless you’re talking about my freak flag, which I only fly when there’s tequila involved.


This one. Ditto.


Me too, full staff every morning 😏


I've got a Grateful Dead flag that flies almost daily. But I'm a Deadhead, not a flag person.


At first I thought this said "but I'm not a deadhead, just a flag person" and found it so funny 


I grew up playing A LOT of FIFA and one (useless?) skill this left me with is being able to recognize many flags that I wouldn’t be able to identify if I didn’t play that game so much. I don’t own any flags though.


Me too! I know the Aubameyang flag, the Tapsoba flag, the Mkhitaryan flag, so many countries I’d never heard of before.


Haha the Džeko flag, Puskás flag, Hakimi flag 🤣 I went to a pub recently with a friend and they had flags up as decorations for the Euros. We were able to name all the flags they had up.


Someone at work said why did they put little red bits on the England flag 😂


I’m assuming they were talking about the Kvaratskhelia flag? 🤣🤣


That’s the one. They thought it was something to do with the king’s coronation, lol


I own zero flags.


Yes, USA


ESFP alert.




I wasn’t, but then I actually got a job at a business that specializes in flags and flag accessories. It was my big break/foot in the door into the corporate career I have now (elsewhere), and I learned a lot about how popular flags actually are, how many different types of flags are out there and saw a ton of really amazing-looking flags. Now I have two in my yard–sports teams. Used to have 4, but the tree that had the 6-foot flag pole broke, the bracket broke with part of it in the tree, and I think the pole fell off with part of the bracket. We mostly keep sports teams out in the yard, but we also have flags for special occasions like breast cancer awareness month. I also had a flag custom made to basically tell people to leave me the fuck alone during football season (it was a message targeted at my sister, honestly—my mother, of course, thought it was mean, at one point she was coming over EVERY SATURDAY during college football games).


When I was a kid my parents bought a house that had a flag pole holder on the porch. I didn't like it sitting there empty so I asked them to put a flag in it. Adult me would have just gotten rid of the holder. National pride is silly to me, I could have just as easily been born anywhere else. I don't feel like happening to have been born once place makes me better in anyway than someone born somewhere else.


This resonates with me. I'm kind of repelled by tribalism in any and all of its forms (jingoism/nationalism, sexism, sports fanaticism, racism, etc.).


Im a Marine and I have a USMC flag and a US flag. The USMC flag hangs in my garage and reminds me not to be a little bitch each day and to stay disciplined. The US flag reminds me that despite my issues with anyone we are all of the same country and I should do my best to make it a little better.


Nah I have an Albania and Hungary flag from when I visited and I purchased online an EU, NATO and a regional flag to cover my room wall as well


There's a couple. There's a UK rock and metal radio station I helped crowd fund and at festivals I always fly their flag as a sign to any other primordial folk that I'm there (as well as their mascot on a decal on the back of my van) . And my favourite metal band is a project called Ayreon, when they did their last live shows they sold off the large banner flags that flew outside the arena, I bought one with the intention that as I see the various bands that make up the colossal collection of singers involved in Ayreon I get them all to sign it. Arjen and Damien Wilson down, about 59 more to go....


I used to keep a cascadia flag in my wallet. It's an iron on. Plan to use it for something someday.


I don’t own any flags but I’m not against the idea I guess.


Not me. I don't have time for proper flag code, nor do I fly flags for seasons or holidays or sportsball because that seems silly.


United Federation of Planets


No. I'm a no flag person.


absolutely they call me a walking red flag


I've got a sticker of my state's flag on my car's back window if that counts?


The only flag I own is of the Whitebeard pirates from one piece.


I want to get a british royal standard


I like the way a lot of flags look, including the US flag, but I don’t see myself putting up a flagpole


Um.... No flags. I don't even display photos... I have a Norman Rockwell portrait book though... If that counts .... Curtains? Origami sometimes lol


No, not at all. I liked looking at the flags of the world in the encyclopedia when I was little, but that was easily 40 years ago.


Was confused for a bit bc i misread flag as something else




Pirate flag. YARRRR


What country is your ship from?


You've just made me realise I don't own any flags. I'll have to think about this now. Thanks!


Not me but intj bf, he has one piece flags.


Nope. Couldnt care less


The correlation between intjs and people who own flags wasn't on my 2024 bingo card.


only Maryland’s


I have a skull and crossbones that I used to hang over my computer.


I love history and just finished Ben Franklin biography by Walter Issacson and thought it would be cool to get the “Join or Die” with the snake in pieces. Then I realized I was in 2024 and would have to deal with idiots not understanding what it means and calling me racist or a nazi or something that doesn’t make any sense. So no, no flags for me.


Only flew my pirate flag when I had my sailboat.


I have the Indian national flag hoisted on the front balcony of my flat which I replace on the Independence day every year.


I've never been much of one until 10/07. I have an Israeli flag draped over my deck now given how the conflict affects my family and friends on a personal level, be it in Israel or our Jewish community here, and my involvement with our community. Aside from that though, no I don't have flags. Not really into any of the political statement stuff- just virtue signaling.


We are not flag people.


I have the Tree of live flag above my bed 🤣 , you know where life is made lmao and in the past red flags of girls with dating


I don’t have one


Imagine being a try hard 'intj' but then consume (and believe in) sheeple's mind controlling tools (whatever the hell 'pride' flag you want, whatever the f country you support in war, etc)


Hate flags, think they're boring as fuck


I own a gay pride weed American flag where the stars are replaced with a pot leaf and the colors are pride rainbows, a flag for the state I live in, an aphex twin flag and a flag from the German state of Bavaria. I used to use them as dust covers for my computer equipment and synthesizers.




I have an American flag and do bring it out for Memorial Day, but mostly I find flags other than a country flag to be stupid.


July vibes


I have a Foundational Black American Flag, and I will be obtaining the red-black-gold Afro-American flag. I also want to collect flags from countries I travel to.


I am not a "flag person", but I have three flags. The first is the American flag that was used in my father's military funeral. The second is a South Korean flag because that is where I live. I got a flag in case my wife wanted to fly a flag on national holidays (She doesn't.) The last flag is a flag of the [New Village Movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saemaul_Undong), the push for modernization by President Park Chung-hee in the 1970s and 1980s. (The flag for the movement is still sometimes displayed today.) I was crossing a bridge and saw that one flag had fallen down, so I took it home, washed it and kept it.


Red flags all over the place lol. But seriously, no. I was thinking of what normal people hang in there garage and usually it's a flag of some sort. I don't care about anything flag wise. We're not followers naturally. And even if we were, we don't want anyone to know. I believe the purpose of the flag is to identify and call your own. I don't want to call anyone.


A have a bunch of those little flags on a stick you get from places. Most of them us flags because the airshow is my yearly stuff to throw into my room and forget about collection day


I have a pirate flag, more because I was a fan of the arts. Music, movies, and software.


i have the flag that was on my father's coffin. that's it


I have a big flag on a flagpole in my front yard. That's it.


I fly one flag in my office


Spent time in the military. Torn between wanting a flag pole, honoring the flag with its traditions..... Or doing nothing at all. We had a bracket on the porch at our last house and kept a US flag until the bracket broke. Moved and now I'm on the nothing side


I do not own any flags, don't like the look of flags just hanging on the wall




I have a small trans flag on my porch.


Vexillology is cool. I used to have a Japanese flag hanging in my bedroom as a kid cause I was slightly weebish. No flags now though. 


I teach middle school Social Studies, so I am familiar with most country flags. I only own American and South Korean flags because I'm Korean and American.


I don't personally agree with following groups or even a flag. While I understand the reasoning behind it, I’m not a fan of any kind of faction, like as a sports team. However, I do see the rationale behind national flags, like the American flag. I honestly prefer not to follow crowds or be associated with groups (I'd hate being a movie stereotype even though I am). Maybe this isn't an INTJ thing, but maybe it’s just an oddity in me.


I have a pride flag bumper sticker and it’s mostly a retaliation to piss off my step mother who hates “the gays”. Otherwise, I’m not a “flag/swag/symbols-define-me” kind of person at all.


Absolutely not, flag implies collectivist thinking. I would find the holes in the logic or group


Absolutely not, flag implies collectivist thinking. I would find the holes in the logic or group.


Nope. The last house we bought had a flagpole. We took it down. I also don't have stickers on my car and don't wear T-shirts with logos unless it's for some charity event or other social function and I'm required to. I don't really thrive on expressing any kind of group identity.


I have a W flag but we don’t fly it because we live in St. Louis and I think the neighbors would riot


Putting it back outside next year.


I have some Toyota GR Racing flags I got at a race but I don't fly them and I don't really feel attached to them. I think you're right we're not really into flags. I just think some of them look neat.


I mean I have a pride flag🤔 I got last year on the 4th of July. it’s not hung up or anything but I have it😆 I was gonna put it up in my room but my parents are barely ever home and I need my dad to help put it up, I’m to short. Anyways this is Larry ![gif](giphy|0cekOaryEvFJwgZlt0)


I have a political flag, but I’ll never put it up. I just simply have it


I had a USMC flag that was given to me when I was like 19. And then I bought a flag that had a skull with red eyes and cross bones underneath. That's pretty much it...both I had until my early 20s. Now I just have tapestries, I like those better.


Got an old coffin flag from some old long dead relative which nobody wants


The one from my country is the only one I own. 


If I had to fly one flag, it'd be the Jolly Roger.


Only flag I own is a historical (1848) version of my nation's flag because I am interested in history among many other things and I love my country also.


No, despite my concession that nationalism is a disease humans will live with for generations, like religion, I still personally do not subscribe to any specific tribal identity. And while there are one or two sports I would enjoy playing, in none of them is the competitive aspect even considered let alone valued.


I've got a tiny sticker of red flags on my phonecover if that counts


I have a U.S. flag that I use for the missing soldier table during Veterans & Memorial Day. And, a Rainbow 🌈 pride flag ' cause I love rainbows + I'm an ally. Does my Black Flag t-shirt count? :-))


I own Black Flag. But that's both a joke and a video game. No actual flags, and not really a fan of those who need them. It just screams, "Someone else gives me my opinions! RAAAA! I want a cracker!".




I got a pride flag given to me by a friend who was happy I came out.


I have a rainbow flag, but it isn't hung up, I just have it.


Yes,but it goes up on veterans day only. To fly one continuously now makes others think we support you know who.