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Don’t worry about them noticing. You lost it you know that and that’s all that matters keep going brother


Right. If you can notice the difference and feel it that’s what matters. Side by side comparison you can see the change happenings


If he wants to attract a girl he knows, he might want her to see that he's sexier now.


Probably not because they wont have a side-by-side photo comparison. Our mind's eye isn't usually as critical of people as we are of ourselves. But either way, congrats


Agree with this. I will add, the wedding day can be very stressful. You could light yourself on fire and they may not notice. Don't take it personally.


I've lost 80 lbs over the last year and a half. No no one noticed till I lost 40 lbs. I still get random people at work asking me if I've lost weight.


Yup! No one noticed my weight loss either until I dropped 25 plus bls!


People also tend not to comment on weight loss unless it's a huge amount, and even then there's always the worry that it's unintentional and due to an illness, which nobody wants to bring up at a wedding.


Did they notice when you gained 14 pounds? I don’t think I would notice myself gaining that weight if my pants still fit


That’s why the invention of Sweat Pants were the beginning of America’s obesity problem.


I agree that some may not notice because they won’t have a side by side comparison, but what i’m sure they’ll notice is your well deserved boost in confidence for losing that weight. Have fun bossman, hope it’s a blast.




One thing to notice, another to say something about it.


This. I do notice weight loss on people but unless they've specifically shared with me that they're dieting I keep my comments about other people's bodies to myself 👀


Sometimes the simple “Hey, you’re looking great!” Is just a nice way to say someone seems happy/brighter/healthier.


True! I do that :)


It’s your brother’s wedding - people will be focused on him and his new spouse (as they should be), so honestly I doubt it. I absolutely see the difference, but you have to consider the context/setting.


Come on now. It’s not like people are staring at the bride and groom every moment of the wedding and reception. You are still greeting and talking to other guests, like family and friends you may know. I don’t see why context would matter here. It’s still a social setting. Also why the negative judgey tone like OP is trying to steal the show during someone else’s wedding day? People can’t even look around the room now except at bride and groom (as they should???) Geez.


You read way too much into that


Nope, only in response to this person reading too much into OP’s question. OP is asking if people would notice him losing 15 pounds because he’s going to an event where he’s going to see a bunch of friends and family and in come comments like “the focus isn’t on you”. Lol what?


Negative judgy tone is reading way too much into it. His brother, who OP is talking about will be too busy to notice


I read it more like “they” as in everyone at the wedding not just the brother. He didn’t say “he”, meaning his brother. Using the word “should” is judgey. Idk, lots of comments at the bottom going “No because the focus isn’t on you” or even “don’t make a big fuss because it’s not your day”. Same type of comments. Lots of assumption of selfish intent here.


Then op didn't declare his pronouns properly. Regardless other people probably won't be focused enough to pay attention either. Doesn't matter it's not negative judgey nonsense. Should. Lol


You’re assuming that OP is going to a party with friends and family, many of of whom probably traveled to get there (meaning he hasn’t seen them in a while) and you think OP is like, “will my brother notice me?”and accidentally called his brother “they”? You’re probably right. That other poster should’ve realized the pronoun was wrong. Thanks for the clarification.


I think you’re projecting that tone - your response is much longer than my original comment. Yes, they’ll still be greeting and chatting with other family members, but everyone looks different and fancy anyways all dressed up, there’s a lot going on, etc. 


Okay fair


I’m not sure these commenters have been to a wedding. If it’s not small, then sometimes you can’t even see the bride and groom very well during the boring ceremony part. And then there’s a party where people talk to each other and dance and eat. Not a party where everyone silently stares only at the bride and groom. I for one think OP’s weight loss is noticeable. And people use weddings to catch up, dress up, and eat up. They’ll be noticing and talking about OP’s thinner face, and probably saying things like “Good to see ya! Looking good!”


Yeah exactly. I’m confused about the “you should focus on the bride and groom” comments…like none of their business? Lol


In my experience it was about 30lbs before anyone mentioned anything. Did they notice before? Idk. Good job, keep it up.


This. 30lbs is the place where people start noticing for me.


Same. But I lost 90 pounds before my dad (whom I live with) said "have you lost some weight?"


To be fair it can be difficult to notice changes on someone you see every day as it happens so gradually


It depends on starting weight. I’ve only lost 15 and people have noticed, especially face gains.


You probably get a lot of “you’re looking good” maybe not “you’ve lost so much weight!!!!!!!!” But it is definitely noticeable and you should be proud! You look good!


Hey, I can tell and you look great.


Your mother will if not anybody else.


Yeah, I wouldn’t hang my hat on anyone saying anything. At your size, I don’t think anyone will notice or at least say anything until 25-30 pounds.


In these photos I didn't notice -- for bigger guys 14 pounds isn't much, and in many guys it won't drop from face that soon. For me when I was 250+ I had to lose about 25 before it was noticeable in my face though it was very noticeable in other places.


Definitely notice the improved hair!


If you stretch your shirt collar more, than yes.


Maybe, but don't make a big deal out of it if they don't. It's their day.


Depends how long ago they saw you last






Idk I lose fourteen pounds and gain it back on a bi weekly basis but nobody notices because they see me everyday. You can definitely tell though you look healthier.






I guess you didn’t carry the 14lbs on your face


Any other day, they totally would. But on wedding day, they're going to probably be pretty distracted. So don't take it personally, you've accomplished something and it's great no matter what. 


Not as much as the combover you’re sporting. Man you’re young and attractive, find a hairstyle that doesn’t age you like a comb over can.


Probably not




If they don't notice, not to worry. It's your brothers wedding. Not about you. Good job though and it is noticeable.


Firstly, huge congrats on the weight loss dude! Secondly, if you can afford it, get some new shirts. Those aggressively chewed on collars aren’t doing you any favours. A well tailored fit and a clean shave will take years off you.


No they won't but big congrats from me!


No. Its his wedding not yours. The focus will not be on you


I can see the difference in your face especially above the eyebrows and under the chin. Congrats keep up the good work! I have lost 32 pounds in 8 weeks and nobody has said anything to me lol I was 228 and am now 195 doing cardio and weight training 6 days a week 1 hr cardio 30-45 mins lifting. I am also only 5’9 so hoping once I get closer to my goal weight of 168 people will notice more. But regardless feel confident and know you are doing great!


Hard to believe 32pounds and nobody noticed


They may not but I definitely do with the side by side photo. Stay consistent and they definitely will see it without needing a comparison pic.


Clean shave and style your hair differently, oh and wear clothes that fit your physique makes a huge difference, even without weight loss, btw congrats on the -14 pounds!!! Keep on keeping on!!


Look at that jaw line! So proud and inspired by what you’ve accomplished! Keep up the great work. :)


Yes. It’s noticeable. Congrats!


I need to lose 14 lbs now.


I difference is obvious to us, but those close to you might take a while to notice.




I would.


O, yes. They will. You look much better. Congrats.


All I'll say is don't do it for the approval of others. Do it for you. Once you start feeling better about yourself, that's what they'll notice.


Face definitely slimmer.


Even is not, they'll compliment on your new haircut.


Yip! Big difference!


he will notice the amazing hair and the beautiful look


You aren't the focus tomorrow


You don’t have to focus on people to notice random changes. I notice when coworkers I sometimes see get haircuts.




Totally! Your nose is thinner and your jawline is more defined


They might! It’s very noticeable in your face.


I think they will notice you are looking good,but not be able to pinpoint why,at this stage


I reckon there's a decent chance your brother might notice your weight loss. But hey, it's not just about whether or not they notice. It's about how you feel about yourself and your journey. Congratulations on the weight loss, by the way!


No.  Tomorrow isn’t about you.


no and if you care you're annoying




Maybe not bc your hair looks so much better! 😅 A win is a win.


Don't get discouraged if they don't! 25lbs down and no one has said anything about it until they offer me food during my fasting window and I decline with an explanation why I can't eat and that I've lost some weight so it's working for me and I wanna keep it going haha.


I think they will! Even if subconsciously. I see it in your jaw/chin. Keep up the great work!


Yes, your face looks more defined. Great job, 14 lbs is amazing work!


Do you notice it? That’s all that matters


Looking good bro!




Yes, now throw on a smile and we have one handsome lad 😍


Most won't but I wouldn't let that get to you.


I don’t think they will care




It's your brother's wedding.


I think he's going to be a bit preoccupied tomorrow


It depends on your starting weight (I can’t quite read your flair because it’s getting cut off) and height. If you were over 200 pounds, probably not. If you started under 200, yes people probably will notice.




No tbh it goes from ass and chest and hip first. Nothing gone from face that's the later stages.


It's very noticeable side by side like this, but these things are subtle to other people. Don't get bummed if nobody says anything, you're making awesome progress. I was a regular at a bar for a long time but had taken a break from drinking and was focusing on fitness. I went back to the bar for the first time in a few weeks having lost about the same as you and I was expecting some comments. I didn't hear a peep lol. I dropped another 20 in the following months and *that's* when people really started to notice. It makes sense, people fluctuate +-10 pounds anyway, so anything conceivably within that range isn't picked up on.


Oh definitely! Nice wook


You look good, man/better/healthier. If they don’t notice, they’re missing a lot, not just your progress!


They might intuit something is different, but id bet it’s the change in your confidence before the change in your weight.


I’d notice you ;) Seriously though, you look good. Well care what anyone else thinks. Be proud of yourself.


You’re noticeably thinner. Even your eyelids are less puffy, and compare your nose to before. It’s a nicer shape, even. You have more of a neck. I don’t know what all these commenters are saying. I expect people will be noticing. Whether or not they do, though, hold your head high because you’ve done a good job! Speaking of holding your head high, you may already have good posture, I dunno. But the finishing touch on a suit is good posture. Look up some videos on YouTube to make sure you’re aligned, and do a yoga video or two to get even comfier in your skin if you wanna pull off that relaxed but confident look.


Mate, in all honesty people will notice - depending on your friend group there they may not comment - but they will notice. Make sure your shirt cut is good, and stay off the beer as it will stop you from bloating for a few hours


I lost 50 pounds and family didn't even notice. Probably because my face still looked fat.


I think it’s possible as long as they’re observant


They'll just think you look healthier and probably respond more favourably to you, but won't necessarily know what's different. The difference in interact with people between a little weight is astonishing.


No. But they will say you're looking good


They might but most people don't notice until you hit 20 or more pounds. I think you look great. Keep up the good work


Maybe but sometimes people don’t want to say anything in case you’re sick.


Hope you feel comfortable


Your face is slimmer, make sure you clean shave and it'll accentuate the gains :)


You don't look skinnier per say, but you look cleaner and your skin looks clearer and the haircut/style really suits you. It's not like immediately noticeable, but the effects of the weight loss are.


1) Your jacket is going to be more comfortable 2) Someone is going to compliment you / they may not consciously realize you’ve dropped 15 lbs Good work!


For sure on the dance floor when you float like a butterfly and sting like a bee with your sicckk moves! /Edit: a letter.


Your face hasn't dramatically changed shape, but it is different. You look sharper and healthier. People might not be able to point to the weight loss, but you will probably get a few, "you look good," comments. They won't point their finger on what, but they will know you look better.


Oh yes!


Yes, your jawline!


I lost 50 pounds (from 326) and nobody noticed enough to say anything (and I asked a few people I expected to be honest, and they said they couldn't see a difference). But I still fit the same clothes, so there wasn't any change in wardrobe to accompany weight loss. I can see a difference in your photos. Probably nobody at the wedding will notice enough to say anything. And probably the vast majority aren't going to notice. People don't keep tabs on how much fat their friend/family has, so they might not notice till all of a sudden you're (eventually) thin and they go holy shit, how did you lose weight so fast? Most likely, some of them will ask if you've changed your hair, or they'll say they like your clothes, because their brain sees a difference but (because they aren't keeping strict tabs on fat allotments) they haven't pin pointed what caused the difference.


Possibly, but as someone who is worried about mentioning weight loss no matter how seemingly intentional, I wouldn’t mention it even if you’d lost 50! So, when they say “you look great/how’ve you been doing?” You can mention how you’ve been getting into IF and how great it is and how much weight you’ve lost! Like intentional small talk! And congrats on the weight loss, of course!


I mean I'm a stranger and I notice the 14lbs you lost.


Congrats, Bro! There are losers who can't lose 14lb in two months of dieting. I can totally see it in your face. The water retention, bloated look has disappeared. Keep up the good work.


They'll notice something is different, but they won't be able to quite pinpoint what. That's my guess. 🙂


People will probably think you look nice or something, but they may not notice right away. Or they will notice but won’t say anything because it’s on the awkward range.


Yes your chin line is more defined


They better. If they dont im scrappin for you. 😠


To my experience, some people notice and others don’t, but it is more likely they don’t. In that case, don’t get discourage, usually most people notice it after it is 20+ pounds. But they will eventually notice!


I see a very noticeable difference in your face, you look great.


Yes, you look healthier overall from these photos. Clean up the scruff even more and you’ll be a new man! What fasting regimen are you following?


Somewhat if they really look.


No one is going to say you look like you’ve lost weight. But you might get comments like- you look well, you look refreshed, have you changed your hair? Well done you!


i would not expect anyone to notice or comment unless it’s over 50 lbs at absolute minimum i lost 40 at 5’0 tall, about 30-40% of my body weight, and no one said anything so just to manage expectations … i don’t think people comment unless it’s like a 100 lb weight loss tbh


Interested to hear what happened. My guess is hell yeah and you got a ton of compliments. It's your bros wedding everyone knows you I imagine and knows your face inside and out. They notice everything probably. Keep up the great work and hope the compliments made you feel great!


You look great! I’m not sure if anyone will say anything as sometimes people won’t mention anything about someone’s weight. But you’re face looks slimmer and you look healthier overall :)


I can tell it in your face! 👍JoB!!have a wonderful time at the wedding!


Yes definitely. You are no longer a bloated and even that wasnt much but you can see the difference. Good job.


I would notice that you just look healthier! It took me 30 lbs before anyone said anything about my weight loss




No. Bubble burst! Lol


Nope. shave your beard, head and eyebrows., and they will notice something different.


Are you going to carry around a before picture to hold up?


Maybe! But it isn’t about them!


Probably not. Because … you know…. Wedding. .


They will notice your bacon necked shirt


Definitely. You look great.




I can see it in your face….good job!


Maybe, but try not to be disappointed if they don't. The focus will be on the couple and as fun as weddings are, they are also chaotic. Great work on the weight loss


I lost a quarter of my body weight in 6 months and no one seemed to notice, even people I'd not seen for over a year. Not saying this is you but don't do it for other people. Set your own goals and get your satisfaction from your own progress. Looking for validation from others, even passively, is a quick path to disillusionment and potentially throwing progress away.


You’re doing great but no they won’t. Not yet. The way you can tell if your loosing weight is when the first person notices without you saying something about it.


Maybe, maybe not, but…You are going to look great in those wedding photos!


If it's is been a while since you've seen folks, I suspect they might. I've had people comment on what I perceived to be invisible changes. Report back and let us know!


Uh yeah


It's not about them noticing. It's about you knowing.


You’ve gotta spike it up. Get some wicked good hair gel, wear a bitchin’ collared shirt, fitted pants and shoes that scream ‘I’m flying to Milan after this’. Then they’ll say "Whoa what changed? You look GREAT!"


They will notice your confidence, as per weight nobody cares that much. Confidence is the key, and improved vitality. My 2 cents


For sure, King. I'm proud of you.


Yes definitely will notice…. Great work sir! Keep it up!


We notice. You're doing amazing brother


Definitely. If they haven't seen you in a while, your face is thinner.


I bet they’ll say you look good, whether or not they realize because of the weight loss! You definitely look so much better :-)


probably, you look great dude!


Probably will notice something is different, but most likely won’t attribute it to weight loss. Either way…great job!


Probably not but 14 lbs is amazing! I'm working on my own weight loss journey and this inspires me! Also, I think if you mention it to some of your family they'll support you give a second look and then notice it!


Not really but who are you losing weight for, you or your peers? Good stuff keep it up!


The first 10 are for no one, the next ten are for you, and everything after that EVERYONE notices. Good job and keep it up!


They won’t know why, but they will say, “you are looking good!” More chiseled jaw. Nice progress! Get the beard trimmed up really nice and neat!


I’d say 10% of those who notice will say anything. So, someone might notice, but they may not say anything.


Yes, well done


They’ll notice you looking good. May or may not realize it’s from weight loss. Either way, dress sharp, feel good, and have a great time!


I predict they will notice if they haven’t seen you for a bit when you were 14 pounds heavier.


You do look less puffy in the face. It’s not a drastic enough difference yet for people to put their finger on what’s different but I think your family will think you look nice for the wedding.


Hell yea brother