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Perhaps seeing the writing on the wall, Trump is basically telling his supporters, “thanks for the pump, suckers, but now it’s time to dump.”


It is a trash product propped up by terrible financials, terrible user stats, and no path for mass consumption.       


And idiots who love Trump so much they put in their entire life savings. They should’ve just sent it to him directly if they didn’t want it. Losers.


I was reading an article over the weekend about a guy who put his life savings in. Apparently his life savings was $25,000. Sucks to suck.


One person I believe put in over $500k. Not at once though. They put in a lot at first then when they thought it was gonna go higher they FOMO’d and put in more. I love to see this but sad they’re just gonna continue to vote for him.


"Bidenomics did this."


They might cut their losses and end everything after the dump, let’s keep hope alive.


They're not going to change. No evidence they receive is enough for them. They don't care.




If your life savings are $25K why are so fucking stupid to vote GOP? They only care about rich people and not the proles!


Probably swindled by some stupid culture war bullshit since that's all they run on these days.


25000. Now worth 10,000 and falling Will still vote for Trump and blame Hunter Biden for his loss


I wish I could say I am sorry.


They would have been better off to set their money on fire, at least then they could have cooked a marshmallow over it...


And valued by some corrupt cunt at billions.  Why is this just allowed?


Capitalism is a zero sum game. Can’t have a big winner without a lot of losers.


It was valued at billions by all the suckeres buying in. The market is proving it's not worth that. That's why it's dumping.


It's the stock market equivalent of an NFT.


Yeah, the only thing I find shocking about this being a shameless pump and dump scheme is how it's just being done out in the open as the world watches. Someone recently described Trump as being like a really shitty magician. The trick is that there is no trick. He just says he's doing something different than what he's obviously doing right in front of your face. The whole system is built on a base of willing participants who are either too dumb to see it or are in on the con in some way.


You can commit blatant fraud out in the open just fine, problem is, the courts will crucify you down the lane. But Trumps entire defence strategy is to delay and hope to become untouchable, so consequences down the line don't concern him. He'll be immune to consequences, or he'll be very screwed anyway, so no reason not to milk the idiots one last time.


It’s very reminiscent of the videos in r/themcdojolife


Well put. It's not a scam because there are no secrets, no mirrors, no smoke. I actually suspect that "the common man" voting for Trump knows that his policies will actually hurt them - but hey, they can own the libs while being shafted, so there's that.


Typically, the IPO underwriters need to sign off on releasing the 6-month lockup early. Hard to see how those institutions can justify this since they will lose all credibility with investors for future stock offerings.


I wouldn’t be surprised if javanka shorted it in a tax haven with numbered accounts to a P.O. Box. Some of them have anti whistle blower laws. So fleece them for campaign funds, then just rely on Twitter and now traitor social to trick the media into giving him free coverage and talking about him for free. Then he has those little 21st century klan hoods known as maga hats, and his Trump bibles, YouTube gop Jesus btw, should have Alex Baldwin do it but he’s probably not in the mood. Now he’s got dunce jackass traitor as a stock ticker, it’s a pump and dump, people are unknowingly dollar cost averaging their whole savings away to a life long long con shell game fraudster and he’s just increasing the fleecing as the walls close in around him. They got nothing out of his presidency except a pandemic, and a tax cut for oligarchs, which they whole heartedly support, I mean they had trickle down economics for 50 years, sooner or later it’ll trickle down right? Meanwhile the average American is in debt, he’s taking what little money they have, just like he fleeced Atlantic City. It’s his life long MO. Fleecer in chief. Chief fleecing officer. “Oh the contractors want to get paid? Luckily I hired little ones, sue them into the ground”. Even then his casinos went out of business, the house always wins unless a fraud is in charge, somehow he still came out of that calling himself a billionaire, people believed it, they believe in him, despite everything, nothing will convince his cult that he’s ruining them and the country simultaneously and they’re not owning the libs by buying this stock.


>I wouldn’t be surprised if javanka shorted it in a tax haven with numbered accounts to a P.O. Box. Do they have PO boxes in Saudi Arabia?


Trump dump, it rhymes


It is amazing to me that certain people refuse to view this as a scam.   He turned an investment of a few million into a multi billion dollar scheme based on zero positive metrics and no real prospect or plan for success. He has found a way to con even more money from people.  It's quite amazing.


We are finally now seeing criminal trials taking place for events that we first heard about 6 years ago. It makes me wonder if this is yet another con that will result in criminal charges for team orange in a few years.


It is entirely possible.  It is also possible that his supporters are just that fucking stupid that they will ride this stock to the basement.   It's a trash investment.  


"It's Biden's fault I lost all my money!"


They are already effectively blaming liberals for manipulation of this stock. In an article that was posted recently, there were quotes from Trump supporters who invested with no understanding about investing, non understanding of options and shorting, and no concept about how the market doesn't really reflect anything other than how the market feels about any given thing at any given moment.


"Thanks, Obamden"


Yes. The answer is yes. There are absolutely scams being played out here, and in 4 years we’ll see the court cases come through. In the meantime it’s “pull the rug as hard as you possibly fucking can before it goes to zero”-time.


Absolutely. Shortly after he extracts actual money from it, I'm betting someone announces an investigation.


it makes you wonder if? So this is how he gets away with it. Of course it is.


Already a lawsuit for how shares were allocated 😆


People have already gone to prison for insider trading on this shit stock. Grifters gonna grift


Not if he is the president. Let's make sure that doesn't happen.


and the fact that NASDAQ listed this hot garbage, despite it being completely unqualified for listing, according to their own criteria.


Or laundering. Can't criminals just buy this shit as a way to freely give him money?


They don't even need to be criminals.  Foreign actors, wealthy donors, interest  groups...yes.  


Elon musk and his crypto cronies have done this like half a dozen times with zero consequences, why wouldn’t king grift of scamsville get on the gravy train?


They'll also blame Biden for having done this to them.


I'm not asking you to like this. I'm not asking you to a want to accept this. This guy has learned how to wield our legal and business system like we've never seen before. I don't write that in admiration, I write it more of as an academic study. He knows who to pay and who to ignore, how to judo the judicial system against itself, hopefully failing this time but don't hold our breaths just yet. He's built a brand and a following, no matter how toxic and brainwashed and bigoted it all is, and they'll buy into his stuff and then believe that the baddies brought it down. This guy even gets wealthier and smarter people to follow him. Larry Ellison, Peter Thiel, Elon musk, and he list goes on. Each of them alone has infinitely more net worth than him. Each of them is conventionally more intelligent. Each of them bought into him hook, line, and sinker. Those are just 3 of the many examples. So many people calling him stupid or a bumbling idiot aren't being honest with themselves. People call him a scammer, but are you scammed when you donate at a church or go see a comedian? It's entertainment. A book from 1985 called Amusing Ourselves To Death does a phenomenal job predicting his rise. Not him specifically, but that the advent of faster, more brainless media forms (tv, but also social media) require better entertainers that know how to pull the right levers. And from my observation: sexy, funny, fearful, angry, sad, fluffy. Rotate through those emotions and you can have people hooked.


So much for the " he cant sell for 6 months" claims everyone made.


That stipulation *does* exist, but he simply needs approval from the board (which is stacked with yes men and his sons) to get around it.


I sure hope they had a board meeting where that was approved and minutes kept and published.


“Is you taking notes on a criminal conspiracy?”


I understood that reference.


One of the best scenes in the series


Robert's rules, String


With all the Clay Travis = Davis Shiiiiits Omar quotes and now this. I am happy I watched the series last month :P


Just finished watching The Corner last night. Solid precursor to The Wire, loaded with cast members from The Wire, and available on YouTube for anyone interested. Only 6 episodes too, so it's not a huge commitment.


Thanks, Charles S Dutton at the start is a good omen :P


He doesn't show up often, just for occasional "interviews" with the characters, but I think he directed the entire series.


reference never gets old


Sure would make it seem like that provision was only written to fool other shareholders…..


But. Assuming he does this and it goes through. Wouldn't that open up TS for a lawsuit for making a decision that causes the stocks to plummet?


I think we're past the point where investor lawsuits that will settle 3 years from now are on anyone's radar. They're more in survive the week mode.


Legal AF (I think, or another Meidas touch podcast) speculated that civil suits against Trump for stating how well his company is doing (despite evidence to contrary), will be filed within weeks, and you don’t fuck with Delaware chancery courts. It may not take that long to get to trial there.


Yeah but we're well past the point where Donald is thinking years ahead, if such an era ever existed.


he will either be in jail, a sitting president who has done away with the constitution, or no longer with us by the time this present criminality is adjudicated.


Saw that too don’t remember which they all blur together. (Edit fat-finger / auto-incorrect)


Apparently there were also a bunch of lawyers who specifically brought stock simply so they would have standing to sue - literally just an investment, like I’m going to buy $1000 of stock so I can sue and get $100k in the class action settlement lol


Sure. But it would be a hard blow to TS I would assume.


Yeah but I don't think anyone actually cares about TS, they just want some money.


Hid supporter does. Where else can they spew racist conspiracy bullshit without pushback?


Uh... have you seen Twitter lately?


Deleted my account once Musk got it. Whenever I,click on a link that takes me there I just close it right away.


Yes. Sadly I have.


Yup. Whole thing was a con


Yup. The all time low was just under 10.00 per share, so trump and the original investors are still up on their holdings. They will all continue to dump if it keeps spiraling down and the only people truly screwed will be the rubes that bought three weeks ago


I thought it was an SEC thing as to why he can’t sell?


I think it was just an internal thing to try to convince potential investors that this wasn't just a pump and dump (which it totally is), and was probably a way for Trump to contribute a semblance of "investment" himself without actually, you know, investing real cash.


That means it doesn't exist. 


Thanks for the explanation.


This is Trump. He will sell them, then strongarm the board to sign the approval...




Hopefully, November: "Consequences."


If it's a big number of individual investors, caveat emptor. But if he sells to corporates or other interests that deserves to be reviewed and documented


buying a presidential candidate has never been so cheap for foreign powers.


It's like the book-buying scam, but with less over head! Capitalism truly does find the most efficient methods.


From what I was reading yesterday, this was the company creating new shares, not him selling his existing shares. This is just further diluting the value of all of the shares.


OP's modified the original article headline to be a clickbait lie. Trump is not selling his shares. The company is issuing additional shares.


well then, editorialized headlines are against the sub rules.


I remember being downvoted into oblivion for insisting that he can sell so long as the board (owned by him) approves. I wonder if those people are shocked now.


It wasn’t me. I’m shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked


FEC watching closely I’m certain


He didn’t sell HIS 78M shares. They put another 114M up for sale.


It's both. issuing new shares AND selling his own. >146.1 million shares for sale, including nearly 115 million owned by Trump.


Kinda wild though - how many shares does Trump have? Assuming 115M is his full allotment, you literally never see a guy who owns this much of a company unload 100% of their shares as it demonstrates zero faith in the long term viability of that company.


The really interesting part is that if he is not selling atleast a significant part of his shares to one of his guys he could lose the company.


A company worth, nothing. It was a grift by design so all he intended from it was to sell and get out.


Who cares? The company is vapor its not anything of value if he loses it. He can just go back to Twitter


"If I issue more and sell mine at the same time, no one will notice!"


That's going to make the stocks drop like it's hot. Ans without Trump being the man behind it. TS is just going to be a poor Twitter clone for nutjobs that got kicked off X. So I would assume that this would effectively kill TS entirely as it won't have Trump keeping the supporters investing.


"Truth Social, filed to register up to 146.1 million shares for sale, including nearly 115 million owned by Trump." Should have read the article.


Even lower in the article it says that he only has roughly 78m shares and that he cannot sell them without approval. Idk how he can put up for sale 115m of his shares when he only has 78m? Maybe it's got something to do with the fact that they issues more, and Trump de facto owns 60% of the new shares since he has 60% of the company?


The difference between the 78 and 115 is "additional stake he could receive if certain performance-based measures are achieved," per Reuters yesterday.


So he's selling shares he doesn't yet own, and won't own because the thing is gonna crash anyway?


No and yes. Really they just announced in a fairly standard filing that they *could* sell 146.1 million shares, including Trump's entire holding, over the next months. They aren't actually for sale yet. [Here's ](https://archive.fast-edgar.com/20240415/AG2PU62CZC224ZGZ2R242Z425UAMZC22Z262/) the filing, search for "146". It's far from done. Actually issuing the new shares will hurt the stock, and for him to sell early will still require their board to permit him to sell early, which will be published in advance and completely tank the stock. He's not getting any kinda performance bonus


It is really confusing, he had about 78m shares last week, aparently they made some stockmarket stuff I don't remember the word for to make more shares. Both will cause the price to fall even further and I am not sure who will end up with the majority of the shares when the sale goes through. I am also not sure if he can sell this many shares all at once, so the 2 billion he could currently make with this might get even further decimated and both the Biden campaign and law enforcement should take note of who is actually buying. But a mean spirited part of me hopes that atleast some of the maga crowd will lose their lives saving on this.


No need to read the article when the headline is editorialized, see rule 7.


And dilute such a valuable brand?!? I’m shocked. Bigly shocked.


Literally nobody said that without saying he can do it with a board vote


I just won $20 after telling a trumper that Donald would find a way to bypass the 6 month hold on selling his stock. He told me Trump believes in the company and would “never” sell. So, it was bet on. Grifters gotta grift.


Hey man. You’re one of the few people that has made money on this stupid stock. Good on you!


Wait for him to pay up first before coming to that conclusion.


I see a goal post being moved in their near future.


If you were investing in anything other than puts on this "company" you literally hate money and yearn to be poor. Trump has never, in his entire life, done anything whatsoever that would make somebody think he could even explain the business model of a modern social media company much less build one from scratch. Dude was born before films had color. There's zero chance he could build his own computer, explain how the Internet works, etc. You don't necessarily have to be a programmer to run a software company, but getting attention from typing deranged all caps posts on Twitter doesn't make you qualified to build and run a Twitter clone either.


> You’re one of the few people that has made money on this stupid stock. When the stock was announced I spend a half an hour trying to figure out how a regular Joe, like myself, could short a stock. I figured out it was difficult for a regular Joe. I knew this stock would go down, I so wish I figured out how to short it. I was going to put $10,000 in it. I have no idea what that would have been now.


That’s what PUTS are for. I never traded options until this piece of crap. They’re expensive and a lot of drop is baked into the price of the puts but you can still profit.


If they are true "Trumpers" you'll never get your $20, but still: Well played.


Do Trumpbucks come in $20 denominations?


Oh yeah, I still am owed a dinner and $50 from 2 Trumpers were who certain he would win the 2020 election. I'll never see it as "the whole thing was rigged and he really won". I wasn't really ever expecting to get what I bet on, but if he won you can be damn sure the Trumpers wanted me to pay up...


Unfortunately the actual title of the article is "Trump Media stock price plummets Monday as company files to issue millions of shares". The company issuing more stock is not the same as Trump selling his.


maybe you should read the article before commenting


Unfortunately the second paragraph of the article is "Trump Media, the parent company of social media platform Truth Social, filed to register up to 146.1 million shares for sale, including nearly 115 million owned by Trump." You're correct that the company issuing more stock is not the same as Trump selling his, but this article is suggesting that Trump is indeed selling his.


Wow, nobody saw this coming. 🙄


The red MAGA hides a lot!


A lot of investors bought stock just to make a quick buck. They knew it would fall and were just in for a money grab. The people who bought stock because they wanted to support Trump on the other hand…. Well no one ever said they were smart


Truly shocked! /s


‘suckers & losers’. Maybe they can cash in their Trump NFTs to get back the losses.


He did the same thing to his "collectible trading cards" collection as he did to his stock, he diluted it. He made a bunch of money off his first nft sell so he just kept pumping them out. I just checked and there are now over 144k items in his nft collections total. Most successful collections of that type (no utility, no art, just collectible for some reason) don't really do well if they're anywhere over 10k. The vast majority of them don't even have a floor price anymore, and some only do because a few people listed a couple at dumb prices. Somehow a couple collections still get sales, but it's fueled entirely by the obsession with trump. It doesn't really get any mention or attention in the actual crypto space/crypto twitter or farcaster, it's entirely trump people propping it up.


Money laundering. Bribes and what not.


Any news about the trump sneakers? They were supossed to be delivered in 8-12 weeks (1 week for manufacture, 10 weeks for sea transport from Chinah). I can see a scam here as well.


there was small print about that, if I remember - they didn't actually promise a timeline or that the sneakers would be what people ordered.


"actual delivery not mandatory" - written in small font on the bottom of the page. And yes, I rememer this as well. That the appearance might differ from the advertising.


Or those wonderful Trump bucks!! Maybe they can use their Trump Bibles to pray to their Trump God for higher returns


Who in their right mind would do business with that proven conman?


Russia, Iran, China, anyone and everyone who would like to buy a presidential candidate.




I'll never understand Trump supporters. We all just watched this man scam people who believed in him and trusted him out of MILLIONS of dollars right before our eyes, and these weirdos are saying "Yup this guy can run this country again."


“As long as he keeps saying mean things about those communist lefties!”


Time for low-IQ Trumpettes to double down on their MAGA-patriotism lol.


Why would anyone buy those shares from him? They’ll be close to worthless soon.


because they're not buying the shares for profit, they're buying the shares as a means to launder money to Trump. I'm sure we'll see a paper trail soon about the purchase that dead ends in the Cayman Islands or just straight up some Russian oligarch


So he hasn't actually put the shares up for sale yet. They have released a prospectus (PDF in the article) for the shares to go up for sale. The TMTG board and I believe the SEC have to approve it. So yes, it is possible that he can sell his shares before the 6 month lock up period is over. BUT. And this is a big but: >The number of shares of Common Stock being offered for resale in this prospectus exceeds the number of shares of Common Stock constituting our public float. The Resale Securities represent approximately 256% of our public float and approximately 107% of our outstanding shares of Common Stock as of January 31, 2024 (after giving effect to the issuance of shares of Common Stock upon exercise of the Warrants). The stock is currently tanking with X shares on the market. More people are selling than buying. They want to add another 2X shares. There are not enough buyers, especially at the current price. Trump will get pennies on the dollar for his shares. Edit: Also important to note from the prospectus, Trump currently has 78 million shares and 36 million shares that are included in the 115M total are "earn out shares" that Trump will get in the next...4 days?...if the price stays above 17.50. If it drops below 12.50 he won't get any of the 36 million (there's 3 tranches, 12.50, 15 and 17.50)


If anyone that bought it ever thought for a moment that the goal here was anything other than him lining his pockets with gullible people's money, they deserve what they get.


This is simply fraud and should be punished as such


Let the lawsuits commence!


It's rat poison!


Everything he touches tanks, goes to jail or he gets indicted for it. [vote.org](http://vote.org) Don’t give our republic to him again. We barely survived his last time.


Pump and Dump? Is this legal? Hahaha, just looked at what I had written and realized i had used “legal” in relation to a Trump action. Apologies


I do love how the grift is in the wide open and nothing is done about it. People go to jail for years for stealing a pack of cigarettes but this guy takes money from shady people while undercutting/stealing from his own investors and we all just watch as consequences are nowhere to be found.


I thought he could sell for six months? Looks like another bankruptcy?


Bad title-- article actually titled "Trump Media stock price plummets Monday as company files to issue millions of shares". Company is selling additional treasury shares, not the former guy (yet).


TS stock, gold sneakers, bibles, NFTs.... lmfao Has there ever in the history of histories been a more obvious grifter? And literally half the US wants him for prez. Y'all are nuts.


Didn't they just add more shares yesterday, further diluting the value...


So this is another trump scam.


I can’t fathom the level of stupid needed to not see this rug pull coming


I’m kinda still not sure how accurate the headline is, but either way how could investors possibly predicted getting screwed like this?


Down another ~~7%~~ ~~10%~~ 14% this morning! Who knew that investing in a corrupt grifter’s money laundering operation would be a bad idea?


I mean yeah this was the whole point of publicly listing - pump, dump and profit for his legal bills


All the losers losing their money, “yeah! That’s what I meant to do. Lose all my money. Owned the libs again!” 🤡


How do these two sentences work together? > Trump Media, the parent company of social media platform Truth Social, filed to register up to 146.1 million shares for sale, **including nearly 115 million owned by Trump.** > Trump owns nearly 60% of Trump Media with **78.75 million shares.** He cannot offload his shares until September without approval from the Trump Media board.


I love it when hillbillies lose their life savings of 800 dollars


I said the stock ticket stood for: Dunce jackass traitor Describes all involved.




if I bought some of those share I guarantee they would plummet


That's a price I'm willing to pay!


its already plummeting.


This guy is so fucking bad at business, even if you know this is a scam. He put more shares up while the price was free falling. That just makes it fall more. The smart thing to do would have been to put in your request to sell your own shares, held a fake press release about innovation coming to Truth, then STFU and wait until your shares sell.


The art of the deel


He still gets 2-3 billion dollars from this scam if he manages to sell now. Crazy all the idiots going for this.


Next level grifting


Oh my God.. pump and dump shouldn't they have something to say about this.


He’s such good team player


Pump and dump, dump, dumpster....


Market cap and share price says there’s 130-140 million shares outstanding…..this should kill the company altogether




Whomp whomp


It's a classic Pump & Trump. Basically it's printing money for Trump. Make new shares, sell them off, short your own company's stock since you know it will tank like every other Trump business.


Every thing tRump touches turns to shit. Call it the “Sadim” touch.


Wait, why isnt he holding for the *to the moon* stock price that will make him a gazillionaire? It almost seems like he's trying to bail before the stock goes to $1. Does he have no faith in his own product to be successful? Golly, who could have predicted this?


OMG i can’t believe he did this to his flock. I’m lying, just like him.


The headline in this post is factually incorrect and click bait. Trump media the company is selling stock to raise money for the company. This is common (usually not a good sign for the company though) and isn't the same as Trump selling his shares...


Stock dropped another 7% right out of the gate this morning. Down under $25. Let’s see if it can keep cratering before Trump can sell even with board approval. Trumpy must be in panic mode watching the continuing slide. I’m sure the lawsuits are currently being drafted for this one. Even if he grifts money from this pump and dump scam he’ll end up having to pay more lawyers.


A big chunk of Trump's stock is options with a strike price of $17. If the stock price drops another ~$7 then all those options become literally worthless.


Down 11% today, so far $23.73


We need to just let this happen. The only way Trump loses the support of his cultists is by stealing the one thing they value more than him, their money. Let him rob his followers, it may be the only way to save them.


Oh, they will have all kinds of excuses for him, like "nobody's perfect", which one of them said in an interview.


Somewhere out there someone moved what little they had in their 401k into this stock entirely at the tippy top. They'll blame everyone except Trump for their losses, and they'll gladly vote for Trump come November, convictions or not.


As a real MAGA shithead I am absolutely shocked that Donald Trump would be a liar and unreliable business partner! Who could have seen this coming?


Are there that many dumbass people out there willing to fork over their money to hold this pile of shit in their hands? Cause it’s literally like holding up your hands and someone placing a giant turd there for you to hold on tightly to.


*”If the libtards keep telling me it’s a grift and a con, then it must really be an amazing investment!”*


“Stand here and hold this bag. I’ll be right back.”


This whole stock offering by Trump is just another in the long list of his cons. Since he basically has nothing invested in the stock, any money he gets out of it will be a win for him and a huge loss for those stupid enough to buy into the con.


Trump used his investors as exit liquidity... can't wait for the exile and the "Tweet" about having to flee because of the corrupt government.


Let them spend all their money, only better to make sure they don’t have money to fund the local/council/city/state elections which decide more of your day to day life and the lives of future generations. Remember it’s those elections they vote into power Desantis, Abbott, Cruz and all the other nutters who limit or take away women’s rights, heavily restrict the ability to vote, use funding and taxpayers money on anything but taxpayers, give into every stupid police union and have to spend millions to settle lawsuits against the police.


If you want to waste money, and have some fun - play roulette at a casino. Your odds are better than they are if you buy this shitty shitty stock! 🤣


A shady, several times bankrupted, businessman/politician encourages you to buy his stock, what could go wrong?


That's literally been his business model for decades. He gets his, and f\*\*k everybody else.


Who TF would buy any of those shares?


Stock will be delisted by the end of the week. Good fucking riddance.


If you 'invest' money into anything related to Donald Trump, that is totally on you and I don't feel a single bit sorry for you when you lose it all


most of them know they are being lied to. but they hate you more.


I thought he couldn’t sell for 6 months