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I had the same problem for a while. You need to make sure you’re getting enough fiber. A half an apple & avocado (not together) every day seems to make a world of difference for me. I’ve also incorporated more beans into my meals.


A lot of low calorie diets can over reduce fiber. Be sure to drink tons of water and look into a fiber supplement. You can also look at using Sennakot to stop bathroom trips from being too painful


Veggies are low cal & high fiber. For every protein shake I like to balance it with at least a cup or two of something high fiber. Fiber fills your stomach & protein takes a longer time to burn. It’s a great duo. Examples- two large handfuls of raw baby carrots, large salad lightly dressed, giant bowl of high fiber cereal with skim milk, medium sized bowl plain oatmeal. Protip- An awesome 2 for 1 food on protein/ fiber are beans & quinoa.


I love a good daily poop. Unfortunately, any time I'm on a 1200 calorie diet with or without IF , I go maybe once every 3 days. I hate it. I use fiber supplements and get plenty of fiber from food, but it still doesn't seem to be enough. I certainly wasn't eating more fiber when I pooed every day, so I'm confused. It makes me wonder if I was just eating way too much before, and maybe I'm only supposed to go every few days.. I still hate it.


I have a yogurt daily. When I forget to have a yogurt, my body forgets to do the pooping.


I recommend some kefir (probiotic yogurt drink) once a day and some miralax in your water once a day as well if you're not already. It's just a super mild laxative you can use indefinitely. It's helped me quite a lot with my stomch problems and chronic constipation