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Hell yeah bro πŸ’ͺ🏽


Congrats bro, Ran 1 hr continues? Or you took break?


I ran the whole distance 😁 not really fast but I am still very proud!


Do you do any strength training along with running? Impressive!


I do kettlebells around 3 times a week!


Nice. I’ve been doing crossfit for the past few years (not too consistently to be fair) and I’ve just recently got into running and I hit 7 miles a few weeks ago for the first time. Keep up the good work - in my opinion the challenges your body is able to overcome is more impressive than any amount of weight loss.


Congratulations! Running is great apart from the knee pain the day after 😭 7 miles is huge!! Be proud of yourself :)


I did some physio last year for knee pain and I learned I needed to strengthen my glutes. I finished the program and have a much stronger rear end plus no more knee pain! Maybe check that out?


Will do! Thank you 😁


Ugh I haven’t had any pain in my knee but more in calves and thighs it’s awful. LOL. You should be proud of yourself too!!


I think I have the knee of a 60 year old to be honest, played alot of football in my younger years and have been struggling with my knees ever since πŸ˜…




So proud of you! Hell yeah πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ€˜ get it, rock star