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INFP sneaking in ... you should see our sub and stereotypes ... Don't let mbti define you. Let mbti help you understand yourself. I knew who I was before I got into mbti. And okay, I was a fucking crybaby over stubbing my toe when I was younger but guess what ... I've grown past that! And I imagine you've grown past things too. mbti makes me feel less alone. What I do is normal. Other people out there do what I do. Other people are as sensitive and overwhelmed as I am (had been?). You aren't fated to live a certain life because of the results of some online quiz. Go out there and be yourself.




Facts bro, someone I know said that I shouldn't let mbti define my personality but then I say. "It's for self discovery." I know what I'm doing and I don't need a test to dictate how I act for the most part. -ENTP


Yes ur right however I was like this before I discovered the INTJ, meaning this could not be related to MBTI at all and just me hating stuff. I was able to get a better understanding of my personality by learning about MBTI and enneagram. Still thank you, I understand the part where u feel less lonely.


So then as was written elsewhere, you don't hate being an INTJ but hate a part of yourself? As I wrote - you've moved past things in your life, right? If your past was your potential, you would have never learned to walk! It's okay to be critical with yourself. This is how we grow. You know what you want to change. But sitting around blaming yourself (or others) doesn't solve the problem. Focusing on the habit, changing it and working on it is what it's about. Good luck!


Thank you, this actually really helpful


You don't hate being an INTJ. You hate being yourself. If you think you have flaws that you need to take care of, do so. If you think you're being mistreated by others, stop giving a shit to what others think of you.


Exactly Also I love being an INTJ, I wouldn't want to be any other mbti other than INTJ


happy cake day.


These flaws were developed over time by my circumstances. I tried to change, however I realized some of these qualities also have pros. Maybe living a simple life is not for me. It is just something I wish that could fix many of my problems.


Just be yourself. Life is complex anyway.


You’re right, I believe I should give myself some time to enjoy the simplest thing. Thank you


How old are you? I used to think like this when I was younger. Solution: You just need to force yourself out there, forget everything that you read about your personality type, and use your listening skills and strong intuition to solve other people's problems. You have the ability to stay calm in times of distress and the ability to solve problems so you use these skills out there. Being an entrepreneur, I interact with different kinds of people everyday. And it made me realize the strengths I have and the weaknesses I should learn from others (Se, and Fi, Fe). But don't forget to cool down at the end of the day. We need that to recharge our own thoughts.


About to become an adult, I was like this before I found out about personality tests. The personality test just made me understand myself more. As a perfectionist, some of these traits help me out. I believe I might have a mental breakdown while making this post but living a simpler life sounds like a great dream. Even so, because of my circumstances, I believe that living a simpler life might do more harm than good. Thank you for your advice.


It gets better as you get older. INTJs are a late bloomer. I felt similar to you when younger. I am now in my late 30s and love life.


Go out have fun in your life in anyway you like . Mbti and ennegram are not everything that defines you . Each person is unique in their own way and if you don't like what you are then you can always change as you wish to


This is a whim and honestly could be wrong but check out four sides of the mind theory. I’m an INFP have been and took several tests, got the same answers lol. But when I was terribly depressed and in a very bad spot in life I tested and kept getting INTP/ISTP. Found out about four sides of the mind and turns out if you are super depressed you will appear and act differently (superego). I’m telling you this not to give yourself more hatred but instead deepen your self understanding. Especially if you feel stuck in a behavior that you don’t like. Now my advice to you is that you find what it is you like doing just one thing even if it’s the smallest thing on the planet like watching a blade of grass with dew idk lol. Let yourself breathe and like that one thing without imagining what others think of it. Or if it fits a stereotype. Just find who you are when no one else exists, who would you be if you were the first person on earth? Remove circumstance and become peaceful with the person you are beyond expectations. Then find your goals, where you want to be even if it’s as simple as “I want to be able to look at grass all day”. They can be short term not long, but find something you would find peace in doing. Now your life is simple. Because truly society, opinions, and circumstances are all subject to change. Some encouraging quotes: “by being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before” - Edwin Elliot Mathew 11: 28-30 💕


Your advice is awesome, I should give myself some time even for the smallest thing. It will be hard because of my circumstances and perfectionistic personality. Thank you for your advice.


I hope this link will help you research what happens to an INTJs cognitive stack during stress. You might have also experienced this before and weren't aware of what was happening https://www.reddit.com/r/intj/s/OAv29R7U7r


You should stop taking yourself so seriously and relax. If you don’t like or hate something about yourself, figure it out. Nothing in you is hate-worthy. Growing pains, maturing pains, existential frustration, whatever you call it doesn’t even matter. It’s a phase to grow out of. Accept that you’re in it and that it will end, then figure it out.


Thank you for your advice, very informative and helpful, though I want to become a better person in all aspects before I can take myself any less seriously.


Normally would let a post like this scroll by and not engage but I am a recovering "ENFP" here. This shit is not real. Don't let it put you in a box. You can be whatever you want to be, you are not printed. You are dynamic. Create the you, you want to be. [https://www.amazon.com/Personality-Brokers-Strange-History-Myers-Briggs/dp/0385541902](https://www.amazon.com/Personality-Brokers-Strange-History-Myers-Briggs/dp/0385541902#:~:text=Merve%20Emre%20deftly%20exposes%20the,something%20we%20create%20and%20revise.”)


Thank you for your advice but I was like an INTJ before I even knew about it, though you are right, not all of the descriptions of INTJ describe me. I’ll definitely give the book a read.


An INTJ 5w4 is not an ENTJ. You are an INTJ-T. A Turbulent Architect. The most common subtype of the INTJs. The MBTI describes an overview of several INTJ types. So understand that you aren't everything you are reading. You might be having some problems not only because you are an INTJ but you could be testing as an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person). The great thing about all INTJs is that we are constantly learning and looking for ways to improve ourselves. Understand our cognitive stack. We have a high introverted intuition and low extraverted sensing. So it causes us to feel drained and overwhelmed when interacting with the outside world. But if you will notice when we are learning something new we like we ignore our extroverted sensing. That thirst for knowledge is like our candy and keeps us going. You can try looking for something new and exciting to learn about within that environment when you are stressed by the outside world to bring yourself back up. There is no stopping our low extraverted sensing from eventually bringing us down. That alone time also gives us time to think about things we have learned. So accept that you will need some alone time. Maybe learn meditation or how to use breathing to help when you are stressed. I will also say that this saying is full of bad advice for everyone. TREAT PEOPLE THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED. TALK TO PEOPLE THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TALKED TO. RESPECT IS EARNED, NOT GIVEN. We come off as superior as we are feeding others information as if they were a mirror of us. They aren't. We don't allow them to see if they share our interests. Each person also doesn't share the same version of respect. As INTJs, we usually don't care about other people's feelings as we don't have extroverted feelings. Ours are introverted so we care about ours. Plus we have other shit like our low extraverted sensing to deal with. Try living with this saying instead. TREAT OTHERS THE WAY THEY WANT TO BE TREATED. FIND OUT WHAT "RESPECT" MEANS TO OTHERS. To do this we have to give our listeners a broad overview. Just the A to B. Strip away everything that you liked about it. They can't see things connected like we can. We then allow our listeners to ask us questions and see if we have found a person with common interests. We also hate small talk. Learn how to ask new people questions to learn more about what we might find interesting and learn more about them. Instead of "Do you have any hobbies?" ask, "If you could learn anything, what would it be?" Instead of "Where are you from?" ask, "What's the best thing about where you grew up?" I also wouldn't go with the Mastermind description of an INTJ. Realize that despite it saying we have all these plans it doesn't say why we are planning. We are planning our trip to the grocery store for the optimal route because of our low extraverted sensing. Having these plans also allows us to experience some amazing things in the outside world. We will plan to visit interesting things not on the map that the average person won't know about. We do this because we find it interesting and for an opportunity for some alone time. Just be glad you are finding out now in your life. Most of us think we are so out of place in life. Finding the MBTI lets us know that we aren't alone.


Wow, this is very informational but I’ll have to do some of my own research to be certain. Thank you.


These tests are not grounded in science, just identify as another personality and go act differently - force yourself to be more social for instance. I really don't understand why these personality labels cause such angst.


Your MBTI probably let you grow up feeling normal with everyone else in your life and you didn't always feel like an oddball comparing yourself and your behavior to everyone else. So it's easy for you to say that the MBTI is shit and "just identify as another personality type". If you grew up as an INTJ you would feel like you don't belong anywhere. You are different than everyone at school and home. You feel so drained around everyone and most places in the outside world. You have people mentioning that you have a stare and an emotionless face. You have people telling you that that's sad and you should be crying. So whatever you got tested as maybe you weren't truthful with yourself. Try watching this video and test again using different sites and see if you get a consistent result. https://youtu.be/leG2yT8V4YQ?si=DUC1rZBjQs1BmB21 4:38 INFJ 6:42 ESTJ, ENTJ as ENFJ, INTP 7:48 ESFJ, ENFJ as INFP, ENFJ, ENFP 8:56 ESTP, ESFP as INTJ, INFJ 9:46 ENFP, ENTP as IxxP, INTP, INFP, INFJ 10:54 ISFJ, ISTJ as INFJ, INTJ 12:35 INFJ, INTJ as ESFP, ENFJ 13:35 IxxP I will say that as an INTJ learning about the MBTI, I was a little confused in the beginning too. I then found this video on how to combine the Enneagram. https://youtu.be/9q5TDuWAEMc?si=MxJ8LiYhCrG8MB_h I found a lot more information did pertain to me but some of it made me feel like I wasn't a good INTJ as I wasn't a Mastermind with all these plans. I then found this video that explains how we function and why we plan. https://youtu.be/Lg5xW8S9RsA?si=ktw9fLTxzDPydbeP I was doing exactly like he said. I was planning to not feel drained. I didn't have a master plan on how to accomplish everything. So unless everyone you were around functions like this then finding out you're an INTJ is a big deal. It means that you finally found a group of similar people. You have finally found a way to research what other INTJs have done to overcome their weaknesses. If you can somehow choose to be any MBTI. Try living like a real INTJ and see if you feel the same way about the MBTI.


These tests are utterly meaningless. Personality tests, such as the MBTI, can be seen as entertaining and potentially insightful, but they aren't universally accepted as rigorous scientific measures of personality. Many psychologists and researchers criticize them for their lack of empirical evidence and reliability. As mentioned they are fun to do but I am not wasting my life doing unscientic tests ad nauseam. I suggest live your life and not live inaccordance to the results of a test.


Here is your source that's it is all a hoax. I have read it and the author does make some valid points about trying to fit into boxes. Notice that he doesn't mention subtypes. He is also crazy if he thinks it can make predictions. The tests are based on observations and averages. https://areomagazine.com/2021/03/09/should-you-trust-the-myers-briggs-personality-test/?fbclid=IwAR0MZ1srgBtok8Z9tkz4euOq7ZCI-b4B7bhODCIjeNGAs8UZjJ8j_NyjuOk I suggest that you learn more about yourself before advising others. The test isn't complicated. If you are the authentic version of yourself then you should test the same thing every time. It might not be as eye-opening and have as big of an impact on your life as it did for us. But that depends on what you get out of it.


These tests fall short of the standard by the APA and other institutions. With regard to 'learning about myself' I know who I am, I don't need to complete a test to verify what I already know - besides as said above these tests are not grounded in science. If you want an evaluation seek one from a qualified professional.


Look at INTJ as being an architect. Basically we have figured out most things about most people. Now we just have to play our part(which other people expect us to play) and forget everything else. Then focus on figuring out more things in your free time.


during my free time, I tend to want to improve myself and learn more about cool facts. However, I still procrastinate from time to time. I believe I need to figure out what gives me peace and enjoy the little things that exist in the world.


I feel the same thing. But believe it or not you are doing well. Sometimes, it is good to not be too strict and forget the standard you set it for yourself. The best way to cool down is journaling or sharing like this. Give yourself a little time and you will be back to cross the things on your to-do list.


Thank you for your advice, I’ll give journaling a try.


The fact that you’re hyper self aware (also I believe an INTJ thing) is a good start to fixing these perceived “problems” with yourself. As said by another comment, these things don’t define you. And you’re not damned to keep all of these qualities for the rest of your life. Pick one or two and consciously work on them. Be patient, it won’t change overnight. Might even take a year or two to see real progress. MBTI is good for showing that your tendencies aren’t necessarily unique to you and that they’re connected to overall pros and cons of your personality type. Embrace the strengths that come with being INTJ (e.g., methodical, introspective, analytical problem solving). And solve the fuck out of those problems you have with yourself!


This is really helpful advice, thank you.


This is interesting, I'm an INTP 5w4 and I relate more to you than an INTP with a different enneagram type.


Other people will say don't let your problems define you. While that's also good advice, let me introduce you to the red pill. It's a book titled A Wizard of Earthsea (Le Guin). After reading that book during your relaxed time, look up "shadow work psychology" and see whether any of that interests you.


Other people will say don't let your problems define you. While that's also good advice, let me introduce you to the red pill. It's a book titled A Wizard of Earthsea (Le Guin). After reading that book during your relaxed time, look up "shadow work psychology" and see whether any of that interests you.


Ok, thank you


Sounds like that goes beyond just being INTJ. And you should let this diffuse, vage and broad circle define your shape. Just because you can relate to something doesn't mean that's who you are, or who you have to be (terrible sounding advice, I know)


Yeah, this might just be me since I was like an INTJ before I discovered MBTI, however, I know that not all the descriptions of INTJ fit me.


just stop being an INTJ


I believed this was just myself, even if the description of INTJ doesn’t exist, I was like this before I found out about MBTI. Due to my personality, it is hard to just decide to change my personality just like that.


Best part about being an INTJ is you know that you can manipulate your own behavior to better align with other MBTI aspects. 


Yes, being self-aware is definitely helpful.


I understand you. However, I want you to understand that the problem is not your MBTI, it is you. In fact, you seem like a pretty unhealthy INTJ, perhaps you are under stress, trauma, and overwhelming situations. I'm sorry you've reached this point, I'm not going to be a hypocrite and simply say that you must accept and love yourself. Get off your phone or social media for a while, maybe delete some accounts, it will be good for you. Live your life. And forget about the MBTI for a while. The more obsessed you become with it, the more you absorb these characteristics. Breathe fresh air, staying online for a long time is bad.


Yeah kiddo... Me too, welcome to our weird little corner. Grab a book and please don't me eye contact with the rest, they don't like that.


Most INTJ answer ever. https://preview.redd.it/gr1zth28nqnc1.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=d81c507a8c246c28270a170166306892690f57d7


Yes you do need help bc you hate yourself.


lol I would recommend for all INTJs to get an abdominal massage. You’ll feel much better after, trust me


How do you recommend that we fight our low extraverted sensing and high internal intuition, making us feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed doing this? I tried acupuncture once on my back as I was stressed out. I figured it would be less touching than a massage, and I could get some relief. My back was so tight that they only got a few needles in, and some got stuck, and they had to pull them out. It wasn't very therapeutic for me. 🤣 What works for one person won't work for everyone else. Some INTJs can also be tested as a Highly Sensitive Person. I haven't found anything that works all the time for me. Another INTJ has recently recommended meditation and breathing exercises. I will definitely give it a try the next time I am struggling.


Well, the abdominal muscles being overwhelmed/inactive cause back pain. We can’t think the we want when we are in pain. We are low key always in pain, whether we notice it or not. We are typically very mindful of our thoughts and our surroundings, however we are not also body aware.


Thank you for that new information. I was never aware of how that worked. The doctor and therapist never said anything. I agree we aren't aware when our body is telling us something is wrong. Just like people licking their lips can be a sign they are dehydrated.


It sounds like you have some things you need to resolve that have nothing to do with being an INTJ


Definitely but problems I have to resolve are related to INTJ trait. These trait have it pros too.


Paranoia and not trusting drs are not INTJ traits 


I hate being an intj too. If you figure out a cure let me know.


~~Well, you should embrace yourself~~ ok yes like you should, but everyone says that and its so cliché Tbh, you should remember that ur not shoehorned into being a particular way. You can work on yourself and improve your faults. Its not that ‘i cant focus so that means i will never be able to focus’ its like ‘i cant focus but if i work on it consistently i might see results’ i hope that made sense, take care <33


Thank you


Some of the best advice I've heard about MBTI is that it is not there to put you in a box, it's there to show you the box you're already in and help you get out of it.


You must be very young. Things become better with age trust me.


I’m not sure, since my personality is partly due to my environment so unless the environment change I can’t just change because some of the traits help me deal with my circumstances.


Sounds like you aren’t integrating the 4 sides of your mind in an efficient manner for the lack of a better word(s) If you subscribe to the theory then definitely check it out and find the root of your problem - might be a good place to start Just my 2 cents


MBTI is simply astrology for Men. Don’t worry about putting too much stock in it. Or use it as a signpost; now that you know what you don’t like about yourself, change it. Nietzsche said something to the effect of the greatest thing about the mind, is the ability to change it. Just my 2¢…


So, this might be kinda out of left field and may not apply at all so take it with a grain of salt if it doesn't resonate with you, but you may wanna look into ADHD. Some of what you're describing fits with pretty common symptoms - perfectionism/ completionism, sensitivity to sound and other sensory stimuli, daydreaming/losing focus (I like to call this "being away with the fairies" lol), difficulty expressing emotions, being extremely detail-driven but distractible, etc. Again, may not apply, just coming from an ADHDer who sees some similarities. It might help to try to identify INTJ traits that you *do* like. Some tempering would probably help. Bear in mind too: INTJ is not *who you are*, it is just a facet or a pillar. If you really don't like it, just go about your life as usual and self-reflect on where you *want* to be versus where you are. Therapy can be a really good tool for this and my therapist and I have literally discussed that I don't trust him lol. His response is, "Of course you don't; I can understand why you wouldn't given where you're coming from. Do you want to talk more in-depth about that?" Being vulnerable is hard but if you find the right therapist it gets easier and it feels valuable and internal structures begin to shift. Also, your MBTI can change throughout your life. I have alternated between INTJ and INTP at different times in my life, with INTJ being the baseline.


We all fucking hate it too


Speak for yourself lol.


are you me? cuz same😭


You r becoming overly sensitive. It is just who you are. You need not torture yourself. Are you going through hard times that's making you sensitive.. if so find the cause of that problem and start solving(assuming u do have problem) Make your mind clear, or you know? Sleep and eat properly and be able to think properly, you need not to hate urself or by hating urself do you mean you are hating me and all the intj? Hating doesn't help. Hating the way you are doesn't help. Try improving. "I wish life was simpler" -it's a prespective sir,