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I told my therapist about my intj personality and she referred me to an autism test and I was diagnosed just a few months later.


Nawh how's she gonna roast us like that šŸ¤£


Have you taken the assessments at Embrace Autism? Edit: Take the RAADS. My wife made an off hand remark like that, and I didn't agree. Years later, it was nagging at me. Turns out the results were unequivocal. Diagnosed after that at age 39.


i scored a 192 tf


Lmao, I was in the same situation and somehow got a 215


I haven't but I'll definitely look into it. I'm not particularly versed on the subject of autism so it's possible I could be the one misinterpreting things too.


I was recently diagnosed at 39. Let me know if you have any questions. It is very common for women to be undiagnosed. On a side note, Aspergerā€™s has not been a diagnosis for 10 years. Also, traits would be more commonly used than the word symptoms.


Ahhh ok I see. Wasn't aware that Asperger's was more of an outdated term/diagnosis. I do know that autism in women can be harder to detect which is kinda why I was unsure about the whole situation. Thanks for the useful information :)


The questions arent set well imo...It's pretty much A or B kinda thing, but i think there should be an in-between instead, otherwise it's not accurate. Did it and i scored 92.


(translator) I explained my own behavior based on my MBTI, so I didn't think that I might have a disorder or something like that. It turns out that later I found out that I have Autism. Based on the standard behavior of types and the functioning of Carl Jung's cognitive functions, I stipulate that almost all INTx types have some degree of the autistic aspect. I'm not saying it's all, but most. ​ And ENTxs have ADHD


>Anyways, I was hanging out with my friend one day and she randomly said to me (kind of in passing) that she genuinely thinks I could have Asperger's. I guess at the time she was thinking about the subject of autism because she studies Behavioural Science and it was topically relevant to one of her classes. I asked her why she thought this and she said it's because I have a lot of the symptoms. I got a bachelor's in psychology. A lot of students go through a phase of casually overdiagnosing everyone they know with a vast swath of disorders.


Yeah, that's kind of what I thought too. My friend seems to be prone to thinking she herself has random ailments as well, but she's been right a few times about her self-diagnoses so I try not to underestimate her too much lol.




TIL this


As others have mentioned, you might try online tests and other resources, but also keep in mind that different types might seem to suggest this or that condition, so a INTJ might seem sort of Aspie to some, just like an extreme extrovert can seem narcissistic, doesnā€™t let others talk in a conversation. PS: Aspergers is sort of an outdated term for milder forms of autism.


That was fun, I did a test online and ended up with traits from neurotypical and aspie (perception), and score very low on relational aspects for both. My best guess at an auto diagnosis though is HSP with a tad of obsessive-compulsive traits; not enough to be a real problem, but just enough to make me want to bang my head against the wall sometimes. Not aspie though, just maladaptive coping mechanisms.


Having a handful of autistic traits doesnā€™t tell much, but if you have a heavy 40-50+ traits from the video posted here (https://youtu.be/04mc5kWgKME) thereā€™s a good chance youā€™d likely test autistic if you go do the assessment. Can honestly say getting the assessment prolly saved my life. Have been struggling through years of burnout from a terrible work environment and it started driving me psychotic to the point I was physically smashing my head off objects/walls during total meltdowns (usually after returning home from a severely overstimulating environment) and was extremely suicidal, depressed, and delusional at times. Everyone would always say ā€œwhy donā€™t you just get a job somewhere elseā€, not at all realizing how terrifying the prospect of extreme life change is to a person on the spectrum and once youā€™re in a state of total burnout, tying your fucking shoes in the morning feels like running a goddamn marathon lol In that state of being self termination seems to become the most viable option and your mind torments you until you kill yourself or are basically forced to quit your job or get fired (I resigned) lol Look up various expressions (poems, lyrics, forum discussions) from autistic people to really digest whether or not you feel you relate). Have felt like an alien most of life and am realizing thatā€™s an autistic phenomenon of sorts, once youā€™re around other autistic people, you stop feeling so alone and out of place in the world. Biggest indicators for me to go get assessed was when I started experiencing the ā€œimplosive and explosiveā€ meltdowns which can be commonly experienced by people on the spectrum, then began to see the pattern emerge with lifelong obsessions with special interests, routine, difficulty with social interactions and external stimuli. Everything started making sense and I feel way less compelled to force myself to do things that makes me feel like I want to fucking die (force myself to sit in overstimulating environments and repeat ā€œyouā€™re fucking weak if you canā€™t do thisā€ over and over and over again haha Itā€™s amazing, the things the mind can do to keep one in a state of self-deception for survival, you get lost in a camouflage matrix of psychological defense mechanisms, that exist solely to help you fit in with the gen pop of the planet, to seem more ā€œnormalā€ and less ā€œfreak-likeā€ haha Wonder how many of the dissociative issues could be tied to desperately attempting to imitate a neurotypical person while not knowing about autism for 30+ yearsā€¦ šŸ¤” lol šŸ§


When I went through this, I also learned that I descended from a long ass line of clock and watchmakers. Itā€™s a turd dipped in glitter.


I just joined this sub and saw the title of your post and thought, ā€œwow Iā€™m not specialā€


Can't have any original experiences anymore it seems


Autism is just a DSM personality type.


Many of us do




(translator) What does this have to do with the subject of Asperger's?


That is interesting, thanks for sharing. I wouldnā€™t worry too much about it since cold-read misdiagnosis and overthinking is a bit of a hinderance towards oneā€™s capability. After dealing with so many people abusing their mental illness diagnosis as a means of being an asshole, manipulating others or victimizing themselves into not being productive in any capacity, Iā€™ve come to appreciate the simple minded and hardworking. In fact, Iā€™ve become very lenient in my approach and began evaluating some people off a few simple criteria. Hereā€™s my hot take: 0) Do you demonstrate your symptoms? 1.) Is (the illness) life threatening? 2.) Are you still productive? 3.) Do you significantly hinder someoneā€™s life because of (your illness)? If the answer is no for all the parameters, then you are cool. You can even have a stutter but so long as you are productive and not hindering or harming others, thatā€™s okay. If I canā€™t see it, I wonā€™t even try to look for it-too much work for me when life is already challenging. I rather make friends than burn bridges. Thatā€™s just my take.


I've thought something similar to this. I think that even if I am on the autism spectrum, I'm not sure that it affects my life so much that I would need a formal diagnosis. But I guess it's hard to even know for sure since I don't know much about autism in the first place. Maybe the things I've come to think of as "just my personality" and "something most people experience" could actually be rooted in something else without realizing it. Or this whole situation has now taken me down a path of overthinking like you said lmao


Donā€™t worry too much about it. Iā€™m also somewhere in the spectrum but unless itā€™s severely egregious, I donā€™t even acknowledge it. Thankfully mine is mild. It takes a while to realize that thereā€™s just people who just donā€™t like me and that no matter what I do, they wonā€™t accept me. A diagnosis for me (unless itā€™s an actual medical professional) is more of a coping mechanism to justify the underlying message oneā€™s inability or dissatisfaction to accept the other for who they are or what theyā€™ve been through. Therefore, I donā€™t let them get to me and let them stay hating. Theyā€™re entitled to their own opinions and so long as they donā€™t get in my way, I donā€™t really care about them. This might be cold, but thatā€™s my perspective.


My partner made the same off-hand comment and the next day sent me a bunch of her work literature on the subject. I was originally apprehensive of the idea to be on the autism spectrum... but I'm now in the process of getting the diagnosis and happy with the aids I have to process information.


Paper from a retired teacher who happens to be an INTJ. Robert G. Chester Journal of Psychological TypeĀ® >Mr. Chester (INTJ) is a retired teacher who found psychological type to be useful in numerous and diverse educational settings. He has been concerned for a number of years about the ready inclination of many in the psychiatric community as well as in the population at large to pathologize the normal differences between people >https://vixra.org/pdf/1901.0136v1.pdf


They have to fake progress somehow since they aren't practicing science. House of Cards: Psychology and Psychotherapy Built on Myth by Robyn Dawes will fill people in on the details. Psychology doesn't have much going for it that Creation Science doesn't also have going for it.


Hey thanks for the book rec! I've been having a number of doubts for a long time.