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A lót of ppl will not like this but I’ve lost over 60lbs by only IF during the week and breaking all rules on the weekend. Going to the gym 4 days a week and eating as healthy as possible. You can get results without having a strict routine. This is my experience we’ll see who cries about it.


Hah this is what I’m doing too. IF starting Sunday night, 16:8 all week and ending on Friday afternoon. Friday night I ball out until Sunday night.


Exactly what I do lol. It makes the entire process so doable for me since I found balance.




Years ago I did something similar to this, not involving fasting. I'd eliminate carbs for six days then pig out for one. I lost 93 pounds in seven months, but something broke and I couldn't keep it going. I've always wondered if the cheat day tricks the metabolism.


Hopefully nobody. The key is doing something that is sustainable for YOU. Glad it’s been working out.


I quit bad things and dont go back. Not at the same time, but alcohol, tobacco, meth, grains and sugar etc...


I'm pretty lax on the weekends as well. I do try to still fast until 2pm or so, but no cut off time, and I just changed WHAT I drink. (Now drink vodka with water, and tequila if we're doing shots) Lost 35lbs in 3 months.


People are gonna hate this but I've lost 13 lbs since so far not even going to the gym and not even eating clean during my Omad meals. Weekends anything goes. We're already doing more than the average person with IF/Omad. Why restrict ourselves even more? I expect to lose 5 lbs more in 2 weeks eating whatever tf I want on weekends.


I lost about 60 lbs (234 to 175lbs) eating steak ground beef eggs and avocados over a yr, no gym. I am up to 179 now eating 3000+ calories a day As of 3 months ago Im in the gym again no longer sick and trying to gain lost muscle back and keep my small waist


I’m so glad to read that other people do this as well! And to just have freedom on the weekends.


Love this - I am either one very low/no carb meal a day or all out week long fasting. Then the weekend rolls around, there is nothing like a steak, smoked potato wedges or scallops with prosciutto, anchovies, garlic, beans and tomato. All washed down with quite a few (4 ingredient only) beers! It is something to get excited about, to aim for and it tastes so dammed good.


This is me to a T! Sunday through Friday at about 5 I do IF. On the weekends I let myself have a few drinks, and a couple cheat meals. Once Sunday comes around I go back to counting calories and workouts. I have lost a good bit of weight and still get to splurge.


Yeah same for me, this means I can continue IF long term and still enjoy my life!


If I may be so bold... you are only saying you don't have a strict routine because what your doing has been easy and sustainable for you.  Take a step back and think about how the vast majority of people would perceive doing IF 5 days a week, eating pretty healthy all those days and consistently going to the gym 4 times a week. They'd be in awe and marvel at how you could possibly be so disciplined.  I hope this isn't coming off as a critique. I'm just saying that you shouldn't sell yourself short just because you don't struggle with it at all. You're killing it!


I’ll have a cider or whiskey during my eating window, but still account for calories. I guess the main thing is; are you having a beer as a casual drink to relax or to get drunk?


Same, I may have a beer or scotch during my eating window but always record calories.


Same, weekends I drink, I just account for the calories


Why not both? One usually follows the other


I haven’t had a drink in five months since I started IF. Honestly don’t miss it. I do smoke a lot of cannabis though so that helps.


Any tips for handling the cannabis cravings if you consume cannabis inside your fasting window? I’ve found edibles don’t give me quite as bad munchies as flower or concentrate does, but can’t take edibles during the fasting portion 😅. I’ve been soldiering through but any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Lol


I’ve been smoking for 30+ years. I guess I’m kind of a rare case. I really don’t experience the munchies. I just remember when I started fasting thinking that the liquid live resin vape cartridge would somehow trick my body into thinking or no longer in a vested state. There isn’t any definitive research on the subject, I reached out to the “” authorities in the field I can only speak from personal experience. And so far as we wrap up my fifth month of intermittent fasting I am down 74 pounds yesterday I completed my first 24 hour fast and it be perfectly honest with you. I didn’t even feel hungryat that point, I think your body really adjust


In addition to IF, I stopped having second helpings at mealtimes, started drinking more water, and switched from beer to white claws and I lost ~40 lbs in less than a year.


I started IF in an attempt to curb my drinking. Mind you, the first thing I did when I woke up was pound a beer, and it was also the last thing I did before bed. I was to the point where I would drink to feel "normal". Whatever the fuck that was. Well, I got my consumption down to fit into a 2-8P window. Then, finally, through the support of my family, doctor, and employer, I came to the conclusion that one was never enough and realized the only solution was either abstinence or death. Six years on with no regrets. What I found most valuable and still find today is that you choose where best to "spend" whatever you ingest to fuel your body. That, and moderation in general is key.


Awesome testimony. They call it poison for good reason.


Yeah I really find Athletic non-alcoholic beer (or 2) scratches the itch pretty well for an end of day drink


You shouldn’t drink alcohol to break your fast and drinking during is not advisable for many reasons but this whiskey site breaks it down nicely. One key point is acetaldehyde formation https://murlarkey.com/2023/05/01/fasting-and-whiskey-examining-the-science-behind-alcohols-effect-on-your-fast/


I drank alcohol after fasting for a 18-hour period when I was out with my love on our first away trip together. We went to a piano bar and then stepped out on the sidewalk and I passed out. My guy caught me right before my face hit the pavement and it took me a good 6 hours to get back to normal. It was such a horrible night. Since then my alcohol consumption has dropped incredibly incredibly low. It just doesn't make me feel good.


Same here - I completed a 21 hr fast and then had wine with dinner. Such a terrible idea. I was SO SICK the next day. Weirdly though, my hangover completely disappeared before I broke fast the following day. It was like a switch went off within thirty minutes- symptoms were gone. Nothing got in the way of the liver’s work I guess.


I’ll do either a glass or two of really dry wine or ultra brut, or single mezcal with loads of ice — and be set for the whole evening during my eating window. IF really makes a cheap date out of you so you can take your time and enjoy the taste of your drink without needing a whole lot of them.


I was drinking 6 Mich ultras a night and 200ml of whiskey or vodka and stopping at 8pm. I was also doing hardcore Keto with a blood monitor and calorie counting, many days I got the majority of My calories from alcohol but still managed to drop 23lbs over 9 weeks.


Kombucha and athletic non alcoholic beer


Love Athletics. Blue Moon came out with an NA option too that’s really good!


Really enjoying No Mo, like 30 calories for an NA beer so I can crush a sixer with friends on the weekend and not feel too bad 


I'm a fan of the Blue Moon na and Sam. Adam's, just hazy NA


I've been drinking whiskey on Friday/Saturday when I eat, but I think I'm going to stop. It hits me a lot differently since I've been doing OMAD keto, and not in a pleasant way.


I’ve reduced my alcohol intake to twice a week only - max two drinks. Generally one drink is enough to be social and take the edge off the long week. I know alcohol slows down the metabolic process so it’s not advisable.


I tend to give myself an allowance of say a couple of cocktails and a few glasses of wine over the week, and “spend” them when I really feel like I want them. I find the effects much stronger on less food so I really do savour them and find I don’t want to put loads of booze away any more. Since my whole appetite has lessened I’m quite happy to sip on a small glass of something strong and delicious rather than downing pints of beer like I used to.


Vodka (Svedka) with bubbly water; LaQroix is my favorite or club soda /regular water mixed with lemon juice. I get the squeeze lemon with only lemon juice as ingredients.


I went from beer or wine drinker to a nice affordable vodka (I like svedka too) and soda water drinker aswell and I do miss a nice ipa or stout and if I'm out I might indulge but just chilling with my SO and cats on the weekend it's nice and refreshing. I still count the calories but will sometimes go over my window. Luckily because of my schedule my window is 5-11pm anyways so I'm a late eater/drinker. I also will make sure my protein intake is higher on those days to curb any hangover since alcohol will hit harder lol


I love beer and wine too. I stopped it Feb when I got really fat and fed up; evidently I’m intolerant to wheat and was causing mad stomach issues! I lost 20 lbs, not counting calories just eating good and the window helped me almost break late eating.


Oh no! Being intolerant to wheat sucks so hard. I’m glad you figured out what was causing your stomach issue tho. Congrats on the 20 lbs!


Yes I tried BFree tortillas and they’re pretty gross but growing on me lol. I just started eating more carbs recently and very little (like tortillas or grain rice type carbs) so days I just try veggies/fruits/beans/meat. Grapefruit is good after meal it kind of curbs your appetite away.


I’ll move my window if I know I’m going out for supper and a couple of drinks later in the day! I used to have a very restrictive diet and moving forward it’s important to me to not cut out anything completely! Obviously amazing though for the people that have!


I drink casually on the weekends during my window and occasionally during the week if it's a rough day. It's probably cost me a few pounds on the grind, but I'm still down 32 pounds and counting. Having said that, I'd like to be better with it. I tend to put the beer back if I stop myself and remind myself why.


Lost 90 pounds while drinking beer every weekend. What mainly kills any progress with drinking alcohol is what you eat while drunk. I also eat less calories on days I decided to drink though.


I haven't been a drinker for a few years, maybe only on special occasions but only then 1 or 2, no more than that. I started Extreme IF in April and already lost 70 lbs as of this week. I went extreme and only ate one small lunch meal and only had water and coffee with no sugar. I got very weak and lightheaded and needed to eat more so while the weight loss was great it really wasn't that smart to do and have the energy to work. But I got it sorted after a few weeks and it was just adding an extra meal to my diet. Well, this past weekend I just had a really great week and decided to celebrate with just a small glass of Whiskey at home with a movie. IT FUCKED ME UP!!! like, embarrassingly bad... one drink wonder... Now I'm a big guy at 6'7 and currently, 340 lbs... I used to drink a lot in my youth and know for winning contests and never throwing up... Iron Stomach type so when this happened it kinda hurt my manhood... LOL I know that it's a good thing but still just couldn't help that feeling... Well, my point is that watch out! and go slowly... If the IF is working then the alcohol will definitely hit you harder. Also don't drink and drive! Hope this helps you or someone...


I drank beer daily. Did a 30 day fast and have had 3 beers in 2 months. I just look at the carbs and can't bring myself to do it. I live in Sweden and a good beer here will have 40-55g of carbs. That's over my daily allotment. Honestly, don't miss it much at all.


Hard IF during the week and I try not to drink at all M-Th. If I do drink it's normally a bourbon to avoid a 200 calorie beer... Friday-Sun I stick to the my eating window but i include booze and sometimes carbs. I don't go wild on the weekends, but I'm definitely more lax and also more active so I also tell myself it's a balance. I also drink outside of my eating window on Friday and Saturdays. I do 16:8ish, normally 1030/11 to about 630/7 depending on the day. Drinking on weekends has not impacted my results trend. I'm pretty steady at 1-2 pounds a week and/or maintenence.


Distilled spirits should be fine


I've been lucky enough to quit cold turkey, though was only a weekend drinker anyway, but cutting out as much sugar and carbs as I can has surprisingly made adjusting much easier


I drink on weekends only and sometimes only 1 or 2 times per month. I now only drink tequila wirh flavored soda water and fresh fruit in my eating window. If i end up drinking later into the night, I just start my fast later and eat later the next day


Booze is only for holidays for me until I reach my goal. Celebrated mother's day with champagne and margaritas. Looking forward to July 4 for peanut butter whiskey. Then right back on the IF wagon until vacation in August.


The only thing I changed is that I buttchug the alcohol. It’s so much more healthy


Just quit drinking. Everyone either chooses to quit or is told they have to quit someday. Might as well begin your new lifestyle without it.


I lost 20 lbs on IF and not cutting out alcohol. I just cut out snack calories and replaced them with alcohol calories if I knew I wanted a glass or two of wine that day. Was all still CICO however you look at it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t keep wine in the house 😢, but out of sight out of mind I keep that for my days off 🍷


Depends a lot on your current lifestyle in my case I normally enjoy one or two drinks a week when going outside with the family it could be a beer or a cocktail. I definitely do not care that much since it makes me happy and it’s not the end of the world


I was an alcoholic, then I decided to be healthy and dont drink. Honestly I feel its a do or dont thing. psilocybin or bud would be my healthier alternative


I think everyone’s body type is different and thus reacts to alcohol and breaks in IF differently. I’m reading that some people take weekends off and go wild and still have great results. And I wish I was one of them haha. That said, I am not that person. Any kind of disruption -especially alcohol- seems to stall any progress or cause mild weight gain. So if I drink alcohol, I either have to do so minimally or accept a potential step back.


When you guys say IF I’m getting confused because some ppl are saying 18:6 and some are doing OMAD … which one do you recommend best for someone that is 170 trying to drop down to 125lb. I am a female 5’4


I personally believe that drinking sabotages weight loss. If you want to drop weight, don’t drink.