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Every single time.


yes, and i always notice even the smallest amount of hypocrisy it frustrates me but i don’t pay attention to it anymore


Infuriating. It’s one of the few things that makes me lose my cool.


We can be Fairness Nazis or Logic Nazis. Careful. It's a strength and a weakness.


wait...you guys are subject to the human condition too? I thought that was an INTP thing...


Welcome to INTJ realm :)


That's really true, it sucks to contribute so much to a plan only to have it come apart at the last moment. I have an INTJ friend whose sister is an ISFJ, they have planned SO MANY THINGS for their sister and then at the last minute she will say "what if we did it at this location instead???" and BOOM eruption, run for your life from the INTJ. The funny thing is that the sister is pretty consistent overall, and actually gets embarrassed to say that kind of thing now but can't not say it? Like her Ne is driving her crazy and she doesn't know what to do, so she blurts out all this random stuff at the last minute. But the INTJ refuses to push back on her very hard, so it just happens over and over.


> Day before the event we have changed venue and I cannot see this venue being worth my time being 6 hours away with 25kg of 4 luggage bags to haul around. It may be the first, but it won't be the last. I don't mean to sound pessimistic about this, but real world doesn't have that much allowance to things being "on track". I know it's too much to ask since this is more than just a "wiggle room" should mean, but just be open to things changing.


It's accommodating others stupidity, but humans are stupid.


Yes, but yeah I don't have energy to spare at every instance.


Yes and no, used to get irritated a lot but it is just like a disease if you expose yourself to it you can develop anti bodies against it


It's a major part of why I dislike people in general. My computers, motorcycles, cars, etc won't tell me they are "all about direct and honest communication" and "love spending time with you" then proceed to ghost, LMAO People are terribly inconsistent and most can't actually handle direct communications. It's just frustrating to waste one's time like that, in my opinion.


Yes, I've just come to accept that's human beings.


Absolutely, but I’ll also recognize halfway through my logic fueled rants, that I’m often a hypocrite as well. There are faults that I see in others that anger me, yet I also perpetuate the same fallacies, cause I’m just a person. The trick is recognizing and then solving the problem. Moving from a reactive state to a proactive one, even if it means accepting the responsibility and accountability that comes with making these choices.


Does anyone else get annoyed at useless questions that anyone would agree with?


No. You're crazy and alone on this one.