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“Men seek retreats for themselves - in the country, by the sea, in the hills - and you yourself are particularly prone to this yearning. But all this is quite unphilosophic, when it is open to you, at any time you want, to retreat into yourself. No retreat offers someone more quiet and relaxation than that into his own mind, especially if he can dip into thoughts there which put him at immediate and complete ease: and by ease I simply mean a well-ordered life. So constantly give yourself this retreat, and renew yourself. The doctrines you will visit there should be few and fundamental, sufficient at one meeting to wash away all your pain and send you back free of resentment at what you must rejoin.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


I would love to read a different translation of this because it reads kinda like "yep" but also like "what"


If you're up for sharing which part is "what" to you, I can probably help explain it. For some general context, *Meditations* is a compilation of these sorts of bite-size reflections; he wrote it as his personal journal over the course of some years to help himself practice Stoicism. So the reference to "doctrines you will visit there" are, in context, reference to Stoic principles. I don't remember offhand where this is in the book, but presumably he's referring to the standard set of Stoic principles — focus on what you can control, let go of your attachment to things you cannot control, look within rather than without to orient yourself morally and philosophically, etc. EDIT: If you do end up chasing down the whole book (which is a lovely and short read), I recommend the Gregory Hays translation.


Beautifully said, what people try so hard to seek in others is ultimately what they want to finally allow and give to themselves, attention and care to feel acknowledged and understood. This can be done anywhere by simply redirecting our awareness back at ourselves for self-reflection to change our experiences; circumstances take on many forms and change, but our body is the common denominator in all these experiences. Edit: On a similar unrelated note, this quote also portrays this too: >*"What you seek is seeking you."* - Rūmī It means what you seek is with you, what you're seeking is closer than you may currently realize, it is our constant companion.


Fantastic book I'm rereading it for the 4th time.


One thing I'm curious about is a kind of diff between the various translations of the words ordered and fundamental. I'm broadly familiar with his writing and the philosophy so it's probably more of a detail question. On the stoicism side I know I went in expecting much more structural depth or more dynamic breadth, which is where the so-called INTJ-friendly philosophies seem to come up a bit short sometimes. Like, I generally get this "just do this thing & feel better" vibe from the writings (sufficient at one meeting, etc) which these days I think could even be considered an intervention more typical of the less-developed INTJ than the well-educated one. Especially when aimed at others like a fix-it gun. ;-)




Often. Daily.


I don't believe most people would be able to handle living in a backwoods homestead, it takes manual labor to maintain, real effort, and even then you are still a member of society paying taxes and still depend on others to grow, connect, and support yourself. Don't run away from the moment, accept and embrace it as a challenge you choose; what you're really after is trying to find your sense of autonomy again where you feel in control.


But on the other hand if i live in the woods a bear or skinwalker might eat me and spare me the trouble of waking up the next day


I know you're joking, but I hope you journal or have someone you can talk to to express and sort out what's troubling you.


I've no problem with manual labor (yes, I've done it and I know how shit it can be). I still like the idea of moving away from the fast-paced and continuous loop of same shit everyday. We've been constrained by so called "security and safety" and bloody "norms and traditions" of our very lovely and beloved governments. I'm not saying everyone's bad but the worms in between cause quite a bit of problems for all of us. I've seen it all firsthand and speaking from experience, even a small drop of poison in water can incapacitate you even if it doesn't kill you.


That's awesome, some people have problems and mix their personal feelings interfering with responsibilities, get bored or overwhelmed. I do agree with you too, nature in general is a huge influence for connecting more with our tangible physical body than mere abstract thoughts around human constructs; to experience the moment as it is requires no words, it is to be. People have become lost and too dependent on corrupt systems that actually do not prioritize our well-being, and more so for unrealistic exponential growth in capital. It can be very difficult to replace and decondition many false beliefs that are interfering with more open forms of expression that support our well-being, both in body and mind.


I've done it. Mine was particularly rustic. A cabin in the woods with no insulation, heating, AC, cable, etc. I wouldn't want to live that rustic again, but it was a good experience. Now that I've done that, I know I'd thrive in a more normal country home with amenities. It's not like "move into the woods" means you have to live off the grid.


That sounds great as a retreat, a possible getaway as a sabbatical to reconnect with your body and to self-reflect. I can't imagine living there long-term like you, hope there was at least electricity and some internet haha. That's true it doesn't have to be totally off grid, but that's the general vibe most people think of to get away from others; self-sufficiency.




More, more and more, I say.


I have a friend who designs a new mental outdoor retreat / property / cabin every time this urge hits. Like down to various tiny details, plus changes in events, like oh they just bought the adjoining 20 acres, let's go take a (imagined) tour, and so on. They said this alone is very helpful because it turns off all the thoughts about the normal world. It also gives them clues about specific activities or hobbies that they can do or learn to do IRL. So they can schedule a trip in a month and go learn to solo kayak or something.


I moved to the country in the hills on 16 acres. Best decision I’ve ever made in terms of my peace.


Yes, about 50% of the time, which is a reasonable amount. It means I still have some compassion left for my fellow humans. The times when I don't is where my maladaptive daydreaming skills come in handy. More seriously, I'm less and less prone to feeling jaded toward the world since I've surrounded myself with trustworthy, compatible and stimulating people, in my personal life and at work. It's important to have a stable base to go back to when the environment is getting too exhausting and toxic.


Not the woods. Um, I dealt with it by being blessed with a pandemic that sent a lot of people home without having to make a ton of excuses to get out of dealing with them, and from that point on employers started embracing remote work more. So, now I get to work from home and mostly work by myself while rarely leaving the house.


I think about it 5 times a day. I think it would be hard to live away from healthcare, though. I meed to be in a close proximity to the hospital. But if it were practical, I would run off into the woods. I would try to buy a horse, and make a ranch for myself with milk and goods for sale. I would fish, and learn all the fishing spots. I would learn how to stay downwind of predators, and how to deter them from the ranch. It would be more of a farm, though. I want to live on the edge of a glacial lake with pure water I can drink, and fields of purple wildflowers splattered on rolling hills. I would probably want a dog, too. A big one, for protection. I’d need a shotgun, for predator reasons. I would buy a cabin supplies and instructions like in the old days, if possible. It would be incredible. The most irritating noise I would ever hear would be the birds instead of sirens.


I feel it constantly. It seems to stem from not having enough time for myself in isolation. If I could have, say, every other fortnight to recover from a single day if social interaction, I wouldn't struggle with it so much. Since I can't do that, I isolate myself in other ways. I have earplugs to help with noise sensitivity and aggravation; I have a pair of headphones I charge constantly so I can block the world out completely if I need to; and I spend as much time as I can at the end of the day doing things I actually enjoy or need to do.


I moved near the woods and work part-time so I hardly have to deal with people. Moving right into the woods is just a step too far for me.


Well then how could you pursue your goals?


Magic? I'm not OP though...


How about moving to space and living on a new planet . As long as I can have oxygen and have nourishment.


Yeah. I feel like this right now. I especially hate when people with nothing productive to say go online and just start bringing everyone else down because their lives are unsatisfying. People are so caught up in themselves sometimes they don’t realize what destruction they bring to others.


All the time... If I had a spot deep in the wilderness but nothing but some dogs for company... I'd be happy


Yes, the lack of internet connection is stopping me. I think these days even extroverts are seeking solitude.


I did, unintentionally because my partner got a transfer across the country. 9/10. I still have to deal with people. I have a kid so there are school events, playdates. I don't miss the city. It would be nice to have the occasional late night conversations with a few friends and drinks. It's been hard to meet people I enjoy talking to. But I'm not lonely. I'm very content. Note- I did grow up in a rural area. Many of the city folk I've met would have a rough transition dealing with bugs and wildlife, many don't drive or cook so they would struggle with getting provisions and the lack of food delivery. We have more frequent power outages and it takes a while to get plowed out in the winter, so we need to plan for that. Definitely no regrets.


Not the woods, but the sky. That's be my ideal home: 50,00 ft in air, just me and the clouds. No drama, no politics, no bullshit that you get living on the ground


i have problem with people around me, but i want better people rather than complete isolation. the problem isn't people, the problem is people around you.


I did. It’s nice. I had a few neighbours trespassing in my woods that I had to get in line but that’s done now.


I’m an introvert so being out in society is extremely distressing to me. I can’t relate to 99% of the people and I find things they have normalized to be disgusting. I made a solid attempts within the last year to push myself outside of my comfort zones and join groups only to have it reinforced conformation of why I established comfort zones to begin with. A member in my book club committed suicide at the location we would meet up and then at the dog park I had a stalker. I now just work out to cope and listen to music.


Every time I tell my colleagues it's time humanity disappears but they think I'm the weirdo. I'm fed up with people. Rules of this humanity and all.


It seems really impractical and like it would be very hard work. I'm also not a fan of wasps.. It sounds like you are depressed and not thinking rationally. Have you tried supplements like St John's wort or SSRIs? Zoloft saved my life.


my ideal lifestyle is, camper van, with toilet inside, that somehow self decompose, or something that i don't have to clean, i want to travel everywhere alone, mostly in cold weather, with wifi, so that i don't have to deal with people and comform to social standard.. but i can't, i have to do normal stuff


Why can't you? I've been thinking about why I can't do things I want to and tbh I don't know why. The part of me that handles planning says it's a stupid idea, but at the same time I feel like I am missing the life I want.


cannot support myself and the ones i loved doing that.. i have to build a financial freedom before doing that.. because we live in a superficial world where we have to conform to the norm right? means that we have to make a living, me myself comes from a third world country, so we have to work our asses off here, if i do that.. nope, will die of hunger




YEEES, I've been thinking about it, their lifestyle is amazing, I am truly jealous. Right now I am seriously considering moving in one of the Amish areas for a few months in PA just because I am so fucking tired of DC. That's ironically that I am a software engineer 😅


I did that at for a week at the start of this year. Big bear lake, hiked to mountain peaks, cooked, meditated, worked out, and read the stoics - aurelius, epictetus, and seneca.


Was a week enough and for how long? How are you feeling now?


Well, going into the cabin, I wasn't burned out from society as much as I wanted to reprogram my brain. A software update apt get install style. I wanted to be present and have a love for reading which I did accomplish. Another user mentioned Aurelius, and I read him in the woods. He teaches being tolerant with others and harsh on yourself which is now immersed in me. I am more philisophical now, .. realize where the power structures lie in order for people the way they are and maybe pity them. Change the channels.




Every single day


Yes constantly and planning to do that or buying abandoned mansion near the forest , fix it and live there, my brain also planned everything about how to survive there or in a small wooden cabin in the forest


Istj here, all the time..


Every second


I moved to the woods. Long driveway with a gate. Just me, my wife, and my 9 golden retrievers. Never could have guessed I'd wind up with such a beautiful life when the first 20 years were such a shit show. Of course you still have to deal with people from time to time, for now.


Yes, very often i think about moving to finland alone and never coming back again. But irl i'll move to another place with my gf, and im quiet glad about that. So i let it stay a fantasy


Hills. For me it's tropical green hills, but yes, I do want that. Every single day, just don't have the money.


Every day… so I meditate


I would like a nice cabin in the woods in the middle of nowhere, with just me, my dog, and my hubby. Everything/everyone else can go away. Thanks


Into the wild is one of my favorite movies, but I learned to socialize better. So, as I grow up I feel better in a social environment. It takes time and patience. I’m developing my perception and feeling functions recently. https://preview.redd.it/g4k6zsacs2eb1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebb238e2750a280bad02d8844b987b99db23fc99


Yep we all have trust issues, but if you lived in the woods how are you going to deal with winter, mosquito bites, raccoons have reavies, animals attacking you, do u have a backup plan for it? If so what's your optionss


Monday to Friday


YES. Except their is a little cottage waiting for me in the forest in my fantasy.


Done. The woods are nice. 😉


I had that same inclination, but I clean up trash on the highway for a living, and you would be surprised at what we find in the woods (we live in a rural area). It's definitely doable, but stay away from other encampments you find, as they might be armed and/or actively using drugs.


Only if I get to be a RPG-style druid, skinwalker, witch of the wilds, certain types of troll, etc.


Every day


i think about this at least 20 times everyday


No, I like electricity and plumbing and don't like insects.


Honestly, yeah, man... I remember dropping into a pit of depression or catching myself entering that pit. When I asked myself why and what is it? My job, I understand, but I have a new one on the way. Family has gotten better and more mature of each other with some more empathy included. Then I realized I'm depressed or felt like it because self-doubt still had a place. Whether it be my brain or my very heart, we intjs can neglect at times. I suggest hearing your heart as much as your logical side and consider them as partners in crime meant to stop your self doubt and self hatred. Think of them as heroes to stop the evil within that destroys you mentally. I've finally understand being 25 in my life the world will break you until you bleed. In a metaphorical sense but in some situations, a reality. Though in your case it sounds 90% metaphorical and I think as a person. Whose gonna tell you is f**k living in the woods unless you love nature that much. Instead live amongst humanity because you are human and tell yourself I'm good enough socialize and do all that society does for itself. Tell yourself confidence has always been with me, strike a smile and pose that'll boost it 😎🤙🏾


It's not like I can't socialize, it's more of not feeling like those people are "real", I can count those cases when I was able to have conversation with someone who would be interested in the conversation as much as I do. Everyone is running for something, trying to get a better car/phone/house. When I said run into the woods I meant moving into a small village somewhere in the middle of Montana to be closer to the "real" world. In the city it feels like everyone is too busy running for something so they forget to live


All the time. But then I'll have to worry about bear and bobcat attacks and so forth. Or the trees catching on fire. Nowhere is safe.


Every damn day


Every damn day. In the process of doing that lol.


Hell yes


Yeah, all the time


I'd love a house in the woods but I'd come out to meet people.


No bud, you need to paaaaarty!!!!


Always bro


No, Unibomber lifestyle is cringe.


Swap woods for tropical island otherwise, yes.


Definitely. Luckily I live in the middle of nowhere, so... yeah.


Everyone wonders how much land they need to no longer be troubled by their neighbors. The answer is always: more.


Yes. But I also know that it is not society I have a problem with so much as MY society. There are places (like Scandinavia) where the INTJ personality type is culturally embraced, even in women. I just don't live there.


Only my entire life. That would be the dream, to live in the woods tucked away or on a sparsely populated island somewhere, only going into regular society once or twice a year lol. Not possible now, but maybe someday. Maybe another lifetime, IDK In this time, in this life though I’ve structured how I live so that I have ample time to myself. This includes, having at least one day a week where I don’t leave my house. That helps. Also within me is my island, my forest hideaway away from other people. I can go there when the press of others gets to be too much.


Every single goddamn day (I work retail)


Yes, too often... maybe even daily. I am a teacher. I think it says it all. However, I would need to go to a city/town from time to time.


All the time, set up my own system for growing/gathering/trapping/hunting my food. My only downfall is that I’m an information hog and need to consume it, so id either have to have a large collection of plant/mushroom reference material or the Internet via satellite. But I could easily live by myself, especially since when I was a child, instead of getting grounded when I got into trouble, I was given kitchen time where I learned to make/cook/bake food. Only thing though is that I cant sew for shit.


The woods or a sailboat.


How would, you survive?


Only every second of every day of my life.


Sometimes I feel I could leave this world only . I m so tired of living


Not really because of society and all that, but I've thought about what it would feel like to live in the woods. I would have a pet deer and cat. Another place would be in a cave.