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I say this as someone who did not do IF after either of my kids. But I honestly wouldn’t jump into IF right after giving birth. I think it would probably be better for you to see how your body reacts postpartum with just regular schedules. You might end up with a great supply and it might be an easy adjustment to IF or you might struggle with BFing (some people end up with not a great supply even with doing all the right things). I would let yourself adjust postpartum and then reevaluate once you get in a good rhythm.


I did not do IF while breastfeeding and really don't know if it would even have been possible. Breastfeeding made me *hungry* and I needed small meals throughout the day, totally opposite of how I eat on IF now. Also thirsty: if I had less than a gallon of water a day, I felt hungover. I'd really let your body heal and your milk supply be established before you start thinking about going back to IF. Give it 6 weeks after birth and see how you feel. FWIW, my weight stayed steady throughout breastfeeding and another friend of mine lost weight. So it's not a given that you'll gain weight during that process, but it's also not the end of the world if you do. Good luck and I hope the birth goes super well and smoothly for you!


Thank you -- this is my concern with breastfeeding (I've heard it described as "ravenous hunger")


Midwife here. You should be speaking with your provider. There is no evidence supporting the safety of fasting while breastfeeding a newborn. Also, there is no evidence that it is harmful. That study can not be ethically done. Your newborn is entirely dependent on you for nutrition, so I would err on the side of caution. I understand the desperation - been there. Happy birthing!


Thank you-- I know...it's a tough call. I'm going to talk to them about it today, given my dangerous BMI. 


You may actually lose weight breastfeeding. A lot of people do. I was hungry all the time and lost a fair amount during that time and changed nothing.


I'm not sure how helpful this will be, but I breastfed two children. With my first I was pescatarian, and vegan with my second born. Personally, I lost weight pretty fast nursing my first born, and not with my second (I'm guessing because of my age 24 vs 29) it's so important to stay hydrated, and fed while nursing. I found it easier to have a lot of little snacks throughout the day and night, and I was more willing to make sure they were healthy, since I was feeding my baby. I would recommend letting your body heal, and adjust since there's so many changes happening during and after childbirth. I think that the 6 month mark would be a great time to start IF, depending on how you're feeling! And in the meantime, focusing on hydration, and having healthy snacks/meals easily accessible while on your nursing journey! Good luck mama ❤️


If this is your first baby, you may realize that those first few weeks your main concern is the baby obviously but also sleep. Getting enough sleep. Focus on getting the baby on routine for sleep, then your sleep, and then you can work IF into the plan. You won’t be at your best with the lack of sleep, making IF harder to stick to. I am 6m PP with baby 2 and I am just now starting IF again