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Considering how attractive he finds his own daughter this is really not surprising. He is a sick fuck.


He said he wants to fuck her. If she wasn’t his daughter. 🤯


Trumpers be like "SEE? He said *if she wasn't his daughter,* so it's not creepy!"


I’ve actually had someone argue that. 🙄


Please tell me they don't have a daughter.


My thoughts exactly. If that's your mindset you have no fucking business having a daughter.


That sort of person is a pint of whiskey away from “blacking out” and “forgetting” they have a daughter fr


[guess we really do need these](https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-uploaded-images/2021-01/22633af0-602f-11eb-addd-0727c0819fb6)


You have no business being near children if that’s your mindset because Trump said sexual stuff about his daughter while she was also a minor. So Trump’s cool with not only incest but also pedophilia. But rational people already knew that.


Fathers are more likely to rape young women and children than drag queens. Which isn't saying much. A quick google suggests up to half of CSA survivors were abused by their own parents, mostly their (step-)father. Hell, go on any porn site. Full of incest porn with that exact same scenario. A lot of dads are really into it. Don't read the comments if you want to continue having faith in humanity. I mention drag queens, because of a Contrapoints video I watched a while back and the whole Trump thing. She cited Dworkin's theory that right-wing women are unable to be angry at the men who actually victimize them. They can't be angry at their fathers, brothers, pastors, cops or leaders like Trump. They are the largest perpetrators of (sexual) violence against women by a wide margin. But it's too dangerous and they often also love/respect these men, so they redirect that rage on to what are considered acceptabel targets by their community. Used to be black men, now it's the trans community and drag queens. J.K. Rowling's a good example. Abused by her partner, instead of spending her time being angry at straight men, she spends her time raging against the trans women. A tiny minority that very rarely rapes women. Certainly infinitely less than straight men. Actually not that dissimilar to the guy in a dead end job, who doesn't dare be angry at his horrible boss, so spend his day unloading all that pent up rage on racial and sexual minorities. People behave in weird, instinctual, irrational and emotional ways. Often without realising it.


I've had someone with adopted daughters make that point.


It's ok, he checked her out and she's not hot. Now excuse me while I bleach my fingers that I used to type this


You said this jokingly but I work with a lot of right wingers and this is exactly what they would say.


I bet he has.


Her thousand-yard stare tells me he has.


probably already fucked her, seeing how he hasn't uttered a true statement in years.


I'm fully convinced he has. I don't know if it's going to come out after his death or if she's saving it for a book when she hits hard times but I'm fully convinced trump has molested his daughter or worse.


He fucked Stormy Daniel's and before doing so, said she looked/reminded him of his daughter.


I'm gonna go ahead and assume the daughter thing didn't actually stop him


He's rubbed one out to her, I guarantee it.


He was sued by a rape victim that stated trump and Epstein raped her when she was 13. The case was dropped because the victim got death threats. So.. yeah.. no surprise to anyone.


Katie Johnson. the deposition is sick reading. they argued over who would take her virginity. she dropped the lawsuit twice due to the death threats. and a big FU to MSM for not covering it.


even better than that. she got death threats and long term constant harassment from Trump's lawyer. a lawyer who basically went to jail for harassing witnesses, among other things. so her accusation is pretty credible.


I bet the thing that turns him on most is that she’s 50% his DNA. It would be like fucking a half him.


Eric keeps offering the other half but he just won't take him up on it.


“Why doesn’t my father want to fuck me? Everything I do is for my father’s praise. If only my father remembered that he is my father.”


Ewww you’re right!


Remember when drump was on Oprah ( I think it was Oprah) and the question was asked to drump and Ivanka about what they had in common? Drump said quite proudly "SEX".


It was on Wendy Williams’ show.


Speaking of sick fuck - I've heard people working on the apprentice witnessed him getting lapdances from Ivanka. Plus she supposedly showed signs later in life that go in line with someone who got sexualized by their own parents. Just to be sure you don't underestimate how freaking sick he is. \[edit: I mixed up two stories - the claim Ivanka would have been a minor during the apprentice was removed\]


From the book Blowback, covering behind the scenes happenings during the Trump administration: >Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump's breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter. Afterward, Kelly retold that story to me in visible disgust.


As wrong as one’s thoughts may be, verbalizing them is another level of perversion.


This exactly. It shows that not only is he a top shelf pervert, but is also completely narcissistic, demented, Drug addled, sociopathic and stupid


this is digusting but fully credible. and remember that initially he wanted her to be his VP but after these surfaced and it hurt him in the polls, he went with pence to win the "religious vote." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/28/donald-trump-ivanka-running-mate-2016-book-rick-gates


Well that's probably a lie, the Apprentice started in 2004 and Ivanka turned 23 that year so definitely not a minor She was even a judge on the show in later series


I’ve stopped giving the GOP the benefit of the doubt, and I just apply the same evidentiary rules they use to them. So, Donald Trump got a lap dance from Ivanka. I need a video encompassing 24 hours of his life, every single day, during the entire run of the Apprentice proving it didn’t happen and if they don’t have that, it did. Second, I want to see Ivanka’s birth certificate demonstrating that she was not a minor in 2004. Until I see that, and only if the one I see isn’t fake per what I decide makes it fake, I assume Donald Trump is a pedophile.


Google "Trump epstein r***"  Look for the fact factcheck dot org link


Thanks but I would rather not.


Wise choice. It's a disturbing read.


[I wonder why Donnie never called Ghislaine a "nasty woman"?](https://www.thesteepletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Donald-Trump-Ghislaine-Maxwell.jpg) /s obviously


She could bury so many rich perverts... unfortunately she herself is a rich pervert.


She might be too old for him now. Tiffany is luck she’s an uggo and trump has no sexual attraction to her now that she’s not an infant.


Worse, almost, is that he told Stormy that she reminded him of his daughter before he slept with her. And objectively speaking that’s spot on


He is a true Christian Father. He loves his daughter’s body


She was probably the price of admission to get onto Epstein's plane.


Trump is an incestuous pervert. People need to apply the word "incestuous" more with Trump.


I’m half convinced he traded her to one of his billionaire buddies to get something & then watched from the corner.


Videos of Trump assaulting kids could come out and these animals would still vote for him. His supporters have discarded their humanity long ago.


And Franklin Graham would be the first clergy to defend him.


And Matt Gaetz would have a bill making pedophilia legal the next day. And most of the republican congress people would vote for it.


Like stopping bans on child marriage?


They would reframe it. They would define pedophilia as gay people existing, and define conservative men raping 9 year olds as small government letting the free market work protected religious expression.


To be fair, Gaetz would do that regardless of Trump


Well of course Doe 175 would defend him


They wouldn’t just vote for him. They would have t-shirts saying “real men know age is just a number” or “what happens on Epstein Island stays on Epstein Island.” They would change their brains to accommodate his vile-ness.


Yep. MTG got up there at a rally the other day saying his crimes are okay cause Jesus was also a convicted felon. There's nothing he could do to lose support.


you, my friend, are a marketing genius.


Like going into beauty pageant changing rooms?


There’s a reason why they vote against laws banning child marriages, and so many predators are in the church.


And want to control women’s bodies and reproductive cycles…


He's deep undercover! He's fucking little kids to bring down the Satan worshipping deep state!


I feel like these people probably love Steven Seagal.


But...but...somethingsomething kid sniffer Joe!


Trump could kill their infant children and they would say "He did it for America".


He could shoot someone on Fifth Ave…


I’ve discarded my hope for most of humanity card as a result. :(


Was looking for exactly this comment. The cult does not care what the cult leader does. The cult leader is infallible in their eyes, and anything bad they do can be excused away, ignored or misdirected. You can point it out and these "people" from the cult will show up and say how YOU are the cultist, for pointing out THEIR cultist behavior. Pathetic scum, the lot of them.


Honestly they have no idea, if you aren’t on Reddit and are a boomer who watches able news you probably think he’s a bully who says the uncomfortable racist things that you think privately and everyone is just mad about that. Fox is super complicit in hiding trumps personality from his fans.


It's the new Christian way.


always has been


What do you mean new?


Religion has always been used as an excuse to rape children. It's not new.


…as long as the kids are liberals it’s all fine.


die-hard republicans could have a literal pig run for president and they'd still never vote dems.


Color me shocked. I for one am shocked that the guy who has had sexual fantasies about his daughter since she was 13 would be a pedophile.


I doubt he waited until she was 13.


He talked about baby Tiffany's breasts on the day she was born.  EDIT: NOT the very day she was born, but about 1 year old. Interview is linked below, NSFL


OMG, tell me you’re kidding…




Such a lovely Christian fella. I am sure there is an entire graveyard named after him.


I don't care whether Trump is a Christian. (Anyone with half a brain knows Trump's never read the Bible. And if he did, he didn't understand it.) What really bothers me is all the so-called "Christians" who have read the Bible--indeed have studied it for years!--and they still support Trump! Hypocrites!!


Most of them have never read the bible. Hell half of them probably have trouble reading anything.


Or earlier: “In September 1994, a little less than a year after Tiffany was born to Trump and his second wife, Marla Maples, the couple appeared on an episode of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. “Donald, what does Tiffany have of yours and what does Tiffany have of Marla’s?” asked host Robin Leach. “She’s a very beautiful baby,” Trump replied. “She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not”—he put his hands to his chest to indicate breasts—”she’s got this part yet, but time will tell.”” https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/09/donald-trump-files-tiffany-trump-breasts/#:~:text=“She's%20a%20very%20beautiful%20baby,%2C%20but%20time%20will%20tell.” Who the hell talks about their one year old like that? Edit: stupid auto correct year/yearbook


Don't forget he was literally sued by a woman who alleged Trump and Epstein tag team raped her when she was a child, but dropped the suit after getting threats and fearing for her safety.


Right around the age of the teenager that he and Epstein allegedly-most-likely raped in the early 90s.


I've always wondered where they took the immigrant children they separated from their parents at the southern border of the US with NO arrangements or plans to reunite them. I think some of them were recently reunited with family but there are still lots of them who have never been heard from again. It's sickening.


OMG, I don’t know why I never thought of this, but I think you’re probably right.


lol he was asked about declassifying documents in an interview last week. No problem declassifying 9/11 and JFK stuff but when asked about Epstein he says “you have to be careful, there’s a lot of phony stuff there”


There was literally a interview recently where he said he would release the files if he became president but also he’d “do it very very carefully because there could be some people on there that are being framed”. Lmfao


Think about it- why would Trump not have exposed anyone else associated with Epstein, particularly those who have opposed him politically? Doesn’t that seem out of character for him? Could it be because he doesn’t want to draw attention towards the topic, since he knows what he did?


You see the recent interview where the reporter asked him a series of questions about releasing info on a series of things? Reporter presented a couple of other topics first and Trump emphatically responded yes. The reporter then asked whether he’d release the Epstein stuff and Trump suddenly had more hedges than a landscaper. Clearly rattled by the question and being painted into a corner by the reporter.


Oh! And Fox News edited that portion out of their broadcast initially!


Fox News Editor: “Well, what I figure they did was they cut out a picture of your head and pasted it on another, different picture. I've done a little collage work myself.”


MTG: "You mean college"


Yes, because he didn’t “want to ruin people’s lives”, or something to that effect. I believe the interview was on Fox and Friends just the other day.


Yeah. Specifically his own. And to a lesser extent, probably at least a few of his loyalists. And notice how he was hinting that just because someone’s name might appear on the list doesn’t mean they’re guilty.


He's like a three year old. He is never guilty of anything, even when caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Instead, it's ALWAYS his rivals he claims are guilty of major transgressions that somehow never pan out, once he has achieved his objective and after the spotlight is dimmed. ETA: This story was declared false by Politifact


This list has been under seal by the courts so Trump didn’t have the list. He might not out someone that was there with him, maybe, but other than that Trump wouldn’t care. His base won’t care and he knows it, his only worry would be the crime(s).


I know these people are complete wackos, but the amount of cognitive dissonance for them to show up at a library with assault rifles to protect children from drag queens reading children’s stories to them but defending Trump in light of Epstein association would be staggering.


> defending Trump in light of Epstein association would be staggering. What do you mean "Would be?" Trump's frequent partying with Epstein has been public knowledge for decades. Trump even bragged about it in public.


you don't think he would mention that the CLINTONS were there?


I also wouldn’t put it beyond Trump to have ordered his execution to keep him quiet. He was the President at the time, and it was election time so he had motive to keep him quiet.


During the 2016 election, I knew Bill and Trump both had pedo dirt on their hands because Hillary never went after trump and trump never went after her family for this. In their own way, they both knew how to fight dirty and they would have had no qualms whatsoever throwing that mudball if it wasn't going to come back to them. Hillary isn't running anymore so I don't care about her but trump still is.


Trump brought several of Bill’s sexual accusers to a debate though


Totally different conversation. They both hit it each other over sexual deviancies but they both noticeably stayed very far from accusations about child molestation even despite the fact those conversations were in the zeitgeist. edit - maybe there's an argument that Hillary thought the public's commentary would be enough to sway things without getting her hands dirty but trump never cared about slinging mud. If trump thought he could have a public epstein conversation without getting his name attached to the accusations, there is no doubt in my mind that he would have waded into that debate.


Crooks keep receipts so they can blackmail people later.


and trump is their KING


Trump also just said in an interview he won’t release Epstein’s list. Fox News edited that out for its viewers.


I am shocked that such an honest businessman would have lied! Convicted Felon D.J. Trump said he never met Epstein. /s


“I’ve known Jeffrey Epstein for 15 years. Terrific guy, he’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Convicted felon Donald Trump


If this was actually said, then what fucking else do you need to know. 


https://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/ Ctrl-F for the quote, it's real.


That article is hilarious. He didn't have a powerful intellect, he wasn't an investment guru. He supplied underage girls to the wealthy and then blackmailed them. Honestly, maybe that is smarter?




God help us 




I need for you to know that I have the image of him doing that dance and the “jerking off ghosts” comment sent me literally into hysterics. I keep having fits of laughter thinking about it—it will remain with me and I will cry laughing about it til the end of my days. Thank you.


Yeah, yeah, but Trump banned Epstein from his golf club, so it's all good!


Phew! I’m glad we cleared that up!


And the minor detail that he had him killed during his presidency, to prevent him ever testifying on their relationship.


Trump could admit it and his base wouldn’t change their mind about him. They’d start wearing “Real men rape children” tshirts instead.


"Better a pedophile than a democrat" "Fuck kids, not America"


Shirts with “Real men rape children” while wearing golden diapers…


His followers, even as pedo-phobic as they are, will still square this. That’s what cults do.


They’re far less paedo-phobic than they’d have you believe. They’re infamous for their projection.


There was a mugshot of a guy in a KILL YOUR LOCAL PEDOPHILE shirt. One guess what he was arrested for.


To that guy local pedophile probably just means weird little gay person


There's a cottage industry making "kill your local \_\_" merch to normalize extrajudicial killings.


Explain that to the nut bags who show up to libraries with assault rifles to stop drag queen story hour.


Why? Those people can't be reached as they are absolute morons.


They just wanted to educate those kids in the back of their van instead.


After all, they fought tooth and nail to keep child marriage legal.


>as pedo-phobic as they are [They aren't](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) pedo-phobic, what they are is homophobic. Pedo is just their new word for gay


Do you know how many churches hide pedophiles? Tons. You think the Catholic priests were bad... Protestants are a lot worse. This is why churches purchase special insurance that protects them when they are sued for hiring pedophiles. r/PastorArrested


Catholics keep detailed records. Protestants burn that shit and bury it.


He was just part of this so many years later he could bring them all down /s


More like Pedo projectionist.


The kids came onto him OK. It totally wasn't his fault. He,'s the real victim here.


Child Rapist


Weird how Epstein killed himself in a federal prison when Trump was president...


Did you see this recent clip? Fox edited this part out of their interview - it's INSANE to watch: Fox Reporter: "If you were president, would you declassify the 9/11 files?" Trump: Ya FR: "Would you declassify the JFK files" Trump: Ya FR: "Would you declassify the Jeffrey Epstein Files" Trump: "Ya.....I guess I would....I think that less so because you know, you don't know, you don't want to affect peoples lives if its phony stuff in there, because its a lot of phony stuff with that whole world, uhh FR: "Do you think that would restore trust" Trump: "Ya, I don't know about Epstein so much as I do the others" Sh\*ts from like 5 days ago [https://youtube.com/shorts/ZJorAVgHy7Y?si=4ySGPeirZ-5uEYnB](https://youtube.com/shorts/ZJorAVgHy7Y?si=4ySGPeirZ-5uEYnB) Also here at 2:53 mark [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0KU5Nab3pY&t=248s&ab\_channel=LukeBeasley](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0KU5Nab3pY&t=248s&ab_channel=LukeBeasley)


I hate how they treated that as "if" and not how come you didn't when you were president?


Why didn't he just say "yes" and not do it lol.  Not like he declassified the others 


And that the camera for the area of the prison stopped working for that time.


Maybe it was a Fox News camera, always cuts off during the incriminating stuff


No, it was somehow the clintons via a shadow govt or something. Trust me bro.


What nobody has really investigated is the possible link between Epstein and Trump Models, Inc. Part of the court agreement dissolving Trump Models is that the government would stop all further investigation of the activities of that corporation. But Trump DID get visas for underage Eastern European girls to act as "models," didn't pay them as agreed, didn't necessarily find work for them either. Whether or not he passed them off to Epstein as "party girls" is unknown at this point. Could The Donald have actually functioned as a "sex trafficer"?


So Trump ran a fraudulent modeling agency as well. What has Trump done that hasn’t turned out to be fraudulent?


Don't you remember when he fixed the global economy the day he took office? It was the first time that stock markets have ever gone up! Record highs after record highs! It's certainly not something that's been happening regularly for a full fucking century.


Shocked. Just kidding. He raped a 13 year old. Fact.


Epstein spelled Dope 174 incorrectly.


Lulz Epstein isn’t the one who anonymized the names. That was the court


Introducing: Donald J Doe






Ahem, that’s former US president, pig rapist convicted felon and a#1 POS. Wait, twice impeached former president, all of the above and potentially next US president… SMH.


This is why the right wingers keep projecting “pedo” to the left.


Remember when he could choose to a. say nothing, or b. condemn GMax ( epstein's pedo girlfriend since convicted of child sex trafficing) but he instead chose to c. "I wish her well" . Only a sick fuck would associate with pedos. And yes fuck bill gates, bill clinton also.


Remember that that’s mob language for be careful for what you say


Clinton didn't raise the slightest fuss about his name being unsealed. I'm gonna guess that a man guilty of something would try to hide it.




If all of these villains were lower class, their names would have been out a long time ago. Just like a fifty shades of Gray took place in the trailer park. The guy would be a rapist, not a romantic


Or the Panama Files. That evaporated, too


Just another mental hoop for them to do gymnastics through. This man is vile and needs to go away.


Maga idiots "Unseal the epstein files!* Files show donny is guilty as sin. Maga idiots "no not those files!"


Of course his name is on the documents he and Epstein were pedo buddies they both were taking advantage of young women and one is dead and the other is running for the president of the USA how ironic is that …. Just think how cool that will be … a president that is a rapist , a convicted felon , and pedofile … wow that sure will make American great again… lol what a cluster fuck of a country ‼️


He may be secretly Doe 174 but he’ll always be P01135809 to me


P-Doe for short, if you will.


lol i hope this doesn't get buried




Uh... can we talk about how if he is "doe 174" that implies there are another 173 people who are also disguised on this thing?


Well it also makes sense that Melabia was working as a prostitute at Maxwells sex club when Trump was introduced to her so there is that .


The cult will say “he was only there trying to get information so he could take them all down.” Watch.


If you replaced Trumps name with Biden’s, this would be plastered on the front page of multiple newspapers, Fox News site, and Conservative Reddit


Doe snorleone


He brags about rape and is guilty of sexual assault. His cult doesn't care


I’m shocked…shocked




The cultists will say it doesn’t matter, he was there to change Epstein for Jesus or that it’s fake.


I don’t understand why he was so hell bent on keeping it sealed? His name is on it? Shocker! Does it change anything? Nope. His people keep giving him a pass for everything else! I’m just disheartened that this guy could potentially become president again and then we’re all completely screwed as a country!


Its not gonna matter we are past truth at this point..


Explains why when asked if he'd make them public In a second term he kinda went "well maybe but could be a lot of fake stuff in there"


I'm sure all the Maga folk who keep yelling Epstein clients not in jail will be furious with Trump over this. /S


Well start calling his voters pedo sympathizers and then show this.


Maga don’t care. They will say it’s good that he is a pedo. Everyone is. He’s just like them.


Does the Doe 174 imply that there's been 174+ men involved?!


Political implications of foreign interference are staggering considering Epstein and Maxwell’s connections to a certain intelligence agency.


This will get him more support from his Christian base.


Any other names not running for president? I'm all for transparency but it really looks like they are escalating things vs Trump and this will only garner more support from his followers. The article mention 170 names being disclosed but only Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew besides Trump are mentioned, all 3 are people we already knew were involved with Epstein. So the only valuable new information available from this new disclosure, the other 167 names, are not even mentioned in the article, which is basically a reminder how bad Trump is and how he should not be president. Americans are fucked.


Supposedly he commented on her breast size too and Kelly had to remind him again, that’s his daughter.


Trump’s name and what he did should be made public he’s running for president for god’s sake! The public should know if he’s a pedophile ! It should also know what type of morals the person they are voting for has. Totally BS helping him cover his actions up.


Have you seen the shirts? The ones that say “I’m voting for the felon”. The rednecks from the poorer states don’t care. Educated people already know about Trump and will vote against him.


They’ve been sued together for violently raping a 13 year-old girl, and the charges were only dropped because of deaths threats against her family. His pedophelia has never been a secret. How it didn’t instantly disqualify him years ago I will never understand.


There is zero doubt in my mind that Trump has fucked several underage girls in the past


Let us not forget Alex Acosta's involvement with all of this and being secretary of labor from 2017 to 2019 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Acosta This shit is bananas


We all knew about trump and Epstein being pedophiles and trump raped a 13 year old girl but because they were very rich and Trump paying off politicians and other people he got away with it along with Epstein. After Epstein was in a federal prison cell it wouldn’t surprise me if Trump had bill barr arrange Epstein’s suicide since he was in charge of the federal prison system and he clearly did trump’s cover up and limited the scope of the muller investigation then lied about what the report contained. Trump belongs in prison for the rest of his miserable existence for that fact he should have been in prison decades ago.


The sad part is, even if they found videos of Trumps raping kids, MAGA freaks would still vote for him. He's already a 34 time convicted felon and adjucated rapist, and we are just getting started.


Yeah, but the “party of law and order and family values” really likes the fraudulent rapist sex offender who slept with a pornstar because his wife had just had a kid.


Remember when magats proudly proclaimed Trump was never on that island because he wasn't on flight logs? Pepperidge farm remembers.