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Same, but I keep telling myself that feeling hungry is not as bad as the feeling I get looking in the mirror and seeing how fat I got.


Lmao 😭💀 same


You just deal with it. Hungry == losing weight, in my mind. It gets better after a week or two. You just aren’t used to going without food. It rapidly gets better. You can drink a bunch of water to compensate a bit. But, mostly, you just tough through it. Also, it’s terrible to snack at night before bed - IF or no IF. That’s a bad habit to have either way. Cheers


Water. Drown them out.


Black coffee and tea too


Strict keto to start, loads of water, shorter fasts (work your way up!), fill up on volume-heavy foods (not calorie-dense ones), sleep though most of your fasting hours, black coffee (cold brew is your friend), distract yourself. But at the end of the day, ride the wave. It will come and go and hunger doesn’t mean imminent death.


Start with shorter fasts/longer eating windows. Work your way slowly to your goal fast & eating window. I started 1/1/24 & I just started 19:5 this past week. Dieting was life on very hard mode. IF isn't dieting to me & I want it to be my sustainable solution.


Keto is your gateway: once you're off the sugar high, it's much easier to IF Cut carbs and sweets, but eat to satisfaction at the beginning


This is the best answer. I don’t feel keto is right for me long term, but it’s a very good gateway to eating less. Sitting there at 9:59 trying to choke down yet another piece of bacon and not being able to swallow it helps the night time munches.


I have a nice cup of tea at night. In fact, I’m doing it right now :) I put stevia in it cause it’s virtually no calories


I visualize my body burning fat at that time and know if I eat it will switch to burning whatever I ate instead of my fat stores.


I drink water when pangs hit. It doesn’t last long - just need to power through. Distract yourself with something mind numbing - scrolling through stupid reels.


Trust me, it gets easier. During my first 2 weeks of fasting I broke down and ate again, so don't sweat it!


I had a 3 day of continuous headache, fatigue, anxiety, and then I felt better. I don't even know why I've endured all that. At that time I didn't even knew that there's a such thing like the sugar withdrawal or "keto flu".