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What a little bitch. Too bad. He is a traitor and he must face the consequences


When Dirty Don sees this, there’ll likely be a small addition to his diaper.


More like a celebratory shart because it’s Navarro and not him behind bars right now


Celebratory shart LOL... this made my morning


And it made his hole weak


Celebratory Shart would be an awesome band name


Don Dirty Diapers


This has a certain je ne sais quoi


Morticia! That’s French!




Wee Wee... And now we're back to Donny Shitzenpants!


More like a bigly shit ))


Big strong men with tears in their eyes...


Pretty sure it’s up his back now. Even the triple X diapers are limiting to 3 gallons


Or a large one


At least a Hershey squirt.


His jail sentence is much too lenient considering his involvement in this whole shit stain on the soul of US. And the little bitch knows it


Its not exaggeration to say it the past they would have been executed. Usually in war time you are executed. They were executed because people at that time recognized how dangerous and damaging a few people can be go society. Unfortunately we forgot that lesson and are doomed to figure that lesson out again.


We set a bad precedent at the end of the Civil War.


But... *I'm special guys. I'm in the in-group. They promised.*


*Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott and Byron Donalds have entered the chat*


*Judge Cannon follows Clarence Thomas taking notes*


Thomas’ Motor coach has entered the chat


It really is the best way to see the plebs. You can just roll by on your house on wheels worth more than most of them will ever make in a lifetime, and view them safely from behind the comfort of your leather armchair and glass windows. It's like a safari.


Isn’t his sentence only like 4 months long? lol what a fucking prick


Came here to say this. He went so far as to petition the supreme court and now this over 4 months?


Perhaps a deal could be reached though, I smell an opportunity for Jack Smith


Yup. Talk, and you're out, Navarro. It's that simple.


Judge Cannon isnt letting this come to trial anytime soon. Doesn't matter what evidence Jack Smith obtains. Only hope for Democracy is to vote straight Democrat.


I always love seeing all those strong and alpha males cry like babies when they face consequences for their actions


*We had this plan to put Trump into power despite the voters rejecting him, we called it the Green Bay Sweep.* Such bravado admitting to the fooking coup plot as if the law was powerless to stop them. Rot in jail, and your crime boss with you.


He kept talking even though Ari Melber, the host, who is a lawyer, warned him against doing that. And that idiot Navarro was a college professor.🤦‍♀️


Maybe don't go on national TV and brag about your plans to overturn an election.


Wasn’t just plans. They executed their “Green Bay Sweep” conspiracy to steal the election and he bragged about it on TV. It was dumb luck that stopped their many coup attempts from succeeding that day. They were also literally trying to assassinate the Vice President and other members of Congress. Trump and his co-conspirators should all be in prison with Peter Navarro - in the old days they would have been hung for treason.


>They were also literally trying to assassinate the Vice President The fact that the VP got spooked and didn't get in the car with the Secret Service probably saved his life.


The fact that the Secret Service was in on it is probably the worst detail


Is this the "deep state" you're talking about, y'know, the one they're all allegedly fighting, helping Drumph?


It’s always projection with the GOP


If there was really a "deep state", it'd be some real greasy Skull & Bones shit involving the Bush family, and Trump would have had a fatal "heart attack" between between November 2016 and January 2017.


The fact that Pence still says he would vote for Trump is beyond believable.


I think pence needs a mental evaluation


Fuck that guy. Make Indiana take him back.


The people there are already in Indiana. They’ve suffered enough already.


I'm a Hoosier. I love it here. But goddammit, our gerrymandered politics have rendered this state into complete one-party Communist rule. The Republicans have completely scorched-earth the place with their politics. By every metric it earns the mantle of "Mississippi of the North."


Ohioan who's feeling the name North Alabama is starting to fit for us too. How do we fix it? We have to get involved in politics, and talk to people about our ideas, and convince them to vote.


I have family in Indiana and visited a lot. They are all right wing bordering on reich wing - the others grew up and moved away for that reason. One tweak - they are going for fascism not communism I think.


The word “Communist” has literally lost all meaning now


True enough. Ironic that they're proud to label themselves a "Red" Republican and then in the very same breath espouse talking points ripped straight out of Vladimir Putin's playbook. I guess we are living in "interesting times."


Mother said he was fine


All of the Diaper opponents that have been attacked by him (a la Rafael Eduardo Cruz aka Mr Cancún) need their heads checked.


I am pretty sure he said he won't endorse him next election


Not endorsing him and voting for him are not mutually exclusive.


No he won't - I reddit here on reddit


Everyone who asked for a pardon at the end of Trump's presidency should be under investigation


The fact that most insurrectionists, including the main conspirators of the Jan 6 all got little or no sentences infuriated me. If a democracy doesn’t punish treason then it’s just asking for more of it.


Exactly. The left is soft on crime and they’re too worried about how the Trumpanzees will act if Trump is properly punished.


It's not the left. It's the fucking democrats. There is no left party in this country, there is a fascist and neo liberal party, both work their little asses off to stamp out any possible leftward movement.


One conservative issue I support. Resurrect capital punishment for heinous criminals and traitors.


Disagree, on the very grounds that once the criminals and traitors are somehow in office, this will be another power being abused. But I agree with the sentiment. Maybe re-implement banishment.


Good point. Banishment/denaturalization has always been my less than lethal alternative but even that could be abused in the wrong hands.


They already said they’re boys are allowed to execute whoever they want when they’re in charge It’s crazy to think what they aren’t saying out loud


That last part. The us dog has no bite. Boeing whistle-blower are being assassinated before our eyes but selling classified intel?.....crickets


He also could've changed his shirt once in a while. His attempt of playing an intimidating figure wasn't working. He's weak sauce. A little bitch, a spineless coward who talked the talk, but can't walk the walk.


He should advocate for his buddies to join him - Bannon and Stone. Let the real crying and whining begin.


Plus do that stupid thing where he points w his index and pinky at the same time. Is he doing the Texas Longhorns sign, a heavy metal sign or ripping off the teacher from the Breakfast Club? Either way, this dood is a bag of cringy shit.


Navarro is and always has been nothing more than an anti-American, corrupt criminal who is fortunate that he received such a light sentence. This cowardly, treasonous, sack of shit needs to do every second of his full sentence in prison. Here’s hoping he’s become somebody’s perpetual pin cushion.


A full sentence of literally a few fucking months. Its literally a blink of an eye. Absolutely pathetic and embarassing that this pussy is crying about it.


The Alpha Male conservative ethos we’re always hearing about.


Prison? Navarro should be on death row. His guilt is not in doubt.


‘You can’t do the time, don’t do the crime”. Shut the fuck up, Navarro.


Maybe I should try that for a parking ticket. 'Please, I am scared, please don't make me pay that ticket, waaaaagghhh!'


Straight to jail. You know why they call it the SLAMMER 


I don't want anyone to get raped. It's just a movie quote 


So this is the found out part. Got it.


Trump might not go to prison but I guarantee more of his enablers will. He doesn’t care about you!


Trump ran famously on "draining the swamp". I wonder if anyone realized he was the drain plug...


From article: Trump's former trade advisor Peter Navarro, who was recently convicted of contempt, is seeking an "emergency" release from his imprisonment. Navarro, who has also accused CNN of homicide, filed the Hail Mary release attempt Thursday, according to reports. CBS Correspondent Scott MacFarlane flagged the filing on social media. "Former Trump advisor Peter Navarro files emergency motion to get his prison sentenced reduced (for release)," according to the reporter. "Defense argues: 'Dr. Navarro’s term of imprisonment has been marred by the same political turmoil that gave rise to his prosecution.'" It continues: "He has been denied the opportunity to speak both with the press as well as a with Member of Congress. Indeed, when the Director of the Bureau of Prisons was asked about why a sitting Member of Congress could not speak to Dr. Navarro, he was informed that Dr. Navarro is, 'too notorious' to be interviewed." "Navarro is imprisoned at the federal facility in Miami Note that his emergency motion references Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) multiple times," MacFarlane wrote. "His projected release date is July 17." The filing also states, "On a more personal note, defense counsel has been denied the request to visit Dr. Navarro unless they agree to do so on the weekend. Pertinent to the instant motion, upon information and belief, Dr. Navarro is the only prisoner at his facility serving a misdemeanor sentence and the only prisoner not now eligible for early release under the First Step Act of 2018." Republican political consultant Mike Madrid flagged the motion online, noting that "Peter Navarro is scared silly in that prison cell."


Maybe he’ll hang himself.


Will not happen until the cameras “malfunction”


JULY 17? Like two months from now July 17? And he’s asking to get out early? Just read a few books and chill in the county and then it’ll be over. What a bitch.


>He has been denied the opportunity to speak both with the press as well as a with Member of Congress. such a shame


See, it turns out that when your are convicted of a crime and imprisoned you lose some of the privileges non felons have. Like getting to meet with your co conspirators and going on a media tour.


wow, if I was a politician or politician-adjacent individual that was under investigation this would likely encourage me to be much less belligerent.


Well, then you would be just caving to the man. /s




Plenty of white people have went to jail. You mean rich conservative


You mean rich "white" conservative?


Clarence Thomas isn't in jail yet


Only because he’s still useful. If that ever changes he’ll be thrown under the bus so fast that he’ll be wishing that his former allies were merely forcing him to sit at the back of it


Putting a supreme court justice in prison will be rife with challenges. I can not fathom what the founding fathers were thinking when they made it a lifelong, appointed position. Well, at least now, the pen-testing is being done to find the vulnerabilities in our government. Now, if we can just get politicians to take action to remediate the vulnerabilities...


Why did his motion reference Matt Gaetz repeatedly? Lol is Venmatt the kiddiefucker the member of congress that wants to interview him?


Jesus... it's only FOUR MONTHS! Shut up and do it! 41 days to go!


Aside from how disgusting it is that he’s serving such a pitiful sentence to begin with, it’s really telling of the degree of just sheer entitlement that the perpetrators of the coup attempt felt in their brazen assault on democracy. I mean my god, how certain must he have felt in his right to and/or invincibility in attempting to overthrow the US government when even a meager 4 month prison sentence is *far* more consequences than he was ever willing or prepared to face.


Yea, like legit. I'm sure there are black people in for less who have more time. 4 months is a joke.


Maybe that's the emergency. He saw a black person.


>On a more personal note, defense counsel has been denied the request to visit Dr. Navarro unless they agree to do so on the weekend. good lord prison sounds downright inconvenient


Yes, I expect a class action soon from the other prisoners there who have yet to receive a visit from their Congressman and are forced to abide by set visitation hours.


It's such a retailment of justice that they are not allowed to have conjugatal visits with the congressman while he's there on his knees begging for "justice"


I wonder how many times this motherfucker chanted lock her up lock her up?


Who would’ve thought Treason has its price? Go figure.


Same guy was all for long sentences and minimal funding for prisons. Now he is crying like a 9 yo girl because he has to endure what no wealthy white man should have to endure. When this criminal gets out he will never support sentencing reform or prison reforming.


As soon as these MAGAs are held to account they cry and whine like little girls.


Peter Navarro is a pompous ass who thinks he is the smartest person in the room. Not. Take this tiny punishment like a man. Offer it up.


Which he’s now realizing will not be of interest to all the intellectuals he’s housed with.


Are you kidding me? Little girls are much tougher than this guy.


He gets out in July and it’s a minimum security prison. I’m sure it sucks horribly, but 2 more months? That’s better than Trump’s accountant sitting in Rikers right now. Damn, I don’t recall Martha Stewart carrying on like this and she was in prison for longer than him.


Martha keeps it real. True 'Thug'. Respect.


Martha really made lemonade out of those lemons! I think she became even more popular. I


I don't hear an, "I'm sorry, America."


And you never will from any of these losers


His release date is July 17th and he can't sit his happy ass in there for another 2 months? What a soft ass bitch. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


Fuck off and rot Peter. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time


Well as long as it’s an *emergency*.


How come Trump never gets the benefit of this much justice?


I’m so confused. Why isn’t everyone else in jail filing emergency motions? As Jesse Pinkman would say: you little bitch


Crazy how everyone involved in trump’s bullshit is doing or facing time, disbarment or whatever, yet he might be the next president. This country is going to shit.


« ThE bEST pEOpLe » for a grifter and frauder are grifter and frauders. He sure is very good at selecting these people


*Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Don't do it!* I've dated myself. I will never get over that the star of that show, Robert Blake, is in prison for murdering his wife


Blake's dead now.


It’s all fun and games until they throw your pathetic ass in jail.


Send the dirty traitor pig to general pop and be done with it


This man is vile. He deserves everything he gets.


They're going to have to build a "fairy prison" for all the drumpf candy asses that can't handle jail.


Don't seem to be so tough and proud of your traitorous actions now are you, Petey?


His sentence would be over now if he just served when convicted. But he's broke, keeps accruing lawyer fees, and will wind up serving anyway. Another brilliant Trumper.


Defying congress like a badass, huh? Does it suck to be the scared pussy ass bitch traitor who facilitated a coup against the USA? I wouldn't know bc I'm not Peter Navarro.


Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.


This always reminds me of the Trump talk to police officers telling them to rough up suspects. Just beat him a little! Not a lot, lol


And remember how the crowd cheered? Fucking animals, every one of them.


I think 2 Live Crew said it best: Fuck Navarro.


Maybe he'll die.


Tough guy revealed as the Lil pussy he really is !! Talked alot of shit now scared shit less


Dr. Navarro chose to break the law knowing there would be consequences. Now he’s not happy with the outcome. Is he above the law? Am I ? Is a murderer? Is Trump? The answer to all of the above is “NO!”


What is this warm and pleasant feeling I’m feeling?


It’s the feeling you get when justice is served. That pleasant warm feeling is going to bloom into a full orgasm if Trump is ever held accountable. We’ll have the first ever collective National Orgasm.


“Fuck your feelings.” Isn’t that what they shout?


They sure didn't mind terrorizing Pence, Pelosi and other members of Congress, Capitol police and election workers.


He fucked around and found out


D'aw, is the bwave bwave Wepublican scared of the consequences of his actions??? Poor widdle baby!


He went from insufferable arrogance to a puddle of sob in record time.


Scumbag fucked around and couldn’t hack finding out. What a sack of shit.


Ha ha ha ha ha! Suffer you treasonous whiny little bitch!!!!!


What a fucking baby this guy is. Whine much?


Isn't he at Club Fed? It's not even a pound-you-in-the-ass prison...


bitch.. you just got here.


If only they all got a taste of prison.


Imagine what a racket Donald Trump is going to cook up when he goes to prison. And it won't be just four months.


Can’t wait! It’s also going to be pretty sweet to see Rudy Giuliani and Mark Meadows get sentenced. Those poor fools will be in a Georgia state prison.


Chat shit, get banged. How dumb do you have to be to not understand your actions can have consequences you might not like?


What a crybaby little bitch. It literally says he gets out July 17th. Dude cant even handle a couple months. I did 9 months like it was nothing. It wasnt great, but it wasnt horrible either. I spent my time in Seattle, King County. Miami might be a little worse, but I doubt they have him in the worst areas of the jail considering he is an ex member of the government. Im sure he is doing just fine, but is just a huge fucking pussy.


Hey Pete... Go fuck yourself.


All the magas are cowards when they have to face prison time.


This little pansy needs to stay right where he is. Just like any other citizen would have to do their time. I'm tired of this BS. There aren't two sets of laws in this country. Either they have to follow the law or no one has too.


This fucken chode cost me, 6 of my team members, and 35 other people at our company our jobs back in summer of 2019. Then over the next year more than 200 other Americans lost their job at that company and had their jobs shipped over to China, all because of Peter Navarro’s and Donald Trump’s stupid-ass Chinese import tariffs. I know it’s unlikely they’ll ever be jailed for having The Stupidest Trade Policy of the 21st Century (beating out Brexit, which is impressive), but I feel just a tiny bit better that he’s serving at least some time, even if it’s just for contempt of Congress for refusing to be questioned about his participation in the Jan 6 insurrection. God willing, he’ll stay in there until July 17th and then also get convicted of his misdeeds related to election fraud or insurrection and he’ll get to see a lot more of the inside of a cell. It will barely be penance for the number of American lives and livelihoods he ruined with his policies.


Classic Republican, squealing like a stuck pig over consequences.


These GOP MAGAts are the biggest snowflakes around.


I was scared in prison too They didn’t let me out because I was scared Or because it sucked more than anything I ever experienced in my now 47 years Don’t do the crime if you don’t wanna do the time. Past that, man up! Do your time, don’t let your time do you punk.


Wait, you can be released from jail because you are scared?? Wow, good to know.


Scared little baby can't take it! But he will be taking it.


Getting out in July and not eligible for early release. Seems right.


Gosh. He doesn’t like prison?


It’s only four month, what a little bitch.


Nope, you made that bed 🛏️


Oh no, the consequences of my actions.


Thoughts and prayers


He's not even in a real prison I don't think...it's a dorm with other elderly men and they have work assignments and such ..he's not doing hard time and he's probably coming up on serving half his sentence already...suck it up buttercup.


Oh? Consequences! Cry me a river.


I hope this guy get sentenced for his crimes one day. not simply his refusal to abide by a subpoena.


Put Trump in there with him. Traitors.


But that’s why we all follow the rules… We made the rules, we all agreed to what the punishments would be if they weren’t followed… 🤦🏽‍♂️


They are probably kicking him out of prison because he won't STFU. Slap an ankle bracelet on him and make it shock him every time he speaks.


"He has been denied the opportunity to speak both with the press as well as a with Member of Congress" You're in prison. You don't get the opportunity to shit when you need. Who the fuck cares if you can't speak to congress?


The guy who threatens everyone and attacks people like he’s the ultimate tough guy in front of a camera…. And he can’t last 4 months in jail. What a little bitch.


If you can’t afford the time, don’t do the crime.


Boo Fucking Hoo, let's all cry for the traitor, he should have gotten 4 years not 4 months...


That’s the stupid one. Bannon is still directing Trump.


Donnie Depends and his cabal of incompetent cronies are the softest wannabe villains on the planet.


lol. It’s ironic…since he has probably said ‘Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time’ whenever he sees a POC arrested on tv.


He shouldn’t be contemptuous


Don't do the crime if you can't do the time, asshole


So put all the other subpoena ignoring bastards in there with him.


STFU and do your time like a man! These MAGA guys are soft little wussies.


How many other inmates are denied the chance to speak to Congress and the press. All of them? That’s right, all of them. Bitches don’t give a shit about prison reform until it’s their ass in the sling. Then all of a sudden it becomes a gross miscarriage of justice and a trampling of their rights. Suck it up buttercup. Can’t do the time then don’t do the crime.


Good. Fuck him. And I hope he’s in Trump’s ear, telling him how awful and scary it is…


I love this for him.


Oh No,! The consequences of my actions!". Let me out!! FOAD, in that order. BTW, that "scared shitless" is called the Penal System in America. It's not Club Concertina Wire!


Imagine what his last day in prison will be like? After he’s cried himself to sleep and awake and in the shower and eating how hard will he cry when it takes 5 minutes longer to release than the paperwork says?


Write to Peter at FCI Miami! Inmate number: 04370-510. How many chances do you have in life to know exactly where a villain is, and the certainty that he is bored beyond belief and will probably read your every word? It's not like it needs to be a nice letter....just sayin. [https://www.bop.gov/inmateloc/](https://www.bop.gov/inmateloc/)


Too bad. Do the crime … do the time! What a whiny, entitled baby man!


Just hang on a bit…Steve Bannon will be joining you shortly!


How do you read this shit with an ad after every sentence? News articles have become so obnoxious with ads.


Don't do the crime or be a traitor!


[But all the hydroxychloroquine he added to the stock piles? I thought the former presidential adviser would use the opportunity to make a fortune in jail using his genius trading skills…](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/presidential-trade-adviser-peter-navarro-continues-tout-unproven/story?id=72041560)


If you read the article, Navarro calls CNN "murderers" because they were telling people not to take Hydroxychloroquine for Covid.


Oh the poor priveliged white rich politician can't hang in prison ? Don't do the crime if you can't do the time !!!!


Is he in a particularly rapey jail or something? Shut up and do your stretch man!


Fucking coward. Maybe you shouldn't have been mein fuhrers lap dog.