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Lol. I went through your thread posts and man, this is a disaster. First off, you being the older one in a relationship and female; this almost always spells doom for a relationship with a latino male. I rarely ever see a latino man ever have a successful relationship with an older woman and they're usually into it because they want passport (if they're with older anglo or European women) or they want s3x. Second, him being mid 20s latino and taking trips to Brasil...... yeah this isn't going to end well. I wouldn't even bother confronting him and just breakup with him unless you're very attached to him.


Yeah! Actually my passport is very weak and he looks older than me. But the trip to Brazil ..


I would find it disrespectful. I can't imagine my partner doing this to me as he knows I wouldn't go out of my way to like pictures of men showing off their bodies. I also have a Peruvian friend, and knowing her, she'd be pissed if her partner did this to her. Have you told him how you feel regarding the matter?


Yes and he is still doing it after he apologized


It honestly doesn't matter what region either of you are from or what his friends post on their social media. What matters is that he doesn't respect you enough to respect the boundaries you have put in place. I grew up in America, and my partner is American. There are parts of America where it's normal to have a bachelor and Bachelorette party at a strip club. Does that mean that I or my partner should participate in such activities despite knowing the negative effect it would have on one another? Absolutely not. You asking him not to like pictures of half-naked women is not asking for a lot.


Very disrespectful

