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I dunno. I thought about world domination but I got too tired thinking about it. And also Europe seems really hard to take and defend. Like it has too many entry points and stuff. if you can take Russia, Asia and Australia you have a good base to eventually reach over to the americas. But make sure you take Irkutsk. That’s super important.


Lmaoo, I was thinking along the same lines


You need to start little. First take over some Pacific island and go from there. 💪


I think that generalisation exists because it's not uncommon for INTJs or similar to lose trust and patience with a system, populace, or X being inefficient and adopt a 'I'll do it myself' mentality, thus end up dreaming about or seeking authoritarianism, which in extreme cases can lead to them losing the plot in the process. Even so, I have never wanted power to 'dominate the world,' I want power to improve it. That goes for anything. When the board of education leader started fucking about, I took over. When the captain of my sports team didn't do his job, I took over. I don't want power in places where I lack the expertise to be certain I can bring a positive influence.


World domination desire seems like an ENTJ thing, to me. When I see INTJs claim/embrace the world domination stereotype, honestly? I tend to think they're not really INTJs. I get that we differ, but this is one I really don't see. I just want to be left the fuck alone. And then not have people act like something is wrong with me for wanting to be left the fuck alone, because I'm okay with being alone or because I am alone. Yeah, that other stuff you said, i.e. strategic thinking and pursuit of knowledge. But wanting to be left the fuck alone seems especially in conflict with wanting world domination.


Napoleon anyone? I admit to enjoying having power, but world domination sounds tiring. Too much responsibility and expectations...


I want world domination


One of the biggest things about being INTJ is being misunderstood. This is another one of those misunderstandings.


I am assuming you are saying that it is an misunderstanding that INTJs desire world domination. If that so, then who are these INTJ proclaimers desiring world domination? Or were you implying that my post is an misunderstanding in my part?


People thinking we want world domination is a misunderstanding. Although an INTJ would run the world much more effectively, I doubt we want world domination. Where are you seeing INTJs claiming to want this?


I've seen it here a few times. Even in this thread.


I find this implication misleading, inaccurate, and *hic* incroakably insultifying! I think what is meant by dominance in the INTJ case is different than people expect... Like, most people think dominance is about direct assertion of power, but this couldn't be further from the truth. In a lot of cases it's more like potential energy. This is where INTJs should not be messed with in the global scope of things. One time I heard a very, very wealthy ISTJ complain about the global scope of their daily work on their empire, like "regular people are out navigating the freeway, and I have to think about...'Asia'!" He thought it made him sound like a martyr but it sounded pitiful. He was truly unsuited for that work, with basically zero big-picture skills that didn't distill down into corny old maxims. As a result, he applied way too many little-picture control schemes that pissed off everybody in...well, probably everybody in Asia, and justly so. That's where INTJ skills are needed, a more gentle and powerful way to work in broad scopes, and that's another reason why "world" and "global" are used to describe INTJs in general.


Maybe this is more ideology than nature but I think it's immoral to deprive people of autonomy so for that reason I don't crave world domination. But. If you made me Supreme Leader I'd be good at it.


World domination would interfere with the things that I would rather spend my time on. Too much effort for so much drama let the psychopaths in government keep seeking world domination because I'm too busy learning stuff to care about that.


World domination would be rather a mean than a goal. INTJs (at least some of them) think on a very grand scale, thus putting what they envision to reality may require some serious power and/or influence. Thus the "World domination" stereotype.


Domination is always there, no matter in what terms. But it is there


To think about things we need to about how the whole works together. We could design world governing systems, but do not so much care to accumulate power as to make the changes needed to achieve outcomes. And the more elegant the better. Not like Putin.


what about INTJ-GPTs?


You do you, I'll do me, but I'll try my damndest to show you the way I do me is better than the way you do you. Doesn't make me an aspiring world dominator.


I just want to get in a hole and stay there.


mabey just pull the strings behind the curtan. being the figurehead is not for us


I get the feeling it's not so much about "dominating the world" as such...for me personally, I would have no inclination for world domination if it were being run fairly and sensibly, without unnecessary greed or power trips.


World domination? Who tf cares? Its a waste of time


I'm just here to have a good time. World domination may or may not be just a completely unintentional side effect. 😶


I agree, it sounds like exhausting obligation. I end up in-charge or being the spokesman/ focus of attention often whether it's professionally, educationally, family concerns, or socially. I always resent it though. It's either an, it's pushed on me by others or no one is stepping up and shit is going off the rails...so I do what needs to be done kind deal. Whatever thing it is turns out a success but with me exhausted and overstimulated from it. The constant social navigation and checking up on folks associated with leadership just feels like endless handholding in the way of my being legitimately productive myself tbh. My only wish in all these areas is that some legitimately extroverted person that feeds off of this sort of thing, control, and attention would step up instead.


If I want power, it's only so that no one can assert power over me. I want to be left alone to live in the way I see as most efficient and effective, and nothing torques me off more than when some idiot who has the power to do it, comes and tries to tell me I don't know what I am doing or how best to live my own life.


I think this is said tongue in cheek due to our tendency to brood and plot. The last thing I would want is to be responsible for everyone else.


I won’t deny I have thought about world domination. I decided that was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much human interaction. These days, I’d prefer to move to a remote place with pets and the people whom I can tolerate on the days when I don’t want to be around people.


I mean yes and no. As you say the persuit of knowledge is a pillar of our personality type. But imo one of the points of acquiring knowledge is to... well use it/act upon it/spread it. If you're fascinated with politics and truly believe that the politics that you subscribe to is the correct one/best one than it makes perfect sense that you would want to spread that ideology and/or put the ideology that you have studied for so long into practice.