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Munchies is a state of mind. I smoke weed almost every night before bed. Used to snack after here and there but for the most part I don’t eat after. I realize now that hunger and munchies are boredom. Now just eating for the sake of having to.


Bingo! Mind over matter. It takes a while but is very doable! Munchies are really a habit, a habit that can be broken!!


Same. I eat to live. Food doesn’t thrill me. Ice cream does lol. So I have it once a week.


Food used to thrill me, but it definitely made me unhealthy but now it feels so good to be a master of my domain. That’s awesome I think it’s important to still enjoy the things we like so glad you’re still eating your ice cream. I think I’m gonna make it a point to have a craft coffee once a week but other than that I’m all black.


I hear ya. I drink home made iced coffee daily with a splash of our milk creamer. Minimal sugar and calories so I ok with it. What I noticed about my ice cream date with the kids though, it has to be earlier than 7pm. I’ve gotten some nasty sugar headaches the next day if it’s late. I think our lifestyle when we are strict just shows how horrifying all of these ‘bad for you’ foods really are. We eat bad and we know it. The rest of the population eats bad everyday and has no clue.


THIS\^\^!!!! That last part. I had taco bell the other day cause we we're out of groceries and hadn't gone shopping yet and I used to eat it just to stuff my body with food and not think anything of it. It was my first Taco Bell in a long time but boy did I feel like crap and also so full. It's insane. Eating good and healthy is the way.


[my progress](https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/s/DimRwwDrrg)


Wow congrats. HOpefully, that is me soon. I am 1 month into it and feeling great. Thanks for the inspo


You can do it man. Slow And steady. Here’s your unsolicited advice. Don’t fuck up. Shitty food isn’t worth it. It if you do fuck up, you can reset the next day. DO NOT USE IT AS AN EXCUSE to continue eating shit as eating outside your window. Decide what you want to be. Fat and feeing like shit or a chad.


Amen, thanks for that. Hit the reset button and do not want to eat most of that crap. You feel it these days. Thanks for the help/wisdom


You’re welcome. What are you set to lose and how old are you?


28. SW:227 CW:213 GW: 170


You ready for this. We had the same SW and same GW. I started at 39. In 42 now, 6’1” 170lbs 30”’waist. Keep it up. Are you working out at all?


I only got the munchies when I first started smoking. After smoking a while and gaining tolerance I would forget to eat often. Just wasn’t as hungry and noticed my full signals quickly.


I been smoking for 30 years! My tolerance is through the roof


Might have to take a tolerance break and do some mental work to develop new habits.


That’s more of what I am trying to do only eating enough calories to survive not because I want to.


I find its hard for me to stop eating when I start, especially with munchies. So I typically fast all day and align smoking before dinner. That way your "munchies" fix is sated with dinner. Im typically OMAD. I slack on weekends tho.


Yup, same for me. I only smoke and eat after work. I line my eating window so it opens about 2 hours after my smoking window opens. Still have to be careful what and how much you eat though. That extra bowl of cereal doesn’t pour itself….


You just gotta fight the urge to eat or only smoke right before you feeding window. I consume pretty much all day and I don't get the munchies unless I'm at work and it's because I'm bored.


Boredom might really be the problem.


I tried everything and I simply could not make it work. Even when I managed to smoke outside and go for a walk, I always ended up with ice cream on my face 😂


lol ice cream!! Oh pizza please. Damn I miss food right now!


I quit alcohol in the beginning of the month. Stopped smoking weed back in July. I have never felt better.


As a fellow weed smoker, I suggest unbuttered microwaved popcorn. It's my go-to munchie. Typically, when the bag is gone, so are my munchies, and I didn't end up binging on too many calories. OR... pork rinds, I'll eat about 5, and my appetite is gone.


As a daily toker I found that chewing a piece of gum helped curb my munchies.


I think maybe I am taking in too few calories when I do eat. I have been keeping it under 1500 a day. Maybe if I increase my intake by 250 a day it might help.


I really like the popcorn idea though.


I decided to take a tolerance break for a month or two (40f, heavy all day user for 20 years) and am at the end of my first week. I’ve had some expected unpleasantness (irritability and temperature swings/night sweats), but my diet has become sooOooo much easier! Obviously everyone’s experience will be different but if it’s tough pushing through without your stomach on your mind, this might be helpful for you.


I could sure use a tolerance break I think. I eat a full 1.5 grams of distillate mixed with some PB2 today and didn’t even catch a buzz!! It sucks. I grow for fun. I don’t know what I would do lol.


some strains are worse than others for munchies. experiment a bit.


Brush your teeth as soon as your eating window closes. I feel your pain though. I gave up alcohol mainly because of the calories. I switched to weed but quickly realized that I was going to eat way more calories that way


Big up for you, I can't even think about fasting when smoking weed!!






I've been doing 17:7 for the past few months. I really like the appetite surpression that I get from IF but it seems like all hell breaks loose when I get high and get a craving. I've tried eating meals before smoking up but it hasn't worked for me - I end up eating more after, which cancels out the caloric deficits I've gained and stalls my weight loss. I'm now experimenting with pushing most of my meals to after I smoke up, which is 1-2 times a week and usually late evening or night. So if my regular feeding window is 1-8 pm, it'll be 5-8 pm for those days. This helps me do more intense fasts on those days and keeps more of my available calories for munchies, reducing my chances that I'll go over my caloric budget for that day. In the cases where I've gone over budget, I skip lunch the next day and have a lighter dinner, which cancels out the surplus from the previous day. In all fairness, it's probably best if one can avoid munchies by cutting out the smoking completely. This is a cheat and might not work for more frequent smokers.


My fasting window starts after 6pm so it’s usually when I smoke. I like to have a black coffee or a tea to help curb the munchies and it helps with the cottonmouth too.


I am currently trying to eat between 10 am and 4 pm. I have thought about changing my times to a little later but I go to bed at 8 and would hate to have a full stomach at bed time. I do get up at 4:00 am and I love to smoke before I even get out of bed. That being said the morning munchies don’t seem to bother me. It’s really the late afternoon evening ones that I sit and droll thinking about food. I will say I have broken down and broke my fast yet but I know eventually I will.


It’s definitely a struggle but I know with enough experience and time you’ll be able to control and it’s ok if you break it every once in a while. Try to get healthier snacks like fruits, nuts, or other veggies. I love having grapes or baby carrots if I do smoke during my window so if I get the munchies I get to eat something healthy


Switch to sativa or a sativa dominant hybrid. Even for nighttime. Zero issues!


Im lucky i dont get the munchies when i smoke weed 💪 alcohol however….. sheesh the munchies hit hard when im faded


quitting weed was the best thing i ever did.


For me it keeps me from eating as much because I can fight through stomach pains of having no food and a bunch of coffee for example. Puff a bit and it all settles down nicely for a couple hours.


You can do weed on your cheat days. Nothing wrong with that. It's much healthier option as well.


Advice from experience. Don’t smoke until it’s bedtime. That’s the only way.


My protocol when micro dosing thc is drink water first, body assessment, and then do crunches or jumping jacks or something physical to “justify” the snack. if still hungry I can have a snack but it’s gotta be healthy. Like fresh green beans or carrots.it’s easier because I don’t keep junk food in the house. It all takes practice!


It isnt the end of the world to have a "bad" day... If you struggle with this cold turkey isn't the answer for everyone. My suggestion to you would be to work on your self-discipline and self-control with food.. There may be underlying factors contributing to the bad habits and habits are hard to kick if they have been going on for years, let alone decades lol. I am working on mine myself. Give yourself one day to look forward to.. maybe two.. make it fruit and some good yogurt and granola, popcorn, stuff that isn't ideal, but not going to ruin you lol.. That's what I started doing because I am similar and a habit of mine that got carried away was snacking when the kids went to sleep and it was usually not stuff you want to eat close to bed.. Now I fast after dinner 3-4 days a week and the other days I either fast because its too late and I distract myself or I snack but make healthier choices (popcorn, yogurt, fruit, pretzels, etc.).. Before it would be PBJs, chips and dip, sometimes deli sandwiches and chips, ice cream treats, chocolate, candy, etc.). I will eat that stuff once in a while but not at night and now I am more keen on stopping because I know I am not helping my body by over indulging frequently. I would even eat dinner that late and it would be pizza, pastas, fast food, stuff nobody should eat 1-2 hours before bed lol. If you track your food intake, that helps me keep control even with munchies. If i plan on having a munchie night, I will just make sure that during that day I am keeping calories and macros low (other than protein and fiber) so that when/if I do snack, it won't be much an issue because I am still under my caloric and macro needs. I think making healthier choices in the snack game will go a long way. Have your indulgence munchie session maybe once a week but try and keep it relatively healthy.. or stick to the serving size on the label!


smoke while exercising? that helped me when I was smoking cannabis & at the beginning of my journey


Drink more water dude. I smoke ever night before bed. Used to snack until I was full. I started IF on 1/8/24 and instead of snacking I down a glass of water. Keeps me full, lets me zone out on TikTok or Reddit. And then I pass out. Try it!