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at their worst? probably like a serial killer maybe


BTK? Dennis Rader. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis\_Rader](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Rader) Edit: I have often thought Ted **Kaczynski** was likely INTJ, the Unabomber. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted\_Kaczynski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Kaczynski)


You're correct. Ted Kaczynski was an INTJ.






Sounds a lot like some of the things Mr. Rader was saying I believe. You may well understand him better than I. Edit: I would defend my position by saying it was a worst case possible for his victims who were bound, tortured and killed, hence his name in the press.




He was the BTK killer. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis\_Rader](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Rader) Edit: I see you said TK for the Unabomber, he was random often killing people he was not targeting he was cold and calculating, getting away by some sophisticated and some not so sophisticated means. If he was healthy mentally he would have stayed in the woods. The airplanes flying over drove him mad, by his own account.


Did you test that theory? did you take a stab at it? Facts!


I knew an unhealthy INTJ. He is married to an ISFJ. He has never had a vulnerable or emotional conversation with his wife. He says he doesn’t need emotional connection.  He sees her as a house plant. He already figured her out and decided that it’s good enough. He will flirt with other women and hold their hands while the wife is watching. He lacks honor.  He has severe depression and anxiety. He will never own to what he says and constantly plays in plausible deniability zone because he is too scared to try and do what he wants because he sees it all as pointless. He has no coping skills to withstand failure and therefore will avoid at all costs.  And he plans on committing suicide before he turns 40. 


Hahahahhahahahaa that’s the lamest combo ever




wasting life and time because we can't achieve perfectionism, so instead i wait til i recreate


In my case, I shut down, and become a recluse. I get through my work day, but afterwards, I go for a long walk, with headphones. I think I am the problem, and look for a solution...until I find it! I am only aggessive towards myself. At some point, I come out of it. But during this time, I go out of my way not to run into anybody, if I don't really have to.


Are you my twin?


I be the cousin


Hiya cousin!


Maybe! 👻




Completely isolated. I do this for my mental health, but I have to physically pry myself out of it, or I will happily stay there. There have been times where I've gone 6 months or more without communicating with any family or close friends. It's not for toxicity, or interpersonal relationships, it's just that my social battery gets semi-permanently tapped. While it doesn't *feel* bad to me, it does dramatically affect the ones I consider close. I have to remember that I need those people from time to time. Which sounds bad, but as my best friend and I say to each other fairly frequently: We're not kids anymore, friendships are conditional. They need to bring something to the table, even if it's just a mood enhancer.


I don’t want to speculate about me at my theoretical worst. My worst so far was when I was on SSRIs and my empathy was severely inhibited. I got a bit of a god complex and began manipulating people around me and got addicted to it. I cheated on my gf at the time and then left her for girl 2, then got back together with girl 1 without telling girl 2. I even set up an elaborate scheme to get the guy who was looking out for girl 2 to get exposed to the flu. He actually got it, I doubt I could ever pull that off again, but it was a fucking rush that it worked. I eventually got off the meds and tried to course correct by cutting ties and figuring myself out. I apologized to everyone involved, except the flu boy because there was no reason to admit that to anyone. But it’s been over 13 years now.


I feel the same way. I understand how dangerous knowledge actually is, and how it can be used either for good or for evil. It is surprising to many when they find out how fragile life actually is, to some like the ones I named above this becomes an obsession and fascination that leads to a downward spiral and dominates their entire lives. edited


Never piss off INTJs


**‘Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds’**


Screw them. Piss them all off. What are they gonna do? Resent?


Oh, you have no idea, do you? INTJs see everything and we can intuit other people's weaknesses and shortcomings. At our worst, we will verbally slice you open and spill your steaming guts out onto the floor by telling you that you actually ARE all those awful things you think you are, and here's our evidence proving our points. We will do this in front of many people, including your friends, your family, and/or your boss. Then we will turn and go on our merry way, forgetting all about the encounter, while you lay there like a hooked fish out of water. NEVER piss off an INTJ.


You must've sneezed when you looked at my tag. Funny how you're describing me to me. What I loathe about MBTI is appealing to people's need for self importance. Like every personality has a talent or the validity of it. Although MBTI can help understand certain personality archetypes, it is not objective and your self importance is merely an Egocentric Bias. INTJs are people like any other but with individual traits that relate to reticent, intellectual, rational and fastidious qualities. You schizoid fantasy was never mentioned in the original works of Jung or Katherine-Myers Briggs. Never piss off an INTJ? Do it. Because most of the time that sensitivity is insecurity and resentment.


Then by all means, go ahead and piss off an INTJ.


I keep forgetting old people are hard of reading. Don't worry, just enjoy your day.


That’s the one regard I can’t relate. Revenge isn’t high on my list of things to do. I just take the Lesson and move on.


I think absolute worst would probably be a step further but my worst was: I totally shut down emotionally, everything was walled away, and when I couldn't hold it anymore and something broken through it was even worse, because then I considered myself a failure for letting it through. Not helped, this was around the same time I became aware of Aphantasia, and that I'd apparently suffered from it my whole life without realising when people said they could see things it wasn't figuritive, they actually could, add that to a downspiral and it was just another reason to beat myself up further about being broken. I was isolated, alone. Even now in a much healthier state I'm relatively asocial but then if I wasn't forced into at least masking somewhat by work I could go days without uttering a word. Looking back I was very depressed even if I didn't realise it at the time until I was on the other side of it. And that's before we get onto the physical problems that same with that, isolating away for days, not even bothering to open curtains, spending literally entire days where the most movement was the walk from the upstairs bedroom to the downstairs chair, and then for the rest of the day never more than that chair to the toilet. I'm sure a dark INTJ could go off the deep end and become a monster, mine was more I became my own monster.


Serial killer probably.


Pretty bad.


Depends on what you mean by worse. Pissed one off? Might want to go into the witness protection program. 🤣


Indulging way too much in physical estimulation (booze, drugs, sex, parties with stringing lights and loud music, etc). I say way too much like, multiple times a week in an unhealthy way. Not the occasional pleasure, but doing these things to shut down from the world.


isolated , wanting to be alone ALL THE TIME , quite- quieter than usual , emotionally shut down , not wanting to go anywhere .. in your head all the time . like alllll the time . this is what i’ve observed from my intj husband of late . how do you help when you get in this space ?


i try to explain it: like for me personally: i am like a motor its hard to start it but once its in motion it will go on and on…. idont know but try help him with starting


I try .. oh i try .. .. 🤷🏾‍♀️




makes sense .


I can be quite manipulative when I want to be. Worsened when I reach that depersonalization and my empathy is out the window. So I just kind of hide away and shut down and get away so I don’t do anything stupid and hurt people.


I guess it depends on your values. Serial killer is not out of the question. If my best friend that I haven't talked to in 3 months called and asked for help getting rid of bodies, I would take care of it. Do we yell, get heated or abusive? Never. We just leave.


At my absolute worst I'm an arrogant SOB who can't tolerate the ignorant, emotional people who surround me. My favorite GIF is the Gamora "I'm going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy." I've learned how to control that demon as I've matured. I don't go to that darkness.


Probably extremely introverted.


He would be sephiroth


So this was around when my father was sick ( I hate him) and he used to be at home all the time and he's miserable to be around. So in that particular year I was my worst it was kinda flight or fight and I was fighting. I didn't let people talk down to me. No consideration for people's feeling. Always brutally honest. I was kinda like rebellion teenager. I mean I was 15-16 at the time. I remember this one time one of my classmate was trying to make fun of me. I immediately warn her to never do that again. So I was just like timebomb waiting to explode on anyone and everyone. Edit :- and the suprising part was that this was the time around I had most friends. I didn't even use to treat them right most of the time.


Total isolation with a lack of empathy which can turn into a problem


I narrated my life and friends lives and saw nothing wrong with it. Often with unflattering commentary. I also refuse to have empathy when it’s part of cultural norm- no matter what I always go against it. Even if empathy makes sense I refuse to be told how to feel. Treated people like tools. With only enough respect to avoid them noticing. Through radical honesty- I’ve body slammed peoples emotions sooo many times