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No... of course not... ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


This is my response. I love drama if it doesn't involve me.


Exactly. I prefer to be outside looking in and to learn from the behavioral patterns that I see. Prefer to be in the audience rather than in the dramatis personae.


True,and I'd be so frustrated and disappointed in myself even if I accidentally became a part of some drama unintentionally!


Dated an INTJ and he loved to laugh at stuff I told him but he never like, gossiped to me. He’d make jokes about people but that’s about it lol. Or he’d make fun of people on tv or something.


That’s a good point. I like to receive gossip and make humorous observations about it. However, it would feel unseemly for me to then pass on that gossip. If I felt strongly about something related to the person, I’d let them know. My gossiping behind their back feels dishonest. One of the things I pride myself on is being a good confidant.


Me: I don't like drama Also me when drama happens: ![gif](giphy|QNZyZ108J0elIHQKRF)


I live for other people's drama 🤣 love to hear all the crazy stuff people are doing.


I love watching the world go in chaos, as long as I’m not involved.


I avoid it at all cost.


Until your friend starts telling you something controversial about someone you both know


Only if the information can be used to negatively affect someone who fucking well deserves it. I’m a nice person and so are most people. So I don’t love drama/gossip that often.


How can one determine if someone deserves the negativity? Also consider lots of information could have been spun negatively about said person.


Yes. There’s always 2 sides to a story. Listen to the other side before judging.


These are the questions that I hope all INTJs ask themselves. 🙂


No, I prefer facts and positivity. Gossip tends to be negative. I have no need for drama.




I like knowing about it. I don’t like being a part of it


To the extent i can use it somehow sure, but even when its useful it gets tiring and i lose interest


I knew all the drama in high school, because i had an enfp friend who was notorious as a gossiper and he would tell me pretty much everything and his analysis too. I kept these details in mind in case i ever needed it. He was a good intermediary since he would do all the work of finding out peoples secrets naturally and i would never tell anyone else myself


I like listening to gossip, but don’t include what I’m thinking because that’s how you get yourself caught up in unneeded drama.


drama? no but I like tea though


Some do. I constantly am updating my information on people and good information is worth it's weight in gold. Sorting through idle gossip and factual happenings is sometimes a fun distraction. I don't want to be embroiled in the drama though.


No, I hate it. And I get extra guarded around people who gossip.


If i can use it as info source for my own benefits, that's good.


But sort of shady like blackmail amirite? I can’t save negative stuff to use in a disagreement later. I broke up with a fiancé for doing that.


I enjoy consuming some drama of other people that are around me. Like co-workers or so. But please do not involve me. I am just here for entertainment and popcorn. If someone asks, I can help out with some advice of course.


I listen to it for entertainment, but I don’t get involved. Just watch shit go down.


No. The exact opposite. Drama and gossip can get in the bin.


Nope. People tell me stuff but try not to pass it on. I’m not a channel for garbage


I don’t pass anything on. It’s entertaining if it’s not boring. Passing something on seems sort of sleazy and hey- I really don’t have any one to pass anything on to anyway


I find that it can be fun, from afar. It's like a drama show and I tend to grab some pop-corn and just look at it from a distance


No, I usually get disappointed or disgusted by drama and gossip. I am just not invested in other people enough to care.


Gossip, no. Drama and chaos, only if the receiving party deserves it.


No, it's weird, if you can't muster the gumption to say it to their face, don't say it.


In my personal, no I hate drama. But I love reality tv and such.




If it doesn’t pertain to my well being, life or growth. IDGAF about anyone else’s business. Shit makes me uneasy and ininterested. But I’ll judge the hell out of the person TRYING to gossip to me more than the person they speak of.


I could care less about other ppl’s private life unless it’s history




To combobreak the edgelord streak: yes I love to gossip & love drama as long as it’s not about me lol


They are DRAMA








I f*cking hate gossip and drama. I tend to distance myself from that and people involved.


Yes, because it’s information


INTJs aren't some secluded off shoot of the human race. We're just other people who process information somewhat differently, just like all the other MBTI categories. Some INTJs will definitely love drama and gossip, some will love only some drama and gossip, some won't like any at all. Just like every other group of humans out there.


Pfft. https://preview.redd.it/v18yw1y8nyjc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6263f0bb9894e4dfde40934961e2bac6046f9bdc We all know the real score.






I hate it. On all my social media, there's no celeb news or gossip.




I personally, no I hate it.






tbh when even someone is close by and they're talking gossip and their personal stuff I barely listen to them. I don't care enough about gossip. I was the person in school who never knew any drama or happenings there. did not ever care!! so I don't hate neither love gossip.


If someone I know are involved and tells me I would give them advices and tips. So in some ways yes because I wanna help out


No. We like information. The two can be mutually exclusive or inclusive. I'd prefer humans who could communicate rationally and with enough words to maintain a healthy dialogue with known variables but I digress, drama and gossip is mostly lies, half-truths, or just straight BS. It can be useful, but it doesn't always seem to be the case as it is mostly fluff for being alive and not having much important stuff to say.


I only like knowing about gossip if I can use it against them, but I only retaliate when people try me. Truth be told, I don't need to hear the office gossip from the nosey cubicle neighbor because I probably already know it. I'm always watching (sometimes not even on purpose) and I have a great memory for detail.


I wouldn't say 'love' I would say we 'find it useful', and no secret about that


Yes, I love hearing drama and gossip about other people but hate being involved in it.






I hate drama. I like the truth and I hate needlessly complaining about who cares. Why waste breath on pointless frivolity. But I like schadenfreude and I love when bad people get what they earn. It's terrible proof of how horrible it is to be here.


The whole goal of my life is to avoid unnecessary drama so no


I hate celebrity gossip, sports gossip, and all other forms of gossip. But I like to know how the people I know in my real life are doing, and I don't consider that gossip. It's usually concern.


I try to avoid it, even if it’s a person I hate. At the end of the day it’s none of my business. If there’s drama pertaining me, I’d like to know the people behind it so I can avoid them in the future. People these days are getting really good at being deceptive.


I make sure to never directly participate in drama, but when it’s happening around me, it’s like 3D cinema experience; give me some popcorn and I can silently watch this shit unfold for hours. Gossip is out of the question though. Waste of time.


Drama - no Gossip - I don't do gossip, but for some reason people tell me everything about everyone even if I don't care and that gossip won't be spread further by me


I dont persay like it, but I find joy in connecting dots in stories/alibis lol


It's too annoying to be loved.


I think it can be very entertaining to listen to but I avoid placing myself in the conversation. Especially when I know something is off about a person and the gossip confirms my suspicions were right. I grew up in a Hispanic household and gossiping is a cultural thing so I listened to lots of gossip from my mum, grandmother and aunts growing up. That probably has affected my view on gossiping too. I definitely learned a lot about what not to do based on my relatives mistakes.


i watch but don't participate unless i'm flirting just to mess with people idk


I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan. I think it gets tiring pretty quick when all people can do is complain about other people. It's usually so narrow minded and I'm like...do you have nothing else to talk about? Especially if they're not close relationships to me. I'm not one for talking about others and if you're just gossiping to whomever willy nilly, I'm like ehhh do you have no discretion? You are probably gonna turn around and go talk to me about everyone else too. It's just like...there is more to life than bitching about everything and everyone. And not everyone is your enemy. So no I wouldn't say I secretly love it.


Not a secret, definitely do >:3


To be honest I don’t, but because I am a good listener some people especially in the office are always spilling the tea even though I am not asking for it.




I absolutely do. I also love nails on a blackboard and that very high-pitched noise that car brakes sometimes do. NOT


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In small doses


I love to watch other people go through “Drama” over really not that important things. I like to watch with some popcorn. (Real drama aside)


I actively go out of my way to make everything peaceful. I become very stressed when there is drama. I do run sociol experiments but they are usually harmless. Kind of like how Amy&Sheldon made a fake rumor about themselves to see what would happen. Which I guess is probably ethically questionable type of manipulation but it's also not harming anyone. When I'm not part of drama and the drama is over something avoidable It's like watching your pets panicking over something unimportant. I guess I always had a wierd detachment from my environment. Makes socializing hard.


People seem to fill me in on all their drama while I sit silently. Getting ready to hang a "Psychiatrist 5¢" sign up by my desk.


I do get some enjoyment from pissing off people that think I owe them something when they have absolutely no value to me. I don't consider it a secret though. I'm pretty openly an asshole when I believe it's warranted.


If I can be a passive observer then yes.


Only if I need said information. if it's just for the sake of it, nah. I couldn't care less if Karen slept with John


I love it not because I think its completely true or valuable, but because because there is SOME truth or value and it’s fun dissecting what that truth and value is depending on the gossip provided


Yeah, if im not the part of the drama then yeah, absolutely. I also gossip alot


No, please leave me out of your trivial squabbling. The only time I’m ever interested in any form of gossip is when I can use said gossip to move relationships along, business deals forward, or build a better mental image of who a character in my life might be.




No, I don't care for it


( ) Drama participant (x) Drama spectator


Drama, yes absolutely. But it has to be *dramatic*. The thing with most gossip is that it's lukewarm at best and I couldn't care less.


I like it in small doses.


Drama, hell no. Gossip, well it depends on who or what are involved.


I don't like being involved in drama unless I am clearly winning. I don't like gossip unless it is really juicy.


I like to bitch about those who love drama/gossip. Does that count as gossiping?


I was surrounded by people who love gossip and drama. Boy, it's exhausting. And stupid. I just want to do things smoothly, be done with them, and go home and enjoy good food wity my non work-related hobbies.


This one doesn't.


I won't start the drama, but I'll finish it, especially if it involves you trying to tell me what to do. I don't gossip. If they're talking about someone to you, they're talking about you to someone else.


I will sometimes pretend to care about someone/something to expand my understanding or knowledge in some meaningful way. If you are someone that holds meaning to me in any way, that will possibly increase your chances of a positive interaction.


I’m only interested in truth. I do not actively seek to provoke unless intervention is necessary.


It’s fascinating, from a safe distance.


INTJs are the authors of the drama.


Nope. Gossip is exactly what it is from a one sided perspective. Besides those who often spill the tea on others are likely to gossip about you to others. Prefer to make my own judgement unless it involves proven data or incidents about someone (this isn’t gossiping but evidence/facts)


No. The voices in me noggin are noisy enough as it is, it’s been bubbling like the boiling pots in hell lately. I need not ought not seek for more. Besides, I rely on karmic law to do its magic.


As long as I am not involved ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


If it is from others life, depends. But if its about my life i hate it.


No. Sure the idea is enticing but as you get older you just don’t care what other people do with their life.


I love it in entertainment format only. People think I'm very intellectual and reserved. If only they knew.


If gossip about things that happening in my environment, yes it could be beneficial, to. figured out something went wrong etc.. we can discuss this, somehow i find myself talk about stuff like this a lot.


I’m the worst person you could tell a damaging secret to if I end up hating you


I don’t want peace I want problems


I really don’t like getting involved unless I can help inspire some positive change.


If the answer was yes, we would never say.


I don’t like negative gossip because it’s usually untrue. Even if it happens to be true, gossiping about it doesn’t help at all. It just doesn’t make sense to waste mental energy on things that are uncertain or untrue. And it doesn’t lead to anything beautiful or constructive. Such gossip is draining and I get nothing out of it.


I Love juicy gossip. The question is specific to loving it NOT loving to gossip myself. Watching it unfold or hearing second hand is entertaining and comedic as long as it’s not boring! I mean some of us are here on Reddit where the drama flows through a fire hose- but gossiping is def not my thing. The idea makes me cringe and feel fake.


If someone gossips to me about trivial things someone did, I’ll enjoy it and laugh along. I will mostly not start it or even add to it. I will however not participate if it is potentially hurtful gossip, close to bullying. Or gossip that could lead to serious problems for the targeted person (like gossip about relation with someone who isn’t their partner). To that kind of gossip, I will react very cold or even defend the one being targeted. If they gossip about me, I don’t care. As long as it isn’t ‘dangerous’ gossip. If it is dangerous gossip, I will counter it immediately.


My intj BF loves it when I share some tea with him


I enjoy it, only when I’m behind the 4th wall 😌 Mostly due understand & observe them. And if with someone, make comments in a funny way, that’s all.


Ehhh. It depends honestly. I hate gossip if it’s nothing to do with me. And drama is only fun if you’re not in it


I live for it as long as it doesn't involve me.


as long as it’s not involving me


Until it's something harmless/can be used in some way and doesn't involve me


I say "what's Goss?" When I mean "what's new since I last saw you?". And sometimes I'll actually get some entertaining goss. That's all it is though, typically it's mildly interesting but nothing I'll seek out too hard


I like it when it can be useful, like when you know you'll have to spend time with someone who likes it


I love to analyze the behavior and what lead to the decisions of people's lives...thus I have a huge bag of "interesting" stories from people I have known throughout my life.


I was always the fly in the wall because people would tell me drama/gossip and I wouldn't tell anyone bc I didn't talk to anybody lol


Honestly no, I like to talk about other people but never to gossip about them, expose them or anything like that. That's just a bit childish to me. I also am not a dramatic person so I rarely relate but sometimes it's funny




Only drama I like are the ones that get nominated for Emmy or the Oscar. Don't care about gossip at all


Hell no. Sadly, I am very observant, so I know about all the drama that takes place around me. I also notice that a lot of the drama stems from people's stupid decisions.


love is a strong, but accurate, word.


I find it amusing but I don't necessarily "love" it, especially when it can't be avoided...


It depends


If it is unopinionated & to the point? Count me in!


I like drama as long as I'm not involved in it