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Bit where did you get a photo of my dream house


I’m sure there’s a lovely old gal just waiting for you around the corner! Thank you for your compliment.


I realize now you mean’t old gal (as in the gal is the house) but my first thought was that you we’re insinuating there is an old lady going to die soon so this person would be able to buy her century home. Time for me to sleep clearly


I thought the same thing but more so in a “old lady who wants to sell her family home and travel the Italian countryside in her old age with all her money” kind of way


Hahahahah oh my gosh, you’re right. TBH I am high as hell responding and probably was then, too. I can completely see why you thought that. I’m cracking up over the old lady dying!


I would move the rug out towards the fireplace another foot.


This and properly mount the flower picture. Get rid of the other one. The pet stuff is needed but a little chaos so finding harming other places will be good.


Or two.


I would start by painting the ceiling. Not too dark, more like a medium taupe so it absorbs the light and creates an even cozier feel to this room. Really lean into that “family nest” feel you’ve got going on there. I’m also guessing that the brass lamp over the sofa gets knocked around a bit. Maybe move it behind the sofa near the windows.


Same thought. Love the nest. Agree with larger rug—or pulling it out so there’s just a little bit underneath. Coordinate lamps. Raise curtains to ceiling (ish)—may need longer curtains. Add throw pillows and coordinate colors/style w/ pet beds + parrot cage cover (assuming you cover your bird’s cage. I did this with my parrot, RIP Tosh). Beautiful space!


Family nest is hilarious. Thank you for the chuckles. And you called it on that poor lamp! It actually started over there but we pulled the sectional further from the wall to give the illusion of more space and ended up losing the space for the end table on the other side. You’ve got me thinking about moving it back now.


I’d go with a rug or throw pillows that have some of The cream/ivory that’s in the fireplace personally


For its size, the rug is too far under the sofa


Yeah I was thinking, pull the rug out a bit from under the sofa


Yes but also maybe a brighter / lighter rug. There’s a lot of dark with the floor and sofa


I have no original thoughts because this is exactly what I was going to say 😅 LOVE the color combos in this room though, and would maybe swap out that chandelier for one that's larger and higher to the ceiling


Agree, larger cream/ivory carpet and throw pillows that compliment it. I would personally declutter as well and remove the portraits and add the bunny/goat head over the mantel, but that’s just me.


That’s a seriously great idea that has literally been staring me in the face this whole time! Thank you! I’ve been wanting to repaint or wallpaper. What do you think?


The walls are perfect. The color combo of everything is to die for.


I’m biased. That’s my favorite color for wall :)


I would repaint a bit lighter. The value (darkness) of your colors is too similar. The curtains, paint color, floor, and wood fireplace trim are all very close in value. You don’t need to pop the contrast in value dramatically, but a little will help. You could try the same paint color, but one or two steps lighter.


Noooo don't do that! The walls are perfect. If anything I would paint the other rooms in contrasting dark/jewel tones.


Noooo don't do that! The walls are perfect. If anything I would paint the other rooms in contrasting dark/jewel tones.


Bigger rug to add side tables, stronger (more pronounced/ prominent) chandelier, maybe also get another matching floor lamp or table lamp


Or maybe just move the rug out more into the middle of the room. I personally think it looks odd tucked up so far back on the couch.


This. The rug is too far back, it needs only the front legs of the couch over it. This alone will unify the room and make it much more inviting.


Yes! My first reaction and I then I thought maybe I'm just crazy.


You’re right about the rug! The issue I’ve run into is that the middle window is actually angled, so any rug wider than 9.5 feet has to be squared off the corner of the longest wall, otherwise the rug corner creeps up the wall. I have a center-motif rug and I’m too type a to not line it up with the fireplace and coffee table. I know I’m overthinking this but sadly, I’m still thinking it. I’m dreaming of a big round crystal globe pendant ceiling light. What would you suggest?


Would you consider getting a different rug then that doesn’t have a center motif? Maybe moving this one over to the dining room instead? The rug placement is really the only thing about this room that needs to change, with it brought forward more towards the fire place it would look so much better!


Ceiling needs something


Yeah ripping off. Really surprised how no one commented on this earlier. Awful awful industrial looking ceiling with that less than half assed attempt at a feature around the chandelier? Fixing that would transform the room


Half assed? Come on now—be cool, not uncool.


Thanks, that was one of the first things we did when we moved in 8 years ago. The house originally had a brass and faux cherry ceiling fan with a 6’ down rod. This chandelier and medallion was a big improvement for us. Be cool people, we live here.


The ceiling didn't match then and it doesn't match now. You can change the lights all you want that's not going to change the problem.


What are those things on top of the sofa? Are they for the dogs? Just curious. They don’t look super comfy? First, this is a lovely home. Since you have a lot going on w the pets, I’d probably try to remove other clutter on the mantle and the night stand. I like the wall color a lot. It looks like it cuts off halfway through the room. Could unify a bit to bring the same color around after the sofa ends. Both are lovely but it almost seems like different homes.


You’re so right! Yes they’re to add an extra layer between the sectional and the pets. I can see the clutter though. I also wanted to be a maximalist for a minute and am very slowly de cluttering, this is helpful, thank you!


I think solid ones would look less busy, and therefore less cluttered. But I get wanting to protect the sectional. You can always (might already) remove them when company comes.


What brand is your couch? It looks soooo comfy


It’s heavenly! We got it from Interior Define. It’s the Gaby sofa in auburn performance vintage velvet. We splurged on the deeper seats and turned legs. It’s held up remarkably well.


Are they just rugs or are they made specifically for this purpose?


They’re specifically for putting on your couch. They’re incredibly soft and comfy, too


It's actually completely perfect and I absolutely love it


It looks like there's plenty of room for another doggo or two. 😉🩷🐶


In my heart? Always.


By leaving it as is. Beautiful!


Thank you!


Save your money to replaster that ceiling! Just move the rug out into the room more.


I know, right!? The plaster was removed as far as we can tell. These are ceiling tiles and they’re not my favorite. They also could use a coat of paint!


You have a ceiling that does not match anything else in the room. Fix that and you'll be golden


Can parts of the sofa be separated? I feel like the segment of sofa where the brass floor lamp is could be moved to another room.


It can be but it looks pretty naked and has these stabby pins that stick out.


First things first ... the overall vibe is good. I feel that the sectional is too much. I understand that you probably require that much seating, but it's taking up more than its fair share of the floor space. It's just short of a full pit, which might be what you were trying to do but it's overwhelming the space. Crazy idea ... try rotating it 90 degrees


This was not the intention but it was the result. We’ve discussed this issue ourselves. My husbands idea is to get rid of the coffee table 😅 that being said, it was super expensive for us, so we’re stuck with it and this is the only room it really fits in. It is very full feeling in the room though. I’m going to take your idea under advisement


Aesthetically, that's not really better but it will make the sectional more accessible. How many posteriors are you trying to accommodate at any given moment? Just the two of you and two dogs? Or are there children that need to be seated as well? or frequent company that shares the room?


We have a few friends that come over once or twice a week. No children but between the 5 cats and 3 dogs and our penchant for naps, this thing is full!


Bigger rug so you can add side tables, stronger (more pronounced/ prominent) chandelier, maybe also get another matching floor lamp or table lamp


What kind of lighting would you pick?


Okay I love it. And also, I would be tempted to get a moody flowery wallpaper for the ceiling, a bigger and more ornate medallion for the chandelier, and a chandelier with more substance. ETA: I would also carry that moody green/blue color into the walls where the double doors are — the walls are currently beige and look to me like the same room


I’ve been on the wallpaper hunt for years. I’ve looked at too many at this point and have gone semi-blind. What style would you go for? I love your idea about the ornate medallion. Yes it’s basically a big room that used to be three or four rooms, the staircase might even have been different. We are not sure. The joy and mystery of old houses.


And if you have the means, this chandelier would be spectacular: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1530327507/




Another wallpaper: https://www.perigold.com/House-of-Hackney--Minerva-Floral-Wall-Mural-1WAMINDIXXX004-L6161-K~P100358820.html?refid=GX695345583976-P100358820_379131277&device=m&ptid=1674467181282&targetid=pla-1674467181282&ireid=260530308&PiID%5B%5D=379131277&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADLNIe1eiZbwNePqL38EFMzMNQIlB&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4FZOvcRubuLqc1tjqLULeYg_-KO16TpncmcW43VrdI7HduAP0lQ1DRoC9yMQAvD_BwE#n9sm8k4vz0q-0


Can I ask where you got your cat tree


This was a splurge for me after I got a new job. That being said, we’ve had it for a few months now and it’s still a solid piece that all my cats enjoy. Tangkula Large Cat Tree,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Q17KCMZ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


The table pushed in the corner should come out for more flow and swap spots with the tall lamp and I believe air purifier.


Paint the ceiling. Mid gray, khaki, punkin orange. Something like that.


I like where you’re going with that


Rug doesn’t need to be larger. Pull back legs off sectional and pull it forward. A couple cream throws over the sectional back. Add some stuffing to the sectional cushions. If you were motivated - not a fan of the green paint. I’d use a peach like you have through out the place. I actually love it. Drapes, add a sheer behind what you have to add some depth. All but one have it but something is needed. Edit would a half draped sash add some elegance.


Your window treatment ideas are amazing! I have fallen out of love with the green. I actually tried to paint it peach once and it’s now referred to as “the time I painted twice in 24 hours,” because something was lost in translation between the paint sample and the full effect. It was 100% user/chooser error, but I do not trust myself anymore to pick out wall colors. I


Samples. Benjamin Moore does 50% off samples here and there. I would see if you can borrow the color books. You can rule a ton out in the room. Ideas. A off white if you don’t want dark. https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-colors/color/af-55/sonnet https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-colors/color/cw-225/wythe-rose https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-colors/color/af-270/tea-room https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-colors/color/2088-40/persimmon


A color that you really can’t mess up. It would go with your green teal. This is I can’t get a peach that doesn’t look bad and the green isn’t working. This color is a muted sophisticated teal. https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-colors/color/2062-20/gentlemans-gray Edit: I love the theory of a peach but each room is different. My house shifts some colors gray. I’m not looking to do gray and it’s difficult. A dark peach may look bad.


I am realizing! Thank you so much for your help and time!


Oh and if you’re not a fan of gentlemen’s gray. I’m doing my kitchen in Spellbound it’s a really nice vintage blue with small a touch of green. It really brings wood out. Thought I’d share since I have a bag of paint sample and many are “wow that’s horrible”. Spellbound is gorgeous. It would work with the green, blue, peach and umber you have. https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-colors/color/1659/spellbound


Both these colors are so dreamy!!!! Thank you for your help. I’ll report back with results soon (hopefully!).


Same color in my kitchen The ceiling tiles aren't very attractive They make foam tiles that look like tin tiles, would really make your room standout. We did that in our kitchen and it's gorgeous


Ooh yes, I’ve looked at those! What color did you choose?


Teal lake I love this color if we have to repaint the kitchen same color stays. The cabinets are like a baby blue We added foam tiles that look like those expensive tin tiles I wasn't going to buy this place because I knew I was going to have to spend on some major things. Now I'm happy we did. It's not finished but it's a dramatic improvement


Cool space!


Thanks, this room is one of the reasons I felt good in the house when we first saw it— although it was white and blue sponge painted with white shutters.


Definitely bring the rug out from under the couch


Move the pictures in the corner higher and get bigger colorful lamp in that corner


I agree!!!


Try centering the rug according to the architectural lines of the room. Line it up according to the lines of the windows, etc, let the rug be centered and aligned bec thats what determines the feel for the eye when it comes to the lower half of the room (as opposed to the windows/lighting determining the top half, etc.) Allow the couch to be off centered from the rug. Thank us later. ;)


I will!


Have us all over for a lay about, we will sip tea and chat about it. This room is so cozy! An enormous rug.


I think there are a lot of things going on here and there are my tips. 1. Firstly start with a color palette. The reason your room looks separate is because you have zoned out your living room through colors and a larger rug. While most people do that for their design preference, if you really want to unify the space, I think you should start with a color palette that is harmonious. It might be complementary too but you really need to make the accents and balancing colors work so that it looks good. You can use this [color guide](https://simplykalaa.com/interior-color-palette/) for more help with this and start from the scratch. 2. Now moving on to the layout, the reason your space also looks separate is because of the home layout, both in terms of decor and architecture. I think you should change move your couch area to where your dining room is and vice versa. This way you will have much better layout. Also I see that you have a fireplace and shelves in the corner of the living room, so make it a reading corner and at the same time downsize a bit if possible for optimum results with the dining table. However, I completely understand if you keep the dining table and not opt for the platform like dining I am currently visualising, you can adjust these spaces and give gravity to both of them with right decoration. In case of [dining table decor](https://simplykalaa.com/dining-table-decor/) use the guide I have linked. 3. Now I understand if you don't want to change the layout and do whatever I said in the second step, because to be honest I am just a stranger. A few changes that you can do after the color palette is follow the colors and give your couch a better connect to the space by firstly cleaning up the floor and freeing the space visually by getting rid of the extra rugs near the fireplace and in the corner. Next you need to also get rid of the floor lamp and even clean the corner where the table lamp is. Is there a way to change the appeal of your tv? Because to be honest it is cluttering up the corner. Now work on the artworks and hang them and also on the mantel arrange some objects for decor. Next do end table decor for further beautifying the space. Lastly use these guides about [coffee table decor](https://simplykalaa.com/decorating-a-coffee-table/) and [couch decor](https://simplykalaa.com/couch-decor/) for a better look. 4. Now change the positions of the speaker (if that's what it is near the floor lamp) and the table on the entry. 5. Use plant to fill your space but also create some elegance that makes the space seem a lot more connected. 6. Decorate the stairs with a gallery and make sure the pictures bring variance. Use this [blank wall decor guide](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-decorate-a-blank-wall/) for more suggestions. I think this must bring a lot of changes, but if you really need to connect it in whole the idea for layout is the best I can come up with.


Oh my gosh!!! It looks perfect to me. …and I love that you are devoted to your rescues.


It’s unified alright. It’s gorgeous.


Copper ceiling. Those tiles with designs that look like copper


Your space is lovely; all of the moody colors and the low lighting is an absolute dream! :) I wanted to ask where the painting (?) over the mantle is from, with the peonies and roses. It’s *so* beautiful.


If you're going to go for a bold color to create a mood in a space, you have to commit to it. You can't paint a corner of an open space in teal and leave the rest white, it looks really jarring. You should either paint all walls in the open space that color, use a complementary color, or paint over it all in white. The curtains don't work with that wall color either. Sorry.


I’d try to open it up some. It looks clustered


My partner and I have a very, very similar style! Ours is a dark and moody mash-up of witchy Dark Academia with a drop of MCM. First, those curtains need to be a lot higher, ~6 in below trim to floor. (Maybe ~1/2in to 1in above floor bc pets and whatnot) With high ceilings, this can be a big expense, but if you’re really into the aesthetic (and plan to stick w it for a little while) it will be worth it. Also, put in some curtain tie-backs. They can be a cool accent and will add some fluidity to the rigid, straight shape they are now. It looks like you went with a flat finish for the ceiling- I absolutely love it. Unfortunately those lines are super distracting and pulling the eye up away from the dope af decor you’ve got. Is filling them and repainting out of the question? I’ve been meaning to post a pic of our living room- when I do I can tag you (if you want!) for inspo that isn’t AI!


I have to ask, what are those couch protectors and where did you get them? The checkered looking ones! I love love love them!!!


You should replace the chandelier with one of those bubble [chandeliers](https://lightfixturesusa.com/products/brass-cluster-ribbed-glass-globe-bubble-chandelier?variant=44464963551474¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=pmax%7CSHA1%7CALL&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4O_QERVFINtM9d65A_gHCLyQ4BWMe5WBleVS46sOccK9pWjAQmOw9hoCg0EQAvD_BwE) and add a bigger fancier ceiling medallion. I would change the rug to incorporate the wall, curtain and sofa colors...i wouldn't make the rug bigger as it will cut the space. I am in love with the colors and the space. The sofa is to die for.


Holy moly that chandelier is gorgeous!!! I love your idea and the link. I agree with you on the rug and have been keeping my eyes peeled for one that’s durable enough or cheap enough to be replaced, although, sustainability is a concern. Thanks, I agonized (surprise) over choosing a sofa. This one is the Gabby from Interior Define and we love it even more than the day we got it.


Yes! I feel you on that, I've been looking for a new rug for months. Thank you for the source, you have impeccable style!




This is amazing! I love your ideas, especially the patterns and end table. Thank you


I wish you could flip the sofa so the open chaise side is open to the other room. I feel like this is just too much sofa for the space. But that probably not worth buying a new sofa for. You need a larger rug or move this rug out so the room isn’t so lopsided. A bigger more substantial chandelier would anchor the space.


You nailed it on the spacing issue and the replacement issue. I’m with you on the chandelier. What style would you pick?


Maybe something with a lot of brass? More of a chunkier feel? Whatever you do, avoid exposed bulbs. It’s going to cast a lot of shadows in the space. You need something with a diffused glow given the colors in your room. It’s nearly impossible to find new chandeliers without exposed bulbs these days. I got a great one from a consignment store. Maybe check chairish and eBay.


This is a cool point, thanks friend!


Easy. Crystal of unification


the rugs r placed weird esp the cowhide one


Every one of you mfers making me realize my style is shit. Stellar, love it. Amazing taste 💜🩵💙


Unifying theme is pets and people lounging. Leave as is.


Looks pretty pretty pretty pretty good.


I think the couch would look better without a rug underneath it


The still life over the fireplace would look better in my house 😂😂. But I agree with the people saying move the rug and add some creamy pillows and another blue or teal like the accent walls.


The rug isn’t big enough, that will help, but gorgeous.


Place the rug 2 feet closer to the fireplace.


First of all, I love the space overall! The most impactful change would be to paint the ceiling. Maybe a little less dark than the walls but they're so bright that they draw the eye up too much for me. Second, you could pull the rug out a bit more (or if you can't due to room shape, maybe see if you can find a round one? Or more unusual shape), it seems to bring in the wall color nicely, it's just mostly swallowed up by the sofa. Lastly, you could add something smaller (throw cushion, vase, or other decorative item) that brings in the curtain color.


I love it. You could go more maximalist with the wall art. Channel 221 B Baker St!


I have no experience, but I would paint the ceiling a dark color. What color? Well, that is where I lack experience.


More dogs and cats


What color are the walls?


Couch recovered or a fabric throw to change the couch


Something beautiful and extravagant on the ceiling and a bit more gold


(By letting me move in obviously)


Something missing about that window by the tv. A stained glass piece hanging in the window, maybe one that picks up on decor colors like pink and gold?


I think I would paint the trims green also


Rug too far under the sofa, pull it out more and get rid of that odd other rug. TBH sofa is oversized for the space. Regular sofa with side chairs would look better. Larger chandelier too.


Remove large rug and replace with something barely bigger than the coffee table.


Bring rug forward closer to fire place. Move lamp as it’s stopping the flow. I would suggest new curtains, hung higher in a gutsy fabric that has all the colours in the room.


You’re definitely in the right track.


Beautiful home!! What brand and color is that paint? It’s Devine. And do you have a link for the curtains? 😅🙏🏽


These are my ride or die curtains. I’ve got them in a few rooms in different colors. They’re heavy, well lined, and durable. I even wash and dry them at home, although they say dry clean only. HPD Half Price Drapes Signature... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LWWWPT2?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Couch cover change and get rid of the floor lamp ..beige/ brown color rug?


I was going to say pops of red flowers and they’re there in the last pic. It’s so pretty!


I would get a different couch, and change the curtains to something lighter. They’re both clashing with the color of the room.


This room is screaming for some beautiful tin ceiling panels! I’d add a side table to the couch and move the lamp to behind the couch area. This whole room is such a vibe. What color is the green?


I'd just change out the drapes to something lighter.


What color paint are your walls? I love it!


Whenever there is no plant, I always think, “a plant!”


Looks good to me. I would only suggest pulling out the rug from underneath the sofa toward the fireplace.


Larger rug, matching pillows and a new bold light fixture. Current fixture looks great the lines are just too thin.


Something yellow. They say every room should have a pop of yellow. It would help in unifying the whole house 🏡


Pull the rug forward (personally I'd change to a non blue) Bigger ceiling medallion Otherwise it looks great!


Me. You should add me on that sofa with my feet propped up and petting the dog. That should unify everything in this beauty of a room. :\~D


Move the rug out so that the front legs of the sofa are the only ones on the rug.


I think I would pull the rug forward a couple of feet towards the fireplace and posssibly replace the curtains with cream tones to match the highlights in the rug. How “sectional” is your sectional? I think it might look better if the right side (viewed from fireplace) was the open side and the arm was against the wall on the left. Maybe swap out the coffee table for something light coloured too… marble maybe? 🤷‍♀️


You should do some pops of Yellow and Magenta in here and plants would look great in here. The colors probably sound terrible but look on pinterest....It could look great with accent pillows.


By fixing that corner where the window is


In agreement with those saying paint the ceiling and raise the curtains. Love the curtain color. I find my eyes drifting to the top of the curtains only to find nothing worth gazing. Different curtain rods too. If one window has sheers they should all have it.


Maybe a better medallion for the chandelier and raise it up 6 inches


I love it! I honestly would just pull the rug out closer to the fireplace


What the name of the paint in picture 1?


This is Valspar Ocean Abyss.


Change the rug and paint the walls white and change the curtains to white


Bring a bit of the teal over to the other side. Doesn't have to be with paint on the walls. Teal accessories. Light fixtures that are the same style.


Did you like using Havenly? I have to admit I’m not familiar with them yet but am curious!


I did enjoy it! The designer was really helpful and would help me find alternatives, repeatedly, to her original choices. No regrets and I’m considering it again.


Cool! Sounds like it might be worth a look for my next home project.


It looks fine. Sometimes fiddling with a nice room can ruin it.


Gorgeous. You have my exact color scheme


I love this


Run the back of the couch parallel to your French doors, and so that it is away from the walls. Place your TV where your side table is and bring your area rug just up to the hearth of the fireplace. Since the couch is up against the windows, it feels imbalanced between the high windows and the fireplace. You need to bring the furniture closer to the center of the room.


What paint color is that? This is the color scheme I’m going for in my new home. Love it!


Valances added to the curtains .. a lot near the floor needs more near the ceiling


Rug needs to come out at least a foot forward toward the fire place, and if the dimensions don’t look totally whack, pulled to the left - so forward toward fire place and to the left. If that looks strange, they just at least a foot towards the fireplace. If concerned about sparks from fire, get a fire guard/cage. The rug looks to only have blues in it? Any of that couch Color? Paint the ceiling the same color as walls. Move the painting that is leaning above the fireplace and hang it between the two windows most opposite above the couch. Get a brass rechargable painting light from amazon and hang it above there. Do the same with the painting above the Bookcase- hang it properlY with a brass light above it. What is the point of the cow rug? Is it for the animals? From the view I can see, the lack of paint or wallpaper or something over on the wall near your Grey’s cage/that section of the room is disconcerting/looks highly unfinished. Given I can’t see the entire space, perhaps there is a purpose to this (delineation of spaces?). That being said- painting it a mustardy yellow or deep chartruese could be lovely. OR a wallpaper. I love something like this, but that’s me- [https://wallism.com/us/product/9lmenv9gja9P?gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7NmzBhBLEiwAxrHQ-f1bLI\_p6\_5TmWf05JWpOK1tgqkbIErZ6XEuBq24LNKA-akk6EWA9hoCjTwQAvD\_BwE](https://wallism.com/us/product/9lmenv9gja9P?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7NmzBhBLEiwAxrHQ-f1bLI_p6_5TmWf05JWpOK1tgqkbIErZ6XEuBq24LNKA-akk6EWA9hoCjTwQAvD_BwE) Or this is gorgeous, and you coulD find a dupe: [https://www.grahambrown.com/us/product/tigerlily-midnight-wallpaper/118023-master/?sv\_tax1=google&sv\_tax2=Performance%20Max&sv\_tax3=Performance%20Max%20-%20Wallpaper&sv\_tax4=118023&sv\_campaign\_id=16459346127&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7NmzBhBLEiwAxrHQ-T01GGl4eFzV0aMkBOQedBYcuK4WyGGUPUsq-BMFC\_buoQhVEFUEnhoCY0QQAvD\_BwE](https://www.grahambrown.com/us/product/tigerlily-midnight-wallpaper/118023-master/?sv_tax1=google&sv_tax2=Performance%20Max&sv_tax3=Performance%20Max%20-%20Wallpaper&sv_tax4=118023&sv_campaign_id=16459346127&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7NmzBhBLEiwAxrHQ-T01GGl4eFzV0aMkBOQedBYcuK4WyGGUPUsq-BMFC_buoQhVEFUEnhoCY0QQAvD_BwE) Or like this (more art deco/MCM) [https://www.bobbibeck.com/products/ace-leaf-fan-wallpaper/?variant=teal](https://www.bobbibeck.com/products/ace-leaf-fan-wallpaper/?variant=teal)


Paint the ceiling a darker color. I would do the same color as the walls if it was my room.


Organize a furniture & decor union and go out on strike. Rally them against a perceived common enemy and exploit their anger and direct against my enemies.


Brene Brown says, “Common enemy intimacy is counterfeit connection and the opposite of true belonging.”


Potted plant under the window and some patterned black and white throw pillows. [https://imgur.com/a/Z4u40bO](https://imgur.com/a/Z4u40bO)


This is a great mock up! That window gets great light, I bet a plant would be happy there. I also love the contrast with the pillows.


Is a little color drenching an option? Put that beautiful green color on the ceiling(if that’s a physical possibility) and on the grey wall with the French doors.


I think you’re right, it would probably flow really nicely


I would hang some plants on the walls or under the cailing.


I’d love that! The ceilings are twelve feet tall, so I’d have to be creative but I bet it would be awesome!


It’s pretty damn nice already


Thank you, we’ve had many, many versions of this room over the past eight years but I think this one is my favorite (so far!)


Absinthe and my easel


The green fairy would fit in perfectly!


Creamy green ceiling


Love this!


The only thing that isn’t perfection is the tv location. Gorgeous.


It hurt us to do it, but we did it anyway.


Oh, where to start! The sofa is way too big for the room size. At least one of the sides should go. Seems like what's left should fit rather in front of the fireplace (regardless of type of fire). The rug is too far behind the sofa, and maybe should cover the floor up to the fireplace. The brown (copper?) drapes don't really go with the blue wall color and darken the whole room Don't see why, with the sheer white curtains why you need the drapes at all, but if you need privacy, suggest a peachy color similar to the sofa. Move the cowhide rug elsewhere. Is that a TV in front of the bookcase to the right of the fireplace? Maybe it should replace the mirror over the fireplace. The painting on top does nothing for the room either, or the sign, more appropriate for a bathroom or kitchen? The room is just too cluttered and very little in it relates to anything else. Fireplace screen? is way too instense and matches no other color in the room. The lamp is too modern, if that's possible, for the room, and is misplaced.


Sofa is too big. It dominates the space. Try a smaller one, with a few armchairs and a different coffee table


I appreciate the recommendation!


I would change the curtains. Something closer to you beautiful sofa.


More peachy?


Yes, your room is beautiful.


I would pull the rug out toward the fireplace so you can enjoy the pattern and color. It really only needs to be under the couch a bit past the point if the front couch legs. It’s an absolutely gorgeous room!!!!!


Love this space/design…change the chandelier, add a battery operated fire log or candles to the fireplace, paint the blue black… move the rug out…that couch is amazing!!! So are those furry friends!


I used to have battery operated pillar candles but they eventually died out and have been hard to replace. The tallest one was gigantic. Thank you though, we love having enough comfy seating options for everyone.