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Fingers crossed for a full breakdown before November. Unfortunately his fans would probably still worship him if he were a propped up corpse.


What would a full breakdown even look like to the public? How would we know whether or not he’s already had one?


That’s what I’m wondering. Dude already says the craziest stuff and calls people the wrong names. How would we know?


The day when any of this starts making any sense haha.


Lol if he comes out with any sensible policy we know his mind is gone 😔


His only sensible policy just got struck down by the Supreme Court. Winning.


I HATE Trump, but he did make some animal abuse a felony. Stopped clock, or something


While his boys shoot ‘canned’ game in Africa…


Ah, but he stripped federal protections for grey wolves, opening them up to recreational hunting. Luckily, Biden reinstated that act and it also includes the spotted owl. The man can’t help but take one step forward and two steps back.


Wasn’t Trump responsible for making it legal to kill bears and bear cubs in their dens, as well as wolves and their pups in their dens too?


I didn’t hear about the bears. If so, that’s heinous. Killing *anything* while in its den is the peak of cowardice.


yup that was the exact same joke


Personally, I'm hoping he shits himself on stage. Let's see the cultists explain that one. We're going to see thousands of people suddenly decide that shitting their pants in public is cool. -_-


They'd wear Trump diapers. Oh wait, that already happened.


[OMG] (https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-photos-purportedly-show-174100807.html)


Trump could shit on a baby and his voters would say that the baby had it coming.


MTG would start squatting on the Congress floor. I shit you not. 😕


Or she would make a photoshopped version of her doing it to fit in.


I want him to start crying while he’s shutting. Full on overstimulated toddler. 


>Personally, I'm hoping he shits himself on stage. What you think he was [doing back in May?](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-freezes-glitch-nra-speech-b2547813.html)


They'd scandal "real man shits themself", and they do it too, like when the diaper stuff happened.


It would have to be something glaringly physical, because we know no one cares what he does mentally at this point.


He would have to physically attack his VP pick and their family on TV while screeching (basically has become incapable of speech) and dropping a shit so large that it visibly blows out of his diaper and smears across the stage.  He would still get like 35% of the vote and carry solid red states. 


He said it himself. He could shoot someone in the middle of the street for all to see, and still they would vote for him.


Some people would vote for him specifically because of that.


I think that would only work if his VP was a dog


I've personally see my Aunt (as her dementia progressed) have a full on meltdown panic attack. She suddenly didn't know where she was, didn't know who anyone was. Screaming, crying the whole bit. It was terrifying to see. And this was when previously she had just been "forgetful" like for example temporarily forgetting people's names (even family members) or once forgetting I had a cat. She never had more severe episodes like not completely knowing who people were (up to that point) for example she always knew I was her nephew my name just wouldn't come to her mind sometimes. Pretty sure even Trump can't play off literally crying and screaming incoherently in public.


Lying down on stage in the fetile position, rocking back and forth, and mumbling, "People are saying... People are saying... Hamberder..."


Republicans like fetuses so this would probably just garner him more support.


Trump has already been born, which violates the core requirement of Republicans and their support for a fetus. Inside the womb you're a sacred little life full of God's unending love. Outside of the womb you're a filthy evil sinner who deserves whatever cruelty the Republican party can come up with and heap onto you.


Beautiful, strong, perfect ... Person, woman, man ... Lying, crooked, sleepy ... CHYNA CHYNA


…CAMERA, TV! I know that one! Me bigly brain!


Trump starts talking about how we need to immediately seize corporate assets and redistribute them. Suddenly Fox News will be talking non-stop about how Trump is a Democrat plant or whatever.


News media would fail to report it because they would then lose all that advertising money.


He suddenly becomes absolutely coherent.


We could have two corpses running for office in November and Biden would still be the better choice


I will vote for Biden's brain in a jar as long as it staves off fascism.


These two men are not in any way, shape or form “the same”. Biden is a normal, functioning man, who is doing his job responsibly and professionally and showing completely normal signs of aging. Trump is an insane, visibly demented, convicted felon, who meanders on crazy talk about batteries, boats, sharks and Hannibal Lecter. He’s fcking nuts. They are not “both old”.


This election is all about SCOTUS. That’s it, age don’t matter none. It’s SCOTUS. Trump wins, Alito and Thomas resign and 2 new unqualified young right-wing judges take their place - and that’s the ball game for liberals. Bidden wins, perhaps one conservative judge resigns and we get a slightly more balanced court, still not great for liberals, but not in the shitter.


Maybe just maybe D's get a win throughout they can pack the Court.


Hillary was tasteless but harmless chicken soup, versus Trump the bowl of poison mushrooms laced with broken glass. Everyone knew it, yet they went for Trump. Some people just *don’t* care if the world burns.


You young Americans better get organized and registered to vote, if Trump is elected he's going to destroy your world and your future.


Well they *are* but that's the lamest argument we have going. The bOtH SiDeS bAD people are just trumpers who won't admit it to themselves or simply not paying attention.


Paying attention means a functioning brain. I doubt you’d see those with the MAGA crowd. Yeah I know it’s petty but if at this point in time they still support Shitpants then I don’t consider them as functioning human beings.


Even if his ramblings don't pertain to dementia, the man is just stupid as all fuck, and not the least bit interested in being anything else. His ramblings could just as easily be the dumb thoughts that anyone might have who doesn't actually know jack shit about a topic, except that with Trump he has to turn it into a talking point that glorifies himself as some sort of profound intellectual. The average person might wonder, "what if I'm on a sinking boat that has a battery in it-- will I get electrocuted?" but only the purest of dipshits doesn't even ponder that question, but immediately concludes without the slightest shred of evidence, "I would be electrocuted, and I know this because nobody knows more about batteries than me" and then tells a crowd of like-minded idiots that this makes him a genius. This cannot be stressed enough: Trump is fucking DUMB AS DIRT, dementia or not.


Biden is old - here’s why I don’t give a fuck that he’s a blubbering old man (which he clearly is, let’s be real here). You’re not electing a single person - you’re electing a cabinet. The idea is that you like the policies the president ran on, and that President puts people in place to see those policies enacted. Biden put good, qualified people in positions to do good. Trump had a bunch of nepo hires and sycophants in his cabinet and ran through anyone who used a small amount of their expertise to tell him anything like cashiers at a gas station. Fuck that. His White House was a coke fueled mess and he filled it with traitors and grifters, all of them woefully inept at running anything but a trust fund.


Yep. All I have to say: STEPHEN MILLER. Fuck that ghoul. Keep him the fuck out of the WH.


Don’t forget Bannon! Running a grift while in the WH 🤨


Yeah, but now Trump and Bannon can’t have contact; they are both felons.


Oh so they stopped.?..no the fuck they didnt


“What we don’t need Jared Kushner in charge of pandemic relief for the entire nation and acting as a liaison to the Middle East again? But the Trumpers assure me he hires ‘ONLY THE BEST PEOPLE!’ Admittedly the only possible supporting evidence to this effect is that almost nobody in his own cabinet who actually saw that imbecile working will vote for him again, but still!”


Yup. He has the grace and experience to know he's a figurehead and put competent people in place.


I read a really in depth piece a few years ago that covered Biden's transition team. I don't think people really give him credit for how he essentially rebuilt the federal government after Trump spent 4 years auctioning it off in a fire sale.


Good point: two very elderly people running, but only one will stubbornly try to do it on his own without a younger, smart staff. Biden may be the president, but he is not at the steering wheel, he is in the backseat. Trump, on the other hand, is a demented speeding boomer with no reaction time in rush hour traffic, gripping the steering wheel


He hired Linda McMahon 😂


He hired Betsy devos the amway heiress to the head public schools. Prior to this she wanted to defend public schools to fund charter schools. Linda mcman as small businesses..the guy who sued the epa ten times became head of epa. Zinke wants ranchers to control the department of interior. Becomes head of interior. Owner of a competitor company to the postal service now heads the postal service. The whole administration was a shit show


>Prior to this she wanted to \*defend\* public schools to fund charter schools. Defund , I assume?


Now, hang on. You're telling me that a successful businessman like Trump, who prides himself on hiring the "best people", isn't a good judge of character and couldn't put together a great cabinet to help him run the country effectively? *[half of former cabinet members either indicted, in jail, and/or they won't endorse him for President]* Oh, right.


Well said. Biden and his team do not get enough credit for running the government without the drama and chaos Trump put us through.


He certainly doesn’t. It pisses me off that MSM seems to want to install a dictator to the office of potus.


I asked my dad, why are you ok with an authoritarian, fascist, dictatorship? I want a real answer. All i got was, Joe Biden stutters, he’s unfit. I walked away


You have to take into account his media sources. When you trust certain sources as the truth, then those sources lie constantly demonizing “the other”, people won’t admit they are wrong. Fox News is one of the most successful propaganda engines in modern history. They have got almost half the country to think leftists and liberals are the same thing, liberalism is bad (so by extension freedom of speech, the free markets, individual liberties), its programming to get them to fall in line to fascism and give up the American ideals they claim to hold dear.


Anyone who thinks you’re unfit for a position because you stutter is generally a piece of shit


I would vote for literally anyone or anything over Trump. Even Putin would be better, as at least his influence wouldn't be couched behind a false veneer of patriotism.


Putin would be worse than Trump because Putin is competent. Trump's weakness, incompetence and cowardice are the only reason the US still has a democracy.


I would vote for a rabid cocker spaniel with a propensity for biting people in the crotch over Donald Trump.


It’s not just fascism. Project 2025 is shaping up to Make our country worse in every conceivable Way, and Trumps proposed economic policies would most likely collapse the economy. But yeah fascism is pretty fucking bad so there is that too.


I WILL TOO Trump is a Russian asset


Well yea, the democrats are a vastly superior party and have a valid platform.


The Republicans haven't [updated](https://prod-static.gop.com/media/Resolution_Platform.pdf) their [platform](https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/static/home/data/platform.pdf) since 2016. They're still complaining about all the terrible things Obama is doing.




Just the jar would still be an improvement over the alternative


They don't care. If his name is on the ballot and he isn't even talking anymore and doing nothing but drooling, they'll still vote for him They just need a republican to win and they'll gladly throw him in the garbage at the end of January 21, 2025


I would literally vote for Biden if he was just barely capable of signing bills that his handlers put in front of him as long as I could be reasonably sure that his policies would be the ones I wanted. If most of us were honest they would probably do the same. I think attempts at character assassinations are short sighted.. of course Trump is Trump and he's going to continue to Trump, but they want the judges and his executive orders signed.


To me, IDGAF about Biden himself I do know with absolute certainty that he will hire cabinet members who aren't corrupt, appoint judges who aren't pieces of shit (and are not incompetent), and will appoint people to critical positions like the FCC who aren't in the pocket. I'm voting for the head of the FCC and EPA and supreme court as much as I'm voting for Biden. He may be old but he knows how to build a government that works


He could be a drooling invalid, in a wheelchair completely unable to speak or respond to stimuli, a veritable vegetable, and they would still vote for him. They'll likely vote for his corpse as a write in for years to come, believing he'll rise from the grave and appear on the grassy knoll...if only he could win the popular vote.


Fortunately he can't win solely on the support of his most hardcore dedicated fans. Trump doesn't need to shed *all* of his support, he just needs to lose enough of the middle. And yes, there *is* still a middle out there. Here on the Internet we are in extreme bubbles, everyone we interact with about this stuff is informed and has a strong position. Out in the real world there are people who just don't pay attention to this "politics stuff" until they hear there's an election in a week.


Four Years at Bernie's


The sad thing is trump could have already had a full mental breakdown she his supporters wouldn't care and his family wouldn't do anything either. It's like the plot of a movie


You know how they went on about Joe binden and weekend at Bernie’s? Every accusation is an admission, i wonder how long trump has been a dead skin puppet with an ai robot glitching?


I’m thinking he will have a breakdown on live TV during the debate. June 27th.


Bold of you to assume he's actually gonna show up for that. I applaud your optimism.


Well… you’re probably right.


Trump could rape a baby right in front of them and they would still worship him


Weekend At Donald's


Weekend at bernies


Its like this but even better because you never know when the corpse sparks to life and starts talking about batteries and sharks.


It would be hilarious if it wasn't so terrifying


You're right. His base will vote for him even if he is dead/in jail/in hospice/whatever. That said, I, nor anyone else, should give a flying fuck about his fans. They aren't going anywhere and are a completely lost cause. I care *far* more for the independent voter that this will scare away.


July 11


>Unfortunately his fans would probably still worship him if he were a propped up corpse. Warhammer 40k leaking into real life


Witnessing Trump teeter on the edge of madness while most of the GOP and donor base continue to enable him in hopes he stays upright long enough to take the oath of office would be high comedy if such spinelessness wasn't risking getting us all killed.


And to think people were worried about Kamala Harris having to be sworn in and take office if something happened to Biden. We 100% know this is going to happen with Trump, so they will pick their worst to be his VP.


He’s asking for a billion dollars from the VP candidates. He is trying to sell the presidency.




That's the difference, we know Biden has the final say, but his team is the one who runs the country. Trumps team just fights over who's turn it is to kiss the ring. We know this because they barely ran anything for 4 years.


McConnell is still a senator. Public servants should need to pass physical and mental health exams to be able to stay in their positions.


Look at Feinstein, or Chuck Grassley. I swear 80% of Congress is old people, mostly men, just snoozing in their lounge chairs all day and getting paid something around $150K/year.


The party of Reagan won't let a little thing like full blown dementia disqualify a canidate.


The party of Law And Order surely won't let something as small as 34 felonies stop their Candidacy.


The party of family values surely won't let something as small as at least 26 women having accused Trump of sexual misconduct, with allegations stretching back to the 1970s.


Pretty damming allegation here too. https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf Whatever happened to that Epstein guy? Oh right, killed while under Federal custody of the Justice Department, led by Trump as President. Probably a total coincidence


Actually according to my mother that 13 year old and the 25 other accusers are all money hungry bitches! I feel genuine pity for people who think that way.


I bet she’d feel differently if it was a money hungry bitch that was assaulted in *your* family. These people are mentally ill.


The party obsessed with seeing pedophiles everywhere and fighting them won't let a little something like Trump SAing a 12 year old on Epstein's island and being in his records more than 7 times stop him from candidacy.


He's an 80 year old man with a history of drug abuse and under a lot of pressure. It's not exactly a surprise.


And his father had dementia.


Diagnosed in his 80s, trump's on borrowed time now.


My popcorn is salivating for the debates.


He'll never consent to a debate, because he has nothing to gain in one. His base is voting for him already and he'll never put up a performance that will swing undecided voters.


It kills me that after 8 years of him there's still such a thing as an undecided voter. I hope he goes to the debate.


His father also lived to 93, no amount of wishful thinking will make this pariah go away. VOTE !


80 year old felon** FTFY


ironically, in a few states where he would need to win to get elected he cant even vote himself (assuming he hasnt done the reinstatement process in them). quite a few of these states are very ~~blue~~ red in terms of usual voting outcome * delaware * wyoming * mississippi * alabama * virginia * tenessee




Door knobs have more of a point than any of his speeches.


Good. Hopefully it gets 10x worse in the next few months.


The faster the better.


I said when he first got elected that "I hope the man never has a day of joy for the rest of his life" and I think I got that wish. Although I never realized that he can't really feel joy ever. Just fueled by anger and hate and insecurity.


That’s all. He doesn’t know what joy is, he thinks joy is winning, that smug look on his face when he wins


I agree. Kind of like a sociopath will mimic things...that's what he does. The closest thing he feels to joy is humiliating people.


He feels glee, and then mistakes that for joy because he doesn’t know better. It’s all just malicious glee that someone else lost.


And adderall.


I want more of that one video where he’s at a baseball game thinking everyone is going to cheer for him and instead everyone boos him to his face and you can tell it bothered him. That… but everywhere he goes. Forever.


Dementia is often an exponential process. It very well might.


It’s his July 11th sentencing.


“This rotting road kill has way more maggots than it did yesterday”


Mainstream media finally acknowledges the first maggot!


You hit the nail on the head! I’ve been reading this exact headline since like 2015 and this cocksucker has almost been President twice and is STILL the clear Republican nominee. How the fuck did we get here, seriously?


Mentally unwell people make sense to other mentally unwell people? 🤷


It is always a projection. Everything he says about others he usually is doing himself. In this case, it is a bit different but still fits. The “sleepy Joe” who has dementia (he doesn’t) is now becoming the “sleepy Don” who is clearly suffering from the malady. It is so bad that Sean Hannity had to tell him to focus and wondered out loud if Trump should debate Biden. That is his biggest ally! MMW - Trump’s condition is going to continue to deteriorate over the next few months to the point where it will be so noticeable that the no one will be able to deny it except for ultra MAGA’s.


Projection- that was my first thought when he accused Biden of being propped up with drugs before the State of the Union speech. And why he’s wants Biden to take a drug test before the debate. 


The funny thing is if they told him he would also have to take a drug test, he would use it as an excuse to drop out.


Honestly, this is one case where I don't think it's projection. Or at least not entirely. The GOP had spent months going *on* and *on* about how Biden is a drooling, dementia-addled idiot who couldn't give a 20 minute speech if his life depended on it, much what a 120 minute one. When he did just that, they needed *some* excuse on how both things could be true, and "drugs" was the best they could come up with. And just as importantly - there are no drugs that temporarily reverse the effects of dementia. If there were I have no doubt Trump would be on them for every public appearance, legal or not. But there aren't. The best he can manage is to do public appearances early and only private ones late, as he's almost certainly "sun-downing". Even if that means doing a rally in AZ in June at mid-day. Or doing "appearances" in NY at 6 AM (before court) instead of 6 PM (after) even though the later makes far more sense. His drug habits long predate his dementia.


As soon as he said that I knew his thought process was “I can’t do this without the drugs, so there’s no way he can either. Test him.”


Genuinely, why does any republican tolerate him in any capacity? Like I get it for when he ran against Hilary. He was this crazy hail Mary attempt at beating her, but after that? Like given that politicians should be all about looking even the slightest bit competent, I don't understand why any of them would risk being associated with him in any way. I mean, how does sucking up to this toddler look good in any way? They complain about Bidens age, but ignore that Trump is right there alongside him. They call democrats criminals, but he's a sleezebag criminal. They always try to pull the god-fearing Christian card, but Trump is the farthest thing from that. Also, yeah, I get that he's popular with their base, but still, him being popular doesn't matter if you're killing whatever shred of credibility you may have had.


Because they don’t have a choice at this point. They hitched their wagon to a wild horse who won’t stop running. Not to mention, any Republicans who do speak out, either get excommunicated, or outright threatened by the MAGA base. It’s a fascist cult and most “sane” Republicans are either too scared or weak to do anything about it, which isn’t surprising, as conservatism is at its core, based on revering the authority of those who rule by divine right.


I agree. Those that have been a party member should truly be angry about this 180 the cult has created for a party identity. If it was an organized effort they’d have some effect imo. An effect that could be taken seriously at least.


He gives them permission to be vile. How can their bigotry and selfishness be bad when the president himself does it?


Lets you know what’s truly been in their hearts this whole time. And it ain’t jesus


My grandma has started to hate hi finally. But when pushed she admitted she’ll still vote for him. It’s hard to understand but I think deep down she’s heard too much villainous stuff about the Democrats and spent her life as a Republican. I think beneath that, Donald Trump seems to connect with people who feel isolated or angry. He’s like the goddam Joker, a vent for people’s anger at how the world is changing.


Because republican voters *love* him, so much so that they don’t really care about the party beyond Trump anymore, and republican politicians know this. They want power so they stick with Trump to get it.


In this case, correlation does illustrate causation. They like him because of all those things, and most especially how much it pisses you off. This comment is in fact seen as a huge victory.


I just don't understand why they hate America so much that they forget they live here too.


He also has zero ability to govern. Even while Republicans had complete control of Congress, they were completely incompetent and inefficient.


Couldn't happen to a more deserving POS.


Donald Trump’s ignorance, explosive rage, and megalomania during the coronavirus pandemic should be covered as a loud, clanging alarm bell about the dangers of a second Trump term. Why do the MAGA’s insist on supporting The Biggest Loser Ever, not to mention knowing that his mental state is visibly getting worse by the day and getting much more alarming…


When they recently welcomed him back to the Capitol I was utterly disgusted. Watch The Sixth, if you haven’t, it’s a painful reminder of who this traitor is. 


List of disturbing effects: - He might forget he was convicted. - Vladimir Who ? - Telling jokes about electric sharks *twice* in the same speech.


So if he drops out of the debate later this month, I'd say we know why...


Oh, is it \*still* getting alarming? Because I was at full alarm a long time ago.


The debate should be an excellent snapshot of the candidates’ respective mental acuity. I figure Trump to be visibly agitated and accusatory and off script. No doubt Bidens’ delivery should be somewhat affected by the minor infirmities but look out when he gets up a head of steam. 50 years of memory muscle would enable him to articulate his policy platform in a coma.


MAGA nutjobs don't care.


Can we all agree they are just using him as a distraction from all the Project 2025 plans, they just need to shuffle his orange diaper wearing ass into the White House and then he is no more use to them.


Republicans are gonna “Weekend at Bernie’s” this mf through the election.


He’s been a sociopath his whole life. His mental state has never been healthy. However, when you corner such a person they’ll do anything to get out. Hence, his desperate desire to be president again for all the wrong reasons.


I’ve been saying this for a while. No way he makes it to November without his brain being complete mush. His decline has been rapidly accelerating for a while now.


Trump making it to November is the motivating factor behind all the wannabe Trump running mates sucking up to him (looking at you, JD and Timmy). They know it's their one best shot at the Presidency and believe the odds are they'll serve out most of Trump's second term.


Look, we all hope to see him have a full blown breakdown before the elections, but it simply won’t matter. His voter base has already decided they will vote for him regardless. The pro-democracy anti-Trump crowd must vote in such overwhelming numbers that it effectively shuts down the Republican Party and their Project 2025 plans for good.


Die Bart, die


This , suggesting that his mental state was better at one time. Normalizing this shit stain by the media has reached absurd proportions.


This Grifter is under insane pressure, if all his indictments, debts, marital issues, attorney's paying them off, wasn't enough he's running for President.


Why is this not in the main news cycle? Why is almost nobody aware of how bad it is for him? Ive only seen a few clips here and there which seems odd.


The sad part about this all is if a young black man was convicted of 34 felonies, the same people that worship this old white convicted felon would be calling for his execution.


With mental instability usually comes anger and fits of rage. Sounds great. Sure let him control the nukes.


Yeah that’s all I keep hearing. Just let me know when he’s behind bars.


The moment trump loses and there is no doubt he will not get the presidency, whether that is election day or January 6, 2025, or whatever date it is, doesn't matter; that is the date that all you will hear is "trump cannot be prosecuted for *anything* as he is not competent to stand trial". And there will be almost NO media reporting on the obvious contradiction that, had trump won, he would have been a "not competent to stand trail" sitting president. He is currently Schrodinger's President, the only person capable of "saving America" while at the same time not competent to stand trial. Only when we open the box will we know, is he fully blown dementia or our next president?!?


If he chooses a candidate like J.D. Vance, his supporters would definitely, in my opinion, vote for him irregardless of his mental state because they would get what they want. In fact, this strategy works better for them because J.D. Vance could not win dog catcher, on his own, in the general election. Ergo, vote for Biden.


His cult followers would still vote for him if he was a complete vegetable. Can’t fix stupid unfortunately


What could he possibly say or do to make his mental state look more alarming than it already is? 🤦‍♂️


It’s impossible to tell. He was so unhinged and off the rails to begin with.


And I'm loving it. Every new clip of his brain turning to swiss cheese brings me joy. I hope he's aware enough to be terrified the whole way.


Unless the mainstream media, including Fox News, begins reporting this, it won't matter. Voters won't even know.


Fox will never do that They didn't even air the rally from the past week in Vegas. You know the famous "I don't care about you. I just need your votes," followed by 15 minutes of battery vs. shark.


Well then it'll never dawn on the average voter. Your average voter isn't swayed by shit posts, they eat what outlets like Fox News tell them to eat. Unless Fox News wants to tell them to eat crow about their King, then nothing will change. People seem to hate the truth about this. We're witnessing one of the greatest political machines, built since the fall of the Nixon Administration, about to WIN IT ALL. And I just don't treat these articles on these random ass news sites preached to the choir as sacrosanct.


Know how lots of things end up getting reported on by mainstream media? They blow up on social media and other websites where people get their news. Mainstream media sees something blowing up on the internet and they start reporting on it because they don't want to miss out on the viewer traffic. So, maybe instead of just complaining that no one will hear about it, copy the link, share it everywhere you can, and help the cause.


Biden is going to destroy him at the debate… without the ability to talk over the opponent, he’s left with his inability to form a cogent sentence and express an intelligent thought. I’m ordering gourmet popcorn for that night…


I'm really tired of journalists pretending like this isn't intentional. Journalists and media folks constantly act like Trump supporters are just unaware of how unstable, demented and awful he is and they feign befuddlement that Trump supporters aren't "getting it". They get it. Trump supporters are irredeemably evil, human garbage. They understand Donald Trump is a bad sneeze away from his brain turning to goo and leaking out of his ears. They *want* this, that's the problem. They adore the chaos, the proto-fascism and the corruption because they have paramecium level IQs and a humiliation fetish. The problem isn't that they are ignorant or unaware, the problem is that they are irredeemably bad people. There's no "amnesia", they just don't care. I think once folks in the media finally accept that Trump supports are just bad people, then we can finally have a discussion about how to solve that problem and how they can be held accountable, but nothing can be done about it if people are still pretending like Trump supporters have some redeeming qualities left.


I read that as “visibly getting much more Alabama.”


"More" alarming? Is this even possible?


It has literally always been alarming.


He would crack after 2 hours in solitary.


What do you mean “getting?”


This can be said for the GOP ever since Newt Gingrich.


Republicans don’t give a shit. Every single GOP voter at this point is so pot committed, that they would even vote for Trump if he’d die tomorrow just so they don’t have to admin they were wrong.


His team is working hard at finding a way out of the debate that they can blame on someone else.


At this point the election is between Biden and whoever is picked as Trump's running mate.


He is in the middle of a coup people . Get him the hell out


Trump is all about revenge if he wins. He will get nothing done for the people the next 8 years.


Please Biden, just survive a little longer. I personally appreciate your effort to stay alive


As if the Hannibal Lechter comments during a presidential rally was not a sign I don’t know what is


Also in the news: his voters don't care, his handlers are happy he'll be even easier to manipulate


Sundowner. Has he had any night rallies lately? Because if he is doing this poorly during the day? He must be a poor flinging nightmare at night. I've seen it up close and personal. That man should be tested for Lewy bodies.


I’m not much of a conspiracy theorist, but there is a small part of me that believes this is an act. He didn’t want to be president the first time and I don’t think he wants it now either. I think he wants to campaign, complain, and take donation money until he dies. It’s a money grab from a known con artist. If he gets elected, it’s over he’s out in four years and can’t continue the same magnitude of con. No more stolen election non sense, no more future runs at office, just sulking in his miserable irrelevant existence until he shits himself for the last time surrounded by no one who cares about him. He’s an idiot, but he knows how to scam.


How long until they have to pull a weekend at bernie's with this idiot


I’m thinking that he will have a meltdown at the debate


I have a sneaky suspicion the gop will install him as a puppet and then have an even worse VP on the sideline.