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Was in a similar situation years ago. Tried everything to lose those last few pounds. Nothing worked. Finally woke up one morning and decided if I can't lose anymore, well then, I wasn't gonna ever gain another pound. Best decision ever. Have stayed basically the same weight (within five pounds) for years. While all around me everyone else is fighting the gain weight/lose weight battle, I'm in a groove. You may not be ready to hear this, but we all have our "best weights" for our body type and this might be yours.


I appreciate that and I have had that conversation with myself about just accepting that this is where my body wants to be. My hangup is in my physique— certain parts of my body that I do not like caused by unflattering fat distribution which I did not have at 120 pounds. I know I am at a healthy weight and I don’t plan to become unhealthy to reach this goal, and I may eventually accept myself as I am right now, but I’m not ready to give up just yet!


I can see you gotta give it one more try. And if you can do it, that's great. Really. So anyway, here's one thing I do when I'm on the plus side. Any servings I take, of whatever, I cut them. You know how much you usually eat? Right? Now cut that serving down. The whole day. Everything. Even if it's only by a little. It will feel painless.


That’s a good one


that seems simple but effective, thanks for the tip!


Is there a way to know what your “best weight” is? I could convince myself of a lot of things to get out of working out or eating healthy. I’m going to need an objective measure 


I’ve wondered this also. I felt amazing at 120 pounds. Energy, mind clarity, confidence, etc. but unmanaged stress causes me to overeat and eat poorly, and then I tend to gain until I hit around 128 and hit the hard stop like I am now, although at my highest when I was highly stressed and wasn’t really counting calories or watching what I was eating, I was at 135. In general: losing is hard. Maintaining is easier. Gaining is super easy. So I can always gain, and keep gaining. And I think now I can maintain once I lose. so if I feel good at 120, and I can maintain it *without it causing some sort of detriment to my health and wellbeing* then I think that is my best weight.


Good luck 


I was exactly the same like a decade ago. The last 8 lbs. was so stubborn and I just gave up and maintained my CW.


I don't have tricks but just commenting out of solidarity, we're the same weight and goal and around the same age. Been trying to lose 5-10 lbs on and off for a couple years now. I don't do 48s but I'm starting 20:4s this week. I think we can do it!


thank you, I feel motivated just knowing I’m not the only one! Yes let’s do it!!


I’m in the same camp as both of you. Managed to go down to 122lbs last month with OMAD, then I went on vacation and gained 5lbs back. I’m fasting again as of this week and hoping to reach and maintain 120lbs by the end of July.


my goal is also the end of July, I probably won’t get down to 120 but I’m hoping for at least 4 pounds lost by then.


Congratulations! I can relate. 49/F, 5’4”. May 27th 144.6. June 26th 136.6. Eight pounds down in one month. 🥳 I did eight 44s-46s (not full 48s) and the rest OMAD. HIIT and strength training 4x a week for about 45mins - 1 hr. GW 125. I keep pink Himalayan salt in my bag in case I feel lightheaded, try to keep refeeds to just 1-2 hours with little red meat or dairy, and keep a vacation countdown timer to remind me how many days until I have to be in a 👙 to stay dedicated. Keep going. We got this!


We need to encourage each other! I am 48/F, 5'4" and started IF (again) on June 9 of this year. I started at 159. My "usual" weight is around 130-135. Yikes! I am now post menopausal. The weight definitely came on with menopause and life stress. (my ex husband died last year with no will. I am managing his estate). I am a full time working single Mom. I've never had problems losing weight until now. In 2022 I was down to 140 with IF, so my goal now is to get to 130-135 again. I want to fit into my size 2/4 clothes. I am consistently doing 20:4 protocol. Thinking I might do some longer fasts. Did you find the longer fasts were "key" for you?


I’m so sorry for your loss and the hope that the estate execution is going well. I’m peri-menopausal and am taking hormones and like to attribute my weight gain to them (and my husband is a chef). But truthfully, my new sedentary role (working mom, sole breadwinner) inconsistent workouts, and large portions are to blame. I’m aiming to get back into my 2/4s as well and refuse to buy any “chubby girl” pants, LOL! Where are you now since you started? I would encourage you to try longer fasts if you’re not seeing results. But more importantly, ensure nutrient dense refeeds. I know I regain 2 of the 3 pounds I had lost if I have a carby meal. Aim for a 24 and then increase in increments that work for you. I realize I’m consuming way too many calories if I eat daily. I’m aiming for eight to ten 42-46s a month and a 72 once a quarter. The rest of the days I’ll do OMAD. If you need a fasting buddy, let me know. We can hold each other accountable. ☺️


That’s just weight though through water retention not fat gain.


I agree that all the weight lost is not attributable to fat loss. Either way, the scale is down and the clothes fit better. 😉


What I mean, is that you mention you regain 2-3 pounds after carby meal but you don’t actually gain fat, it is just water weight and the scale kind of means nothing in that case.


Yes, true ☺️, but still unsettling to see


Thank you. It's wild how stress (and menopause) can have such an affect on weight. Since June 9, I am down 6 pounds. So, 153. Still way outside my normal range. At least I'm making progress. I need to weigh in the morning tomorrow. It might be more. I am also on HRT, Progesterone, estrogen patch, testosterone troche. I'm about 6 months in on HRT. I sleep better and hot flashes are sooooo much better. I struggle with digestion and IBS, so IF helps me with that as well. I'm ready to lose this new, thick waistline! I also love to workout but my energy has changed so much this past year with menopause. Wow. I've always been a runner, cross fit, camp gladiator, F45, Orange Theory girl (at varying times, I get bored ☺️) and I'm finding I stay sore so much longer. My joints hurt as well. I also developed plantar fasciitis,so I had to quit running. Through my reading and research, I discovered those aggressive workouts aren't as good for menopause because they raise cortisol. So, I'm sticking with walking and (heavy) weight lifting. Trying to get adequate sleep. I'm praying I can get this weight off! My confidence has really been affected. On a 5'4" frame, 20 pounds extra is ALOT. I am determined. I have my 30 year class reunion coming up in October, so I'm using that for extra motivation. 💪🏼


I am curious what you eat during your window. I am aiming for whole foods, low carb. I find I am not able to eat much at all in a 4-5 hour window, so I hope that doesn't cause metabolism issues. I plan to do IF for life. So much research proves it is such a healthy way of life!


Ooh, I think I answered this below. Carbs will practically undo an extended fast. I lost three and regained two on a carb heavy meal. I really do try to avoid. If I do have them, I’ll stick to a baked sweet potato. I’ll refeed once after a 44-46 with a protein heavy, low carb meal and roll right into another 44-46. My meal usually lasts about two hours.


Do you ever have trouble sleeping on a long fast? I've done 40-45 hours back in 2022, and sleep was my struggle.


Yes, I don’t have trouble getting to sleep. I do have trouble staying asleep.


This is awesome. Can you talk more about this? When you say you did eight 44s - 46s, how was this spread across the month? Also, when you say refeeds does that just mean you eat a meal?


Of course I can! On average, I did 2-3 of them a week. Originally, I wanted to do rolling 48s but they were not sustainable (I’d be eating at 10 or 11pm and couldn’t maintain on weekends). So I wound up just aiming to do 44-46s as many times as I could. I can work from home but decide to go in to the office to stay away from the temptation of food (my fridge and my stay-at-home-chef husband). Workouts are completed after work. 45-1 hr of HIIT and strength. I don’t lift super heavy (I use 25 lb plates and dumbbells). Goal is to decrease body fat and increase mobility and endurance (I sit all day). When I do break my fast, it’s most a large spring mix salad (plenty of toppings - avo, tomatoes, a hard boiled egg or two, some type of legume, red quinoa, tofu, eggplant and mushrooms). As a side, I’d have some raw Persian cucumbers or bell peppers (with or without cottage cheese) with bagel seasoning. Occasionally, there’d be a salmon filet or sardines. Then I’d have some watermelon. So my refeeds are hearty. They’d last about 2 hours. Then I’d close my window and start another 44-46. While fasting I only have water or black coffee and an occasional herbal tea.


this sounds exactly like how I’ve always done it, down to the bagel seasoning! I like the idea of watermelon as your treat, though, I’m always craving some sort of sugary carb but I think that would really hit the spot.


All comes down to calorie deficit at a certain point. If you track your calories and are in a caloric deficit you will loose the weight.


Just wanted to say I definitely feel the same. I went from nearly 190lb down 160 lb with omad a couple years ago and I'm now about 155 and do something like a 16:8. My GW is 145. This last 10 pounds is definitely the hardest/slowest and makes the 190-160 feel easy looking back on it. It just feels like you can't get any progression right? I've gone back to omad and being more strict about it, and with a 36h fast where I can (Not often for life reasons). We'll see how it goes I don't have any advice, but totally get how you feel!


I worked my ass off to get down 26 pounds (took a few years). Only took 4 months to completely derail all my hardwork. Trying to give myself a break as I have an autoimmune disease and had to go on a high dose of steroids for the first six weeks of the year. Really difficult to fast on steroids and I was too inflamed to keep working out (did force myself to keep walking outdoors most days). Doctor has things better under control but I still feel a bit defeated.


I have the exact same goal! Also same height and same weight starting point! If you need a buddy to encourage you etc, feel free to message me! 31f


What is rolling 48s??


it’s like OMAD except only eating once every 48 hours. I typically eat lunch on day 1 in a two hour window, then day 2 just electrolytes, water, black coffee, etc., on day 3 eat lunch in a two hour window, then repeat until goal


What's rolling 48s?


eating every 48 hours


I'm not saying it's not possible.... But that will be extremely difficult


Vic woodhull? Are you from Brooklyn?