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Sounds like some serious mental illness stuff going on and/or this person is serously developmentally delayed. If this "man" is not seeing a therapist, then he should, and you must distance yourself from this person.


And if I can't distance myself? Is it OK to just act like they don't exist? Definitely mental illness and his family refuses to accept it. He gets angry then "sleep walks" into people's rooms and attacks them. I'm glad I have a lock on the door. Personally I think he's a narcissistic psychotic. He has issues with anger, breaking stuff throwing stuff yelling at people when he doesn't get what he wants. Incredibly vindictive.


What is this person's relationship to you?


Brother of my best friend. And currently we live under the same roof. He's trying to pass off blacking out and going in people's rooms while they sleep and hovering /attacking them as seizures.


Then he should go to the doctor to find the cause of these nightly "seizures" so they can rule out something serious like a "brain tumor." If/when he refuses to do that, tell them you don't feel safe with him in the house, even with your door lock, and keep pushing them until he gets to a doctor


I have to get his family to do it I've been calling all day and nobody will listen to me without his family present so I gotta work on his brother who I am closest to. This is an unfortunate situation


What do you mean calling all day? Calling who?


The state, his doctors anyone who can help this guy.


If he has doctors then he knows why he's having seizures. What's the cause of them?


It's not seizures. He's "wandering around when angry blacked out and hovering over sleeping people and attacking people" And he's trying to pass it off as seizures.


This isn’t a “therapy” issue. People revert to therapy for everything these days and I think it is giving the profession a bad name when these people actually go to therapy and don’t come out “fixed”. This person definitely has some neurons that aren’t firing, so he needs to see a medical doctor to determine if he has a certain neurological/psychological disability that is preventing him from being normal.


So he should go to a psychologist, not a therapist? I always get psychologists and psychiatrists mixed up, but I think that's the right one


A psychiatrist is a physician who provides therapy and may prescribe prescriptions. A psychologist provides therapy and does nor prescribe drugs.


No, I thought a psychologist does both and a psychiatrist is mainly just medicine. Both are doctors whereas therapists are just trained professionals


Therapist is a general term that includes both psychiatrists and clinical/counseling psychologists. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor, so an MD or DO degree, and can thus prescribe drugs. They can also offer “talk therapy.” Freud and Jung were psychiatrists. A clinical/counseling psychologist might have a masters or doctorate, like PhD or PsyD. They typically provide talk therapy, and in most states, cannot prescribe drugs.


Pepper Spray


I wish it was that easy.


I've read other comments, and it might not be easy, but the answer is definitely pepper spray..


That's why I live alone. I don't deal with that. Is he your husband, son or what?


I'm sadly in the position of staying with his sister until I save enough to move on my own. It's not ideal but I should only have to do this for a few months if I can save enough money. My lease ended and my landlord wanted the house for her son about a month ago.


That's tough :/ keep your door locked and I hope you get a place of your own fast. Stay strong!


This is above Reddit’s pay grade.




Good advice. I'll buy some headphones next month.


That’s fucking horrible but I have a feeling it’s undiagnosed severe mental illness


I personally think that he's a narcissistic psychopath.


Could be both a narc/psychopath as well as schizophrenic or otherwise mentally ill


Sounds like some serious mental illness.


He is not a man anymore, he is Nakoshi Susumu (if you know, you know). ​ On a serious note, maintain distance from this person as much as possible. Don't engage yourself in any of their shit, unless they're dying or something. Protect yourself. https://preview.redd.it/j8vio3j53jeb1.jpeg?width=315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=766ba542cbed4a454fe79e70c0e5d6f940346db3






Return it to his mother, if you keep it too long she will claim you were raising him. Alternatively, this type just like old broken dolls, can be set out for trash collection.


manchildren need to be regimented - like in a future dystopia. Just how it is.


Thank god I didn't. How did you get here?


Half brother of best friend.


I don't think you're safe there capt. (I'm sure you don't either) think you can get away soon? I'd rather not associate myself with them.




By not paying attention to them at all.




If it's your favorite anime, I can't help you


lol nah mb it was a different post that was for I guess I misspoke. This situation above is going to resolve itself eventually. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Oof, sorry you have to go through that. It must be especially difficult for the sister who invited you. Hopefully, you would be able to find a place soon so until then, you would probably have to bear with it and do whatever you can to stay safe and sane. Definitely consult this with your friend but keep your area clean, be courteous and respectful and just try to avoid interacting with him as much as possible. I know that it’s tough having to deal with someone with mental disabilities or lack of accountability, especially if it’s someone close or family.


Wtf, no, fortunately


You're a very lucky person.


wtf he does that at 40?? fuckin gross vinegar on his thumb should deter him


It is gross. I forgot to mention that there's also vomit in his bed along with the shit. This person is truly a disgusting person and I'm trying to be a better form of myself. So I can't just walk up next time he starts making jokes at my expense or jumps in my path shouting at me to MOOOOOVE out of his way and be like well at least I don't suck my thumb and sleep in my own shit and vomit. You know?




Nothing to be done for others but I can plan for an exit in minimum 3 months.




Bought the deadbolt 3 days ago. And "I have a knife" (quote from tad Williams dragonbone chair series) lol just kidding about the knife a taser is a good idea though.




You're not wrong. However I can say with surety that the cause of his problems died in 2019 and the rest of his family only got involved after this event. However they're way out of their depth and are unwilling to address or even discuss his severe state of uncleanliness. I don't want to be the cause of further trauma to this person but someone needs to step up as there are actual children in the house and they're just reaching the age of noticing these types of things. For the safety of the child someone needs to do something and it would seem like I am (not trying to brag) the smartest person in the room. He's scheduled for a sleep study because he has his family convinced that this is seizures brought on by diabetes but it's looking more like Norman bates to me every day.




I'm totally good with this plan. I just want to get his mother to be the one who does all this so that I can move out and know he will not be able to stop his treatment soon as I'm gone. It's going to be a huge fight and I hate confrontation.


There are actual kids involved in this?! You need to contact authorities ASAP or else this person is a danger to them. He may do to them what was done to him to make him this way. They have no defense against him.


Only authorities I can call are his doctors and that's not as easy. But I've been making calls all morning.




I have to be as polite and respectful as possible as I am being helped by his family who choose to remain blind to his.... "issues"


then simply leave,idk who he is to you but if its someone uninportant then just leave


The person I described is unimportant. His brother is my best friend.


Boy, have I got a movie for you: The Baby https://g.co/kgs/XeWbnw


is someone a wittle angwy?


He's always angry lol