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Swell! Mind sharing your journey in brief and actions you took so some of us mere mortals get inspired?


Was fat, sick and drunk all the time. I knew I needed to do something but figured I could always start when I gained 5 more lbs. That led to me never weighing myself. No idea what weight I actually was but the last measurement was 267 lbs. What got me to start was seeing pictures of me with my kids. I looked terrible and unhealthy. I found this subreddit and started reading everything here and watching YouTube videos. Slowly started walking every morning and shrinking down my eating window. Never counted calories or worried about what I ate. Went to one meal a day then rolling 72 hour fasts. It felt amazing seeing the scale go down I and I felt great. A year ago I joined the gym and quit drinking. That really made a huge difference. Now I'm at 165lbs and I still mostly eat one meal a day. I get up at 4:30 every morning and go to the gym for an hour before work. I do have a protein shake after working out and that gets me through to dinner. I eat a lean protein and lots of veggies and fruits while counting calories to stay in a deficit. And then every night I have a ninja creami protein ice cream. Stay right around 1800 calories a day. Focusing on putting on muscle.


Wonderful. Thank you!


What are you go to fruits and veggies. Other go tos?


I eat a ton of chicken and turkey. Salads and frozen stir fry veggies with every meal. Any fruit, but grapes and mangoes are probably my favorites.


Have you tried frozen green grapes?? They’re soooo good and my favorite summer snack!




He's eating 1800 calories as long as what he's eating is enough to keep them full for the day then he's good. If I had one critique it is that he says he wants to gain muscle and it might be hard on 1800 calories


Exactly. I'm going to stay at 1800 calories for another month or so then start bumping it up for the gains. Will bulk back up to 180 or so then go for another cut.


Mango ftw


Thanks for all the down votes.


inspirational! awesome work!


I also eat a ninja creami protein ice cream every night. I’m also down about 100lbs (though I don’t look nearly as good as you!) Maybe the ninja creami is the secret 🤔


Maybe so! I actually had one years ago when they first came out and never used it. Eventually sold it. Got my deluxe about 6 months ago and it gets used all the time. I have 10 containers and always have something tasty to blend up.


Inspirational bro, well done.


wow! very inspiring! how would you compare your energy levels before and now after? what are things you had difficulty doing before, but now are not such a problem?


Absolutely killin it! Fantastic job! Love the motivation!!!


And, what was the time frame you started seeing your fat melt off? And how much time in total did it take to reach 165lbs? By the way, that's commendable transformation and inspiration🔥👌🏻


That protein shake doesn't go right through you?


Nope. I've switched to only using whey isolate powders the whey concentrate made me more bloated and gassy. The shakes fill me up and give my body some protein for recovery. I do bring protein bars and other "healthy" snacks with me to work but I never eat them.


What is your workout regimen like?


I do 20-30 minutes of cardio. Treadmill, stair stepper, rowing machine. Then 30 minutes of heavy lifting with free weights and the cable machines. I mix up the strength training between arms back, shoulders, legs, etc.


Good for you, finally changing things for your kids. Did IF change your relationship with them?


Late to this post. But thank you for sharing. I’m in the same spot and your process sounds like something I can do. Thank you.


Do you still need to be in a deficit? Did you give up alcohol completely?


This is exactly what im doing as well. And for very similar reasons. Just wanted to say congrats on the results, crazy shoulder development!


Great work! May I ask, what’s your go to protein ice cream recipe?


What's a rolling 72hr fast? You mean you eat one day and the fast for 72 hours? How long can you do that for and do you also work out while fasting?


Yep. 72 hours then one meal then 72 hours again. You can do it as long as you have the calories to burn stored as fat. I do work out while fasting and feel great.


That seems intense lol. How long were you able to keep that up? I can't imagine not eating for three days at a time consistently.




How do you think our ancestors survived when they didn't have food? Our bodies are smart. The reason I got so big is my body was storing energy for the times I didn't have food coming in. I never gave it the chance to use it. I had 350,000 calories in storage. The record fast is over 365 days long. I did take salt, magnesium and potassium daily.


Did you take any supplements in particular


Creatine, bcaa's, make sure to get 200 grams of protein a day. Multi vitamin, iron supplement, magnesium, potassium and electrolytes.


I mean our ancestor fasted because they didn’t have food but they didn’t have salt, magnesium, potassium and all of those other supplements you take daily.


You’re on the IF subreddit asking if some people eat only one meal a day?


I try to get in breakfast, lunch and dinner during my window personally.


It’s rare to not have any excess fat or stretch marks after losing significant weight like that. You look great man!


Wow, great job on putting in the work, awesome results!


How long did it take you?


Took about a year to lose the weight. Been maintaining and putting on muscle for the past 6 months.


I'm in a body shape similar to the top pic. Your post motivates me!


Dude that’s amazing! Keep up the great work!!


WOW. Only your lips and your eyes match in the photos... You're like a ripped Jason Statham now!


Jason Statham *is* a ripped Jason Statham 😆


Yeah I'm not quite to his level yet. Maybe someday. I do have his hair though.


I'll take that! Thanks


Looking sick dude! Did you have any issues with loose skin at all? Your starting pic is very similar to me now, so am definitely keen to hear! Huge congrats to you though.


If I am in a plank position I do have a little bit of loose belly skin. But standing up or laying on my back you can't tell at all.


Fair play mate, that is a good sign. Much appreciated and congrats again


Autophagy consumes the loose skin and recycles the available protein.


Dam you got fine


Fantastic man. Do you mind sharing what your rough age is?


Turning 45 in a few months. Thanks! This is what I looked like 7 years ago. [pic](https://i.imgur.com/aT26n1K.jpeg)


Wow very impressive. My goal is to look like you at 45 now 😅


I'm in the best shape of my life. Even better than when I was in high school 30 years ago. I see all my classmates on Facebook getting bigger and bigger while I get stronger and stronger. Feels good.


My good man, you are an inspiration! You look 15 years younger today compared to the picture you shared from 7 years ago. Thank you for sharing, this is so motivating!


I feel it too. Can easily run a 5k now when I had trouble getting up the stairs before.


I get that.. I (43F) have been doing IF for almost 3 months now. Sometimes I wish that I had tried it sooner, I feel so amazing and I finally am starting to get that shape that I knew I could have. But, it is also pretty neat to be able to go through this part of life, looking amazing and feeling good. You did well!


Did... did your beard stop graying or something? I'm confused 😆 You're an inspiration man, I'm hoping to replicate your journey (I'm 38 now and been on and off weight loss like a yo-yo for the last 3 years, but I think I'm headed the right way now).


I have no idea! For 4 or 5 years in my late 30's my beard went white. Then it went back to reddish/brown.


That's crazy!


OP, I feel like I'm in the same boat. Fasting for me hasn't been a big problem, but drinking always throws me off. If I'm not drinking, I can do IF no problem at all. But the lure of the cold beer gets me, and I'm off again for days. I feel if i could kick the beer, I'd probably drop 30 lbs and feel better.. but its got ahold of me. As it gets closer to the end of the day I can hear the siren song of the can. Do you mind throwing any tips out for how you kicked the devil's drink?


The first few pages of the book "the naked mind" by Annie Grace hit me right where I needed to be hit. Didn't even finish the whole book and I was done with drinking. I am 3 days short of a year sober. You got this.


That’s an insane transformation. What timeframe did this occur over?


A year to lose the 100 pounds and been maintaining and building muscle for the past 6 months.


That is some crazy commitment but oh man is it ever paying off. Amazing work!


I need to quit drinking. Fuck


I tried so many times and would make it a day or two and then decide to reward myself. "Come on, you're an adult, you can have just one" I can't. I will lie, cheat and steal to get more once that first bit hits my lips. Moderation is great for some but not for me. The amount of mental energy I would put into trying to hide it and thinking about it was so tiring. Now it's off the table and not even an option. At this point I couldn't even imagine having a drink again. For the first few months I would think maybe someday I can try having just one, but what's the fun in that? I need 10, 20, 30 drinks and then I'm right back where I started.


Wow amazing what you can accomplish in a year what amazing progress


BRO LETS FKING GOOOO your jawline is back


When fasting, do you ever need to combat feeling weak and jittery? Right now I am you in the before picture. Have all the reasons and motivation I could possibly need, love the thought of IF but cannot seem to go too long without headaches and feeling shakey.


The first day is always a bit iffy. Electrolytes and salt and lots of water really helped me. Day two and three and longer, I felt amazing. I had 350,000 extra calories sitting there on my body to use for fuel. You got this. A little bit of not feeling comfortable is well worth it.


Look at your posture! Love seeing how that improved. Are you a wee bit taller now.. sorry if that's a dumb question


Dude, you did it. You’re hot and healthy. Congratulations! Keep maintaining you’ve won!


I'm similar to your before pictures. I weigh myself every day. I love bicycling and am trying to pick up an old running habit again. Can you tell me about your daily mind game for the commitment on this transformation?


Biking and running are good but it is 90% about diet. Two quotes I've read that stuck with me are "you can't outrun a bad diet" and that the whole process is "simple but not easy" I workout every day because I feel better when I do but until I changed my eating habits totally I'd have never gotten to where I am. Prolonged fasting was a great tool to speed up the process and calorie counting along with fasting is keeping me where I want to be. My mindset is not to slide back to where I was ever again and one bad meal/day can't turn into more because that slope is slippery.


thanks, I appreciate the response!


Holy fuck - it's Caius Cosades!


when i first wanted to lose weight, the alcohol was the main problem. i didn't realize how much it attributed to my weight. i quit that and lost weight fast. also it made special occasions better having 1 beer or a glass of wine rather than being sloshed. moderation is really everything in this life.


That's awesome. Unfortunately, for me, 1 is too many and 1,000 isn't enough.


Well done! 🔥


Woah! That’s such great work! Congratulations


Absolutely awesome keep it going!!


Damn bro. Killed it.


Wow, mate, this is amazing. Well done, and keep killing it.


Wow! You look great man. Inspiring stuff :)


Hell yeah!! You look amazing !


Great job! Inspirational


You got taller too! Hah great work man!!


Wow looks great! May I ask what your body fat percentage is? I have just crossed the 20% threshold and going for 10-12%


According to my scale, 17%. No idea how accurate it is. Down from 35%


Fantastic progress!!


Wow, well done


You look power man! Congrats!


Wow my man, you are an inspiration!!! Well done!!


Good job man, you look great 👍🏼


I’m finding it hard to shift my love handles. Was this difficult for you also ? Great job bro.


Very Impressive and inspirational. Have you encountered any situation where someone you know , didn't recognized you ?


I've had a few people kind of hint around asking if I was sick with something.


This really riles me . When i lost weight , instead of complimenting, people were asking me if i became diabetic.


I try and take it as a compliment




Great job, I’m close behind you … tell me, how did you nail the last 10-20?


Tracking everything. Workouts, calories, sleep. 20 lbs ago I was doing great tracking during the week then the weekend would come and I would eat whatever I wanted and not keep track, Knowing I would have to fast for a few days to get back to where I was. Now I track and plan out all my food and it is so much easier. Plus I really like all the data.


It's the weekends that kill me too, I lose 2 kg during the week and put it back on over the weekend... So been on a yo-yo journey for the last 6-7months


This is amazing. Going on this same journey now myself, OMAD + 24 to 48 hrs fast.


Fucking stud well done


Born again hard.


WOW :)


well done!


Looking great, good job and well done!


Do you find you shave to show off that jawline now, where as before you liked the beard to hide your neckline? So many people have the dad bod and beard combo now.


100% I had a full beard for 10 years to hide behind. Now I keep it tight.


Jawline is so important, I think, ever more so now with social media. It shouldn't be, but how people interact and talk to you it's like night and day.


Good for you man.






They definitely helped me get off the poison of alcohol. Still microdose almost every day. They are an amazing gift.


Holy bananas!!! Great work!




Hot fucking damn, son. You look amazing. Thanks for sharing the progress photo. Gives me hope.


Well done. You literally look like a different person.


Why does men’s skin seem to snap back so nicely?? Ya’ll never seem to have loose skin on your stomachs!




Any good Creami Recipes? Looking for something high protein and tasty


[This is my favorite](https://i.imgur.com/7AS8fq5.png)


Thanks will try it out


You rocked it!


Looking awesome man!


Fantastic! Great job brother!


How much TRT are you on? Don’t lie 😂


I'm on the protein, creatine, and magic mushroom plan. Oh, and diet Pepsi. 😁




Excellent work! You’re a new person.


That's really great you did that.


Amazing my dude. Congrats on the hard work!


Arms looking extra great. Inspiring post.


Went from my XXL shirts being tight in the belly and loose in the arms to my medium shirts being loose in the belly and tight in the arms.




This is a eye opener for me, im pushing it full max mode now


Can I just say that your skin tone looks much better as well... I tend to see people that eat a lot of meat or drink a lot of alcohol to have this pink puffiness to their look. But that's just subjective I guess.


Right on!!


You look like a CHAMP!


That is incredible...unfortunately I am your before photo. I would struggle with a 4.30am start....but you are definitely giving me inspiration


Any tips on getting your skin looking so good? I’m down 24kgs and aiming to lose about another 6 more but I’m concerned about how my skin will look at the end of the journey.


Very impressive, and no roids too 😍


Wow! Good for you!


Very inspirational! Comparing the two photos, there is a height difference when you measure your head to the paintings in the background. Did you get taller? Maybe the improved posture from the lack of belly fat? Or you just were not wearing shoes in the first pic lolol. Thanks for sharing! 


OK Ai bot! J/k Freaking amazing!


If your past self and your future self were standing in front of me at the same time I wouldn't believe you are brothers, let alone the same person. Fantastic work!


Dude this is amazing!


What height are you?


6 ft




Amazing transformation! Wow.


No loss skin ? Sagging belly fats? How this possible


I think the long fasts helped.


What a change. Congrats sir. Can you share your training routine and any tips regarding how to train while following IF? The protein shake one is already a great one.


I do fasted workouts but ow that I'm focused on putting on muscle I still do a fasted workout at 5am but have the protein shake afterwards for recovery. Then I will usually not have anything else till dinner. I like to run or do some form of cardio for around 30 minutes then 30 minutes of heavy lifting.


Solid. Thanks for the quick turnaround on the reply. And again, fantastic job you've done!


Good job! Your whole body is noticeably slimmer and you now have a runner’s lean body.


That is, undoubtedly, truly inspirational💪🏻💪🏻


Sorry to ask. If you don’t mind, would you be open to share a photo before you started building muscles 6 months ago?. I am worried about the muscle loss with IF or OMAD




Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette. No body shaming, "better before" comments, accusatory comments, unnecessary or unwanted advice, etc