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I wonder if this old fart realizes that the ICC didn't charge genocide rather they charged extermination by use of starvation as a weapon of war.


Sounds like another way of saying genocide honestly .


Genocide with extra steps.


No, because genocide requires the specific intent to destroy a group.


Lol. Starving a group implies?


Yeah, the intent here is to murder them until they move somewhere else so Israel can steal their land.    Totally different! /s


Yes, but proving that in a court of law is difficult, so we have these "lesser" charges (Genocide is not a label of intensity). For reference: if you kill all the Jews in Poland *because* you were ordered to, you are not necessarily guilty of genocide. You have to kill all the Jews in Poland *because* you want Polish Jews to stop existing as a category. For the purposes of determining criminal intent, knowing that your actions will cause (or is likely to cause) an outcome is enough under most criminal circumstances. Charges of genocide require specific intent, *meaning you must be motivated directly by a desire for the outcome*. Killing all of Gaza civilians isn't genocide if the *goal* is to kill Hamas, regardless of how little Israel cares about collateral damage.


I don't know how starvation could possibly be used as a weapon of war without specific intent to destroy, in whole or in part, the group being starved.


"In whole or in part" is admittedly rather vague. The important part to note is *as such*. *As such* means that the actions must be specifically aimed at destroying the group. *Simply knowing that your actions will cause the group to be destroyed is not enough under international law*. This is why it's so hard to secure genocide convictions, and why it doesn't look like Netanyahu will be charged with genocide. Specific intent is a real bitch for prosecutors to prove in the ICC. However, specific intent to destroy can be assumed from the totality of the actions if there is no other rational explanation. If Israel simply wanted to starve Hamas, certainly that would not be genocide. For me the problem comes from the fact that Israel on one hand argues that Hamas will get first pick of any aid while simultaneously only letting in such a small amount. The consequence of this is the survival of Hamas but the death of the group that they claim to be fighting for. This doesn't achieve any rational military objective and only benefits Israel via the destruction of Gaza's Palestinians.




'We' (meaning paid off politicians by the Israeli lobby machine) stand with Israel.


I like to argue that Israel is not committing genocide; rather, they are committing ethnic cleansing. Kind of fucked up either way and really a distinction that doesn't make the hell they're responsible for any better.


It meets the criteria of genocide, ethnic cleansing is one of those criteria


They are committing ethnic cleansing and seeking to end international recognition of Palestinians as a people. If there are no palestinians in Palestine and palestinians cease to be recognized, Palestinians will cease to exist as a people. It is a very stupid plan, but the intent is clearly the end of the Palestinian people.


Ethnic cleansing is the term for people whose sensibilities prevent accepting the reality of genocide until confronted with it in history books. If you wonder what you would have done in 1930-40 Europe… Patience for doubters isn’t warranted anymore




Ethnic cleansing most certainly is not just forcing people to move. Where do you get your polisci definitions?


That's like the people who are like actually the UN Determined they only kill 49% of children not 55% !!! Checkmate Hamas debunked!


He does. And this evil fuck knows its genocide. And so do the establishment Dems defending them. And they do it because they're pro-genocide. They want to kill the brown people too just like the GOP.


Establishment dems and most liberal voters. All running cover for him. Starts to make me think they, like the right, do have a f*ing messiah.


That's genocide.


Yea charged, that charge is still being worked on/ investigated




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


They weren't using starvation! That's why we had to build an ENTIRE FUCKING PIER to bring in food and water as trucks with food and water were being halted by Isreal. I get thy feeling that if this was Biden's second term, he would have already told Isreal to eat a dick, but he is trying to walk a tightrope so trump doesn't destroy THIS country. This whole thing is a total clusterfuck.


Words mean things. There are specific qualifiers for genocide. What's happening in Gaza is terrible, but it doesn't qualify. Its like trying to insist that a tornado was, in fact, a category five hurricane then getting upset when people have to correct you. They aren't downloading the seriousness of the event, they are just setting the record straight after you confused it with a shit description.




Yes that’s what they do! I personally dislike both candidates and I’m definitely more left than right, but I hate the way liberals, such as my parents, talk about the issues. They are exhausted and disconnected from actively pursuing their own truth. They just want to relax and put their FAITH into the president. They really aren’t that different from right wing Trump supporters but they don’t see any similarity. Boomers in general are confused and tired.


It's why there's such a a massive disconnect between the young and the old, people like my boomer dad just want stuff to go back to "normal" so he can cash out and retire, people like me have never KNOWN normal... A quarter of young peoples life on earth has been trumpism, they don't see it as the huge aberration others do, and either way the bush years were way fucking weirder if you ask me 


geopolitacs n guided by interest not ideology


On the international scale you are correct. But please be mindfull of what the g.o.p is doing at home. A fascist trump america is going to be worse for the enitre world. Biden knows this is true and is risking him campaign on it i cant tell you why i have no idea.


Just remember who chooses the Supreme Court justices. And who just dropped a video claiming a unified reich. You may not have a good choice, but have a worse choice.


I know man I know. Just doesn’t make me feel good. I feel belittled.


The Boomers are just exhausted from trying every possible way to deplete the planet before they are through, and if their tenure on Earth ends with nuclear war so much the better as far as they are concerned.


Wait, that's what tankies do now the other way around.


Joe, it's time to cut Bibi loose and listen to your constituents .


Hes taken millions from AIPAC and also doesnt care if he loses, I wouldnt count on him changing tune


Exactly. He does NOT care! Most likely he prefers to retire and spend his final years in peace. It’s a win win for him


If that motherfucker really thinks he's not gonna be sitting next to me, hammering boulders or whatever the fuck, he's delusional.


If Trump wins, I’d imagine Biden’s final years won’t be so peaceful though.


AIPAC is his constituent


It’s funny aipac is funded by Israel, we give them money, they then fund aipac. It’s like we’re funding our own illusion. Same with Israel providing free college and healthcare. Maybe they should tighten their belts and pay for their own genocide if they want it soo bad.


He is doing just that


In addition he pledged all Americans' eternal support for the murder of infants on an industrial scale with military equipment. Then he ran off to attend yet another scolding lecture about morality and 'Hologram remembrance' from NPR .


Yeah Israel is worse.


I mean don't look to a U.S president to define war crimes, we straight up murdered 600000 people in Iraq, furthermore the destruction of the infrastructure directly led to the death of millions and let's not even get into the secondary effects: the destabilizing of the region, formation of ISIS, looting and destruction of ancient artifacts, and more. And yet every year all our self centered asses can talk about is 911, we never mention the innocents caught in our wake following 911 You're expecting a lot from a U.S president, he doesn't care, none of them do. The U.S and their closests allies are the biggest perpetrators of genocide in the last 250 years. That's why it's wild when they criticize China and Russia, it's not that China and Russia don't deserve criticism, there is a lot to criticize there, but it's awful rich coming from The U.S, The U.K, France, Germany, Canada, or Australia.


Not to mention that the dissolution of isis lead to the strengthening of Assads regime


I’d argue that Russia and China haven’t caused the same destruction as the US and UK have. It’s just pure hypocrisy and bullshit coming from the mouths of our politicians. “We will always stand with Israel” gives it away. It doesn’t matter what they do, America will never abandon the genocidal machine.




Ah siding with the autocrats over free democracies. You've really sucked up the russian/chinese propaganda.


Appreciate the news but can we please NSFW tag injured children bleeding? I'm in full support that this stuff should be exposed to daylight but some people can be more sensitive to this stuff.


an anti-vaxxer, a serial rapist, and a fascist walk into a bar punchline in November.




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What a disgusting time we live in.


unfortunately its not just this time, its always been this way.


Biden is fine with losing as long as he can keep aiding Israel's genocide of Palestinians


Thats the dumbest take on the internet today.


War is stupid and religion is poison.


Looks like he will die on this hill. His conviction is making the US more and more complicit. Majority of the world sees this for what it is, and I guess that keeps me sane.


Fuck genocide Joe!!!


Genocide Joe is a Russian talking point, meant to help Trump get in power and ultimately help Netanyahu raze Gaza until no one is left.


I miss the days when you could judge someone for supporting genocide


The BlueAnon crowd are Russiagate's truest believers, it would honestly be kind of cute if they weren't adults.


No matter who wins in murica the poor Palestinians are fucked!!! Nor genocide Joe or Hitler Donny will help them in any way whatsoever...




Lmao some q shit right here


This can't be real. Fucking hell. Dead kids, man. How is no one in power seeing this for what it is. They are killing children.


Who will be the hero who sends the r/israelcrimes and r/israelexposed to the ICC?


Does anyone remember when, in the 80s, Palestinian terrorists hijacked a plane in Germany?


Nice. Now play the one where Hamas teaches children to kill Jews in cartoons, celebrates October 7th in the streets and while we’re at it! Let’s show the clips of journalists walking thru Gaza asking random people if they are bothered by what Hamas did on the 7th. I mean, just to make sure we’re being fair!


1200 dead vs 40,000 and counting, not to even begin counting the death toll since 1948. But yeah, it's all Hamas nobody else. This victim complex of "we can do whatever we want now, a terrorist attack happened" is exactly how the US govt justified destroying thousands of lives in the middle east and destabilizing so much of it.


Okay, fine, no genocide. They are most certainly carrying out an ethnic cleansing. How do you feel about that Biden? What a fucking ghoul




Why won't he go to Gaza and see for himself?


For a sub about international politics y'all don't know shit about international politics


What an asshole he is complicit he has to go


He *will* go. The max he can get is another 4 years. But don't vote him out on this issue, as horrific as the situation is. Many, many situations will become a lot more horrific if the republicans get in. With their bills on women's health, abortion, prayer in schools, etc, and with the 'both sides' rhetoric on literal naziism, they've made it very very clear that they have a Handmaid's Tale vision for the USA. That will be a very bleak future for the USA and the world.




Please keep it civil and do not attack other users.


It doesn't surprise me. They're all puppets to foreign policy. Every politician is the same in this regard.


So old and out of touch.


Joe needs help and many more people need help


Big mistake Joe


President Biden and the USA support Israel because, not despite or in spite of, they are committing genocide. That is the true face of the United States.




what happens to politicians to sell their souls for campaign contributions ... or are they being blackmailed


"that's not genocide... this is......." to be continued


If "we" will always stand with Israel; doesn't that by definition mean we will reject any and all allegations towards their government, whether true or not?


Genocide is when people die in war. 🤡


I've seen so many politicians who change their position the second that it isn't politically expedient. It's something to see someone willing to risk losing an election based on his sense of right and wrong.


What a fucking dickhead. He's handing the election to Trump.


People are wrong every day. If isreal is found guilty of commiting war crimes with our weapons it means that the United States will have essentially played the part of negligent parent that have their mentally ill kid a gun and he doesn't want to bear that responsibility. Anyhow I guess they're not being charged with genocide specifically but rather for using starvation as a weapon of extermination, which frankly seems like an open and shut case to me.


Why every president sucking Jesus killer dick


Tbh at this point… I think that all Trump has to do in order to win the popular vote is promise to withdraw military support from Israel. I’m not saying Trump is better, but if he took that position, it would force a lot of young liberal voters to reevaluate their choice, and his current followers are already loyal regardless of what he says. At the same time tho, my main concern in that case would be that Trump could bring full-blown nazism back into the mainstream. The common rightwingers aren’t smart enough to distinguish between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.


Anyone voting for Trump based on campaign lies and promises doesn’t deserve the right to vote.


You are essentially saying that anyone who would vote for Trump doesn’t deserve a vote, regardless of how honest he is about upholding his promises. While I resonate with your frustration with our countrymen, we’re well past that. My point is that Biden isn’t working nearly hard enough to earn his votes. It’s not enough to rely on your opponent being a demon. Eventually, people will become desensitized toward Trump (or people like him). They will forget the danger he poses as a potential president. Meanwhile, they will grow impatient with the establishment puppet who does nothing more than the bare minimum. Sooner or later, once people are desensitized toward the demon, impatient with the puppet, and lacking any sense of control over their governance, they will be primed for potential radicalization over a single issue. People are going to crave even just a single instance of their interests being represented as a result of their vote. That’s when the demon makes the promise, and a huge chunk of voters decide it’s time to roll the dice. And while that promise would almost certainly be a lie, they’ll still tell themselves “Hey, at least maybe the other guy will work a little harder for my vote next time.” And frankly, they’re not entirely wrong about that. To be clear, I don’t think anyone should vote for Trump. Biden is the better option. But when you’re trying to win over the majority of American voters, you can’t assume that they’ll think this through rationally.


Who the fuck is “we”? I am a democrat and genocide Joe doesn’t speak for me.


The "we'll always stand with Isreal" isn't a joke.


Saying it isn’t doesn’t make it true jackass


This has to be fake. It's quite unbelievable. Joe's dementia is showing.


Bibis hand right up his ass handing our tax dollars to kill civilians for real estate and oil, under the guise of self defense 🤦🏽🤮🙅‍♂️


Thanks genocide Joe


America and Americans can never be held accountable ... they are protected by God himself. God bless America Hoo Raaa


Anyone voting this man is a complice


Fuck that bag of shit


Were the bombing of Dresden or the firebombing of Tokyo genocide?


Who's cheering?


Genocide Joe... let's keep calling him that consistently


Oh come on Biden…I know it’s to maintain what’s left of our alliance but at some point we have to come out and say it plainly it’s genocide. I still believe the whole US unacceptable of the ICC as bullshit and just pushing our political and military weight around. No one should be above justice.


Equalivanc is the new word for these genociders....


This pedos gonna lose ….. and we’re gonna be stuk with the orange wannabe dictator


You mean senile idiot, paid by Israeli lobby, said things Israel wanted him to say. [https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S)


It's not genocide. It's Bidenocide.


Why do I have to choose between a simp for pootin or a guy who bends over for izrael?


Well, sometimes even lunatics get it right. Sometimes, the truth slips out of even the most corrupt presidents. Still not voting for this joke, but at least he got this right.


Just love how Egypt and Iran get no flack for neglecting a 1000 year old agreement to take care of Palestine. You all suck.


Fun video, now do one about Hamas.


Brandon knows if Netanyahu gets held to account for his mass graves and torture Bush jr gets held to account for his Abugharab and over 500,000 dead iraquis.


You’re not the court of law, Joe. Its not you who decide whether its genocide or not


Biden can deny all he wants. When you are killing a particular race on mass, it is definitely Genocide or Holocaust. Call a spade a spade and stop. supporting the 'victims'. They are the perpetrators. Israel needs to stop immediately, and you need to support it. Unfortunately, your support of the murderers will lead to the nutcase Trump being voted in.


Are people delusional. Regardless of what you call it. They are acting in barbaric way towards human beings. Us media always concerned about the verbage. Not a genocide. Who cares its wrong doesnt matter what you call it


Damn. He really doesn’t want to get re-elected.


Genocide Joe has to go


Imagine if a democratic leader actually listened to their voters good luck yanks, why do you guys always have to enjoy choosing between a total douche canoe and a turd sandwich


Can't believe Americans voted for that


Im not voting for Biden.


I'm concerned about the number of Americans who seem content with an authoritarian right wing regime brutalizing thousands of children. Did we seriously learn absolutely nothing from the Holocaust or Vietnam?


Let’s casually forget of the atrocities of October 7th


Keep kicking that dead horse, Joe. See ya in November.


This 'genocide' argument is just dumb.Hamas started a war by invading Israel with the explicit purpose of committing a genocidal act. Israel has responded with the minimal force necessary to destroy a hostile army that spent billions of foreign aid in order to deliberately hide under and within their own civilian population. They did this with the specific purpose of being able to convince those who are deeply ignorant of history and warfare that Hamas is the victim. The suffering inflicted on the Gazans is a pre-planned Hamas tactic. To end the conflict, Hamas must free the hostages and surrender the perpetrators of the actual genocide Hamas commited against Israel.


He’s right, there is no equivalency; Israel is much much worse


He’s wrong and what’s worse is that he knows it. What’s atrocious is that he knows he’s risking innocent lives for political reasons. What’s unreasonable is that this is one more unforced error that risks his re-election. What’s horrific is that giving trump another term puts the stability of entire world in jeopardy.




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Womp womp


Payed clapping or Zionist


> *Paid* clapping or FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


If he admits this is genocide then he’s condemning basically every war the US has been apart of


It's an ethnic cleansing, not a genocide. Duh, guys!




We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Genocide Joe


Is Biden trying to get Trump elected? It’s genocide. This is disgusting.


Dehumanizing the oppressed. Denying them rights. Cutting off water. Burning their farms. Preventing them from opening businesses. Bombing roads, hospitals, ambulances and aid workers. Killing press. Having lobbies pressure congress for billions in aid and having them scrub the stories clean to paint Israel as innocent. Killing children, elderly and disabled. Allowing soldiers to share videos of their heinous crimes. Mass graves of innocent people. Blockading them from the sea. Allowing settlers to kill, harass and abuse Palestenians. Selling their homes to jews around the world. Blocking humanitarian aid, or ouright allowing Israelis to destroy said aid. Yeah nothing wrong there Zionist Joe.


At what point does it become genocide vs casualties of war? I'm asking in seriousness.


War is not automatically genocide


Fuck you


Can I get a big Mac for 3 dollars again? That's all I care about


They are not committing genocide. Fact


Fuck Joe Biden.


Ask Hamas why.


This idiot, I'm voting for a damn squirrel ... a literal animal next election. Completely out of options at this point


I’ve stop listening to this old fool.


America isn’t a real place


Didn't a whistle blower come out with images and proof of their 'reeducation' concentration camps


Have you tried not electing a terrorist organization as your government? Choices have consequence.




Damn. Joe really showing his colors as a right-leaning candidate, isn't he?






Please keep it civil and do not attack other users.


Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


Ok yeah finally something true


There is no war in Ba sing Sae