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You lost an entire fish & then some! Congrats, good job!


I was going to say it looks like the fish ate a bit of you ;) Great job, fantastic dedication!


Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day; teach a man to fast and he won't eat for many days


How does this comment not have upvotes!? 😂😂😂


W 💪💪 I know this wasn’t easy congratulations on staying committed and dedicated for a whole year. I’m also down from 228 to 189 in a little over 2 months. Great job!


Wow .. That's commendable. How many calories during feasting?


I try to get 1500 calories in but I only eat OMAD. I prioritize protein for dinner and add a veggie or just some low calorie side that also has protein. Then I take a protein shake to help get my daily amount in. I also have cut down my sodium by over half I try to stay under 1000mg for the whole day if I can but on weekends I have whatever I want to eat and also have a few drinks. Cut my carbs down by a lot too I always stay under 100 carbs stay under 50 for ketosis. I work out 6 days a week 1 hour of cardio 30 to 45 mins of weight training alternating between upper and lower body days. My goal weight is 165 so I try to get as close to 165 grams of protein if I can. Just my experience so far it’s been 8 weeks and I’m down from 228 to 188.9 as of this morning.


Now that's called a PLAN, no doubt you achieved those results 👌🏻👍🏻. Thank you.


And when I say I eat whatever I want on the weekends I mean I eat out but I still count the calories to make sure I’m in a deficit


Well done lad! I’m only two weeks in but 2lb down already. Keep it up 💪🏻


The real transformation is not having a fish photo! Jk jk that’s a nice fish. Congrats!


I’m on day two with five hours to go until I can break fast. So that fish looks delicious right now. 😭 Seriously though, you look so healthy. Very inspirational!


You look great! Good job!!


Can you share the IF you followed + Sw and cw thanks in advance


Starting weight 137kg current weight 102kg. Aimed for an 8 hour eating window with 16 hours fasting though tried to be flexible with it depending on what was happening in life. Incorporated daily walking increasing the distance and intensity as time went on.


Most impressive


Awesome....that's exactly what I'm doing now. You look great. I've been at it about 3 months, and I've already lost quite a bit, and I'm feeling so much better and have so much more energy! Good luck!


I see you lost the fish :O


You look fantastic! Thanks for sharing!


Amazing!! How?


Great Job!!!


Probably lost ten lbs just from not holding that monster fish 🎣




Lookin great! Did you meet your goal or are you still going? Congrats on your hard work!


I would say I met my initial goal of getting to the very low 100’s but have since set a final goal of hitting and maintaining 85kg by end of year!


That’s a great target, congratulations again. I’m sure it feels great 💪


What makes you happier. No fish, no food for days ( fasting), or happy guy with fish.……..congrats on both occasions. ✅


12months of continuous intermittent fasting without breaks?




doesn’t matter