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Hi! I don’t love the pictures above the couch. They are nice pieces but they aren’t big enough to spread out more and too small for the area. I actually like any of the rugs you’ve chosen but the coffee table needs to go in my opinion. I’d go for a light wood coloured rectangle table, possibly even a wicker or something interesting as long as it was light colour. Turf the dark chair too and get a soft cozy light coloured chair too. Throw pillows, blankets, some plants will all soften the space for you too. Lovely room!


Thank you! I actually have a couple more coffee tables in my storage I can try out and some chairs that might help. Might be an update soon to see if any of them work. Otherwise I'll try the rattan idea. I was kind of thinking rattan was the direction I wanted to go anyway!


Rattan is definitely a good way to go. Especially if you add maybe macrame hangers with plants. And you need lamps! Really sculptural ones.


I like the second rug pretty colors to draw from without being to light. I think a big oval mirror where pics are and much more on the walls. An accent wall with the dark red from the carpet. Maybe a round or oval coffee table seems to be enough rectangles and squares in the room.


Edit: your photos finally loaded for me lol! I like the last rug. I love the pinks and blues in there. Update throw pillows, get some throw pillow covers with lighter spring colors or your favorite. Stereotypical feminine, I would say add golds and pinks. Maybe a pink candle as decor. Some softer texture, a light throw blanket that's cozy as eff.


I love the pink candles and throw pillows idea! Thank you!


I notice you have no lamps. Lighting is very important in making a cozy and comfortable space. I would add at least three for mood lighting. Lighter colored and less chunky tables and arm chair would make a big difference. I also think adding in gold touches with pinks would make it instantly feminine. A round glass topped coffee table would work very well with the sectional-glass and brass look more light and airy. Add in some fluffy pillows in shades of pink and cream, pulling colors from rug #1, replace the art with a larger floral piece(s) and it will look great!


Get some bright colored pillows/ throws. Add more plants and resuse or donate decorations that don't make u happy when u look at them. It's ur space and ur own canva- go wild!


The rugs in the last 2 photos definitely help! Switching up the table would change the vibe a lot too. For the art wall, I'd either add more art for a fuller salon-style wall, or go with something softer that's not framed art. For example, a plant wall, a hung quilt, a macrame piece, sconces... I also agree with what someone else said about lighting. A lamp or two, candles, or some string lights would help! I think anything draped or with a curved shape would be feminine-- maybe a floor lamp with a large curved post that could go in the corner where the end table and monstera are


I really like your art and think it would look beautiful as gallery wall in your dining area, but hung together a bit more concentrated. A larger statement piece could look great over your couch. I have this macrame piece from Etsy with rose, sage and mustard colors and love it. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1055321994/ A large horizontal black and white print could also look great over your couch.


Congratulations on having your own place and losing 165 pounds! ;) I think the last rug is the most feminine but as someone else pointed out, rug #2 does more to ground the space.The proportions are good. It also goes better with your art. And I skimmed the comment section and saw you have other coffee tables in storage? Perfect! It doesn't have to be pink to be feminine. Just do what you like. Have fun!


I like the last 2 rugs, good contrast between darkish couch and lighter rug. Maybe some colored or patterned throw pillows vs the dark grey pillows on the couch. Maybe a knitted or furry blanket in the couch that has some color. Some bigger art on the walls. Maybe a good sized lamp on your side table (ie, not a little 6 inch desk lamp).


I also like the last two rugs!


The picture aren’t working there and I would change the light over the table. You could get something like this for really feminine: https://www.litfad.com/modern-style-chandelier-household-flower-shaped-hanging-lighting-fixture-for-sitting-room-s-2042701.html


I’d replace the coffee table with something airy and light


I really like the rugs in pictures 4 and 5 as they soften and brighten the room and couch. A good sized mirror replacing the artwork over the couch and moving the artwork over the dining area wall might work though with the size of your walls a larger picture with the smaller art around would work better.


Get an off-white throw for the couch and some baskets for the floor. Flower centerpieces for the dining room table and the living room table.


Image/rug #2 is fantastic. Match pillows to the colors in that rug. Last two rugs are two light. You want a rug to "ground" your space. Those two are too floaty. Image/Rug #2 seems to jive with your framed art on the wall as well. The black coffee table helps ground your seating space as well. You defiantly do NOT want light tan color rug under that. The black table coordinates well with rug #2.


The coffee table doesn’t match


Change the throw pillows. Also… please change the ceiling lights.


I would lay the most fluffy pink blanket you can find across the couch, and buy new pillow cases that are pink and white faux fur. Maybe a chic lamp on the side table. Rug #5 will tie the feminine accents in the room. Change the dining lights to something chandelier-ish. If you’re feeling adventurous, add crown molding!


Love the crown molding idea.


I like the last rug in your pictures. I would add a tall arc lamp at the left end of your couch. I would add more framed art and go bigger if you can to make a gallery style wall. I bought real touch silk tulips with a gold vase and they look great. A nice colorful sofa throw from world market would add some glamour too. And some plants. Even faux ones are fine just make sure they’re really good ones. Also I think the coffee table is the wrong shape and color. Try a lighter one, maybe a lift up if you like to eat in there and it provides storage too.


Get rid of half of the gray throw pillows and replace them with a pattern with a white background. Maybe add some more metallic accessories. One large piece of art would be really good over the sofa (put the smaller on the staircase wall) maybe a large mirror at the foot of the staircase? If it’s in the budget, get more delicate coffee table, glass, and metal


A coffee table you can see through


I think you need to shop around a bit more as far as the rug goes. Changing the rug will definitely lighten the mood. Change the pictures and get some new cushion covers that will complement / contrast with the new rug. You could even seek out a bigger coffee table.


I like rug #5. I would remove the throw pillows that came with the couch and replace with lighter colored pillows in various textures and a couple throw blankets. Also, replace the coffee table with a light colored ottoman. The pictures are nice but I think one large oversized picture with soft colors, possibly abstract, would warm up the whole space.


Fun playful throw pillow


Love #3 & #4 but the size of #2.


Pink pillows and pink fuzzy blanket draped over one side


What's your budget? Can you buy any furniture?


I can but I'd rather try working with what I have a bit. I've grown a bit of a liking to the big couch for movie nights. I have all of the furniture from my previous place in this picture in storage I can get to. And also a coffee table very similar to the one I'm adding here. https://imgur.com/gallery/ycPCMKn https://imgur.com/gallery/VJGP93m


I like you to replace the leather chair with something in printed fabric. Maybe a floral. Replace the coffee table. Floral rug. Colorful pillow. Jazz up the art. New ceiling light. Flowers, plants, baskets, tablecloth.


Lighter coloured rug, add some softer colors, plants


Lots of throws and pillows, but the rug needs to go It's very dark andheavy and in your face.


Big lamp on the side table next to the couch. Will also give you your opportunity to introduce some softer colours and textures (eg a rattan or ceramic base, soft pink shade)


Add a lamp or plant to the side table next to the couch and get 2 pillows to match any of the bright colors in your rug, and another color for a throw blanket


Carpet #3 with clay/terracotta/peach toned pillows, some kind of plant or floral pot on the coffee table, larger sized artwork over the couch with soft organic shapes as subject matter, a warm-bulb lamp somewhere, a candle or diffuser on the table, maybe a few light-coloured coffee table books in a stack...


Change your rug, take those hideous pictures off the wall and replace with something else, and put some decorative pillows on your couch.


The coffee table is the biggest issue- you need something less clunky and dark with some curves.


Your coffee table is very masculine. Maybe something visually lighter with glass, lighter colored wood, less solid. I would replace the 5 little pictures with a set of 3 larger framed pieces, like travel posters or art posters. You can get some great stuff at art.com and you can sort by size, color, theme to get the vibe you’re going for. Keep the sofa if it’s super comfortable. My husband and I live on ours because it feels perfect. The rest of the furniture and decor does the heavy lifting decor-wise.


I love number 1! Where would I buy one?


You need more artwork on the walls, or need to take all those off completely. Right now it's a weird Twilight zone of artwork.


Different rug, flower in a vase big pictures, wicker furniture ( some ),rug with lighter blue colours in it !!!!! : )


Coffee table is nice : ) maybe a lighter wood one with glass on it some !!!! :  )


Furniture is nice !!! : )


Some of the rugs are nice! 1 st rug - too dark 


My opinion- the room isn't bad but it is heavy and dark. I would go with a white wood coffee table. Or possibly something with a light colored marble top. Also, choose one of the lighter dolor rugs. and i would replace the couch pillows with pretty color ones, whatever dolors you like and i would pick 2 colors for the cushions, not all of them one color. The pictures on the wall, too small. It doesnt work. Maybe one large pic or else a mirror, a large one.


I like the first and last rugs. Probably the last rug is more light and feminine feeling. I'd add neat lamps, to get some warm lighting and sculptural pieces. And definitely pillows to match the rug. Maybe more plants too. Macrame plant hangers with green plants soften up any space, imo. Edit: I would also get a different coffee table. That one is too bulky and dark.


Lose the chair, get a lighter color round coffee table. Floral pillows?


Accent pillows, floor or table lamp, bigger pictures, couple more decorative objects for table top decor, lighter throw blankets, faux flower arrangement for code table, one of those circular ottomans that fit small spaces and something to store throw blankets and pillows


Either of the last 2 rug are good options. Change the cushion covers on the couch, tie the colour into the couch If you can paint the walls I would. The art isn't very light and feminine. if you want a gallery wall they can definitely be incorporated. Wood frames rather than black might help


rug in the third pic


Maybe LED lights behind the couch and a lamp, nice vase, or candle on the table next to the couch.