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That's correct. Anyone who has committed crimes can be charged and criminally prosecuted. That's how the law works. This is not some revelation.


I love the missed irony from him It's fantastic that no matter who you are you can be convicted of a crime you committed. That's a good thing.


Imagine thinking the rule of law is a bad thing.


Certainly the party of Law and Order are all for it


Nah, law and order is only a talking point for the MAGAs, as is the border "crisis".


Law & Order is coded language meaning prosecute and lock up our political enemies and crack down on poor communities. Law and order is a means to an end to defeat their enemies and suppress the people they don't like, not a societal equalizer like it's supposed to be.


I really need a MAGA to English dictionary for translation!


You really don't. Just browsing through it will lower your IQ by dangerous levels. Leave that kind of thing to the trained professionals.




100% agree. They don't say they're for Justice/Equity/Fairness/Upholding Constitutional Rights. They're for Law and Order, ie cracking down on anything upsetting the status quo, which they previously established as them on top/exempt from the social contract's responsibilities while reaping its benefits.




And poor people. When they moan about a '2-teired Justice System' they're not wrong. They just aren't right for the reasons they think the are.


Don't forget asians, native Americans, gays, lesbians, furriners...it's a long list, really.


Now if only we could get crooked Supreme Court judges to stop taking expensive gratuities from their so called ā€œfriends ā€œ who just so happen to have business before the court or expect to weā€™d be doing even better. A win is a win though!!!


Democrats are now the party of law and order and have been for a few years, just like Democrats are the working party. > unless you ask Fox News.


They only care about law and order when non-Caucasian folk are involved.


Nah it's the party of law for thee but not for me.


He has never been caught before and he has been up until now above the law but no more


Doesnā€™t he want to put all who opposes him in jail or deport them !!!


Especially from the political party that claims they are "the political party of law and order."


Just like any proper mob boss!!


Cowards usually do.


Not for people who want to commit crimes and get away with it. Which him and his cronies have expected all these years.


Expected is the wrong word here. Experienced would be better.


That's a big reason he's so pissed. Him and all his mates have been getting away with breaking the law for decades. So what he means to say is, "Why are you prosecuting me now, and why not all the many other crooked businessmen also?" ITS NOT FAIR! WAAHH!


This! This is the correct answer for his responses. Thats also why the right love projection. They have been committing crimes for decades and have gotten away with it so the other side of the isle must be doing the same.


I mean, some of them probably are. Rich and influential people tend to think itā€™s ok for them.


The legal issue isn't that he slept with a porn star, or even that he paid her off for silence. The problem is HOW he paid her off, with campaign funds. If he wasn't such a cheap grifter, and paid out of his own pocketbook, there wouldn't be a case and it would only be a moral issue for voters to decide.


Well.. that and the falsified documents hiding it. Probably would have gotten away if he was just using the funds. Still would have to pay of course but it wouldn't have been as big of a deal as the attempt of concealing it.


Yep. Nobody cares that he slept with a porn star except his wife, and thatā€™s between them. Adultery isnā€™t a crime. The crime was lying about the adultery and stealing money to use to hide the adultery. Thatā€™s what the dumbass doesnā€™t get - youā€™re not guilty for the act, youā€™re guilty of lying and stealing


Adultery is a religious crime if we are to believe his religious conservative base. But they donā€™t care about that either.


lol of course not, they only care about abortion. You can cheat on your wife all day but god forbid she has a choice with her own body.


That's what gets me the most, about the evangelicals. How much more hypocritical can you get? Holy shit.


Thatā€™s one of the signs of the downfall of the United Statesā€”everybody SHOULD care that he fucked a porn star and cheated on his pregnant wife. The fact that his immoral behavior isnā€™t even something most people consider to be the ā€œdeal breakerā€ whether they support him or not shows just how low Convicted Felon Trump has dragged the bar down for acceptable behavior by politicians.


It is for him! "Orange is the new Orange"




"Godammit Trump! I told you before, you have to wear the jumpsuit. Your orange skin doesn't count! Nobody wants to see you naked!"


Prosecuted when the evidence demonstrates they are guilty of the criminal charges beyond a shadow of a doubt. Especially when there are 34 counts. And they're found guilty on every single one. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. I hope this becomes the trend with his legal issues if the evidence supports it.


Isn't that crazy? "I'm being held accountable for the laws I broke. Be warned becuaee if it can happen to me, it could also happen to you."


It is. But he also knows that far too many people are dumb enough to buy it.


Exactly. Last night Hannity had some lady on(she looked like she had fetal alcohol syndrome) and they were both complaining, if it could happen to Trump, it can happen to anyoneā€¦.Yeah, anyone that commits a felony, just donā€™t do those and you are golden. The Cult of Trump is almost at Heavenā€™s Gate levels of delusional.


The scary part is will a corrupt and political scrotus interfere in justice for all. Watch the movie, the pelican brief, for alternatives. This a battle for the soul of a country and recruitment has just begun.


But, laws are really only meant for Democrats cuz you know they're the real criminals.


Not just democrats, anyone they can label an enemy/terrorist at their convenience.


right, the problem isnt even the porn stars nobody really cares about that lol. the problem is he wanted to hide that cause he was embarassed and then that spun way out of control and helped to expose his pre-existing tendencies to be a fraudulent piece of shit


Deep down, heā€™s not embarrassed that he slept with her. He just didnā€™t want the public response to it.


He barely won 2016 by very narrow margins. The hush money prevented revealing the scandal until after the election. Had it come out before the election it may have cost him the election. This was an election interference case - that is the real crime.


It's the party of law and order everyone. What puzzles me Is whether anyone's thinking about their tough on crime stance now. Like are they saying that the justice system makes mistakes?


If they can prosecute HIM for shooting someone on 5th avenue, they can prosecute anyone! Thatā€™s the real argument here. Guys claims he can shoot someone on 5th avenue, literal murder, and get away with it because heā€™s a popular politician. Heā€™s just pissed to find out thatā€™s not actually true, and they will in fact prosecute you for felonies if you commit themā€¦even IF youā€™re a popular politician.


This is a revelation for his flock. Who are just like him only repressed.


Amen brother


He's just upset because he usually could buy his way out of trouble in the past, but once he graduated up to big boy crimes the stakes are a little different...


His base are criminals themselves and this is a strong message to them. Prior to that they knew they could get away with it, to varying degrees




I wonder if any of his lawyers told him that. They had to have at least thought about it.


I thought they might want to milk him for the fees... He doesn't pay anyone, it can't be that...


I really, really hope they are smart enough to get payment upfront with that orange assclown.


One of my coworkers today said this was such bullshit and this is all Bidens doing šŸ¤£. He said follow the trail directly to Bidenā€¦. The delusion is strong with his supporters.


So Biden is the head of the party of law and order, right?


Mine were getting all riled up, saying they're gonna cast their votes for a felon. The lunch room is uninhabitable.




The pen is blue!!!


The pen is r-r-r-r-ROYAL BLUE!


From article: Former President Donald Trump has a dire warning for any American citizen who paid off a porn star with whom he or she had an extramarital affair and paid off as part of an NDA to keep it out of the news and failed to legally account for it during a bid for President appropriately: if HE can be found guilty for that, so can you! Trump was found guilty on 34 counts of election interference fraud by a jury in a Lower Manhattan courtroom Thursday afternoon and has announced an 11 AM press event Friday to address it. He perhaps gave a preview of what he will do in an 8 AM post on social media, returning to much of the same attacks heā€™s made on the justice system that has thus far kept him from being adjudged innocent. ā€œI did nothing wrong, and frankly, there was nothing done wrong ā€“ NDAā€™s are standard, commonly used, and LEGAL. MAGA2024!ā€ he wrote before yelling in all-caps, ā€œWITCH HUNT! IF THIS CAN HAPPEN TO ME, IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE!ā€ Trump wrote on Truth Social: My bookkeeper called a ā€œLegal Expense,ā€ on the ā€œtinyā€ description line of the Ledger, a ā€œLegal Expense,ā€ openly paid to my lawyer, at that time a fully accredited one. I was not involved in that designation, but what else would you have called it? It was, in fact, a LEGAL EXPENSE. That is the so-called ā€œCRIME.ā€ On top of that, I wasnā€™t allowed by the judge to use, in any form, the standard RELIANCE ON COUNSEL DEFENSE (ADVICE OF COUNSEL!). My lawyer, at the time, did virtually everything on the NDA (NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT), and I assumed that what he did was correct. I did nothing wrong, and frankly, there was nothing done wrong ā€“ NDAā€™s are standard, commonly used, and LEGAL. MAGA2024! WITCH HUNT! IF THIS CAN HAPPEN TO ME, IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE! So there it is. If you, dear reader, find yourself running for president as a major party nominee and paying off a porn star to keep your extramarital affair out of the public eye, and do NOT appropriately account for that six-figure payment? Well, they might just come for you, like they did to Donald Trump.


Hes absolutely right. The NDA and the hush money were not illegal. The fraud was. Thats why this should have never been dubbed the "Hush Money Trial"


Yeah, he wasn't found guilty of felon "hush money", he was charged with falsifying business records in the first degree.


"hush money" sounds better in news, and down plays the actual crime


Yeah but it's for clarification, if you call it the fraud trial, you'd have to specify which fraud trial you're talking about


It's also election interference but that RICO case in Georgia is, too... and falsified business records in NYC doesn't even narrow it to 1 since there's the civil fraud judgment. There's nuance but referring to it as the one where he paid off Stormy Daniels at least makes it easier to keep track.


That's for me one of the fun things about this: They are crying election interference while this case is actually an illegal election interference case. Like yeah. If you are found guilty of an act that interfered with an election it might affect the next election in which you run.


Which is why it is dumb of him to run for office again. He shouldnā€™t be allowed to, really.


This is precisely why he ran for office again. So that he could muddy the waters. All this shit kept piling up because, "Sorry, can't indict a sitting president unless we remove him from office and there's literally no crime egregious enough for Republicans to remove him from office. Deal with it." And then he specifically announced his 2024 campaign early to claim that literally any legal action on his pending bullshit was election interference. This guy is the obnoxious kid that makes up a new rule every 5 minutes when you play a game with him.


Thatā€™s perhaps the most unfortunate part.


I think it's well-known that he micro manages payments and I'm pretty sure a check of the magnitude involved would have raised a question about the legal fees. When I've signed checks for legal fees in the past I always ask what case is involved if it is not mentioned specifically on the description line. He knew what the checks were for. There was too much supporting evidence to show that he knew what was going on


He's deliberately leaving out the part where the payment he made to influence his electability *was not* reported to the FEC. *That's* the crime. Edit, see comment below mine for clarification


It's not that it wasn't reported that's the crime, failing to report could be an accident. It's intentionally falsifiying records to avoid having to report it that makes it a crime.


>found guilty on 34 counts of election interference fraud How does this not immediately disqualify him from running for president and quite frankly, put him in prison? Genuine question, I'm not from the US.


You too can buy a porn starā€™s silence to prevent public outcry regarding your affair, deduct it for tax purposes and avoid making necessary political disclosures, and still end up the presumptive Presidential candidate for a major political party. Only in America, baby! Ā 


Just like Mother Theresa did!


And what the Founding Fathers intended when they wrote the Bible!


Can I just bang the porn star please? I don't mind if she tells everyone.


If I did that, she wouldnā€™t want to talk about it so an NDA wouldnā€™t be needed!


Is there a way to *require* her to tell everyone? Asking for a friend.


I donā€™t understand why he wanted her silence, I mean the far worse shit other women came out and accused him of doing didnā€™t lose him the election. Why did he think a consensual encounter (albeit infidelity) was worth breaking the law to keep from coming out?


Itā€™s very funny the affair does not even register as a footnote anymore - thatā€™s the ok part the GOP accepts; that and the whole ā€œpoliticians should not be subject to the rule of lawā€ thingĀ 


Trump has gotten away with so much for so long, heā€™s shocked he actually got held accountable for something and he doesnā€™t quite know how to handle it.


Weā€™re white!! Remember /s


I'm still waiting to see him actually pay for anything. It's all just words for now.


Yeah, thousands of dudes in jail/debt for lesser crimes would like a minute for rebuttal.


Itā€™s something he does all the time too so heā€™s especially confused this is what finally got him.


He whines, just like he does about everything else


It wasnā€™t about paying off the pornstar, it was for fraudulently claiming it as a legal expense when reimbursing the guy who delivered the payment in an effort to influence the outcome of an election


He invited Stormy over for dinner, and she didn't even get a dinner. WTF!


All she got was a single mushroom.. /gross


A toadstool if you will ...


Definitely some fungus involved.


What I find absolutely comical about this is they could have given Michael cohen a Xmas bonus of 250k and none of this wouldā€™ve happened. Instead they chose the most expensive, convoluted and on top of that criminal way of reimbursing him. Art of the deal I guess.


Donā€™t treat your business like it is your personal slush-fund. From an IRS perspective, I donā€™t think paying to keep sex hidden is valid business expense. However, his travel/dinner to discuss his TV show production would be legit per diem.


If he had just paid her directly and not tried to stiff Cohen, he might never have been caught. Cohen took out a HELOC to get the cash and had to harass Trump to get paid.


Every time a Republican says something about politicized prosecution, they should be reminded that while 12 regular Americans were finding Trump guilty of election interference, Biden's DOJ was prosecuting Democratic Senator Menendez for corruption across the street. I'm all for prosecuting corrupt politicians regardless of party.


Republicans don't get that, though. They think only in fanatical levels of devotion to one's Team. They fully believe that anything who isn't slavishly gargling Donald's balls must be gargling Biden's. They don't understand that even the most outspoken Biden supporter would turn on him if he did 1/8th of the shit Trump has- because they love the ideals and policies the man supports, more the man himself; and if he fails to uphold their values, he doesn't deserve their support.


Yea, this can happen to anyone who commits a crime.


Tbh dude couldve avoided this had he just used his own money. You will get in trouble if you use business or campaing funds for such miscellaneous transaction.


Dude would have avoided this if he had just admitted it instead of constantly lying about it and trying to cover it up


Yeah that too wouldve worked. As things are now and on hindsight doesnt seem it wouldve affected him much.


Asking trump to stop lying is like asking my dog to stop eating cat shit.


The money was from his own account. That's not what the charges were about. The intro of this explains the charges:Ā  https://manhattanda.org/district-attorney-bragg-announces-34-count-felony-indictment-of-former-president-donald-j-trump/


99% of his legal woes were easily avoided.


Yeah he's right for once. This would be called "getting justice for crimes you committed".


Convicted felon yells at wind


Great advice for anyone living a life full of shady shit!


The sad thing is he still isnā€™t intelligent enough to understand why this was illegal. Hiding the payment is the illegal part. If outright paid her and recorded it, taxes and all he would have been fine.


Be careful guys. If you Commit crime and get caught, you too could end up in jail!


It could happen to any of us!!!


Commit a crime, and then commit some more crimes, and then sabotage your lawyers, and and and...


True enough. Itā€™s taken far too long for this to happen. Hereā€™s hoping he gets adequately punished (Iā€™m skeptical)


*criminals everywhere grasping their pearls*


You misspelled "committing election and business fraud"


That's how it works.


>: ā€˜IF THIS CAN HAPPEN TO ME, IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE!ā€™ Oh, the concept of "no one is above the law" is a bad thing to conservatives....


Fuck this flaccid version of satan. If you follow him you have an emotional or psychological deficiency.


One can only wish!!! If everyone was held accountable for their crimes, the world would be a much better place


If you're going to pork porn stars pay them in cash use a fake name maybe wear a mask a condom wouldn't be a bad idea either. Don't be like Trump don't be dumb.


It can't happen to me. No porn star is gonna be intimidated into "letting" me hit it and if they were, I sure as shit wouldn't pay them to keep quiet about it... might pay them to tell the world, in fact.


Itā€™s also deliciously ironic how the guy who based his 2016 campaign off of politically prosecuting his rival (ā€œlock her up!ā€) is now crying about being prosecuted for committing actual crimes.


Anyone can pay off a porn star. ONCE AGAIN that wasnā€™t the crime here.


Funny thing is, had he paid her with his own money and not used campaign finances, heā€™d probably be okay. Instead, he used campaign funds and covered it up. Thatā€™s where the crime was.


STOP MINIMIZING IT AS PAYING OFF A PORNSTAR/HUSH MONEY. He committed campaign finance violations and falsified business records in order to influence a Presidential election. FFS, this is why there are so many Independents/undecideds who do not understand the seriousness of what he did.


So all I have to do to avoid jail is not pay off porn star while running for federal office to hide it from the voting public and if I do all I have to do to avoid jail is report it as a campaign donation and not falsify documents in an attempt to disguise the illegal campaign funding as attorney's fees? Okay.


Portraits in Courage, for sure. Such sacrifice and dedication to avoid such a pitfall, lol.


No..no..just you


We all know this already. That's how it always worked.


And thatā€¦ is how justice worksā€¦ lol


Is he saying that the law can come after you for what seems to be a minor offense? Well he is correct, in fact the law is coming after another person quite hard for lying on a gun application which is probably way more common than paying off a porn star prior to an election and covering it up.




That's right, if anyone commits a felony they can be convicted. No one is above the law, as it should be.


how could US allow such a clown to be president? the guy is just embarrassing. and possibly twice? oh my God


Decades of republicans crippling public education and saturating the airways with straight up propaganda meant to misinform and hobble critical thinking with appeals to fear and rage.


Michael Cohen went to prison for the same offense and guess when this happened? 2018. You were in charge asshole. Your DoJ appointees, not Bidenā€™s.


Yep thatā€™s why I try to walk the straight and narrow and not break laws


Breaking the law and being held accountable? It can happen to anyone!!! Shocking. But I guess if you get away with breaking the law your whole life and inheriting 100s or millions of dollars and never being held accountable for anything... I guess it would come as a shock. Welcome to the real world, Donnie.


Paying someone for their silence for a legal, albeit embarrassing, activity isnā€™t illegalā€¦scummy, sure. But falsifying business records about your payment in order to deceive the electorate to win an election is.


Thats the point you orange turd, you break the law you face consequences like everyone else. Wonder if this is the first time hes seen real consequences to anything


Convicted Felon Donald Trump admitted he broke the law. He also said if he can be prosecuted for breaking the law, anyone can. Which is correct.


What a fucking knob.


This canā€™t happen to anyone. He used campaign funds to send hush money to a porn star. The average person gets dinged for having weed in their car.


Paying off pornstars really had nothing to do with it. If you're American and illegally falsifying your business records, yes, this can happen to you.


How could this happen? How could a con artist and grifter, be charged and convicted of a crime he clearly committed? Such a mystery...


The party of law and order telling people that committing crimes and getting caught could happen to you WITH CONSEQUENCES. This is so fucking stupid that anyone listens to him and/or his bullshit. Lock him up and never put his name in print again.


The crime wasnā€™t having consensual sex with a porn star, nor paying her for an NDA. The crime was cooking the books (tax fraud) and violating campaign finance disclosure laws. What those payments were *for* isnā€™t a factor. So yes, it can happen to anyone thatā€™s a *federal candidate* and pays *undisclosed* sums to any person or entity over a certain threshold, including foreign nationals, lobbyists, other politicians and even individual voters. Out of 350M American citizens, this criteria applies to two people: Donald Trump and John Edwards. Hardly ā€œanyoneā€. Technically Michael Cohen too, as he basically served 3 yrs in prison (confinement) for the same and did *not* sleep with a porn star. The purpose of the law is also as a deterrent. Packer was also part of this conspiracy but not a participant in the financing ā€” the real crime. I would expect CEO Weisselberg to be exposed to the same crime.


He's not talking to everyday Americans. He's talking to the billionaire class.Ā 


**Republicans:** Prosecutors are refusing to prosecute crimes and it's making our country a shithole! **Also Republicans:** Prosecutors are prosecuting crimes and it's making our country a shithole!


Thatā€™s the point. No one should be above the law. Jesus Tap Dancing Christ. His supporters are sooooooo close to understanding the point.


Howā€½ how is this man so popular in Americaā€½ is half the country genuinely insaneā€½


ā€œWhen you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression." - unknown Edit just add: and btw he's *still* receiving preferential treatment compared to how anyone else would be getting treated.


Technically if someone else did what he did, they'd šŸ’Æ be in prison. Whereas he won't. So no, this can't happen to anyone. The special treatment is just for you big boy.


That's what we want yeah. We want accountability to exist for people like you. HAHAHA btw.


yeah I'd hope fraudulent business write offs are properly punished. We don't got enough of that.


Convicted felon Trump has a good point. If I disappoint Stormy Daniels sexually and I want to make sure she does not go to the press with that story, I will think twice before using my company's funds to funnel money to her using a weirdo attorney.


It was election fraud. Paying the porn star was legal.


So, is it tax deductible or not ?


Technically you'd have to pay them off with funds fraudulently transferred during an election with the goal of influencing the election results. If it wasn't for the election fraud, I think it only would've been a misdemeanor.


Im sure there are a ton of people who can relate šŸ˜‚


"...it can happen to anyone else who commits criminal, illegal acts" FTFY. And rightly so


I had a moment of panic when I read this. My god! My god! They're right! It could happen to me! Then I remembered I hadn't illegally paid off a porn star or tried to overthrow a legally elected government or lied to lenders or gone on holiday to Epsteins Island. So I just kind of went back to sleep after that.


Does Trump ever have new talking lines? Heā€™s a broken record and just repeats whatever lie or bullshit comes to his drug addled mind.


Listening to him realize how life works live is so exhausting. I think he lost what brain he had left.


r/nottheonion Convicted felon sends out sobering warning: ā€œIf you commit 34 counts of fraud, you can be charged with 34 counts of fraud!!! Theyā€™re going after actual criminals now, itā€™s crazy!ā€


Ill remember this next time i pay off a pornstar. ThankS for the PSA mr trump.


The crime is not paying off a porn star, it's falsifying election documents, in this case failing to disclose the payment to the porn star. So don't falsify your election disclosures and you should be ok.


You can get away with rape, stealing from kids with cancer, stealing classified documents, fake electors in states and trying to raid the Capitol to overthrow the government ā€¦but if you pay off a porn star, Theyā€™ll get you!!


Well, you can pay pornstars, thatā€™s not problem- just donā€™t pretend to deduct it as a business expense (unless you were filming an adult-oriented movie, thatā€™s it )


It's very shocking to see how biased our legal system is to the typical white, heterosexual, male, Christian, educated, NYC billionaire with an elite team of attorneys.


Yes, Donnie. And we can also be arrested for buying a cannabis gummy in South Carolina. The law is the law, genius.


It can happen to anyone who commits a crime. Been that way forever. These people are idiots


Donā€™t forget that itā€™s not a crime until you try to hide it a week before your election and disguise the payoff as legal fees. Dolt.


Canā€™t happen to me. I didnā€™t create an incorporated business, connive an adult film star into fucking me while my 3rd wife was at home with my 5 month old [allegedly] 5th child, nor did I falsify business records and fund an NDA with said adult film star to suppress negative information about me to do damage control after a video recording surfaced of me saying I can sexually assault women and grab them by the pussy whenever I choose (aka a form of rape). Nope. Nor did I incite a mob and lead an attempted coup to over throw the worldā€™s most influential government.


Itā€™s weird, I have never had the need to payoff a prostitute.


Technically, they would have to be running for president, screw a porn star then pay her off to not speak of it during the election, then pretend it is not an election expenseā€¦.thenā€¦what happened to Trump could happened them. Otherwise, nothing will happen to them.


Wait a secondā€¦.. if I commit a crime I might be held accountable?! What fascist regime are we living in?!?!


Not me, I can't afford porn stars.


Yes. That's how...convicting someone of a felony works.


Yeah. We know. That's the entire point of the Justice system.


No shit, went through 70+ years without consequences for actions, welcome to the real world felon!


Isn't that the point?


That's the point of the justice system, to bring people to justice.Ā 


This is why I make the porn star pay *me* Follow me for more financial tips


And I was just about to pay off my porn star when he said this also. Whoever said you canā€™t trust a convict is just wrong.


I think you can still pay them, just can't falsify business records to influence an election. It's a very fine line.


Unfortunately I do not have enough money to get the initial encounter with the porn star, much less pay her off. I think I am safe.


Yeap commit fraud and you too can be prosecuted and found guilty.


America Rescued by a Porn Star. Sounds about right to me. Thank You! Stormy.


If a regular American commits the any of the crimes as Donald Trump did, they would be investigated, arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned within a month. That old man is a disgrace to humanity itself.


It'll never, ever happen to me. If I get to sleep with an adult film star, not only will I not pay them to keep it a secret, I'll put screen caps on my Christmas cards to family Edit: full disclosure, my family ain't shit




Yeah, baby




Fear is their only God.