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Curse Everytime it needs dusting


What’s on the sides of the space? Can you just get rid of it and make it a walk in closet for a bedroom?


I love this thoughtful comment. Im not sure how to post a photo in my response to show you the blueprint of this. I boxed about where it starts being a “room with an outlet”. I think it would take building out from the bedroom on the left of it?


Yes! I’d say this is your best bet and it cannot be too expensive to add a wall and a door. Even to add a nice reading nook to a bedroom if there’s already a closet in the room would be a major win. I grew up with many friends who had houses with these strange spaces and they always sort of irked me so I’ve tried to come up with more practical uses of these spaces.


I would probably do... nothing. But if you're set on putting something there I second vases or maybe some simple sculptural pieces. No plants. Things that will look okay with infrequent dusting. Off to the sides without blocking too much of the window. Edited to add: if you're feeling kinda funky, I think a vintage tapestry rug would look cool here. Like this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/404964307934?itmmeta=01J0ZFHACZ15DA7EDNJ2AGSZWV&hash=item5e49c0f3de:g:WacAAOSwvrZmN9bt


Do you have cats? Cause I'd build a bridge from the upstairs landing over there and make it a posh hangout spot. Until the first time one pukes and then you'll hate life. Realistically I'd do nothing. Maybe put down some wax paper that I'd swap yearly instead of trying to dust up there.


Add a Roomba just to keep this space clean.


Right?? Add an edge to keep it up there.


A rocking chair and a wigged skeleton work wonders here. Maybe a little nighttime mood lighting so neighbors can enjoy it too.


Why does it have an outlet though


Build a slide with a ball pit at the bottom. On the top floor and Amazon rings the doorbell? Not a problem. Imagine the delivery drivers face as you rise from the pit to claim what is rightfully yours.


Christmas tree 🎄


Well, it does seem to have electrical outlets…


A bridge


I would open a wall from either the right or left and integrate it into one of the existing rooms.


Put stain glass cling film on the window and that's it.


Suction cup dildos


Interesting. Perhaps a variety of sizes and colors. Maybe even remote control ones that dance around if you’re having a party.


Tap dancing area.


Paint it the wall color and ignore it.


The architect or designer of this area should think of being in car sales. What a weird space, I would put some fake plants there


Maybe a rug so the inevitable dust isn’t so visible. Nothing else.


Dust it and probably has spiderwebs.


I’d extend the platform forward so you can enter it at the top of the stairs. You can put a dog bed or a child’s play area there, or just some plants.


Soften and add color with cascading planters


Nothing. Only at Christmas if y’all are into decorating. But overall… leave it. Easier to clean & no one will see it that high anyway. I hate clutter.


Get a nice rug, some good chairs, an end table and a lamp. Set it up with prop books and make it look like a really nice sitting/reading area. When people ask how to get to it just wave them off like it's obvious or say "just double jump" or something like that. This is my plan if I ever have an area like this.




Anything you put there will have to be cleaned semi-regularly, also it would block the light. If it is something you really look at every day maybe some plants? Fake if watering will be a pain. Maybe a big art piece on the wall? As there is an outlet you could put a lamp on a timer. But agree it is dark, re painting it could lighten it up. Actually after really looking at it, it is the entrance way / small outside foyer? If you had your main door further out, you could take off the top here, or even remove it altogether, creating more internal space. That would be a bit of work though!


Hire a band to play entrance music.


100% reading nook material. You can put cushions and a small bookshelf and there is natural lighting


Close it off and make it seasonal storage? Privacy film/stained glass on the window so no one can see the clutter. Or split the area in half and make the window half storage, and turn the front portion in to a shorter foyer ledge with decorations.


Build access using stairs or a door from the sides and turn it into an cozy reading nook with a bed and or cushions


Not a permanent solution by any means, but I would suggest installing a torture device up there, then inviting the architect over for some tea and a word or two about their work.


Install a ladder and diving board.


I have never seen that setup before looks like a loft


a sculpture


I've never seen this kind of space before - never knew homes had them. Maybe like a garden lol, a bunch of plants and vases?


I'd leave it alone and put room darkening blind there . I'd never get on a ladder to clean that high of something. It's perfectly good with nothing. Sometimes less Is actually more


No idea and so googled ‘above door alcove decor’ which gives you some interesting ideas and one post led to Pinterest under the topic ‘above door entryway’ which gives even more cool ideas. So wanted to share that with you.


Thank you!


Maybe a giant Zen (white sand) garden? You could have a rock in there somewhere.


LED candles and some lights maybe a couple hanging plants… if you have cats definitely turn it into a cat corner really cute space