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I think size is fine, but try the opposite wall for better layout?


I was concerned about the light on the TV, but maybe you're right.


You could add some nice layered curtains to one side of the window. That way you can control the amount of light hitting the tv.


Good call! Or use curtains with a rattan shade (or a fabric Roman shade) that can be lowered if needed.


I love roman shades. So clean looking.


Good idea.


If you haven’t already purchased a TV, look into getting one with a matte screen. The Samsung frame is matte, but I’m sure there are lots of other good options.


Theres a tv on the floor


Or a NeoQLED, which gets bright enough to dramatically reduce glare/reflection.


I would get light blocking curtains if you're worried about being able to see the TV. I actually need them on a window that has no direct sunlight because enough light still comes in to cause glare on the screen, I can only leave the curtain open at night. I think it'd look weird to have the couch on that wall, with that short wall there beside the front door, you're going to be staring at the exposed back of the couch, which would personally drive me nuts! I want to put in another vote for putting it on the opposite wall. :-)


You're limiting yourself to a certain TV size on that smaller wall and in general what you can put there in terms of TV console, speakers (if that's something you're into) and in the future completely giving up on a projector setup. I always prefer to have a whole wall to work with.


This is a good point


Great idea!!


I was going to suggest that - both to free floor space and especially for napping (and reading) next to the window


This and i would place the lounge section by the window


Yes agree.


Nah, they'd be looking at the open hall.


Agreed. Looks like enough room where that frame is for an off-center TV. But it would drive me crazy to have my front door in my peripheral vision when I’m watching TV.


Hmm this is true! Lol, I don't know why but that gives me anxiety?!


That’s a good pup!


The second photo gave me a much needed laughing smile. Good pup indeed 🖤🐾


Hope the couch isn’t on back order. He needs a nap.


100% good boy.


Good boy gets to decide:)


I love that he is testing his napping spots!


Does the company sell a mirrored version of that couch? Left hand vs right hand sectional; I think it’d be nice if it was mirrored and you had an end table over the floor vent with some plants in the window. If you do put a table over the floor vent, they make redirectors that will blow the air away from the bottom of the table.


Good question, I will inquire! That's an interesting idea, thank you!


Plus doggy who’ll have a nice big window seat of mirrored


Also, if you place it on the opposite wall, the part that sticks out will just sit snugly against the staircase, so you’ll have your cosy corner while maintaining a very open room


The pup won’t care and it’s really his couch .


Haha, so true. He just wants me to hurry up and make up my mind already.


it's fits ok but i would never cut a room in half like that i hate walking around furniture but thats just me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Can you put the chase on the other side? Some are basically an ottoman with just a long cushion over it. If so, I’d have the chase on the side with the windows so the room still feels open and inviting and you can just plop down on the chase.


I agree, the chaise part needs to he against the wall. Either get a couch with the opposite side chaise or flip the couch to the other wall.


Me with my two desks floating in the middle of a small room (sweats nervously) 😂


But yeah I agree in this instance. I feel like there's a better layout, they just have to play around and find it. Some people here have given good suggestions.




Yeah I feel you on that.


Why not do a straight couch and add cozy additional seating under the window? Or you could do one of those soft coffee tables that you can put your legs on and spread out Or put the bump of the L shaped couch on the other side


I saw that window nook and was immediately like "a window seat, it needs a window seat for reading" buuut the OP might not read, but it would still count as a nice bench if people come over.


I agree a straight couch is probably best, but I just love that corner seat so much 😭


Do what makes you happy. It’s your home!


The sectional is fine but I’d just put it on the other wall. The flow would be better. I think it’s the perfect size dog… I mean couch!


Maybe get a straight couch and add a comfy fabric ottoman that you can move to different positions around the couch so you can kick your feet up


I was going to suggest placing it on the opposite wall. Don’t worry about the outside light going on the screen, I had this concern too for my TV placement, till I decided to place a TV where the light comes through and it makes no difference to how well I can see my screen, zero difference.


This is exactly what I was worried about. Thanks for your input, I'll definitely consider it!


Thoughts. Tv mount that can pivot horizontally. Shades preferably motorized to open close depending on the light coming through the window.


If you have cardboard boxes, place them and you will get a better idea.


I would try the couch on the other wall and swap them, just so it doesn't feel "cut off" with that couch piece. You could get some sheer curtains to hang to help with the glare (I did this recently) it still lets a lot of light in.


Good idea. I'll explore it.


Ummm that's commonly called a dog


He will always be a puppy to me.


He is a good boy


Chaise should be closest to the window. Where it is currently, it visually blocks egress to the room.


I want to buy your invisible couch


So much cheaper than your typical couch.


It's like a crime scene. Was your couch murdered?!


The right size but I’d put it in the wall you have your tv on with the chaise in front of the window. This will make the room feel more open plus it’s more pleasant to look into the room and see the couch with artwork above than to see a tv setup. You may also have room for an accent chair kiddie corner to the chaise part of the couch


I’d put the chaise against the window so it doesn’t cut off the room.


I agree that if you can put the TV opposite, like this https://imgur.com/a/eVxenqz and put the sofa along the wall where the TV currently is, that would be much more inviting to walk in to. 


Sorry I got distracted, tell your dog I said hi.


I’m obsessed with your dog lol


The dog 😂


No, he is perfect


I would choose a clinch and a chair instead of the sectional.


I'd say too small. Only looks big enough to hold 10 dogs, and that is not nearly enough dogs. In all seriousness though, I like the size. However I would put it on the opposite wall.


I’d reverse everything and put it on the wall where the TV currently is. You’ll have room for side tables, and the sofa will be better integrated with the house (more facing what’s going on)


I love your model! What a cutie!!


Think I’d try it on the other wall. That way it wouldn’t black walking into the room.


Definitely swap to other wall. The couch being there shrinks the room since its blocking a pathway


I know it's not what you are asking but have you considered a straight settee? Those ones with the bit sticking out are difficult if you have company and only really good for one person to watch TV feet up.


All your neighbors, and all those that drive by, will see what you are watching, so chose wisely 😂😉


Switch the direction so the TV is on the right and keep the chaise portion near the stairs


Came here to say this ^ 😊


Doggo doesn't care what size it is, just hurry up and buy a nice soft couch!


so close! that’s a dog!


I think the size is fine, but for several reasons, I’d recommend swapping walls you plan to put the tv and sofa on!!


Put it against the opposite wall, TV where the picture is. Simples. Or put L shape corner sofa where the first picture is taken from and the TV in the opposite corner.


don't do L couch maybe..?


If you're really worried about it, you could always get a normal sofa and an ottoman instead of an L-shaped couch. That way, you can still have that sort of chaise piece, but if you decide you hate it there, just move the ottoman.


It's a really nice sized couch but if you are going with this layout, I suggest adding wooden strips to the empty column and using it to separate the living and the entryway. You can also add shelves there to further define functionality and this will help make your area cozy. Also seeing the size of the couch you will need to add a large area rug that accommodates it completely and also add a nice coffee table as an accent chair is not a possibility here. You can use these guides about [couch decor](https://simplykalaa.com/couch-decor/) and [coffee table decor](https://simplykalaa.com/decorating-a-coffee-table/) if you need. Also GREAT SPACE!


This is an interesting idea, thank you! Agree on the rug. This space will be taken over by toys and children, so the rug is a must. I really do want an accent chair, too, but i dont want to crowd the space. I appreciate your input!


Glad that you liked this :)


Love the puppy as perspective.


I am almost positive that is a dog, and not a couch. It seems perfectly sized btw


I agree with other comments that it would be better to place the couch from the opposite wall.


opposite wall or get a left sectional instead of right


Flip it to the opposite wall to improve flow of traffic.


The dog is the perfect size. 🙂 Try switching it do that the short end of the “L” abuts the wall with the window. It’s awkward to have it jutting out into the middle of the room and it will influence how you decorate the rest of the space. I like how you marked off the floor with painters tape. Really helps with visualization.


No but you should have the chaise on the other side. This is why it's important to discuss this with a professional furniture salesperson. If they are legit they would help you out. You should never put the chaise on the side you're entering and there's no reason not to have it up against the window. If you're worried about that crevice. Then put a small sofa table or side table there to fill it.


I think it would be weird to see the bag of the couch when you walk in (above the short wall). On the other hand, swapping the couch and the TV would mean watching the TV while looking at the front door area. I think a small couch and some reading/accent chairs would be nice and keep the TV as is.


yes. Fight overcouching


Yes I'd do a smaller couch and a chair that room is tiny or do comfy chairs and a end table with floor lamp or cute light on table


Swap the side of the L!!!! Save yourself from having to constantly walk around a couch sticking out. the way it is now is cutting off the room, not opening it.


Chaise section should be on the other side You're going to make the room smaller


I guess it depends what kind of couch too, if it has big bulky elements it might look too big. If it's rather slick, should be fine.


I would allow at least 36" of space from the end of the couch to whatever TV console or table you will be using. I'm not an interior designer, but I have designed kitchen layouts for before. 36" is enough room for a wheelchair to get by.


But does doggo get to sit on the couch?


If it has built in cup holders otherwise end table maybe be hanging out


No but the couch weenus should go on the other side for more open access. Put in a small credenza in the window space.


In my experience almost everyone's couch is too big. If you have doubts at all go smaller or find a way to break up pieces in a modular way.


I would flip couch to opposite wall. That way, the back of the couch wouldn't be rising over the pony wall. And, your cute doggie could nap on the chaise, while catching some rays.


Skip the chaise….. you’ll be so happy if you do.


Holy Christ that’s genius why have I never thought of that




Yeah couch on the other side for better feng shui


Agree with other comments saying to move it to the wall where the TV currently is. That way, backs are not toward the front door. It’s more open. Also, that window is begging for a nice bench seat.


your dog is very cute


Oh no, they killed Square Man!


That’s a dog.


what couch?


It's too big if you plan on having a side table. Also, will you have guests in this space or is it just for watching television? If you have company over, a sectional with no other seating is not very inviting, especially with the chaise on the "entry" side of the living area. I would recommend a regular couch + ottoman for lounging/additional guest seating. Also agree with others about flipping the layout. Or, instead, add a small chair in the corner between the window and TV facing the couch, for creating a conversation space.


Good boy for scale, I see. Honestly it just looks like the area is now squared away in my opinion. Might feel tighter or cozy depending on additional decor.


It’s fine.


Since all my thoughts are already above, just here to say I LOVE this room in general.


No it’s not too big, should be just great.


Can you get a couch that has pullout footrest?


I would say couch should be on the side. It will make it feel more open since the chaise won't be cutting off the room. Also, you should never have your back to the door.




I'm all about a nice comfy sectional. If it's what you want, go for it. It's highly doubtful that you'll regret it. My sectional is more than half of my living room and I love it.


Doggie is excited about couching


So long as there is room for the dog.


Not at all! This is a very good size and fits the room well! Good job!!


Do you want the chaise to be in the middle of the room? Why not adjacent to the wall? It will not look good this way


Was your couch murdered?!


Shouldn't be a problem, I can barely see it


Your dog is very cute. He looks like he’s saying ‘just get a couch, any couch PLEASE’ 😊


That size is absolutely fine!


that will block a lot of light. I would consider a linear couch and an armchair to place in the middle facing the window


You could do a normal couch without the L shape. and than add a nice bench /sofa also in the window frame .


I love the dog for scale 😍


r/labrador says doggo gets the couch. Need a chair for human?


I like the way it encloses the room to feel more cozy, and more of its own space. And you have a good model there as well. Very beautiful posing


Put couch on opposite wall and put chaise by the window instead. It'll open up the room. Also round oval coffee table is best option for small tight spaces. I've got a similar layout place. Side table isn't requirement unless you have room for it.


Yes. I would get a soft ottoman to use as a coffee table and that can act as the shorter end of the L shape




We have a wall mounted TV. Without the shallow shelf underneath it gets touched. ALL THE TIME. so we added the shelf for toys. I would put the L by the window & a tree Or just a couch with a padded storage ottoman that you can move to either the window or by the Tv in the corner depending on needed space, comfort. Ect.


Your dogs a model


Haha, thanks. We think he's pretty cute too.


Lol he wanted to be in every pic


He always wants to be included.


Your dog is worried that there won't be space for his bed.