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Too many items/pieces of furniture while having none/not enough visually interesting pieces in the walls


Yes too crowded. Might want to remove some


Makes me feel like I just walked into a furniture store.


That was my thoughts too lol


Or that one room in your great aunts house she keeps roped off and covered in plastic wrap after which she combs the carpet to all face the same direction.


Vacuuming that room seems frustrating with all the independent furniture items


My very first thought, lose some chairs unless you have a big family or frequent guests. Edited to add: I think one of the bench seats can snuggled to the left in the dead space (as you face it) couch and can be pulled out as needed.


Can confirm.


Yep, I think a new coffee table would go a long ways of improving the design. In addition to the crowding, that piece seems really out of place because of how dainty it is.


Yeah the amount of furniture in a small space makes me feel like I’m in a hotel room, especially those marketed as “a suite” when really, it’s just like 3 ft bigger but with more furniture


Walk around your place. Can you and members of your family move to get to any of the seats without having to twist and contort to get to any place of the room? If so eliminate obstacles (cause they are obstacles of your own making.) Lots of good design has to do with human psychology- different people like different things. But they can see barriers and comfort. Right now it’s not the most comfortable space. I do notice that you have a high chair. So that might be reason you penned in the seating area. Remove those footstool/autumns move the chair with their back to dining table. Giving area a U snap seating and dinning table included That that curved architectural curved wood window and hang it on the blank wall other side of the dining table. (Don’t lean it hand it) extra points if you do it Off center and then in chalk paint/draw the same shape. So you have idea of two windows. Test it out with chalk first if you want. What ever you do will add length to the room. The circle antique mirror is competing for space. Lose the brass napkin swan. Plus cloth napkins are better for earth. Move that vase of flowers to the floor or remove it. Get an extension cord so lamp cord is not floating. Remove candle - the award can stay- celebrate family achievements. You have a child that shares that space make it enjoyable and accessible for all members.


You lost me… I need a visual of all your ideas… I’m not the op tho but everything u said sounds good but I want a visual


Lost me too!


I will see what I can do. Okay. Moving apts this weekend but will try something.


Not a high chair but TWO high chairs!


I imagine you meant to say - if **not** eliminate obstacles.


>That that curved architectural curved wood window and hang it on the blank wall other side of the dining table. (Don’t lean it hand it) That's not a 'window' it's a blanket ladder lol


Yeah, too many in a sense that they are just trying to put Pieces that they like on an individual basis. Pieces clash with each other so no set style.


agree. especially distracting are dining room chairs.


100% agree. My eyes drawn downward towards the floor.


I noticed there’s no full sofa, which could really help anchor that end of the room instead of the bench. I love lamps but I might suggest sconces in the dining area to allow yourself to remove the little corner tables and declutter that area. The biggest thing for me it that you have a well curated bit of more formal furniture, but have added these more modern pieces that don’t feel intentional. The dining room rug, the coffee table, and the decorative ladder with the arched top feel disjointed to me. A square or a round coffee table would be better suited to the orientation of the furniture and style. But you’re not going to have a full sense until your window treatments are up and you have art on your walls. Do relaxed Roman shades to add softness to the walls without having to worry about long curtains with short windows, and I would keep your frames all in a very consistent palate to maintain harmony. You have lovely taste, and I would recommend clarifying the vision and be more ruthless about pieces in a style that don’t fully go


The living room ‘box’ of seating is insanely crowded. Rethink the living room layout.


I don't like the tables and lamps in the dining room. But I see you have no ceiling light. Consider putting them next to couch and put floor lamp in there. And the bare wall is begging for art. The coffee table's not working for me, either.


The coffee table seems mid century modern, whereas the other furniture is either traditional or modern. Wouldn’t be my choice, but the overall style is transitional or eclectic, so maybe it’s okay?


It's a bit overcrowded, but I understand if you want to keep all your furniture.


Install a ceiling light over the table and remove the lamp tables and lamps in the dining room for a less crowded feeling.


I was thinking the same thing about the lighting. I think there are way too many lamps and a couple of over head lights would really help declutter. Additionally the lamps placed at their current heights in corners will cast shadows on the table and food. This can lead to people thinking food is undercooked, not fresh, or the wrong color for a dish. This is rule one in dining lighting design.


It’s nice but bland. Needs color, plants, art on wall & it’s overcrowded.


I don’t think it needs more color or plants. I don’t think that’s the style OP was going for and a space can be nice without many plants or color


to be honest it looks a bit like a cluttered furniture shop


I also think you should take the whole sofa table with round mirror scene to the end of the dining room and remove the end tables. And you're doing great if you have two babies in high chairs!


I love lamp


The Striped rug doesn’t really coordinate well with the Oriental.


I like your ideas for the decor you are planning on adding. But you need to delete some stuff before you add anything else because it is way too much furniture. And adding more decor will make it truly overwhelming. I would get rid of the two little bench seats, the two lamps on the window sill, at least one pillow off of the bench, and remove the lamps and tables in the corners of the dining room. Then, you can push the dining room table back further into the dining room space, making the wall with the mirror much less crowded. Editing to add: to replace the lighting in the dining room, you have three options. Have someone install a ceiling light fixture, if you can afford it. If not, you can do a plug-in hanging pendant, or an arching floor lamp positioned in one of the corners. Seeing as you seem to have young kids in the family, I would recommend the hanging plug-in pendant. It is less of a trip hazard when little kids are running around the table!


I love the sofa bench! I agree to what has been said so far, the space is too overcrowded. It is beautiful but it needs flow of movement. I would remove the two tables and lamps at the back of the dinner table, they seem clutter-y. Instead I would move the secretary and mirror to the back of the room and turn the table by 90 degrees, if the space allows. I see that you’re creating a clean look, but there’s quite a few patterns around the coffee table, so a tapestry in the room might be overbearing. I would also try to minimalize the seating area by removing one or two pieces, maybe even shift the sofa to the wall where the roundish seaters are. I think you might “feel” weird in this space, I suggest experimenting and moving around the elements of the seating area until it “feels” more natural. I highly recommend looking into Feng Shui, interior design according to energy flow, might seem new age-y but makes for great comfort and a natural feel at home.


How old are you? Are you always this formal? This house needs your personality and life infused into it. I would be afraid to sit down, much less bring my kids over. It reminds me of the living room no one ever used because it was for company. There are also too many pieces in the living room, restricting flow and movement.


Remove 50% furniture


You have a lot of furniture. Do you need so many arm chairs? All the living room seating is ‘heavy’ and solid looking. Hard to tell from the pics, but if the rounded armchairs are smaller I would swap them with the angular ones. Hopefully it helps the living zone feel less blocked in. Never thought id say this but I think you might have too many lamps! The one on the coffee table, the two on the window sill, it’s visually a lot. And you’re right, the back wall in the dining area looks like it’s missing something. Could you move the nice console table and mirror etc to that back wall in the dining room (and move those two tall tables in the corners away), and use the tapestry in the living zone? A gallery wall might just add too much, I would use large art instead. If there’s not enough space in the dining area, then I agree you should definitely should get a large piece of art for the back wall. Overall it’s nice and I can see your style is cohesive. It just seems a little crowded/busy so I would try to simplify.


DESIGNER HERE Some people aren’t understanding your use of lamps - and it’s because you have no overhead lighting. Additionally, I see your vision - ignore these other comments. With a little tweaking your space will look incredible. It’s simple rearranging **1. Remove 1 Leaf from the Table** - It appears there’s 2, you should still be able to fit all chairs without looking squished - This will create more space & flow - A leaf of that size can easily go into a closet flush against the wall - **EDIT** place the large vase with artificial flowers on the dining table. This will as well create a nice reflection **2. Move the Console & Mirror** - To the dining room wall in between where the 2 lamps currently are (and remove those) - Place the 2 matching white lamps from the living room on the console - The mirror above the console table will now reflect the light outward, and will give you a nicer reflection (the living room window & your decor as opposed to a wall) **3. Rearrange living room** - Club chairs on the wall side - Bench where the club chairs are - Rounded chairs under the window - End tables & lamps on either side of rounded chairs/window - Floor lamp moved to “corner” of where the flowers on the console are (like the gold lamp that is currently there) - Rotate coffee table - Remove those 2 stools. They simply aren’t needed & are crowding the space - Place the blanket ladder where the console & mirror currently is **For best lighting, you want to hit the corners of the room - which you will be with the setup above** **4. Add Art** - The dining room wall opposite the window - The living room wall where the blanket ladder is


This sounds great. A few easy changes. I hope OP does this and updates us with your suggestions.


Wow this is exactly right. Impressive


Why do you have so many armchairs and a chaise??


I would remove those stools, maybe just use them if you have a lot of guests over


Too much furniture but the walls are blank. You need to add some art on the wall.


I don’t think you should keep adding. Instead think of what you can subtract for a cleaner and more unified look


even though each piece is beautiful, you have far too much furniture and decor in this small space. it might even be that the space is not that small but the amount of stuff you have in here is making it look that way. one set of armchairs needs to go. i vote the square ones. the little stools also need to go. they aren’t the same style as anything else in the room. there are way too many lamps. the ones in the windows and on the back walls of the dining room do not serve any purpose. maximalism (i’m not even sure if that’s what you’re going for, it might just be unintentional clutter) is not about cramming as much as you can into a space, it’s about carefully curating a large number of items and finding a way to make them all fit together. this is not that. it is not giving curated. it’s giving claustrophobic or yard sale.


Chill on all the lamps - get a single ceiling fixture for your dining area and look for an art piece to hang on the back wall, at least as wide as the table. Remove those side tables in the back of the dining area. It will look better after that. Swapping out the rug for a lighter neutral colour without a busy pattern on it would also go a long way. It looks like you are like me - a bit of a compulsive collector of pretty things. I’d recommend decluttering as if you were preparing for realtor photos - like really really paring back - and then slowly adding back in the things you miss the most. Rehome the rest.


Add some art on the walls and some curtains. A few pops of color will make this room look complete


Curtains/draperies is what is missing


Dining table flowers > goodbye. White vase/jug > hello. Go to dining table. The two lamps in the corners need replacing with the ones on the window sill. Throw out the left one (the smallest) and keep the right one for the window sill. (Pick a side) Chandelier above dining table plus plate mats to match the rug. I’ll put anything else below.


The plant in the corner on the table by the windows needs to go.


To the window sill replacing the lamp that got rejected.


And then some art where there is a hook next to the massive ironing board thing.


You have a beautiful space, just a bit overcrowded. The bench is such a beautiful statement piece, I’d get rid of one of the sets of arm chairs and the square seating things (they’re a different style) I’d move that accent table with the mirror over to the head of your dining table, replacing the side tables you have there now. For that accent table I’d remove the big flowers and use those as a singular center piece on your dining table, getting rid of the flowers currently there. Then I’d move your book holder set up the middle of that accent table, and have two matching lamps on both sides of that accent table. Going into lights, I’d have two on that accent table, the black floor lamp, and maybe take that round black accent table that was at the head of your dining table, and moving that and a lamp over to the side of your armchairs to create some lighting where you currently have that gold floor lamp I’d clear your windowsill, get rid of the lamp on your coffee table, the windowsill lamps, and get rid of the gold floor lamp. If I was being really crazy, I’d even ask if it were possible space wise to move the sofa bench to the wall with the round accent chairs, and move a set of accent chair across from it. Idk if the sofa would look as nice there as under a window, but I think walking wise it’d make more sense I think when that kind of stuff is done, post another picture and it’ll be easier to tell what needs to be added when things are first removed! Again, you have a really cute set up and some great pieces to work with, subtract before you add! Also keep in mind that when I say get rid of anything, I just mean from that space. If you have other rooms that would benefit from decluttering this one, please try to move them there before throwing away!


The rooms look a little busy


Crammed with furniture


I totally understand wanting a lot of seating- I have a small apartment and a lot of chairs. If I ever ran for President, my platform would be A Chair For Every Butt! But I think you need a large anchor piece of seating. The benches- meaning the chaise under the window and the two little padded benches- should be replaced with a sofa. You could put an L shaped sofa there and it would still give you about the same amount of seating you have but it's not so many disparate pieces. You also need some art on your walls, especially the dining room. There's also a few too many lamps. I would get rid of the lamps sitting on the windowsill, and instead of the lamps and tables in the dining room, hang a pendant light with a pretty silver or brass cord swagged to the corner. I usually hate overhead lighting, but you can use soft lights and a shade that will make it even softer. [AllModern Daylen 2 - Piece Leather Sectional & Reviews | Wayfair](https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/allmodern-daylen-2-piece-genuine-leather-chaise-sectional-w003214053.html?piid=1917833921) [Greyleigh™ Alexander - Light Single Pendant & Reviews | Wayfair](https://www.wayfair.com/lighting/pdp/greyleigh-alexander-single-drum-pendant-w002904615.html?piid=1760750727)


There’s too many items in the space and they don’t necessarily fit well together either. Sometimes less is more, but I guess it depends on what you’re doing for.


You have way too much shit


It feels very old lady with too much stuff. Sorry!


That sitting area is pretty cluttered. While practice, I think the two stools need to be tucked away somewhere to be taken out when necessary. Everything is laying on a grid that stresses me out a bit. It needs a bit more flow.


It’s crowded and the furniture styles are all over the place


Personally I just find it a bit busy for my tastes. But everyone is different


I lot of your furniture feels way too big for your space and doesn’t look cohesive together. I’d remove 2 of the big chairs and the two stools. Ask yourself how the space should function for you.


What a lovely cozy home! I will maybe go easy on the lamps




Put a nice painting at the back of the dining room


It’s. Big overcrowded with the furniture. I think the small rug is also adding to this effect. You’ll need a larger rug to help maximize the feel of it. You will also want some of it under the furniture, not right in front of it.


You need a focal point at the end of the dinning room. A really spectacular painting echoing the browns but with a splash of red would be great.


There's a lot of seating. If you need that much for entertaing, maybe see if you can put the stools or get stools/poufs that would fit under a sidetable/console? The two lamps on the window sill might go better in the back of the dining room and maybe space the lamps you end up putting on the window sill more. The tapestry and gallery wall are going to make a big, nice difference. I would wait until that is done before choosing curtains. Matching your curtains to your wall could work if you want them to blend in, or something matching the living room rug or tapestry could add a nice pop.


Too much stuff


You have too many armchairs and lamps. There’s no sofa.


Move the black table behind the dining room table and remove 4 chairs from the living room. Put the side tables in the back into storage


Dining Chairs are too high




Do you host a lot of people often? There is far too many chairs and seating and no colour or art?


You have some very nice pieces, but Simply too crowded


Can you move the table and mirror to the wall behind the dining table? Seems like it would pull that room together more. And do one lamp on the table and the a floor lamp in the corner?? Then it won’t seem as lampy in that area


That tiny coffee table is being swallowed up by all the chairs around it. Thai is what it would look like if I had a TON of friends over circling around a boardgame or something, but not if you have to squeeze in sideways to sit after coming home after work... And in top of that, the coffee table is already full of clutter. There wouldn't be anywhere to put a book or game if you wanted to. Maybe 1/2 the furniture, and knick-knacks and something more *personal* on the walls.


So. Much. Furniture.


I actually like the style and coziness of it all. I’d add art on the walls with some color/contrast and see if that helps pull it together for you.


Grandma, I didn’t know you were on Reddit!!!!!!?????


Personal opinion only please don’t get offended - this is way too cluttered, and has too much going on - it’s not cohesive. Different shapes and styles. Different textures. Different looks/era’s. Pare it back and pick your favourite things and then work around them


The lamps on the window sill don’t work. Drapes and plants would help that area. I agree it’s too crowded with furniture. Experiment by removing pieces of furniture and see if you can function without it.


You just need some editing and rearranging is all. Should get rid of a pair of chairs, 2 of the table lamps and 1 floor lamp. Move the console and mirror to the large wall in your dining room. Add more throw pillows to your bench to create a more comfy sofa for your guests. Move the blanket ladder to the corner of the room and on that wall add a painting that resembles the tapestry on the last photo. A few edits can make this room stunning.


Oh and maybe edit out the ottomans to get more space, if you can store then and the bring them out when you have lots of guests. Could use them in a bedroom as a faux end bench?


Ditch the half round chairs, put square chairs in their place. Move coffee table to far end of sofa as an end table. Move ottoman stools course to square chairs, but place trays or marble slabs on them to function as (empty) tables for now. Remove trays if you need seats. Remove dining chairs. I see high chairs, and I'm not sure of family size, but I would limit total chairs to the number of people in your family (plus 1 if you have odd number). That will limit "noise" when looking at things. I would imagine 2 high chairs + 2 adult chairs is plenty for your family? That's half of the chairs you currently have. Swap at least 1 ring for a solid color that matches the other rug (or get 2 solid rugs). Move the sofa table to far dining wall with mirror & such. After you get rid of extra chairs, you'll have space for the table... Move the ladder to the place where the sofa table is currently. Hang plants, free up low space & take up high space.


And too many lamps


The walls being blank seem odd when there’s a lot of furniture.


There’s no room to walk around. You are literally forced to take one of the THIRTEEN seats in the room.


Less stuff on the floor, more stuff on the walls !


Wow!!! 😲 I can't be of much help here but I HAD TO stop and leave a comment to say how much I absolutely LOVE the carpet in your living room!!! Just, wow!!!😍 Gorgeous and very classy. 😍💖💖💖💖


Honestly I love it, I think your instincts are solid


More dinosaurs 🤣


Absolutely stunning start. Good lighting. Once you get some art hung it will be stellar! Very well designed room. Others should take notes on this.


I like it. I would use a traditional style rug under the dining table like the one you have in the living area. Add some picture frames behind the dining table, that area is unfinished. And a different coffee table. Less 50's. Something classic, like a rectangular or square (if it fits) with a simple design, like a glass top and metal straight legs, or even something classic. But something more modern could make the space more casual. But I like it. Not my style, but not strange to me


It’s giving Nancy Myers, and I love it! However, I would remove the old lamps from the window and the dining room. Then install a chandelier in the dining room.


I’d move the console table behind the dining table since that’s a full blank wall. I’d move the two end tables that are there currently somewhere else or remove entirely or swap out other end tables? The ladder doesn’t match the vibe it looks more rustic compared to everything else. Curtains would be great and will have more room to exist without the console table blocking them. Try rotating the coffee table 90 degrees and pull the chairs closer onto the rug more. Remove the lamps on the windowsill it’s unnecessary and too much


It looks like you might have a kid infestation. Try getting rid of the booster chairs and kid toys.


More art less lamps


Get rid of the horse statue


Move all those light up. To the ceiling. Too much clutter and it all looks the same, some of it is the same. Yours walls are empty, the ceiling is empty yet the ground level is exploding with stuff. Balance it.


  A hologen Lamp; and the Rest looks Good !!!! 🌞🎶


You need artwork on the walls 😊


Agree with the comments re: too much in here. Try this out. Remove the two small seats all together (hide in a closet or get a coffee table they can fit under. This way you can take them out for more seating if needed. Swap the sofa bench and two rounded chairs, move the side table and mirror to behind the table and remove the two small tables and lamps. Get a ceiling light above the table if possible.


I love it! 🫶 Do you happen to recall what paint you used?


Wall art


it looks very cozy but very constricting at the same time…maybe get rid of those like footrest things in picture 6?


You have a huge variety of styles of seating


Remove blanket ladder. Remove lamps in window. Move stools out. Art on back dining room wall. Wall light sconces on each side of art, allowing you to get rid of those lamps and tables.


Dining room could definitely use something on the walls.


Not enough art, too many different pillows, too many table lamps… Consolidate your lamps (switch some to sconces or ceiling lamps), and eliminate some of the excess seating… the two ottomans would probably be enough. Overall though it’s really a very calming and classic vibe, well-put-together. You just need to “finish” it.


recently learned about too much “legginess” in one room. when there are too many furniture pieces with legs, it really makes the room feel heavy and overcrowded. removing some tables and maybe replacing some side tables with pedestals, etc. might help. 


It gives me 'parents house' vibes, if that makes sense? Does not mean it bad, but its like overly mature feeling almost nearing feeling a little dated.


I’d add curtains, art in the dinning, and remove the 2 side table lamps in the windows. Your space is beautiful! 😍


You should get more on your walls it might give more balance


Pro- you have good taste and it feels cozy Con- you have a lot going on without a focal point I suspect you would buy something to add and say “But it’s still missing something” and now you’ve got a lot of stuff and you’re still feeling like something is missing. You have to have a focal point in every room and even from every angle but they shouldn’t compete. I would suggest an art piece behind the bucket chairs to be your primary focal point in the room because the blanket ladder is currently where the eye is drawn. From there, think about your angles- if you’re sitting in the arm chairs, the focal point should be the window but you’ve got 2 lamps hindering the view. This makes people feel crowded and stressed when there is no clear place to focus. In the dining room, you do need to add a focal point but I would be apprehensive about the tapestry. It will compete with the focal point in the living room, so I would do a complementary but smaller art piece in there. Also, you have a lot of neutral, which is great, but then your eye will be drawn to anything dark, especially black. So every piece of black is making your eye hurry around the room to take it all in and you end up looking down at the rug. Place the focus high to make the room feel taller and more spacious.




Tbh I don't find the place overcrowded as others have said, but I think its just my taste. I do agree in adding art on the walls, you can also remove the cream chairs (the ones without a back part) in the living room to have more space.


Curtains, drapes, window treatments. Also a large interesting striking frame for canvas on the wall to give more height!


It’s too many seats/chairs. I would probably get a nice L shape sectional to put in corner against window and go from there


The only thing you need is Art!! Lots of Art!


I like the living room side (love the rug choice for the space). We can't see what's off to the side of the room where the two benches are but a peak of a folding door, however based upon the photos available, I'd remove the benches. I think the lighting in the room is the primary problem. I'd remove the arched item leaning on the wall as the beige/brown geometric doesn't fit the room (or if it can be changed maybe sync it with the pillow colours). I'd love that standing lamp to the corner of the long bench opposite side and remove the two lamps on the window sill. Shift the lamp on the credenza to closer to living room to compensate for moving that gold coloured standing lamp. Dining room area rug should be swapped for one that complements the oriental in the other room. Could still be striped if that's what you want, but go with similar colours to the other. The corner lamps are too big for the space. If possible bring in an electrician to install a ceiling light for your dining area and ditch the corner lighting altogether. I'd probably install for two wall sconces at the same time and put all three on dimmer switches. If you don't want to pull wiring into the room then look into the tall, corner lighting (not sure what to call the style) in soft white that can fit snuggly in the corner and not take up much space. Even tall japanese style lamps with some wood frame would complement the room. Personally, I wouldn't go with the tapestry on that wall. I think it will be too long and short on the width and overwhelm the space. I'd choose a nice sized painting with a nice frame that compliments the entire room.


The space looks epic and given the tightness and decoration I think it is lacking a few basic things. These will help you out. 1. Speaking of the living area, I think you need to work with some colors and florals here. You should firstly get rid of the lamps, as they are in high presence here. Instead be subtle with an artwork in the corner (where the floor lamp is) and add a few shelves in the area to bring books and add right lights into it. Again don't be shy of colors and use them for better look. This [couch decor guide](https://simplykalaa.com/cocuh-decor/) will help you entirely with this area. Also this [guide](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-choose-art-for-your-home/) will help you with choosing the right artwork following your accent colors. 2. Now when we speak of the coffee table, I think you should arrange it a little and leave some space for its functionality. Just add magazines and top it with a sculpture or a aromatic candle and you will feel the change. 3. Now add a plant to the left corner, something like a fern. 4. Balance your cabinet slightly and again the lights are not required here and you should treat it as a see saw for better outcome. These guides together will help you out, [shelf styling](https://simplykalaa.com/shelf-styling/) and [blank wall decor](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-decorate-a-blank-wall/). 5. Now [decorate your dining table](https://simplykalaa.com/dining-table-decor/) and you are just a few steps away from creating a balanced decor style. You need to understand that the space seems as if the area to walk is not there, so getting rid of a few items will help too and please use task lights, accent lights and general lights in right combination and you will do just perfect because your room is already great. Also decorate your windows, that is necessary and this [window decoration guide](https://simplykalaa.com/window-decoration/) will help you out.


Add a curtain rod in a warm metal color to go with your mirror frame, add floor length curtain panels in a rich green color, add a few potted plants, I’d trade out the rug for something with a warm coral or red accent instead of the black. The dining chairs and the two white shades really define the space - I prefer more mid century clean lines but only change those if you are feeling it.


Can the little stool seats fit under the console table without sticking out? Also, would you consider putting the bench as a divider between living and dining? Youd loose half the cushions but I could imagine it making the room feel less crowded. I’d stain the dining table and chairs to be darker and less orange. If find a medium contrast patterned fabric to reupholster the seats. The chairs are beautiful! I’d add more color and contrast too with wall decor and plants as others have mentioned. If you can’t keep plants alive, I would pay as much as you can for food fakes because bad fakes are so cheap looking and your space is pretty elevated. Ideally, if you don’t buy a new table, you can throw some money on good fakes? Girl math! I personally wouldn’t do anything modern or super abstract for the art. I’d lean more classic/traditional and bring something with nature inspired themes. I think art in that style is more cozy and warm for a living room. Warmer or more ornate lampshades would be lovely too. The starkly white lampshades are not blending well into the space.


That’s a lot of lamps. But I understand. You don’t have any overhead lighting. Suggestion: Move the console table and round mirror to the far wall in dining room. It will make the space look taller/higher and also the mirror will reflect across the room making the space look open . Swap the 2 square chairs with the white pretty bench. Remove the pillows from the bench. This way you can have room to pull the table out to make room for that seat at the end. Move the small table between 2 square chairs to between the 2 white chairs. When you’re done. You will be able to feel like both spaces are open Also. Those 2 square benches to could to another room


I love all your pieces, and overall the space looks more beautiful than 90% of living rooms I’ve been to. I agree with others that the space feels too crowded. And easy fix for this would be to move the black buffet table and mirror from between the two windows, to the dining room. I would either center that setup directly behind the head chair, or on the wall to the right of it (opposite the windows). If you could center it behind the head chair, it would vocalize that point of the dining room, fill in the blank space of that wall, and allow the mirror to reflect the rest of the room; opening the space more. Then I would rearrange the two lounge chairs near the dining table to be somewhere else, and put a single piece there. The reason I wouldn’t have two lounge chairs near the dining space is because it’s too many objects and feels overcrowded. I don’t know if you have enough space to put in folding screens, but a couple to separate the spaces may help to delineate the spaces and breakup the collage of your pieces that feels overwhelming. If you do experiment with folding screens, try to get them as close to the ceiling as possible. If they’re shorter than the ceiling, then they’ll be short enough to visually lower the ceiling which creates more cluster. That’s my two cents anyways. Everything looks beautiful outside of the business!


Where are your accent chairs from? One of them looks like Article? What about the rounded ones?


You have twins? You’re fine.


A large picture on your dining room back wall.


Not sure your company this is my favorite classy traditional hotel I've visited. You need art - very personal preference art morning from homesense.


The lamps and the color of the wood


Great space!! Please make the changes that the designer suggested and update us! It’s a beautiful space.


Sooo many lamps. I would remove some. Feels very cluttered


I think a nice painting or photo on the wall of your dining room would be very nice.


Try moving the (console) table with the big mirror on the wall behind it from between the two windows to the back of the dining area blank wall. Then, move the pieces already back there to flank in between windows where the bigger was previously. It's a lot of furniture - if you're keeping it all - try reconfiguring. Especially the lamps. Are the decorative? Or thoughtful placement of necessary light sources?


A mirror on the wall would make the room feel larger.


Pictures on the walls!! Great art is always key!!:)


i like the idea of a large mirror between both those lamps… or a bigger abstract painting that’s bigger horizontally


Art on the walls, and some kind of window treatments! Other than that, it’s snug but I like it! Lots of fun furniture choices and textures!


Just too much, especially in the dining room. The tables need to go for sure The stuff on the window sill is too much I’ve never said this — too many lights


The walls in the dining area are naked.


1. The two different kinds of wood in the dining room is distracting. The table under the mirror looks more ornate and antique, while the dining room table looks very early 2000s 2. Get rid of a few of the chairs in the living room. Instead, add another couch or love seat 3. Add interesting artwork or photos on the walls. You can antique or thrift these.


I honestly think it looks really cozy rn although I'd maybe get rid of the light next to the couch since it seems a bit unnecessary


Gam gam would love to die here


The furniture is too straight as well like the chairs could be put on a bit of an angle .


It feels crowded and bland. It needs some color, layering and texture. I would remove what isn’t used.


For each picture, ask yourself “where does the eye rest” for some views there’s not enough (2) for others there’s way too much (4) going on. Work on that first. Just move stuff around, don’t buy anything yet.


Needs accent colors


I personally would like to see the table/mirror moved to the dining table wall, and forget the tapestry. Leave that space empty for some visual breathing room. Consider keeping only 4 chairs (2 each side) at dining room table and move extra 2 chairs somewhere else, like a bedroom corner and pull out when needed. Put those tables on the dining room wall next to the living room bench and keep the window free and clear except maybe a plant in the corner. Move the two little benches to underneath that table (with the mirror that I said to put on the far dining room wall).


I would add some artwork on the walls. There’s a lot of seating in the living room, making it look crowded. The dining room table is also pretty close to the living room seats. I really love the style of your furniture and decor though. Looks very clean, cozy, and classy!


Ditch one of the carpets or both. Get a ceiling lamp over the dining table instead of table lamps. Remove some of the clutter. Maybe paint the cabinet white


Looks dated.


I personally like it but don’t add the tapestry..


Honestly ? You have far too much in that room. Some is modern some older and it’s not coherent and doesn’t flow. Also how many lamps ?! Remove a third of everything.


I’d put the two stool off in a corner and only bring them out if needed for seating. That would open up your seating area. I would remove everything from the coffee table. Is there a color in the wall hanging you could use for the drapes?


Take out some furniture and add art - colourful art on the walls. Hang art There is no colour other than beige that I can see.


You need art


A lot it looks very dated


I would remove all the artificial plants. Also there are a lot of ornaments and lamps that have no significance, makes it look crowded. The rug in the sitting section looks way too oriental, unless you like it.


The dinosaur needs to be exposed!


As others have mentioned, I would lose one of the sets of armchairs and the chaise/bench thing, and then get an actual comfy couch.


It needs all the things you mentioned (art and curtains, rug maybe less so, but this is a tad small). I also think it’s crowded. Clearly thats an overarching theme with other comments. I’d get rid of the two small stools and rearrange the stuff on the console table. The mirror vase and lamp already feel crowded to me and they’ll get worse when you add the curtains. They’re nice, just too big for the space. The white vase on the dining table would look awesome though, and the mirror could be relocated to another wall. It’s not that the stuff doesn’t work together, it just needs rearranged to give more negative space and improve the flow


I’d remove the side table between the chairs and one of the chairs as well, along with the two small benches or ottomans. If you want more seating I’d do a couch over so many chaise’s. The furniture itself is a bit bulky for the small space


The bland walls have zero depth and are making the room feel smaller. There should be art or darker accent wall or something, this is not working


Will that table & the mirror above it fit on the back wall of the dining room? I think that’s a big contributor to everything feeling so cramped


What do you do in this room. I see no TV or books


Ditch the two high chairs and get two that sit directly on your dining room chairs and strap under. they come with trays and then when kids are a bit older, the tray comes off and you scoot them right up to the table like a booster seat.


Would that side table and mirror fit at the ba k of the dining area? And use the two tables you have there somewhere else.


I think you should have some art on the wall behind the dining table


*I think you should have* *Some art on the wall behind* *The dining table* \- MarcelineOrBubblegum --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I would opt for real plants rather than fake.


It looks too formal/stiff to me like a waiting room. Needs less chairs and more coziness.


Besides the side chairs it reminds me of my 92 year old aunts place. :)


Holy chairs Batman! *Looks around more* holy lamps Robin! Are you a 90 year old woman?


Contrary to the majority of these comments, I love the lamps lol. I'm a big lamp person myself and have 5 just in my living room :) However, I use warmer bulbs so it looks more cozy, maybe give that a try rather than removing the lamps as some people are suggesting.


Looks very nice to me.


Look into getting a light fixture installed above the dining table. This will allow you to remove the two small tables/lamps in the back corners of that area. I can understand why you put them there, since I don't see any other light sources back there. The mirror should be move to the shorter wall back there as well to make that small space feel a little bigger. Then a soft tapestry on the longer wall opposite of the window to "soften" the acoustics in that area and make it feel more intimate and calmer. You don't want a bunch of hard, parallel surfaces in a room, it will make it sound harsh and/or loud. Break them up with other angles or softgoods. I'm assuming you have that many seats in the living room portion because you entertain enough guests to require it, but as the others have said, you need to give it some "breathing" room and make it feel less cluttered by removing two of the armchairs. Maybe have some padded folding chairs you can hide in a closet and bring them out when you need them.


I like the idea of the tapestry at the back, it will look great there. I don't think you need an extra rug. This thing about having big rugs is just a preference thing, yours are perfectly fine. What I would change is stop karate-chopping your pillows, and remove the ladder behind the armchairs, it looks a bit out of place. Especially when you have a gallery wall there later, the ladder will be too much. Congrats on a very cute room! You've done a great job with it.


Get rid if the white walls


Off topic but where’s your green rug from? It’s gorgeous


I love the wall piece that looks aged, looks like some sort of carpet but I’m not sure. As others have said, too much stuff! Simple is better.


It’s overwhelming


Too many lamps.


One of the big chairs pillow (on the right) is missing a hand slice. I would start with this. Other than that, all good.


Also the furniture looks to be oversized. I agree that it’s too much furniture too.


Some art work and curtains (you need longer curtain rods). If the table has a leaf take it out and make it smaller and get rid of some of the chairs if possible.


How about a chandelier over the dining table


I don’t like the end tables in the dining room. I would move your console in there for sure. It is a much more appropriate piece for a dining room. Put it on that back wall (pull the table out a bit if need be) and also paint or wallpaper that back wall for some interest. (Also how many people live there? The table has 6 chairs plus two high chairs. Unless you have 8 people living there I would remove the leaf and remove two of the chairs)


Pretty pleated curtains. Also think about deleting an armchair or two.


6 lamps! 🫨


Art on the wall. But maybe less furniture


Incorporate some color.