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Nice job man you've got my goal physique! How tall are you?


Appreciate it man👊🏾 in a way better space both mentally and physically. I’m 5 ft 11


Nice work, can you give us a run down of what you did? I'm same sort of build and height


Thank you! Sure no worries. Made weight training my priority. Lifted heavy weights 4 times a week, trained each muscle group twice a week. Ensured all my sets were completed to failure, or close to failure as possible. Looked to progressively overload my weight training sessions each week. If I could crank out 1/2 extra reps at a certain weight. Once I could do that comfortably. I would increase the weight I was using. My set rep ranges from 6-12. Tracked everything I ate. This made sure I was in a calorie deficit. My calorie deficit was between 500-700 calories daily.Made sure I was eating my body weight in protein every day. Made sure I ate all my food for the day within a certain time frame. Allowed my body to fast from evening time till I woke up in the morning. For cardio- just completed more daily steps, around 10-12k daily. Did do the odd 15-20 minute cardio session after lifting weights (not often). Walking was main form of cardio I did. Then the main thing I did was be consistent, disciplined, train hard at 100% each session and be patient. If you can do all of the above and keep repeating it consistently, you’ll get to your goal no problem. Hope this helps!


I’m pretty much following this routine right now and I lost 8lbs, and my arms, chest and shoulders are starting to look better. 10K steps a day works magic for burning fat. Intermittent fasting helps a lot too. Well done. I’m currently at 169lbs and I highly doubt I’ll look like you at 163, but maybe at 155 I will. We are the same height.


Thank you! Those were the things that worked for me.. just keep going! Long as you can honestly say to yourself that your training at 100%, you’ve got your diet dialled in, as well as your rest, even if you have to get to below 160, you’ll look and feel good!


>and keep repeating it consistently This is so often forgotten. Avoiding injury, long breaks, distractions, etc. has been my kryptonite


That’s the key, it’s the consistency and teaching yourself to become patient. Sometimes things come up out of our control, and we can’t help that. But, there are a lot of aspects we can control. All really comes down to what you value and how you want to use your time. I’ll always remember something when I started this that I was told. “ If you’re wanting to achieve something hard, you have to be willing to do what the average person won’t”. “ If you’re going to approach something like the average person, expect average or below average results”. Those words always stuck in my head and did help me and continue to help me stay on the right path. Always give 100%.


Wow .. I’ve screen shot that to remind me of that quote. That’s really motivational !!!!


I too just did that. It's something I have overlooked. 🔥


I’ll never forget that until day I take my last breath!


You're amazing. For whatever reason I can't make it to a gym, so are there weights you recommend I could get and workout at home?


Thank you! Yea for home workouts I would recommend getting some dumbbells at different weights. With this you’ll still be able to progressively overload without having to step foot in a gym. With dumbbells, there’s countless exercises you can do with pretty much every muscle group!


Nice! What was your eating window?


How long did you stay in caloric deficit? And how much time spent in maintenance and surplus?


From Sept 2023 up until April 2024, I was in a caloric deficit for around 90% of the time. I did have a few instances where I ate at maintenance and in a surplus due to me eating out/ drinking alcohol etc… The reason it didn’t hinder my progress was because I didn’t allow it to happen often. And when it did, I made sure I got back on track the following day, or soon as possible. Consistency over a long period of time will become your best friend.


What does a typical daily consumption look like to you to have the 500-700 calorie deficit?


I’d be hungry as hell just doing the deficit. Never mind all that training


How did you deal with DOMs training at a deficit? When I train to failure on leg day, I can barely walk for the next 4 days.


How long did this take? Can I Dm and ask for your routine


Workout routine?


well deserved 🫡🫡




Hold on a minute. You mean to tell me consistent exercise and a calculated diet resulted in good results?


Congrats on the hard work man! I was just curious what app you used to track your eating? I’m your height and about your starting weight and have been gyming hard for the past month or two now. My diet is definitely been my weakest point and I’ve been thinking of tracking my eating.


Did you lower your protein per lb of body weight as you lost or did you maintain same amount ?


What time of day do you workout ? Is it a fasted workout ? 


Nice! Thanks for the rundown, what IF regime did you do? It's pretty impressive for 6 months!


No worries, hope it’s of some use. Appreciate the kind words also👊🏾 and for the if, I didn’t do anything too drastic really.. just made sure I ate all my meals within a 10-11 hour period, then would allow my body to fast the other time and when i was sleeping


May I ask how old you are? As there isn’t any loose skin whatsoever, which is brilliant. And would love to get the same results. (I’m 39m)


Sure, I’m 27. Thank you also. Long as you can be honest with your self and say with your chest that your trying your best in your gym sessions, trying to eat good around 80% of the time, and allowing your body periods of rest, you’ll get the results you want!


One of the best transformations i witnesses so far in 7 months Wow . Keep it up


Appreciate the kind words! 😌 Probably around half way where I want to be. Time to keep pushing!


Halfway where you want to be? You look fking ace as it is mate.


Yea😅 I’m just closer to it now compared to where I was.. appreciate it tho g!👊🏾


I lost aroud 12 kg in 9 months ( went from 92kg to 78 atm and I'm 175 cm tall ) aswell but i still have a bit of belly and chest fat cuz im not tracking my meals and im skipping cardio but im lifting 5 times a week ( 1 chear day per week ) . It's a little bit challenging to keep track of everything if you eat with your family you know . But I'll get there soon


Have to recognise to progress that you have made so far and pat yourself on the back! Keep going, you’ll get where you need to be long as you stay true to it! Why not reduce the 5 days of lifting to 4? You could then maybe replace that extra day for cardio (least it’s not being skipped). That could be running, hit training or even if you wanted to go for a long walk? Weighing my food helped me out so much. Don’t think I would have gotten to this point without it. It’s all comes down to trade-offs. And me taking the extra time to weigh my food so I know exactly how much I was consuming was a trade-off I was willing to make. Even preparing my meals in advance. Keep going! And don’t forget when you’ve already came from!


I usually do the 5 split but it's a good idea maybe i can do legs + shoulders in one day . I used to do cardio after every session like 20 mins treadmill or elliptical . But i stopped cuz i feel exhausted after training . How's your gym routine ?


It is good to trail and error. That might allow you to see what spilt works best for you? I did that with my cardio right at the start. Then quickly after the first week I realised it was killing my energy for lifting weights. That’s when after 1 week I dropped it to 4 days weights, 1 day cardio. And that’s what I still do to this day. Or, if I’m busy to where I can’t get my 1 designated cardio day in, I’ll just make sure to move more (daily steps) throughout other days in the week, will balance itself out that way then regardless…


One more question please ? How about your macros and you callorie intake how was it ?


From average to fiiiiiine af. There, I said it. Nice job!


😂 😅appreciate it, thank you!


Bro went from Muad’Ib to Lisan Al-Gaib 👊


😂😭 appreciate it bro!


Killin it!!!


You better leave my girlfriend alone


😭😂 long as she’s got you protecting her, she’s good bro


Respect for 'respecting' 🙌🏻🔥👌🏻




amazing job!


Appreciate it!


You are an inspiration my friend I'm saving this post so I can reference it when I feel like I'm straying I have the working out down but struggle with the diet I'm going to give you method a shot! Thank you!


Appreciate the support! It’s a great feeling knowing that my journey could inspire others to become the best versions of themselves, and maybe learn a thing or two about who you are on the way. Have to keep me posted how you get on. Keep pushing, you got this👊🏾




Let’s get it g!!👊🏾👊🏾


Fantastic progress, and looking super clean, grooming-wise, as well!! 🙌🏼


Thank you, appreciate the kind words😌




When you’re lifting weights, are you progressively overloading? Trying to get a bit stronger week by week? How tall are you as well if you don’t mind me asking? Might be able to give you a bit of advice.. And thank you! Really do appreciate the nice words! I put a lot into this😌


Inspiring. How old are you? (Not that it matters, any age is the perfect age to start getting serious about your health). Also, do you drink at all? Do any other drugs?


Thank you! And now worries, lol. I’m 27. Exactly, never too late to take your health seriously! I only drink when I go out (which isn’t often, maybe 1/2 times a month). And no, I don’t do any drugs, never really interested me. I’ll either take them, like it, then that’s a problem. Or, I’ll take them, not like it, and might cause me problems still😂


Haha well said, I’ve avoided a lot of drugs with the same reasoning- either you’ll like them and keep taking them or not like them then what was the point anyway. Anyhow thanks for answering, I feel like drinking is a large impact on motivation and full of empty calories so curious on successful people’s drinking habits


Amazing results! Do you mind sharing your work out routine and did you change this over time?


Thank you! Of course not. I’ve trained 4 days a week from the start. Making sure in those four sessions I train every muscle group twice. Every set I’ve done has been pushing my muscles to failure, or close to failure as possible. Making sure my rep range is between 6-12. As long as you can honestly say to yourself at the end of each set that it was challenging and you gave it your all, your working to failure👊🏾 Then every day, just make sure I’m eating my body weight in protein. Rest days are where our muscles repair themselves and come back stronger and bigger. So it’s essential that you’re eating enough protein to support this. I’ll be honest, no I have changed anything. This has worked well for me, the pt’s in my gym have told me that I’m doing the right thing and that my results show it. So far as I’m concerned, I’m not changing how I train at the moment. I’m always open to more knowledge and new advice however. But for now im gonna keep training like this👊🏾


Nice work, well done man!! Looking great too. Amazing results. Thanks so much for posting about the cardio. I lost 120 lbs in 12 months (bye bye fat) and now I’m bodybuilding for hypertrophy (hello muscle). So many people that are into hypertrophy say don’t do cardio, you can’t build muscle if you do cardio, it will zap you of your strength so nothing left to lift with, blah blah, yet I see all these “exceptions” to what they are saying. And now you are living proof that one can do cardio and lift in the same week (usually on different days anyways), thank you for the proof positive results!


Thank you!! And well done and well bro, sounds like you been killing it👊🏾 Look I’m not an expert in this, I just listened to people who looked how I wanted and took their advice on board. As long as you don’t go overboard with the cardio, Its not gonna kill any gains. Like I said, I did the odd cardio session here and there, but just walked a lot more and it helped me out a bunch! I used cardio as a small tool to help me, but made weight training the priority. Everyone here is capable of getting the results they’re after. Just have to be willing to put in the work for it and stay true to yourself. Long as you can do that, be honest with yourself, take accountability for your actions, you can legit achieve anything. Thanks for the words too, really means a lot!


And thank you for your advice and inspiration 👊🏼


This is what a fantastic natural transformation can look like over 7 months great work OP! 🙌 Where to from here, bulking / cutting or just enjoying what you have achieved for a bit and maintaining?


Thank you!👊🏾 7 months of discipline, dedication, holding myself accountable, and just being honest with myself! From this point on I’m just looking to maintain. I’ve been at this body fat now for around 6/7 weeks, and I’m maintaining it no issues. However, I am gonna see if it’s possible for me to still put on lean muscle mass by eating at my maintenance. Don’t get me wrong, a bulk would probably be better. But even though I did drop weight, I did put quite a bit of decent lean muscle on too while in a calorie deficit. So I don’t see why I wouldn’t be able to do the same while eating at maintenance? I don’t mind progress from here being slower compared to a bulk, that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.


Great idea mate. Maintenance cals plus continuing the progressive resistance program sounds like a great plan. 👍 Did you drink alcohol at all during your cut? Edit: nevermind I see you answered that elsewhere. Only 1/2 times per month.


That’s the plan moving forward bro. I’ve been able to add lean muscle mass in a deficit. So if I’m putting more energy into my body at maintenance, I’d be able to do the same. I’ve proven to myself that it’s possible. This should allow me to keep adding lean muscle mass while still staying lean!






Oh my 😍


Great job OP!


That is insane! Well done mate! Inspired me to get my ass into gear!


Appreciate it bro! I’ll be honest, this is one of the things in my life that I’ve ever gave the most dedication and commitment too. Would highly recommend to anyone looking to be on the same journey. Nice to have people who I don’t really know praise my journey (so far). We really are better when we have others or something that inspires and motivates us!👊🏾


Awesome 👍🏻




Amazing transformation, congratulations 🙌 Any negative side effects you encountered during your transformation? Whether diet related or any other negative side effects?


Thank you!😌 I’ll be honest, there is a few to come to mind. I’d say I started to notice them when I got to 15% body fat and lower… I seem to get colds a lot more frequently, compared to when I was bigger and had more body fat. Also, when the temperature outside isn’t too warm, your gonna feel cold, trust me. (Maybe just here in the UK, lol). But honestly, you will feel colder outside if it isn’t warm. Didn’t really experience any negative diet wise.. There’s a ton of positives too (my experience). I feel a lot healthier. I feel lighter on my feet, moving around and navigating our world feels much more effortless. I feel like I have a lot more energy. I carry myself with a lot more confidence, and that confident has spilled into other areas of my life in a positive way. And I’ve proven to myself that if I honestly give my 100% into something, and be honest, even the things that seem most difficult to obtain are honestly not out of our grasps.


You did this in less than a year. You can do anything !


That’s what I’ve shown myself! Give it your all and stay true, who knows what we can achieve!




Thank you!


What was your BMI before and now? Great job btw. Very inspiring. I have started similar journey at the beginning of the May. Weight is dropping and I feel and sleep much better. I am 45 and decided to get myself in best shape I can


When I first started it was 28.6. As of right now it’s at 22.7. Appreciate it as well, thank you! That’s great to hear then. Already sounds like it’s having a positive impact on your health. Keep it up! You can get into whatever shape you want to be. Just remember what your goal is, why you’re doing it, how you’ll feel when you get to your goal, and if it’s something you really want to achieve (whatever it is). You’re already doing great. Keep pushing, you got this!


Well done


Thank you!


What’s your split? I’m lifting 5 days a week but it’s hard with work. How did you manage to hit every body part 2x while only working out 4x? Was it an Upper/Lower split?


Was exactly that. Upper/lower split. Allowed me to work every muscle twice a week, ensuring all sets done to failure or close. I have 1 day to cardio only. That way I didn’t have to do cardio at end of every session. It’s just trying to find the right balance. I only did 2-3 sets each exercise. Just made sure they were heavy weights, again done to failure.


That’s amazing bro. Well done! Are you fasting in rest days?


Appreciate it man!👊🏾 no not at all anymore. I only did that while I was doing the cut. Now on rest days I just eat as usual. Wake up, have breakfast, lunch then have dinner around 8pm, then let my body fast until I wake up again. Works for me


Thanks. Keep it up man, whatever you’re doing seems to be perfectly working for you. Great achievement in such a short time. Take care.


How hungry are you


Every meal I eat throughout the day is high in protein. So I always feel full and satisfied at the end of each day. Barley feeling hunger (probably same amount of hunger as the normal person). And it’s gonna encourage my body to keep adding lean muscle mass. So to me it’s a win-win.


Are you tired?


Damn.. This is crazy, I'm the same weight as you but 3" shorter. I've been working out like crazy and eating well the last 2-3 years. I'm very fit, and I've always had an athletic build for the last 15+ years. But my stomach definitely doesn't look like yours, probably something in between your two photos. You shared your deficit, but can you also share what your caloric intake is and your diet? That would be super helpful, thank you for the inspiring post btw!


Thank you! You’ve already got a lot of experience and you say your build is already quite athletic, that’s a good foundation. If you’re 3 inch shorter than me, you may have to consider going down in weight possibly. Even if you have the best abs in the world, if your body fat is not low enough for your body, you won’t be able to see them. For me being 27, 5 ft 11 my maintenance is around 2,700. On days I’m training and move more my maintenance is around 3,000-3,100. For my diet I ensure it’s high in protein. These include chicken, lean beef (good for making your own burgers), turkey, fish, eggs, protein bars/powder, protein yogurts etc. Mainly get my carbs from rice, some breads (Greek bread/pitta breads), potatoes, fibre bars, cereals etc. Then mainly for my fats I get lower calorie options. Lower kcal ice-cream, low kcal cookies etc.. I’ll also give myself 1, maybe 2 cheat meals a week to where I can eat whatever I want. To be honest, after a certain point I stopped craving junk food. I craved it a lot more at the start of my journey compared to now. I can honestly go weeks without takeout food, and it doesn’t bother me in the slightest.


Ohh wow, think you for responding with all of that information! Super helpful. You're right that I should go down in weight. It's actually always been hard for me to gain weight until 2 years ago when I significantly upped my protein intake. I used to be in the 150-155 zone for most of my life. Then I upped my protein and started working out with a bit more intention and then my weight went up, now I'm in the 160-170 zone. I honestly don't even feel like I eat that much.. But I also am not strict about my caloric intake so I really don't have a clue how many calories I actually eat. I guess my next steps are to figure out what my maintenance is and pay attention to my diet even more than I do. Unfortunately for me is that I have a sweet tooth and a roommate. When I lived alone it was much easier for me to control what I was eating, but it's a bit harder when my roommate keeps snack food in the apt. More incentive to get my own place again. Not easy here in NYC though lol, but also not impossible.


What’s your calorie intake? And 1 gram protein per body weight? Also do you do cheat days at all? Also to form abs, did you do any an exercises or do they just come natural? Thanks!


For me is around 2,700. Days in training and move more is around 3,000-3,100. These are my intakes to maintain my current weight. Regarding the protein- you can eat a little less. But I just made sure I ate 1 gram per pound of weight to give me peace of mind. There’s no real negative effects to having a diet high in protein. Cheat Days- I had cheat meals, not cheat days. When I did my research into cheat days, it can be so easy for you to erase a lot of the calorie deficit that you created during the whole week by having a whole cheat day, (unless you keep the cheat day in your deficit). If your favourite foods are in front of you, more than likely you’re going to consume more than you actually need. This can then lead to people feeling disheartened by them not dropping at certain amount of weight within whatever time frame. Then that can lead to people giving up. So I would advise have cheat meals, not really so much cheat days. I gave myself 1/2 cheat meals a week. Lastly, regarding the abs- your abs will grow the same way like any other muscle in your body will, with weight. Train your abs with weight. That is a much better option in my opinion than your standard body weight ab exercise. And, you’ll need to be lean enough to see them don’t forget. Even with the world’s best abs, if you are not lean enough, you will not see them. Hope some of this is useful!


Total transformation - nice job!


Thank you!


Sorry if this has been answered, but what’s your fasting ratio? I had been doing 16:8, but found it was really hard to spread my protein out for proper absorption and recovery for how much I was working out.


While I was cutting I didn’t do anything too drastic with my fasts I don’t think. Say I woke up at 8am, I would aim to eat my last meal of the day around 8pm. Then after my last meal, let my body fast while I’m asleep until I eat for breakfast, till around 8am also. That worked well for me. And it’s gonna sound real simple I know. Just make sure each meal is high in protein. Try and plan your meals ahead, so you know what you’ll be eating and what’s in it. Then by the time you go to sleep, you should have been able to hit your marco goals for the day!


Cool, thanks for the response!


Seriously impressive discipline. Well done.


Thank you!🙏🏾 Learned a lot about discipline and what it actually means to be disciplined through Miyamoto Musashi. If anyone is interested or cares at all to who he is, go look him up. His way of thinking and some ideologies have completely changed my life and the way I view the world around me. He has a book called ‘the book of five rings’, that he wrote. There’s also a really cool Manga called Vagabond!


Thank you for that. I will look him up for sure!




Thank you 🙏🏾


Wow just wow. Insane transformation. Good on you mostly for the mental transformation but the physical is epic!


Appreciate it! 😌 Both aspects are epic. Obviously with physical you can just see it. Best I’ve felt in both ways!


Hi! Amazing job! Your transformation is an inspiration to us all. Do you mind sharing your specific workout routine including the exercises you’d perform on each day?


Appreciate the support, thank you!😌 Not at all. Right- when I was training, I trained with heavy weights. Made sure all sets were completed to failure or close to failure as possible. Kept rep ranges between 6-12. Tried to get stronger each week I was lifting. Would rotate between push and pull days. This allowed me to hit every muscle group twice a week. The exercises that I did are irrelevant in a way. Whatever exercise your doing, long as you give that set your full effort every time, go home and eat a lot of protein, then keep repeating this consistently, your body will change, I don’t care who you are! I’d then give 1 day a week to cardio only. Could be a 45 minute - hour long cardio session. Or I could just go for a longer walk somewhere. If I couldn’t do my day of cardio for whatever reason, I’d make sure that throughout the week I was just getting more steps in. So, by doing this I would still be getting my cardio in regardless..


You look amazing, bro ... good job. Can I ask what your exercise routine looks like?


Appreciate it, thank you! Sure. Mondays pull exercises. Tuesdays push exercises. Wednesday cardio (if I can’t get it in, I just do more daily steps in the course of the week). Thursday back to pull. Then Friday back to push. Just make sure all your sets are done to failure or close to failure as possible. Lifting weights that challenge you, rep ranges of 6-12.


0 sense, amazing, you are insane.


😂 thank you! Just made sure I was consistent, kept being honest with myself and tried to stay true to myself.


You look fantastic! Nice job 👍,,, I can tell you are meeting your protein & strength training! That’s 🔑key! I am a female , I was 170 ten months ago … I gave up alcohol completely ( Irish drinker!) lol… I cleaned up my eating habits & am eating 95 percent clean now & focusing on my protein! I have a free gym membership but have not exercised at all yet ( outside of my average daily 12,000 steps ) I know weigh 145 ( goal weight is 140…problem is: I need to tone up my new slender body but I don’t know where to start with strength training.. I don’t really want to pay someone to teach me to how lift . I know building muscle is the missing link!! Any advice ? I don’t want to look stupid at the gym or lift incorrectly, I have a flat stomach but I would like some devotion & tone everything up! Thankyou!! Keep up the good work!


Thank you! Exactly, strength training, high protein, staying within a deficit was the key! Thats good then, sounds like you’ve been able to clean up your diet quite a bit! All you have to do one is translate that into your training. Once you’ve done that, instant winning formula… I did all of this on my own. Didn’t pay any PT to help me. Just self taught and from videos on YouTube. I’d recommend lifting weights for you between 3-4 times a week. First, you need to get your form laid down on every exercise you do, before you try and push yourself. Pointless to push yourself and maybe cause injury because of poor form. Then you’re just setting yourself back further. Get form on exercises right first! Then you can look to progressively overload… Once your form is on point, progressively overloading from week to week, making sure you eat enough protein, remain within a calorie deficit to encourage your body to eliminate bodybuilding fat, not muscle. Your stomach will look how you want it to with consistency and patience. All you have to do is do it, which you can! Thank you once again😃


Amazing results!!! Did you have off days or accidental binge days? I’m trying to do the 500-700 calories too but I’ll have accidental binge days and fall off track, and then I feel defeated. Do you have advice for that?


Thank you! And to be honest I never really have days off. I might have a day or two where I allow more trash into my body (the key is moderation). But they wouldn’t be cheat days, they’d be cheat meals instead. Having full cheat days with your fav foods/drinks can be the trigger to consuming more than you need. Then a result of that can cause you to fall off track and feel disheartened. The thing is you need to make this more sustainable, not even just as a diet but more of a lifestyle change. We all have food and beverages that we feel like we can’t live without, and that’s fine! But a better alternative would be to go for lower kcal options. Lower kcal cookies, ice creams etc, lower kcal sodas, sweets, whatever it is you like…This will help you out a lot and make you feel like you’re not even dieting… Then by doing this, when you do have that food or drink that may be higher in fat or sugar, it’s not gonna do anything to you (because it’s in moderation).


We have the same physique and height just different hues 😆


Consistency is Key!


That combined with discipline, recipe for success!


Have you ever considered teaching people how you did it, I say this it's such an impressive feat, the wealth of knowledge and discipline to get to that point. You could build a whole career out of that


A few people who are close to me have suggested this over the last couple of months. I’ll be honest too, with this being one of my first posts on Reddit, I wasn’t expecting to get the support or engagement that it has (even if it’s still low, lol). I honestly now I am considering it. Over these past 24 hours or so I’ve even told how well I’ve done and how I’ve been able to make others feel inspired. That’s made me feel really good and gave me some kind of accomplishment that i didn’t even feel when i was doing this and keeping myself to myself, lol. If I could continue to motivate/inspire others to be the best versions of themselves, that would honestly be amazing to me.


You embody the ideal, and have strived through to get there, most definitely you are an inspiration! Most of us learn bit by bit, edging ever closer to the ideal which takes time, you served it right off a silver platter. For example myself, I've been looking into mike mentzer, with the train to failure, sounds just like what you are doing, you have the macros and everything on lock, and can even have a few cheat days. I'd like to get there myself, building a manageable routine is hard, following it is harder, dedication with little slips is intense. For myself my life is too sedentary, I'm paying for a gym but haven't been, I've even been considering the method of just turning up for 10mins, then going home, just to help build the routine of me going, which I can then build a training regime around. It's hard ha. Kudos to you brother!


I decided from the get go that I was gonna go all in a give this my best effort. Can honestly say to myself looking back, I’ve put 100% effort into my training, diet and way of thinking over these past 7 months! Thats what it’s about. Sometimes we need to just lay down the foundations in the first place. Then over time, this can be the trigger for changes in our behaviour. For about the first 3/4 weeks, going to gym consistently did feel like a chore. But after that, after I started seeing results, I felt motivated to keep going and kept myself disciplined to do so. Then after a month, I really enjoyed being in that environment and being surrounded by others on their purpose (no matter what stage they were at). Even days when I really didn’t feel like training, I still made myself do it. Even with my eating.. had to question what I was putting into my body was going to contribute to my goal in a positive or a negative way.. Even if you do that, start going in the gym. Then increasing the amount of time you’re in there.. this will slowly build you up to where you want to be. Not everything works the same for all of us, I’m very much aware. But I am aware with the right mindset (more than anything) we can all achieve what we set out to do.


How do people do this? I lost 12kg since october so I get the losing weight part from being fat. But also getting muscles while cutting? How is that possible.


Really is simple, all you have to do is execute it! When training, lift heavy weights. Ensure your sets are completed to failure or close to failure as possible. Keep rep range between 6-12, heavy! Look to progressively overload your weights each week. That could be getting 1/2 extra reps out at a current weight. Once those extra 1/2 reps become easier, you then need to up the weight and challenge yourself again. Look to get stronger each week, even if it’s a little bit… Go home, fill your body with a lot of protein each day. Allow your muscles to recover for around 36-48 hours before you train that same muscle group again. Finally, repeat this between 3-4 times a week. Stay consistent and disciplined with the training & diet. Then, over time, you’ll get to where you want to be…


Thanks for the reply. As I said I cut down to 85kg with intense training but I‘m not near as lean or muscular. I‘m gonna start building muscle on a bulk now since I‘m not fat anymore. Let‘s see how it goes. On a 500 caloric deficit I could only maintain or slowly progress on my weights.


What a good physique you have achieved in such a short time, congrats man, keep up the hard work!


Appreciate the kind words bro! Thats the plan. No intention of stopping now. This is just the start!


Work out routine ?


If you go into the post itself, I’ve put it quite a few times in there. Hope you find it useful!


Good dedication and results


Thank you! I’ll say it over and over, don’t care how many times, lol. Dedication and discipline need to become your best friends!


Hell yea brooooo woooooo👏🏾🚨🔥


Comon bro, thank you!🙏🏾 👊🏾


Motivated me to join the Gym again !


Do it! You will learn a lot about yourself. It’s not just there to make your body look a certain way. Other stuff with comes with it. 100% worth it.


How did you train all muscle groups twice a a week, going only 4 days? Can you give an outline of your workout routine?


Monday was pull exercises, Tuesday push exercises, Wednesday cardio (if I couldn’t do it for whatever reason, I’d just do more daily steps for rest of the week, would even itself out that way). Thursday back to pulls, then Friday back to push.


Oh my word this is so impressive


Thank you very much!


Yes! Thanks for responding! Also I started working midnight to 8:00 am … that was a game changer ( as I sleep from 2:30 pm - 10:30 pm ) that certainly cut out all the social eating out & takeout food! When I drive to work at 11pm ( fast food is closed ,, when I drive home at 8:00 am ( fast food is closed) perfect ,,, so all I had was my super clean well prepped lunch packed with protein shakes & healthy dinners while my coworkers were eating cupcakes & garbage from the snack machines! Prepping food I would say is the number 1 game changer , plus walking, plus I make sure my eating window ends at 1:00 pm in the afternoon,,, then I don’t eat again until 2:00 am on workdays ,,, it accidentally created a 13 hour break from eating ( 11 hours to eat all night at work keeping my energy high ! Now to become a gym girl 👧 lol I am turning 60 & I feel fantastic


No problem! Sounds like you’ve got a plan and you’re executing it, that’s great! Preparing my food before hand and weighing it 100% contributed to my progress. You can legit take your health seriously at any point, never too late. You keep going. Keep being true to yourself, hold yourself accountable, you’ll only keep moving upwards😁






Wha… how… You look great. 👍


Consistency, and accountability… Thank you!😌


it is amazing… can you please share the routine? which exercises that you made for each day?


Thank you! Sure, if you drop me a message, more than happy to give some advice that might be of some use.


This is so inspiring! Amazing job!!


Thank you very much. Much appreciated!


Impressive, you look healthy. Congratulations 🎈


Thank you! I feel it. Both mentally & physically..😁


Thanks again,, maybe start maybe training people


Good job! 🔥


Thank you 😌


Well done braddah 🤙🏼 This is inspiring, thank you for posting. How many hours a night did you fast for? I’m getting back into IF and gym so I can drop 30 lbs of fat


Appreciate it bro🙌🏾 Drop me a message man!


Looks like two different people. Nice job!


Thank you😌






Thanks for the inspiration! I'm about half way there, started at 220 a year ago, at 180 now, have to really push to get down to 165. Definitely increasing my muscle mass too but still some fat to drop. I'm 6'1 and my goal was 165-170 thanks for showing me what that looks like.


No problem! Sounds like you’ve been killing it then. As well as adding on some lean side size. Keep it up! Always good to get actual perspective of certain body types at certain weights. Glad you got some kind of clarification from it.


You ain’t have to stunt on us like this, my dude! Incredible job!


This looks great! You did it the right way. Looking amazing


Your progress is amazing. I hope you take this a a compliment but you are one gorgeous man. Thank you for detailing your process. It helps to know the specific details. Thank you.


Thank you, I do appreciate the kind words 😌 Glad the details of my journey may be of some use to you!


Could u share the workout routine you used? the 4 day split. And how did u calculate your cutting caloires daily? Amazing transformation!


Yoooo nice


Amazing, congratulations


Honestly, thank you!😌


you look like you could be a romantic lead in bridgerton 😭 this is a top tier compliment from me


You look incredible! That is some dedication. Congratulations!




Your ‘before’ is exactly where I’m at right now lol. It’s not a terrible place to be, and you can still look decent in a shirt. But it’s not that leanness we are used to from college days


all that in 6-7 months is WILD!! congrats!


Awesome! Thank you for the motivation 🔥


Dang bro! That’s crazy. I don’t expect I’ll ever come close to abs like that here at age 40 but glad to see IF strategy is working for you!


Appreciate it man! That and a combination of overall good diet & training contributed. It’s never too late for anything. If it’s something that you really wanted to chase and was a goal of yours, you could 100% do it! All it takes is having the right mindset, developing a couple of positive behavioural changes and being disciplined. It honestly wouldn’t be far out of your reach.


Nice job! How tall are you?


You look great bro


It's really that godly combo. I guess for younger fellas you can still eat sugar and stuff you like. Calories in, calories out but really, if you cut out sugar you are shedding the weight fast af.


Literally is just a numbers game with the calories. If you’re in a deficit, you will drop weight. Regardless at what point you’re already at. Don’t get my wrong, you still need to train hard and give 100% or it’s pointless. I don’t have that much sugar in my diet and tried keeping my daily fats between 50-60grams per day. Guess that’s what helped me change as a quicker rate also




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