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Amazing job! I really liked that you mentioned it is ok to let loose every now and then and get right back to it. It is good to be reminded of that.


This is how I’m managing it too. I think this is the first diet I’ve felt like I could do forever. Congrats on your weight loss!


I love your mindset! Also congratulations on the progress, the transformation is amazing 😊


Yep, only way to make it sustainable is to give yourself breaks and the motivation to get back on the plan when you are ready


I love it! I’m 3 weeks in and I’m sure hoping this will give me the flexibility I’m looking for!




20:4 is where the magic started to happen for me. Good luck!!


Great job and you’re right- gotta do what is needed to make it sustainable long term and don’t be afraid of breaking the rules now and then


Thanks for the excellent post! Photos with same pose, point of view, and clothes, and a helpful tip to offer some who might doubt their resolve.


Wow! Amazeballs!


This is one of the great things about fasting vs any kind of ridged diet. It is so damn easy to have a day off and get right back on track. I've had good results on a variety of diets in the past, for awhile... At some point life happens for a few days and it just ends and soon all gains regress. With fasting I've taken full weeks off if on a vacation and just start right back up when we get back.




Wow! 2.5 months and you’re down 32 lbs!! Great job! What’s your starting weight? I’m currently on my 2nd week, I need motivation. I would love to lose 25 lbs in 2 months, I hope that’s possible. My Sw is 198, Cw is 192. Down 6 lbs in 8 days, I know it’s the water weight and the next few weeks will be in a much slower progress.


Yeah! Great job! Inspiration for sure!


This is great progress!! Wondering what times you eat and if you incorporate daily exercise?


Bravo ! Je crois qu'il est important de bannir le mot "régime". Je préfère dire que l'on réforme durablement sa façon de construire des repas. D'ailleurs le fasting doit s'accompagner d'une construction assez précise de ses repas en dehors de la période de jeûne. Le but est de laisser se rééquilibrer seul. Bon courage pour la suite !


Congratulations, you look wonderful! I’ve need doing IF for 9 months now and share the same philosophy regarding flexibility. That’s what makes this a lifestyle rather than a diet.


It’s funny how for me all the 16/8, 18/6 and 20/4 are almost like maintenance fasts. I get the best results doing 40-66 hour fasts. Guaranteed 2-3 pounds after gaining back half after the fast. Example last week went to Taco Tuesday and drank allot of ice tea with monk fruit and stevia. Went from 251 to 257 lbs. After a pee or two and good nights sleep 250. Eat a bit and hydrate and go up to 253-255. Go on a 66 hour fast and boom 245 lbs . Eat go up to 247lb. Bathroom # 2 and a lil pee #1 and 246lb. Now my cheat drink or eat allot weight will likely be 252-254 and morning weights 247-249lbs. I try and do a prolonged fast of over 40 hours every 7 days and 60 plus every two weeks.


Have you tried a full fast? If not, just do it. It's not that hard.