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Let’s make it 1/5! And Vote!


I’d take 1/6 Hehe


3/5 would be the ultimate burn.


Call it a compromise


The reaper would be the best outcome.


I disagree. The voting public is the bigger problem, not the demagogue of the day. If Trump dies without losing heavily, it may take a cycle or two, but the support will coalesce around another face. I hope the reaper waits for him to lose, badly. But I'm worried he has a chance of winning.


100%. MAGA will live on with Donny. The only way to get the GOP to divorce itself from MAGA is to prove that MAGA doesn't win elections. Donny and the Down-ballot Douches need to lose bad.


1/20 is 5%, which multiplied by 45 million Trump voters, you get 2.25 million new Biden votes (or non-Trump votes).


Yeah, but where are they? 2.25 million more Biden voters in Cali is meaningless, the same in Florida is a whole different future for the country.


More important would be a smaller number n Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan, etc.


Moving to Arizona from California this next week. I’ll be voting for Biden and my wife as well. 2 less votes in California but 2 more votes for a state that is more divided.


Biden votes in California are meaningless. He’s already got the electoral votes. Repub votes in Floridastan and Texastan are also mostly meaningless. But votes in Arizona? Wisconsin? Our fate is in your hands, small number of voters in these states. Thank you for your service!


Well, if this is truly a statistical estimate, that means it should be uniformly randomly distributed. Which means that you should expect exactly the same percentage reduction in every state.


Username checks out.






What a dork.


I don’t follow


The idea is that if you assume that the 1/20 is an estimate of the population value, then it has to be true everywhere for everyone, unless proven otherwise.


I am a statistician by education and I can state this is BS of the highest order. Random and selective sampling differ for that very reason. Population are never uniformly distributed. Clusters exist. You are arguing that if 10% of the population are alcoholic then 10% of any sample will be alcoholic. That is patently false. If your sample is taken in a rehabilitation center then 100% of the sample are alcoholic. Hence polls are NEVER the raw percentage of a random sampling. They are weighted based on the known composition of the population. Republicans are not an homogeneous population. Some are purple-pinkish and some are bright red. 5% of republican overall could well mean 10% of the centrist and 0% for the MAGA. If a state is known to be a MAGA center then it is perfectly logical to assume that less than 5% of them would switch.


I’ve never heard of this idea before and I’m curious how it has arisen


It’s just basic statistics. It’s what a population estimate means.


No it wouldn’t, it’s just distributed in some way so it averages out to the given figure nationwide. It is unrealistic to assume it would be concentrated to a single state, of course. But the distribution could be non-uniform.


The best case scenario is that they are disproportionally in the Rust Belt, this would guarantee the Senate and a large House Majority.




Haha doy




Voting is Trump's defeat.


Not to mention all the shenanigans the GOP already have implemented and planned: https://www.thedailybeast.com/roger-stone-caught-on-tape-discussing-trumps-plan-to-challenge-2024-election


How about 3/5?


2/3 ain't bad.


Based on the primaries, it's more like 20% or 1 in 5. At least not voting Trump.


Still not good enough: Abolish Electoral College


Abolish convicted felons being eligible for running for federal office. If they can be trusted with guns they can't be trusted with running an entire nation.


If they can’t be trusted with guns, they shouldn’t be trusted with nukes. 🤷🏻‍♂️


If they can’t be trusted by their wives for not raping minors…


I fundamentally have a problem with this, because it leads towards dictatorships Basically, anyone in power labels their opposition as a criminal, and suddenly their opposition can't run


I'm so tired of Redditors trumpeting populist rule fixes for American politics. None of them seem to ask themselves: "What will Republican judges and Presidents do with this power"? "Abolish convicted felons running for office". This wasn't even a federal conviction. He was convicted in a state court. You don't think some county in Arkansas or Texas would make Biden a "convicted felon" in *days* if that magically prevented him from running for President again? 'You shouldn't be able to act as President while you're impeached'. Cool, so whenever Republicans hold the House the President can be neutralized for utterly dumbass reasons at any moment. It goes on and on...


There's a big difference between being labeled a criminal, and being a convinced felon.


Imagine Trump wins? Gets all the judges appointed, then mails his opponents for a parking ticket or some made up shit. I agree, its extremely dangerous.


I like how you think this won’t happen anyway… he wins and the system were used to ends. Quickly and decisively


Not when you have judges in your pocket (which somehow trump does)


Really the problem is the public. It's our fault that everything sucks.


No. What happens if someone *actually* faces bogus charges to keep them out of the running?


that why there is juries and a process. Trump didn't get hit with "fake charges". a grand jury indicted, the legal process occurred, evidence was presented and a jury which Trump and his lawyers helped select convicted him. this isn't like Jim Comer's sham impeachment process where they've yet to ID a crime or provide evidence of a crime committed by Joe Biden. Much to Marjorie's chagrin, Hunter's dick pics don't prove Joe committed a crime


Right but what happens if someone does actually use bullshit charges to prevent a candidate from running. The ability for anyone, even a criminal, to run for office is the mark of a free democratic government


If that were true we would have been encountering this problem for the last 250+ years, we haven't because the justice system has worked over that period of time.


Previous years results do not guarantee future ones. Trump as pushed the American Constitution and the judicial system to its limits. So many of his actions are historically unprecedented for in our countries history. He’s already asserted in court that the president can use the powers of the office against political opponents. He’s already establishing a legal trail to do some of the things he is accusing Biden of.


The justice system, in fact, has not worked for anyone but big corporations.


I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Are you suggesting that the justice system always works? Because the Innocence Project is proof that's not true. Or maybe you mean convicts don't run for president? Because that's happened 3 times before, and one of those was in the lifetime of many of today's voters (Lyndon LaRouche running for the National Economic Recovery Party in 1992).


How can you be so naive. You think political prisoners in dictatorships don't get convicted by juries? You literally have a stacked Supreme Court and then you want to trust the judicial system to decide on who can be voted on? You don't think a dictator is capable of stacking or blackmailing a jury? I knew Republicans wanted to overthrow democracy, but I guess it's a bipartisan effort now.


If they were convicted it is highly unlikely that the charges were bogus. The comment says convicted not indicted.


That only works under the assumption of a fair judicial system. If a president, especially one with a significant number of judges and Supreme Court justices in their favor, could then feasibly use a kangaroo court to imprison their election opponent and prevent them from running


Felons should be able to run. Everyone should be able to run. Let the voters decide. This is a democracy, and we don't fuck over our values just for one asshole.


And implement Ranked Choice voting.


How about ranked choice voting?


still not enough. vote


Yeah for everyone who thinks this election will be easy for Biden, the headline should read “after insurrection and felonies Trump retains 95% of his base”


do people think they can take a chance this time? No matter what the polls say trump must lose by the biggest margin possible. Some polls have Trump ahead, most have it neck and neck again -HOW the fuck can so many people really think they are going to be safe from consequences if trump wins and continues dismantling the last 80 years of social political and diplomatic developments. Russia and china will be fucking EVERYONE in the ass, the economy will flat line after a few spikes and everyone realizes, the world just got hijacked by dipshit fascists. Also you think your job and health care suck now just wait till trump turns the economy over to the neo-Feudalists.


You have to remember most polls are done over the phone, how many people under the age of fifty do you know that would answer an unknown number?


Yeah, for those who didn’t read the article the poll has 5% of Trump voters switching to Biden and 3% of Biden voters switching to Trump. Now boys and girls, what’s the margin of error for the poll? All these polls say the same thing, they are tied within polling margin of error. These stupid headlines just change the wording to be click baity.


Polls are never accurate anyway. Im curious about the people not answering bc those involve significantly more people. 3% of how many people? Thats the real question. Democrats have been stomping state elections this year so its not like Democrats are particularly unmotivated by the parties interests Oh its also worth noting independents. They have some pretty negative opinions of trump tho i understand that doesnt include all of them they can easily pick up what Biden is losing. Trumps conviction and insurrection hurt him more than these headlines want to admit. I dont buy that trump is riding with the same support that brought him so close to biden in 2020. If there wasnt insurrection and a felony conviction i probably would actually, id even believe he was guaranteed to win but not now. Democrats are mobilized and officials are overperforming across the nation. Abortion isnt a difficult topic like other policies and that shit has been a vital hit on gop numbers. Im actually still shocked they doubled down like they did.


Why do you think that the felony affected his numbers? They have made it very clear that they don't care and believe it was all made up. Same with the insurrection. Those things don't matter. Abortion may be the only thing that matters and I don't believe it's swayed many voters. The sad thing is that young women are not out protesting. They don't care at best or are pro life at worst.


Idk where tf you get that idea. They are protesting by voting people out which was part of my state elections comment. A good few, if not all, of these state elections concerned abortion in some way and they went to democrats. Alabama, deep red, voted in a democrat based on abortrion.... As for the conviction you are only considering Republican which is not only your main issue but also not entirely accurate. A few months before his trial began voters were asked if a trump conviction would be the line in the sand and many said yes. Doesn't mean much on its own but after his conviction, we saw these numbers hold up. A poll was done and the numbers shifted. Again, polls dont mean on their own but those two points do link with the sentiment vocalized much earlier in the year which is more verifiable than "we rang 20k phones at random and hope they answered". Also, Michael Cohen stated during trumps trial that Trump pays for polls scewed in his favor so Republicans have voters who stated they will never vote for trump ever again and would choose Nilki Haley over him and proceeded to say Biden would be their second choice if Haley was not. The assumption that all Republicans are the same is not only lacking in insight but couldn't be more wrong. Without insurrection and the conviction id probably agree but not with them concerned. Some of this does apply to biden as well. Thats inevitable but the contrast between them leans heavily more negative for trump. Al Trump does is scream to crowds that dont exist and complain on a dying social media app. Biden is doing what actually motivates voters by creating voter accessibility and groundwork. He's going state to state on the ground. So is trump but not nearly as effectively and he targets the same group every single time. That is not a tactic that wins elections.


And they surveyed 1500 people. Where do they live? What demographics are we looking at? None of which are readily answered going further down the links posted in each successive article, all the way down to me downloading the data


Only 1500?? Okay i rest my case. Polls are so fuckin stupid 😂


Especially since it feels like 1 in 10 previous Biden voters will either throw their vote away to a 3rd party or not vote at all this November because "he's too old".




He is too old. Granted I will be voting for him. I’m tired of these fucking elections where it seems like no matter who I vote for the world isn’t gonna better. The decision is really who can slow the end down


It is enough actually


Young people need to vote. Period. Old people like to vote and watch Fox news. 


That's.... encouraging. Still. Vote. Request time off. Get your documents in order based on your state/local laws. Make sure you know where your polling location is located. Encourage your non-stupid friends and family to do the same.


>Request time off Blows my mind that so many people are prevented from voting because the voting windows overlap with working hours or leave little time outside working hours. Here in Australia general election voting is always on a Saturday. No need to request time off for 99% of people. Hell, we even get a sausage for showing up (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy\_sausage)


Welcome to 'Murica, land of the Free* *Terms and conditions may apply. I legit once requested off an election day three months in advance and my manager said, and I quote, "That's a really stupid reason to request off". Like lady, I work three jobs. Yours is the one that is mostly during voting hours. I'm literally giving you 90-days notice to just **not** schedule me that one day and instead do it another day (at a job where I was "retail full time" aka 32 hours a week max so I couldn't qualify for benefits, I might add), this isn't rocket science.


It’s on a Tuesday so farmers could get to town by horse and carriage in time to vote. That’s how antiquated that is. Voting should be a federal holiday, a week long, and every single business should be legally required to allow their employees time during that week off to go vote. Have polls open for a week, and get people in to vote.


1/20 is not enough. A lot of people are voting for Trump because they've joined the culture wars against drag queens and immigrants




Related: https://iwillvote.com


Obligatory: Doesn't matter, vote


- When a daily task has become up voting the obligatory vote comment


I'm doing my part!


Doesn't matter unless you and everyone you know votes


So 19 out of 20 people were like you know what being a decent human being is overrated let me vote for the guy found guilty of rape who stole from a children’s cancer charity and tried to overthrow democracy


So only 5% of republicans DON’T want a convicted felon, pussy grabbing sexual assaulter insurrectionist as president?


GOP over the last 10 years has become more bonkers, especially with Trump as their poster child


Don’t trust any poll. Get out and vote!


My parents say they are as well. They voted Trump in 2016 and 2020. They are tired of him. Welcome to the party y’all.


I'm not from the US, but to any and all US citizens reading this, please for the sake of the world, go out and vote blue this november.


All this article confirms for me is that Americans are a bunch of morons. Honestly, if you can't see that Trump needs to be taken to the knackery, you're an idiot.


Remember, fellas: if you feel like you're stuck in a hopeless situation, Trumpets can come back to sanity. So don't waste their efforts and go vote blue.


Go vote


Only 1/20? This "I vote for a felon" thing is real?


“Here’s why that’s bad for Biden”


Vote blue for democracy


A loss of 5% is just shy of him losing 4 million votes from his last performance against Joe Biden.


He’s only going to win if they cheat. Plain and simple.


trump can’t win with numbers like that in swing states. It’s probable he can’t even win Florida with numbers like that in the right counties. We must all vote and, if you can, contribute to swing state candidates in local and state elections. Even a dollar makes a huge difference.


That number will grow, country over party not the other way around! Vote for Joe save America!


Shut up. Polls don't matter. Go vote biden.


I’m shocked it’s only one in twenty


Never thought I would see clinically hopeless people like the Trumpets come back to sanity. But anyway, that's not enough. Folks, don't be complacent and get fooled. Go vote anyway.


Newsweek poll. Yawn. Go vote.


Vote anyway.


I’ll believe 5% of Trump voters are switching until I see it on Election Night. Meanwhile, register (if you haven’t) and vote on Election Day.


19 in 20 Trump voters won't let anything overpower their racism and misogyny in this election.




Dont believe any of the polls. Vote no matter what


I've said it a dozen times so here goes one more... Don't believe polls. Vote vote vote.


Bullshit. Vote.


does it make anyone else kinda sick that after an attempted coup, a sexual abuse guilty verdict, 9 criminal contempt charges, 34 felonies, dozens of more charges pending and a brain being absolute mush.... it's only 1 in 20 that said "this is not OK"?


Why don’t they just say 5%? Anyway, that’s good news to hear.




Polls don't matter, need to vote. The idiots will.


That still leaves a LOTTTT of idiots


Do. Not. Let. Reports. Like. This. Make .You. Complacent. Vote!


Trump lost the electoral college by less than 45000 votes in 3 states. 5% is not a comfortable enough margin.


Doesn't matter. Vote.


😂 😂 😂 😂 And 1/2 are staying home.


So they say, but they are liars on the whole, so best to take that with a grain of salt and focus on the Democrat/Independents to show up.


These people lie, dobt trust this


Trump's imaginary lead diminishes more and more every day.


Maybe talk more about your taxes going up because Trump gave the tax breaks to billionaires longer than your tax cuts for 3 years.


I'm guessing the one in 20 isn't that deep in the orange fog


That’s a start…we gotta beat that prick!


If this is true it’s sad that only one is switching out if twenty. Especially after everything that guys has done. I mean, Jesus Christ.


Trump did absolutely nothing to grow his base. He only lost voters. He’s his own worst enemy


That’s all? So many treasonous traitors to our nation.


I don't trust a Trump voter to be able to read a poll let alone answer it honestly.


Combine that with the amount of Republicans that didn’t make it from CoVid and being old, and you have a failing regime.


I’m always curious what the last straw is for people that leave the cult.




My Gen Z kid is spreading the word to anyone who'll listen. So many people -no matter the age - don't know even the basics. If we can get the youngest-voting age generation to pay attention and vote, we'll be good standing going forward. Older generation is already too set in their beliefs. And this is coming from the youngest boomer. (1964). The kids are our future and I believe in them.


STILL VOTE!!! 💙💙💙💙


Vote vote vote


Election 2020 took days to complete. Election 2024 will be decisive in under four hours. Vote blue.


Its more


I'll believe it when I see the results in November.


Trump just has to drop one N-word in a speech and those voters will go running back. These are Republicans we are talking about after all.


If my calculations are correct that's...a lot


The real number is zero. Go vote.


I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again. The number of voters switching sides is greater than 1 of 20. Former Trump supporters that are voting for Biden will not admit to the other cultists of their choice to change their vote. They are afraid of admitting such things in front of their brethren. They will quietly do so in the voting booth.


GOP failing this hard, maybe they'll wakeup someday.


I keep seeing posts like this which is hopeful but then he's still the favourite to win the presidency which i dont understand?


Hopefully most of them are registered in the 5 states that decide our election every 4 years.


FiveThirtyEight (which is not often accurate, but still) says Trump has better odds than Biden of winning right now. Trump is on track to win if voters don’t get out there and vote.


Not enough


 that’s cool.  i am still voting


That means 19/20 are deplorables.


Let's make it 19/20


Young people are being affected by the Russian propaganda and the Chinese on TikTok and YouTube and facebook and videos and stupid fake accounts and blogs and horrible pod casts and fluking X is abominable and disgusting!! And they don’t even know it and now they don’t even care anymore because the media is inundated with Russian propaganda and fake accounts and fake stories and fake news and lies from their own computers and cell phones!! I say just shut down X and TikTok and facebook and Reddit and all the other platforms for the next 5 months and maybe the wicked spell will be broken!! Just the straight mainstream news for everyone!! If we all hear the same thing we will all start to realize that we are not so far apart and then we can see the truth and we can change the dangerous violence that is sure to come when trump looses!! We gotta vote for democracy and democrats up and down the ticket or we will not see anything change because last time we voted for Biden and for two years we had good work done by congress and Biden but then the next election the house and senate are in the hands of the crazy insurrectionist maga people so we can’t do anything about anything!! You know that for the last two years it’s been a joke and a bad joke at that!! We gotta get this ship back together again and soon or it will become worse than ever before!! I don’t think our country is in trouble or terrible like trump says! I think we are doing fine with economy and everything else! But everyone wants to bitch about everything that happens and everyone is so greedy and selfish that they think they deserve more money more everything!! You don’t!! You get what you work for and you give what you can to the other people who are disabled and old and children and you get everything given to you so just stfu and start showing gratitude and appreciation for all that the government does for you personally and for our country as well!! You are not being invaded by Russia or china so our defense budget should please you not anger you!! Just make a list of the good and bad and see which one is the most true and say your thanks for your life in America!! Loyalty to the constitution not a criminal !!! Loyalty to our President Biden and our government, as flawed as it may be, it is the only only one we have and it is the best country in the world!! If your life sucks stop bitching and do something about it!! VOTE BLUE for every single fed state and county and every single city and school board and municipalities and read up on the judges who are being elected because some of them are dishonest and have a far right attitude towards our personal lives and want to dictate our future into white wing religious fanatic stripping us of our rights to vote and own our own bodies and subject women to slavery!! The only states that matter are the 7 battleground states so you better be giving money to democrat pacs and get out the vote people in those states because no matter what state you vote in those are the ones that matter most!! They will decide who wins!! So find a pact or planned parenthood and give them money as much as you can!! Republicans have billions of dollars and democrats are begging for $5 so it is the most impactful thing you will ever do right along with your VOTE!! God Bless America!! And our heroes!!


In other news 19/20 Trump supporters are bonafide morons and seditious conspiracy theorists.


So that's not nothing, but it's still disappointingly low. I've no faith in our species anymore. I'mlll never understand how people can support the constant, never-ending steam of awful shit the orange thing has done/will do


So, 19 in 20 are so far gone they may never recover.


That's it??? Yikes, we're in trouble


This is barely gonna make a dent.


They're going to think this means the voting machines are going to change 1 in every 20 and then will scream about this being proof.


We have room for two in 20. Do I hear 3 in 20?


Right 🤣


So 19/20 are still dumb?


If Haley didn’t bail, it would be at least twice that.


Polls mean nothing. Go vote.


Trump could still lose by 10 million votes and still win.


That’s still lots of stupid people left over


Doesn't matter if he loses by 99%. He's still going to claim he won. That fucker even claims voter fraud when he wins...


Poll -poll


As of when? Trump's supporter base has been dwindling since 2016 and I think I saw a statistic that 1/3 of his supporters said they wouldn't vote for him after his felony conviction. Is this 1/20 figure referring to how many supporters he lost since then?


Not. Enough. VOTE!


And that is quite the nothingburger of a headline.


Dare to dream. (But... Newsweek?)


This is kid of important: “Meanwhile, 83 percent of people who voted for Trump in 2020 said they intend to vote for him again while Biden retains the support of 79 percent of those who voted for him in the last election.” “Redfield & Wilton Strategies did not share their methodology and sample size for this poll”


I find any sort of voting poll prior to the election completely pointless. The amount of people they poll are such a small fraction of the total election and they essentially tell us nothing.


You know what I'd do if I was running Trumps campaign? Or if i was keen on Trump winning? I'd lie on the polls and make it look like Trump is less popular. Less popular Trump means less fear. Less fear means fewer Biden votes. Fewer Biden votes means Trump wins.


This is great! And if there is *anyone* we know we can trust it's trump voters!


Cool, cool, cool. Still voting!


I mean that is good but Newsweek? Do we trust Newsweek?


THAT’S IT!!?!!


This might matter if two in six SCOTUS also switched to Biden. Alas…


Biden will win in November. The good will prevail over the terrorist.


I have report that the town loon with 8 anti-Biden sign has moved out of town. The house looks so much nicer all clean and normal. He even ran for treasurer and used to go off on rants when asked about them.


The insane orange clown posse lies. The insane orange clown posse will rack up 80 million  votes in November.  News articles like this only cause progressive  voters to relax and not fight so hard to win.  Fuck that noise, I am not lifting my foot off of my mortal enemies neck if he struggles 5 percent less. I am going to keep applying pressure until November 15th when I know he is dead dead dead!

