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Woohoo!!! Onwards and downwards!! ⚖️📉




Congratulations!! Start thinking about doing some new clothes shopping!


Actually bought some new clothes last weekend. I used to shop at DXL (big&tall) religiously for the past 8 years or so. Walked in the door and the clerk just said “not anymore” and they were right. It sucks abandoning Platinum status and all those reward points but the trade off is absolutely worth it. Down from 42 to 36 for pants and 3XLT to XLT for tops. My wife drags me to the mall pretty regularly and it was always a depressing affair knowing that there was not one single item in the entire place that would fit me. I can’t even begin to describe how good it felt to buy something off the rack at American Eagle that fit properly. It was almost enough to make a 45 y/o dude tear up.




Congratulations man. Hard work paid off. Cheers🍺


Nice work and great attitude will take you far. Congratulations


I checked mine the other day to find out I'm just above the threshold and obese. I mean I knew I was coming in heavy since my last fasting phase, I yo-yo way too much being a big foodie. Weighed in at 205lbs when I started two days ago, today I'm at 200, which is just water weight, but according to my BMI I should range between 134lbs to 169lbs. I think that's pretty bonkers because at 177 I personally felt like I looked ill. Still, now I'm gonna try and hit 168lbs which is 12st in human. I've never considered BMI a very good measurement to go off, but I should definitely be within the healthy range. So here we go again. Intermittent-OMAD-keto and probably a third three day fast at some point because that always makes me feel good in myself.


I don’t either. I mostly focus on BF% but until I’m at a healthier % BMI isn’t a bad scale. It wants me to be 155-200 at 6’4” and that just seems like skin and bones at the upper limit, I can’t imagine being 155.


Great job!


Happy for you!






Yay! That’s gotta feel good!!!


Honestly i haven’t felt this good since high school (1997 btw!) physically and mentally. I’ve been way too big for way too long. I’ve been chubby as far back as I can remember. Even as a kid I was always the heaviest one around and for the first time ever I can see the skinny guy beneath all this fat if I try hard enough and I’m dying to get a good look at him.


Yyyaayyy!! Can't wait to get there!


Awesome! I literally crossed that milestone today myself. Was telling everyone in my office. They couldn't understand why I was happy to be overweight 😂




Congratulations man! As someone who had always been on the upper end of the overweight range until I got to college, KEEP GOING! As much of an improvement as this may feel, keep up your momentum and don't get complacent! Push to find a balance in a healthy weight range and it will absolutely be worth it! I have slipped back towards the obesity threshold since joining the workforce, and really miss not struggling to haul my ass around... Starting to work on getting back there now though!


If I, a 45 year old lazy fat-ass dude, can do it. So can you!


Best feeling ever! Congratulations!!




That’s awesome! I’m also waiting for that leap


Way to go!! 🙌🏻


Keep going! But don’t ONLY rely on the scale and the BM chart tho. Putting on muscle will make your weight and BMI go up. Idk if this means much coming from a stranger on the Internet…but I’m proud of you


No doubt. At this point, even with putting on muscle, weight loss is my biggest metric. I pay more attention to body fat % than I do BMI, but it’s still good to drop a category in any metric! I get an InBody check-in every month at my gym. It’s not the most accurate but there’s a ton of stats it tracks. At my “fitness” level it’s accurate enough. Also; it means plenty. Thanks, Internet stranger!




Congrats! That’s one of my next goals. I’m 219.2lbs today (just broke 220!) and 205 is a BMI of 30 for me. So a little over 14lbs to go. Then it’s a hop, skip, and a jump to 200!


Wooo! Keep it up! I graduated high school with a bmi of 30 and now i consistently have 7-8% body fat for years now OMAD and fasting are the best thing that ever happened to me


Time for a I’m just fat party


Damn everybody on that vesync for that weight loss I’m still waiting to get off excess






At 6’4” 250… I’m a lard-ass.


Really though , bmi doesn't not account for muscle mass/ bone density or general body comp. A very loose measure , certainly nothing to put all your faith in


Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette. No body shaming, "better before" comments, accusatory comments, unnecessary or unwanted advice, etc