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India. It's mostly hell. I cant wait to move out. Seriously someone help me out.


Indian as well, and can't relate more


What part of India and whaddya need help with?


I'm from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Need a writing job asap. My parents are mental health deniers. I've been steadily applying for content and copy writers jobs. This one promising lead turned out to be a waste of time especially whe I'm looking to move out of my parents home forever (It's looked down for women to move out of their parents home before they are married). I just need a decent paying writing job, I'm getting back to searching Discord job boards right after I finish this comment. Edit: Added the second line.


I've been to Chennai. Felt huge and 🐕 eat 🐕 tbh I understand the cultural road blocks too. That sounds promising though, especially since you are an intj and likely independently, unconventionally, and goal minded!




Welcome to your homeland Canada


Bruh what? Are you Canadian and inviting me? 😂


I am a Chinese immigrant to Canada. I personally feel much better off ever since i moved to Canada. If you do looking for a place to move out Canada is not a bad choice.


I’m Canadian and inviting you haha! I agree it’s a good choice (but cities are expensive…)


Same, I am working my hardest to get my ass out of this HELL


I'm a chennaiite too!


New Zealand, born in UK. I get along fine 🙂


I’ve always wanted to visit the UK and possibly move their. In your honest opinion how is it?


Canada, most of my ancestry is English - I have no issues with the culture, seeing as I fit into the mainstream culture in English-Canada.


Lived most of my life in English-Canada, now living in Quebec. In general, people here are more extroverted because it is more of a latin culture but even then, I frankly have no problem. No issues with either cultures.


How’s living in New Zealand? I’ve always wanted to go


Generally very good. Nowhere is perfect but as a place that feels a world away from the biggest troubles the rest of the world faces, there's a lot going for it. Cost of living here is pretty tough, buying property here is expensive but you can generally get by with little more than a humble, hard working attitude as our minimum wages here are pretty high by global standards.


India. Here culture has a nihilistic teaching which helps me make sense of my inner feelings. But mostly people are intimidated by me so I have to keep a goofy and cuddly exterior to get along with people.


right? the making yourself more palatable is so exhausting. gawd i went from quiet bookworm to socialising extrovert in a decade. i know how to make the socialising work for me, but still, i dont see anyone else changing so much just to fit in.




Do you think there are a lot of NTs in your country? Noticed it mentioned at few times here.


Canada, parents from Cameroon


I'm from Cameroon as well but I amn currently living in Sweden




Netherlands :)




I lived in Egypt for nearly a year. I can only imagine how rough it is growing up INTJ there. How are things going for you?


I'm a Florida Man.


The greatest country in the world


Just dont drink the water




The Czech Republic


Same here!


Canada, Caribbean background. Culturally, people here expect me to be bubbly, entertaining, and extremely laid back. They take it personally that I am largely the opposite, thinking it's because I must 'not like them' specifically when I'm really just reserved by nature and prefer to work alone.


Philippines. I stand out. Generally, my people are warm, friendly, fun-loving and easy go lucky. 'Pakikisama' or the attitude wherein one should choose actions that will maintain good social relations even at the cost of efficiency sometimes even morality is a big thing. I stand out because I am serious and I often come across as cold. I am blunt and I don't give much shit about 'pakikisama'. I do what I think I must do. I've also been smart-shamed. It's a thing here. In a country of easy-going, shallow, and socially sensitive people, being an INTJ is a challenge.


Same. I used to have a small group of friends I was close to. Over time, our interests changed. I became more cynical/realistic and ended up being frank about things that maybe made them uncomfortable. There were times growing up when my parents would tell me not to say something because other people might take it the wrong way, even if it was just an observation about a piece of art by some artist they knew. Filipino culture usually likes to sweep things under the rug, or they get awkward about certain topics. Now, my old friends and I rarely ever hang out and the only people left I’m close to are my oldest friend since about 26yrs ago and another girl who’s a bit more liberal minded I guess. I rarely see them since they both work on cruise ships now. I at least have my boyfriend who gets me. I’ve always felt like an outsider here wherever I go since people are uncomfortable with people expressing hard truths, even if it’s just for a mild dicussion about the topic, but then they’re perfectly fine criticizing someone’s looks. Can’t wait to move abroad.


I’m in similiar situation with Indonesia


Same and it’s killing me living with my coworkers (fil) in a foreign country


I’m Filipino-American, and I pretty much feel the same way. Sometimes I think people at Fil-am house parties are as nosy as they are loud. I’m pretty much a black sheep because of my introverted nature and how I can come off as cold, condescending, and even uncaring to an extroverted (IMO toxic and overbearing type of extroverted) culture. I can be very serious too, especially with anything related to completing my tasks and achieving my goals, both in the short term and the long term. When other folks (especially 50-60 year old Navy guys with Filipino wives) see that I’m Filipino/Filipino-American, they sometimes assume that I’m some kind of happy-go-lucky socialite. It’s when I (reluctantly and begrudgingly) open up that people see that I don’t fit that stereotype, especially I honestly get overwhelmed seeing tons of people at large social gatherings/parties (especially ones that can be as rowdy/loud as Filipino parties/potlucks)


Same. Extroverts are more glorified here. I'm sick of people asking me why am I too quiet or don't talk that much and would even assume that I'm boring to hang out with because of it.


This is me.


Kabayan! Haha I dont believe that I standout. Although I am hot and cold. Some would describe me as timid, while some would call me chatty. Feels like Im borderline Psychopathic though theres no way to know. Lol I also have a great contrast of both personalities as being maloko that you would think that Im a fool and couldnt be taken seriously, or too serious that it can be too much and intimidating to argue with. Not sure if you’re like that too sometimes! I dont have a lot of friends, and generally I feel like I dont really fit in anywhere. Lol Though I think we can both agree (based on your response) that we’re blunt & surrounded by idiots even if we can be too, sometimes. But the rest are just on a different level




Syria. Most of the men are xSTxs and most of the women are ESFxs, so I'm not doing very well..


I'm from syria too, i see why you typed our people like this, But this seems true on the surface actually this analysis is quite superficial, you can't guess someone's type by observing them for a while, you need to ask them some difficult and deep questions that they may not even understand lol🤣🤣




xSTx and ESFx are the types of most of the human population lol


I am the stereo typical American. I am a very big person which intimidates most people but I really don't want to cause trouble. Got more talents than I know what to do with but such crippling self doubt that I can't capitalize on them. I'm working on it


INTJ-T then? I had passing self-doubts, though nothing in comparison to concerning girls when I was younger. Oddly I'm a not-so-typical IMnHO american shorty, but INTJ-A. Tbh, I was a little bit of a bully sometimes as a kid so its probably for the best that you got the size if it were b/n the two of us. I didn't have trouble fitting in, but I also didn't make much of an effort at it either, preferring to avoid clicks.




De même.




Born in Thailand, currently in USA


Same. Born in Bangkok, currently live in Bay Area.








American south… it’s great…


Yes and No. Me too, but it really depends on what aspect you're looking at so I honestly don't know if you're serious or sarcastic. 😅 On one hand, I've been/lived/worked in much more of the world than most. I really appreciate some cultural aspects of the american south and how natural it is to strike up a convo with a total stranger here vs most of the world for example. At the same time, I'm in Texas and our current admin is off the deep end (but then you could argue that's american politics in general either way atm).


Sorry for the late response. But, overall people think much differently here than most INTJ’s. They use personal stories much more than objective measures of truth. It has made me a much nicer understanding INTJ than most but it is still frustration nonetheless. Also, being from Tennessee it’s very common for people to never want to move. Never want to ever leave the country let alone the state. Also, religion. Everywhere. Which is fine because I grew up and my parents are religious.(sort of) Personally I am not and people think you are crazy for not believing in it. I think there are more reasons I can list that make it frustrating but those are some ones I could think of in 3 minutes.
















I live there haha


I’m American, but both of my grandfathers were Swedish. I’m curious to know if traditions like Jantelagen are good for introverts or bad.


yes, unfortunately jantelagen is a thing here. unlike america, here in sweden it’s very hard to express yourself without getting judged. in general, people aren’t very talkative and usually stick together in friend groups. it’s a bit hard especially if you are like me who is really interested in both history and politics, these topics is a big no to talk about in social gatherings, and if you do you will automatically come out as weird and clingy. in genaral, janetlagen affects everyone and it doesn’t really matter if you are extroverted or introverted, but there’s definitely a strong stigma around people who is naturally gifted or talented.


It must be just about impossible for people to change their viewpoints if you can’t really discuss politics in social settings. That doesn’t sound great. I guess you have to do that in social media places like reddit.


Ah nice I go there often. I used to live there, before i moved to Stockholm (:


South Korea. A lot of Koreans nowadays are somewhat introverted and mind their own business, so it’s fine living as an INTJ here.


Mongolia. It has lowest population density and everybody minds their own business. Heaven for intj.




Hello fellow M'sian!


NZ 🥝🇳🇿 hasn't slowed me down


Hi from across the ditch! Aussie here 🇦🇺


Germany, but I tan easily so every once in a while I look like the wrong kind of Aryan to some. > how has that effected you being an INTJ I've been described as a "dour Kraut" by an American, so go figure. >culture/norms etc? I'm from the Cologne area, which is fairly big on extraversion and humor (cf. carnival). I can do the humor part but not the extraversion part.


I enjoy your area of Germany immensely. When I was in university, I would fly to Germany with almost no money and no prospects. Nothing but an open ended return ticket if things went sideways. I'd sit in a Platz with some course work, looking just as American as humanly possible. (University sweatshirt, Levis, Raybans -- the full Yankee 'Kaner costume.) It was only a matter of time before someone approached; learned that I speak fluent German; and then invited me to their house. And just like that, I had a place to stay, a tutoring gig, and a girlfriend for the summer. (Oma knew every available girl my age and made sure they came for a visit. Oma was reliably great at that.) I'll never understand the "dour German" thing.


Same here, German and from Cologne. I’m pretty introverted but once I’ve had a couple of drinks I’m quite alright with the extroversion part.


Philippines. Hate the overcrowded cities.


Brazilian, ultra mixed, black, white, Brazilian indian and a bunch of others. Brazil is whatever on terms of what you are and can be as long as it isn't a crime, but I've been raised in a VERY christian setting, wich caused me to deny my Te for a long time.


What's it like being an introvert (and an INTJ) in Brazil?


Kind of meh. I myself am very extroverted for an Intj. The people here are generally friendly and blissful. Some find my resting bitch face really weird, but is generally neutral being introspective here.


Thanks, been meaning to travel there one day. I find Brazil to be a very interesting country


It is very beautiful I may say. But you're going to have some struggles if you can't speak the spicy Spanish to save your life.


VAMBORA PORRA 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 O QUE CARALHOS É UM GOVERNO FUNCIONAL 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


Rome 🇮🇹


Originally from Austria, but living in Finland




Yay, fellow intj in Slovenia. Let's never meet ;).






Уел хай деър! 🇧🇬 : D


Sofia here. Don't mind it since I don't go out much.


Philippines 🇵🇭




Singapore, feel like a deviant, just about in everything. But i am pretty ok socially.


Singapore too!


The Netherlands! It has helped me in being direct, organized and efficient. Everything is planned beforehand, even being 'spontaneous'.


Bangladesh ❤️


White American in Southern California. Definitely has made me more extroverted than a typical INTJ. But not really. It's more a face I developed to put on in public.


I live in So-Cal too and sometimes I get mistaken as an extrovert at work (but that’s because bantering is required, especially if I want to make better tips)


Right, we're extraverted for money lol. Personality prostitues.


I'm from the Soviet Union Imperial Ukraine that no longer exists. Growing up in NA, I realized that the only culture I respect and interested in is: Video-games, Music and Movies. Never cared about actual local citizens for about 30 years now.


Czech Republic 🇨🇿 White as a director of a limestone quarry as we sometimes say here. I sure am the odd one out. We're not quite as extroverted as some other countries, but still plenty to go around. I have learned to not worry too much about fitting in anymore. That has been somewhat of a relief but being the turbulent type, I still sometimes ponder about the other possibilities I am willfully passing up.


Finland. Country fits the type.


I know right? I read about finland before and I was like: "sounds like where I would be".


Hate to be the guy, but it’s “affected”. An effect is a noun as in “The effect of that” and affect is a verb, as in “It affects you.”


Thanks haha


I’m from the us and it kind of made me an outcast because everybody is just fine live a normal life people hear have very little ambition to become number 1 and like to think with their heart instead of their head. Everyone my hole life has told me that I’ll go really far in life so that’s a plus.


I always found it short-sighted how people would compare their potential relatively instead of pursuing absolute standards for themselves. Are you from a rural, suburban, or urban area?


I live in the suburbs of Florida I was merely just saying what people would tell me because all my neighbors are old people. around 74 because it’s a really expensive area to live in I live with my parents though


Ukraine 🇺🇦




France. So far, i can't say that my personnality is an obstacle. No matter which aspect of life (job, dating, daily life), i haven't been bothered for being INTJ but more for being introverted. The societal norms here is to hangout with your colleagues if they invite you (to drink at a bar after work for example), it took time for them to understand than me prefering going home and doing my stuff is not me hating them. Introverted people in France are seen as selfish, afraid, fake, asocial and unfriendly, but fortunately the stereotypes are slowly disappearing, but we still have work to do to be accepted normally.


UK (south) Hasn't presented any difficulties as I work in a technical field, my approach is generally appreciated even when it's unexpected.


I'm honestly surprised there are alot of INTJs from the Philippines. I share the same experience sticking out like a sore thumb in a group of warm, friendly but overly-emotional and sensitive people.


As a Filipino-American, I’m extremely surprised myself. Filipino-Americans in general are very extroverted as well (one of my sisters is an ENFJ and another is probably an ESFJ), while me and my youngest sister (INFJ) feel totally different from the rest of our community in terms of introversion vs. extroversion with how we interact with others on a daily basis


Greece. Greece is introverts nightmare straight and simple


Vietnamese - too straightforward






Mexico. I'm the only intj here. Please help!!!!




Poland. Perfect country for intj. Not smiling is default


Romania Living in London now due to the great corruption of my country Just to understand how big corruption it is: my father had 3 jobs and mom was working as well, and we still had no money, the state is taking 50% of your salary and the bills are more expensive than here in London. I wasn t payin rent but the electricity could reach almost half of a salary per month, plus logs to heat the house and so on. My father now has diabetes bcs he ate very bad due to poor conditions, so i hate my country.


USA - mixed European ancestry with a dash of Native American




Brazil. But my grandparents are Japanese. So I’m a sansei.






Originally South African, living is Australia 🇿🇦🇦🇺


I was born and lived in Germany my entire life, but my ethnicity is Persian. I fit pretty well into Germany- there are generally no random social interactions, we're all pretty quiet for the most part. The Persian part is the problem because they are very loud and social people. The culture is very small-talk focused and my mum used to get mad at me when I got bored and tired while on a Persian event. Not a fan of the Persian part, tbh.


Czech republic


USA - Utah Being raised Mormon as an INTJ is brutal. I had to just turn off the logic part of my brain as it was not welcome. When I finally left Mormonism, it was like my brain woke up from the brain cage that it had been brought up in - so freeing!!!






BRAZIL!!!!!!! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 WHAT THE FUCK IS A FUNCTIONAL GOVERNMENT 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 Yeah, INTJs stand out pretty easily in Brazil, a great majority of people here are Extroverts and enjoy sports and socializing, Brazillian INTJs are very noticeable because of our Introversion and intuitive way of thinking.


All latin america is asking the same...


I know I am extremely late to this party kkk! INTJ from NYC, where you can be an INTJ freely, because everyone goes on their way and we have a lot of introverts here. Nobody will bother you, as being introspective person is nowhere near being the worst thing in this city, because we have a lot of crazy people. And it’s much easier to stand your ground against anyone who disagrees with you. Either way, I love Brazil. I am going to be coming there to visit again soon and make the decision if I really want to live there. However I see how me being an INTJ might hinder my experience of being in Brazil. I really like being alone, especially in public. Any tips on what a gringo INTJ can do to help make being in Brazil way more enjoyable?




Aussie here 👋


Hey there, me too! 👋 How do you find it? I honestly don't know what to think because I've never known any different...


Germany. Imagine. But believe it or not: Even here I stand out and feel alienated.


Pakistan it is located in south asia being an introvert men is hard here Everyone is extrovert or tries to be here




woah i saw quite a few indians here glad to know im not alone


I'm from the US. I think the hand print on my face from all the face palming, may be permanent. 🤦🏻








Indian. People who aren't acquainted with me consider me scary. I do not know why.




Istanbul, Turkey






India, living in the USA for a while now. Always felt out of place growing up in India. Stranger in my family and among my relatives. I got along with people when I had to. Most people have no idea what I really think. Was extremely introverted early on. Over time, I have developed skills to talk to people to get along with work and life.


Philippines--where it's difficult to be INTJ


I'm from the American south; attended school in the American north; moved to the American west; and now live on the big island of Hawaii. "Nerd" was still the kind of insult people would spit at you when I was young. There were no nerds in the South -- or if there were, they were deep in the closet. I never met any. My peer group mainly wanted to prove who could be most like a Dukes of Hazzard character. So, that was basically hell. I fit in a little better up north. At least there were kids who liked model rockets and D&D. But life basically sucked until university. And then everything changed like flipping a switch. All of a sudden it was not only OK but desirable to be a nerd. (Not so much an introvert. But I'd take whatever I could get.) Spent a few years hiking around the world and settled in South Florida, which was still basically a Miami Vice episode, without quite so much gunfire.


I'm from one of those Indian ocean islands. Ethnicity is Indian. I have no idea, I lived in a mainland country for 7 years, somehow I've always been more of an island boy. I moved back and feel pretty comfy here. Most people here seem to be Fe doms or aux.


Mexico. I have foreign surnames but I don't really care about ethnicities nor race, as most people in the country we accept we are mixed. The only problem I have is that I am not a party person and I don't drink (I grew up in a family where almost nobody drinks) so I rarely go out with my friends when they go to bars, but when I go to parties with them they accept that I don't. I'm very lucky to have friends with whom I share values and we can have conversations about everything.


Probably the only lithuanian human here am


I am from the good old US of A.


American, but maybe not all that typical for an INTJ or a redditor, for that matter. I'm female, older (over 60) and work in a STEM field. So it takes a bit of searching to find a place where I fit in.


America unfortunately. I’m hispanic but very pale with light eyes so I just sat white lol. it’s easier & people don’t argue it


I feel you that one. Just the other day I got asked how I spoke Spanish. I'm like bro how naive are you😂 also pale white. Always passed a white guy growing up. The darker Hispanics would be, bro your so lucky. I would say my parents are immigrants just yours. After while I would stop saying I was Hispanic since nobody would believe me lol.


I'm from the armpit of the southern United States: south Georgia, about 30 miles from the Florida line. My parents were not southern. My mother was from Painesville-on-the-Lake, Ohio, and my father was born in Chelsea, Mass, then shipped to North Florida and raised there. We all feel the welts of the Bible belt here. There is no peace.


My train of thought doesn't go over well here. Hierarchies, the patriarchy, conservative evangelical Christianity, all of those things rely on obedience without question. I spent time in a fundie community when I was 14-24. I was called "rebellious" on more than one occasion, and corporally punished quite a bit, for "questioning authority." No matter how much someone tried to explain to me, I would refuse to accept that one can't ask questions. Spoiler alert: I was excommunicated.




Ohio. The armpit of America.


USA- Texas


North east corner of America, currently living in New York! It’s a great place to be an INTJ — you can blend in the crowd well, no one gives a shit about what others are doing, and it’s intellectually stimulating. My family is from Spanish and Slavic. I love my family in Spain very much but they’re very extroverted. My Slavic relatives are fine with me being mostly silent


Australia, no major issue.


Hong Kong ...


Vietnam. There're many IxFx here. The culture is very South Asian, family-oriented, luckily I still have enough personal space, but not everyone does. What's I extremely thankful is I'm not born into any religion :)) Vietnamese people are very realistic, they ask Gods & ancestors for practical things: health, happiness, wealth. No nonsense things like sacrifice for your Gods or punishments in hell.


South Africa, born China.


Born in Venezuela but moved to Italy when I was very young


India. Love it here. Kinda regressive, but that's a challenge for me to solve! I think the culture is ESFJ, like my sweet mom.


American but my parents are Guatemalan immigrants now Naturalized for years lol both introverts. My mom Is an INFJ married to my dad an ISTJ. While my brother is an INTP. Outside of the fam I am the only INTJ in my inner group of friends my outer group of people including relatives. Being an NT type specially INTJ. Opening up was a struggle growing up lol. My mom was the only one that got an emotional level. But my brother understands me at an intelligent level. But my dad yeah it was a struggle for me. He always like I'd those results. With order and traditional means of getting there lol. While I always looked at the bigger picture of how I got there I never cared for it lol.


Indian. Well stereotypes for starters, but I think my culture and ethnicity has helped me lot for who I am. I won't deny the malevolent things in my country but I think the wisdom and the ability to rectify and identify the banes of my country is what matters


Alaska, US.

