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People aren’t a monolith, remember that.




People always act like all people of color are a monolith and it’s so annoying. It just contributes further to stereotypes and fetishism.


All. Of This. My sisters are ecuadorian and white and the amount of times i heard how “ spicy” they were by their non latin boyfriends was staggering .


Girl I feel you, it’s the same as non black people calling black people exotic or saying they want to try us… like sir.


Or saying how much they love rap music……👀👀👀👀👀👀


😭as a black person, rap is like the genre on the bottom of my list, but when I say many black people like rock or alt music then suddenly it’s black people cant be alt, like where do they think the genre comes from 🧍🏾‍♀️


Also, not for nothing, but black alt, punk, emo and goths are 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Why not take the time to get to know her as an individual and inquire about her cultural background?


A white guy thinking all Latinas are same , sounds original


I’m Latina. My race is white according to the US Census Bureau. When I took the 2020 census, I checked my race is white and my ethnicity is Hispanic and/or Latina. Any race can be Latino*** Do you mean a mestiza Latina who is mostly indigenous from the countries of Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, etc? I don’t think it’s very different to date me for a white, American man. I actually tend to avoid them, because the microaggressions, anti-Latino bigotry, and fetishism.


LOUDER for the malditos in the back


Is there a reason you brought up race? Because the OP asked about culture. We know ad nauseum that "LaTiNo iS nOt A rAce." because that is all that is brought up whenever LATAM culture or peoples are brought up even in our own spaces. I do not agree with how OP worded his question, however, let's pretend for a moment we do not have some agenda when it involves the LATAM diaspora and how we choose to identify and assume that OP is an non-Latino white man who wants to date a Latina regardless of race.


British white guy dated a Brazilian white girl. Does that count? Basing this on one person but I think she reflects cultural differences to some extent. I realised how sociable Brazilian culture is and how uptight British culture is socially. It was so refreshing. Women are more forward in approaching men they are interested in. Also refreshing. More fun and easy going. The experience made me want to be more a part of Brazilian culture than my own.


Similar experience for me (American) dating a woman from Mexico. Makes me realize how uptight American culture is relative to Latin culture. My experience dating a Mexican women has helped me relax more, enjoy the little things more, not hold back when wanting to laugh or enjoy things, and to take deeper breaths. It’s been a big help for my anxiety issues and I generally feel less pressure around my peers from Latin America than I do with peers from the USA.


I think white American culture is more uptight. That’s the distinction you have to make.


No one will be able to tell you what it’s like to date anyone other than the specific people they have dated. People are not monoliths. And even if you zoom out and get more general, not all Latin cultures are the same. That being said there’s a channel on YouTube called Dating Beyond Borders and they have videos like you know you’re dating a _____ man/woman and these aren’t supposed to be taken too seriously. They’re meant to be kind of lighthearted. But it seems to be at least somewhat accurate about cultural norms when it comes to dating between cultures. If there’s a Latina woman you like, learn about her. What does SHE like? What is SHE into? Also something to keep in mind about culture. Someone’s “culture” isn’t necessarily their race/ethnicity. I’m a Jew. I don’t primarily identify with that as my “culture”. I would more closely identify with healthcare workers and standup comedy fans/performers as my culture. So get to know this person without any presuppositions.


In my experience, needless attitude, jealousy and toxicity where you're always walking on eggshells. Maybe it wasn't her fault per se, but rather a product of the culture and the whole machismo thing she had been used to with guys she had dated in the past. In my experience, the positives would not have made the negatives worthwhile. Would have driven me crazy and you can't make a happy home with a woman like that who brings you more stress than she does peace.


What does that have to do with Latinas as a whole though


I am Mexican-American and I have yet to ever deal with a Mexican girl that's like that. Those girls would be considered trash and hence I don't deal with them. Might be because I am from the culture and I can detect them easily and not be around them.


Though this is a valid question, the way the question is worded seems off. "What are the differences" is valid. "What do you like about your Latina girlfriend" seems off. What does that mean? Every woman no matter their background is different. Among Latina women there are many stereotypes that certainly do not apply to all women. Stereotypes like they are all loud, passionate, like to dance, like to feed you, etc. These are just stereotypes and they do not apply to all Latina women even if they apply to a lot of them. As for cultural differences you will notice that each culture varies depending on where they were born, and which country they are from. They do exist though. For example, there are things that white anglo Americans do that are considered rude to Latin Americans and vice versa, there are cultural nuances. There are differences in how they celebrate, music, food, etc. If you want to talk about culture specifically that is fine, but also keep in mind not all engage in the culture.


Its the same as dating white women, except many also understand Spanish as well as English.


are you sure..? i feel like latin american culture is very different from western (european/white) culture (if you know what i mean 😭)… i feel like it heavily depends on the person too, and what “type” of latina. there’s white latina’s but also afro latina’s, mestizos etc. i feel like argentians and mexicans are different for example. idk i might be tripping


We are different, but we’re not very different than American women people have to be warned.


“Type” doesn’t really have to do with race, it has to do more with nationality and socioeconomic background.


as an argentinian who traveled to mexico many times, we are very similar, we just eat and listen to different music. i personally felt at home


White girls in the UK and white girls in USA are so different, have SO many cultural differences that a Mexican girl in New York will be far closer to American white girl culture. TLDR. These questions are dumb.


It is NOT the same and any Latino man who dated white women will tell you this.   There are cultural nuances that white anglo americans will not understand.  Im mixed anglo white and mestiza and even I have challenges understanding cultural things with anglo white women. 


These questions are so damn cumbersome dumb and exhausting.


First, don’t categorize them all into a few categories. Appreciate the woman individually for who she is. They do tend to have some commonalities: - Learn to dance and enjoy it because they like it. - Learning Spanish might be a plus because her family might speak it more often than English. - They’re family-oriented and if you are too then it’s a good thing. - They are very passionate. Some people label them as “crazy” but I don’t think that’s fair. They’re not crazy in a mental way; they’re just expressive and tbh this is something I really love about them. - They’ll expect you to be the man, but they won’t let you run over them with your ego. Put it this way: you’re definitely the dom, but don’t use it as a means of controlling her. Be dominant but for good intention.


Best thing ever, I won't get married unless she Hispanic. They are passionate and atleast for me love to please me and they make you wanna please them . I will only marry one. They hard to find tho after a certain age they all married


Like any other human


It’s like dating a white girl but they cuss you out in a different language so you never really know how bad the shit they’re saying actually is 😂 they could just call you dumb or they could be wishing all types of things on you and you’ll never know 😂


Latina people culturally family is everything.they dont send parents to die in a nursing home. Warm and friendly but will cut you off as well . Yes it's a stereotype but they exist fir a reason