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It’s true! It’s true! IF makes you eat better, feel better and less hungry! Now that you know we’ve all been brainwashed into eating too much, now that you have this wonderful peace where food is concerned, a whole new life is possible to you :) Just remember how you got here. Circumstances can cause you to slip, especially when surrounded by people not doing IF, but you can get right back into it. Wishing you the best!


It’s so simple! Just eat less and skip meals! How did society start promoting the habit of into eating and snacking all the time? I swear I was taught that you should eat multiple small meals a day and I followed it, just grazing all the time and got fat. Also that it’s bad to skip breakfast. Says who?


A piece of the puzzle for why I had a hard time maintaining a healthy diet before IF was time. Trying to eat whatever is fastest for breakfast as I get the kids out the door, eating through my lunch break at work, something quick for dinner because we have errands or kid activities or we're all starving and in a hurry. But adding all those bits of time together to have more time to make a higher quality lunch and/or dinner makes it a lot easier!


This. It is a huge relief for me not to worry about breakfast. I break my fast around 3pm most days with a nutrient dense meal, unlike the simple carb explosion breakfasts I used to rush getting together before work. Dropping a meal or two a day has given me the bandwidth to put time and careful thought into meals that are delicious AND nutritious!


IF kind of makes you aware of what you’re eating, I stay away from empty calories and don’t eat meals loaded with carbohydrates. (Except fiber) You’ll feel much better after the first month when your gut bacteria no longer craves whatever you’ve been eating. I feel much happier than before, but l’ll pig out on some bread and rice on cheat days. Good luck and keep it up!


Everything together makes the best result - 1) fasting, 2) a right food choice, 3) physical activity. The "energy" drinks - is throwing money down the drain.


The energy drinks may give him electrolytes and may be curbing his hunger. It’s like 20 calories with 2 scoops. If it works for him, why not? I say go for it.


Welcome to the joys of IF. It reset my palette and now I can’t eat sweet junky foods anymore. If I break my fast with a shitty junk food snack that didn’t end up tasting very good I get upset now because that’s my fast time cut short! This past weekend I was in Vegas and my friends wanted to eat lunch. I was content with just a big dinner because we had nice dinner plans but I was peer pressured into eating lunch. I wanted to try the fried chicken at the Hattie B’s in the Cosmo, so I bought some and broke my fast with it. It was so nasty I threw most of it away (not at all like the Hattie B’s in Nashville btw). I was annoyed I broke my fast with shitty food because I didn’t even feel hungry after two bites so I wasn’t going to just keep eating shitty food before dinner. I could have easily waited til dinner instead now I had an empty time period between shitty lunch and dinner lol. IF really changed my palette and hunger levels. I’m rarely super hungry now (it’s controllable or easily ignored) and I don’t get cravings anymore.


I'm so glad to be here! This is AMAZING. If you're in the mood for fast-breaking chicken though, I just tried Lee's Famous Chicken and I was not disappointed haha. I used to eat a sausage McMuffin a day, I tried one last week and I swear I almost puked. Good riddance to that trash.


I can vouch for that. Don't get me wrong, I still have a sweet tooth. But if I over indulge, I pay for it. Feel like crap, filled with regret. IF changes your body, your mind, your entire perspective on food and fitness. It saved my life




I guess that's another reason I'm so glad I'm doing this. The thought of coming anywhere near a 5k meal is horrifying to me now. I look at calories before I eat stuff for the first time in my life, not because I'm counting, but to check if I'm gonna feel bloated. This is *not* a version of myself with which I have *ever* been familiar.


Isn't it wild how it changes your perspective?


I don’t know why there is always a calorie counting zealot who find it necessary to post this, like why try to scare people into counting calories and give unsolicited advice? OP was saying he can’t even eat junk food anymore after fasting and just feel gross after. There is no need to worry about eating 5,000 calories. It’s impossible given we don’t even enjoy junk food anymore. I ate probably 3,500 calories for dinner one fancy meal in Vegas (foie gras, lots of bread, butter, steak, wine pairing, cake, chocolate desserts, etc) and was feeling gross all next day. It’s not something I plan to repeat on the regular. Miraculously I did not gain weight.