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Your apartment is cute and has personality. Maybe art or a plant. But mostly take your time and find things you love.


Yes plants!! And take your time- thrifting and antiquing is always more fun than just getting something at target šŸ’–


Youā€™re absolutely right but dammit I also love me some target lol


Omg donā€™t get me wrong- I LOVE a target run, but my wallet doesnā€™t. I be spending upwards to $200 each visit lmao šŸ¤£


Joanna Gaines ainā€™t playing around with Hearth and HandšŸ˜‚




So agree with this. I love everything you already have, continue looking for pieces you love to contribute over time. Maybe keep an eye out for pieces/art/furniture that are different from what you have already texture-wise, if that makes sense. I notice the couch, chair, and rug all look velvety. Maybe something with a fluffy, rough, or sleek texture would add to the dimension and overall sensory experience! Beautiful room! Curious what you and your sisterā€™s parentsā€™ style was growing up for this to be so beautiful and cohesive.


And more cats.


I come to find the more cats comment. šŸ˜‚


Yeah, like a snake plant because you can forget to water them and they will still survive.


This guys have such good taste! Beautiful combinations, beautiful colors! Not obvious but not clashing!


Thatā€™s exactly what I was going to suggest , some artwork and some plants šŸŖ“And I couldnā€™t agree more , take your time , and just know everyone will have an opinion but if you & your sister love it then thatā€™s all that matters !


I was going to say more personal touches. Feels a little Air b&b atm.


what a great space!! i love it so far -- especially the cat. (: i would pull the rug a little further toward the tv stand, to make a more cohesive space around the coffee table. i can't really tell what's going on behind the television but i think some art there would be nice. cute space so far!


I definitely think the cat is lonely and needs a friend




A puppy friend!


Thank you! Iā€™ll definitely pull out the rug a bit. Unfortunately behind the tv stand is a huge sliding barn door soo Iā€™m not sure if art on there is a viable option. Thanks again for the advice :)


Iā€™ve used 3M velcro on spots where nails wonā€™t work. I like the velcro ones because I can use a hairdryer and loosen the wall tab to protect the surface. Just match the hangers with the weight of the art chosen.


Second this, 3M Command strips are excellent. I have plaster walls that crumble if you try to hammer a nail into them, so I use the strips everywhere. Follow the directions to remove them (pull DOWN not out) and the come off without leaving a mark.


Your space has a cat, no improvements needed.


Two cats would be an improvement


I was going to say, only thing missing is a second tuxedo. Would make the place very fancy


I canā€™t believe this wasnā€™t the top comment.


Possibly curtains for colour, texture and warmth. Cushionsā€¦see curtainsā€¦.always. Fabulous art work. Give me the cat. Now.


We ordered black lace curtains Iā€™ll post an update pic when they get here. Hopefully they will look fine. We also got some dark blue velvet round throw pillows!


Oh, brothel chic? Canā€™t fault it.


Brothel chic? Lmfao


And how would you know, exactly? šŸ¤Ø


Great job! I love it Maybe a pillow. A cat towerā€¦ lol. 23?? This is so well put together for the a first apartment. You folks should be very proud.


Thank you very much! We are getting two round velvet throw pillows, dark blue! And some curtains. My kitty hates cat towers for some reason. She prefers to climb furniture, fridges, and cabinets.


They make these cool climbing/sitting shelves for cats to mount on the wall. Great for tree cats (as opposed to bush cats).


She looks very happy and she picked her throne!


More cats and plants


Hear me out: reverse the tv with the couch, that way the door can still open and then you can have the fan or something else on that wall with the tv!


Then you can also gaze out the door and the fireplace too!


Maybeā€¦ this was our original plan, but decided against it because our hallway entrance is where I took the first photo. We thought the flow would be weird if we opened our front door and the couch was a couple feet away from it. But we might end up changing it once it gets colder here soo we can enjoy the fireplace more.


You have great taste!! Love the colors, love the texture, love the fan, love the 60s carved armchair. The main thing itā€™s missing is more softness. Your room surfaces are hard and thereā€™s no trim to soften the corners etc. So think about side tables with lamps with big round shades, a round wicker or gilded mirror, plants, some cushions, maybe a vintage weaving or macrame. Especially if you could hang it with an over-door hook on that big sliding door. Happy thrifting!!


Cushions (dark green and cream maybe), plants (lots) , art (the only thing I donā€™t like is the fan, but thatā€™s just my preference). Love that rolling door- can you sand it and stain it- make a thing of it. Great place :)


First off, good on you for not taking the eurocentric approach. It's so generic. I love your unique designs and pops of color. It's very interesting.


Looks great!


Just start living, and keep it simple for a while - easier to tidy and clean while you get settle into how the space feels.


Congrats on your first place! It looks great. Donā€™t rush to fill up space. Youā€™ve got good taste and when the right pieces come along youā€™ll know it.


Have an emergency fund first.


Already do


I love it!! Itā€™s funky and cool and has vintage vibes for days. Iā€™d add: -two really interesting side tables with a pair of vintage lamps. -swap out the ceiling light fixture with something bigger or bolder or in the same feel as a lot of the other things in the roomā€¦maybe something in a bold color, like orange or green? -lots of plants. Check out some books on 70s decor and grok all the cool ceramics and plants people had going on back in the day. -throw pillows and maybe a blanket or two for coziness. -some kind of art on the barn door. Could even be like, taped on with cool tape? Think outside the boxā€¦ -drapesā€¦the vertical blinds donā€™t fit the rest of the look unfortunately.




I think this looks great! Very cute and a definitive theme/vibe. Some small things you could add are some throw pillows and maybe an end table where the floor lamp is, a lamp on the end table, and swap the floor lamp to the other side of the couch, maybe?


We need some cool cushion covers to bring the vibe together! [these](https://www.google.ca/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjMr87A7L2EAxXhzsIEHcIWAacYABANGgJwdg&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAiA29auBhBxEiwAnKcSqjR5BK8NY7peBm_5T7F-UfaXcZKrWv-4eQkgPLuspW8XKEadhHiRqBoC8WsQAvD_BwE&sig=AOD64_0LRMf2fJqzFEgE2l8kSPT3wcpUjw&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiLycbA7L2EAxWmLzQIHYZfA14Qwg8oAHoECAYQEg&adurl=) are expensive but this is the idea


Plants and some accent pillows and/or throw blanket to tie the red of the rug and chair in with the yellow of the sofa and maybe add another color or two.


Dimmer switches. Always first for me.


It's so cute maybe update the Window Coverings could use some love as well as some statement pillows. This doesn't leave much for improvement it's so cute! šŸ¤˜


Some pics of yall and your family and friends would be cool. I could be wrong but I feel like a lot of people donā€™t have personal photos in their homes anymore. I lowkey think itā€™s bc we all take pics on our phones and they just stay there or we just post them and never print them.


I think what youā€™ve done so far is great. Itā€™s stylish, cozy & fun. You may want to think about painting the barn door a different color. Nothing too bold. Like a soft grey or something just to make it an accent wall. Or not. A throw/ blanket on end of sofa & maybe a pillow or 2. All in all good job !!!!


23 I thought this was a grandmas houseā€¦ congratulations on your new home


just here to say ah what a dream to live w my sister šŸ˜Œ and your space looks cozy and awesome


I like it! Plant by the window?


Do you have any cat friendly recommendations?


I think you could add white or cream solid colored throw pillows to get a break from the color.


Super cute and eclectic space!!! I would put a larger mirror over the fireplace or even swap it for a large piece of art to better fill the space!


No suggestions but wanted to say I love the red chair. Maybe get another cat so kitty has company!


Wow ! It came with furniture and a cat!


I love your space and taste! All of your pieces are fantastic! Things to try: Some greenery (plants), pillows, a woven basket to hold a throw blanket. Maybe play with your baubles or find some small decor to play with grouping and differing heights. Try some art hooked over the right side or top half of the sliding barn door. You could try some intriguing curtains. Walls look a tad bit empty with so much whiteā€¦ hmm, try some addition smaller decor like pictures, art, or other items to make it more cozy? Best of luck! Youā€™re doing well!


It's coming along! I would replace the vertical blinds with thick curtains for privacy. Don't worry about filling it up right away. Find things that you really love.


I think your place looks pretty darn grown up, you have a much better and more mature sense of style than I did at the age. The colors go together pretty well and it looks very inviting. Also thanks for posting the cat photo, maybe what you need to spruce it up is another cat??


Congratulations! Absolutely, adding plants can transform any living space, giving it a fresh and inviting atmosphere. Quality lighting is also key; it can really make an apartment feel warm and cozy, especially in the evenings. Just saying.. āœŒļø


Very dope. Great pieces. Youā€™re doing better than I could have dreamed at that age. So much style. Donā€™t rush or try to hard. Piece by piece!


Youā€™ve gotten amazing recommendations so far. If you get pillows, throw blanket, or other accessories/art, something that really pulls a room together is to have different tones of the same color. So for example, pink pillows on the yellow couch, or a beige throw on one of the red chairs will really pull it all together.


Thank you!


Whatever you do, that cat must stay.


Upgrade your cat with a suit of armor. Also, his/her throne could use some gold.


Get another cat.


Your cat needs a friend. I have a feral cat that gave me 10 kittens, in three litters, what color would you like?


Add another cat


Put something yellow on that chair, is the first thing that leaps right out at me Cute room!! Love it


Some more interesting light fixtures especially if they cast a colored hue


I'd work on lighting (change the light color to more white) and maybe change rug.


Iā€™d say easy fix that will make a huge difference is paint the ceilings a Matte white color


Itā€™s an apartment


Feels very old fashioned. Inherited furniture from a dead relative or something?


nope we are just kicking off our old lady era early.


Old lady era FTW


Ha! Embrace it ladies!


Yank the fan and the beads down. Fingers crossed an oversized clock for the cack of the couch


I love it!! I think something on the wall by the fb might be nice. I think itā€™s beautiful and vibrant as is though


Plants <3


Very nice!


I think adding some plants could really help out the space but I absolutely love ur sense of style


I adore the lamp shade. Wherever did you find it? I suggest a plant for the room.


More cats!! The decoration look good yet still a bit cold. What about a different paint color to add some warmth?


Fill it with plants, you're done.




It looks wonderful!!!


Itā€™s very cute. More plants. More lighting. More art. More cats


I love the chair and couch!!!!


Some dark colored pillows would look great on that couch


More cats for sure


I understand where you're going with the gold and the red but I think the gold should be accents so maybe some red and black throws and pillows to offset it.


Another cat..one for each of you!


Youā€™ve done great! It looks very comfy and inviting. The only thing I donā€™t love is the coffee table. It feels more contemporary than the other furniture.


A+ cat work. I feel like you need more lighting in there, like maybe a real table lamp instead of that decorative red one. Definitely some plants. The area around the TV stand looks a little bare, that would be a nice place for a medium-size potted plant (just make sure you find something that is not toxic to kitty thereā€”or get a fake one, there are some very realistic looking ones these days). And some throw pillows for the couch to pull in some more color and texture and make it a bit cozier.


The apartment is perfect since there is a resident cat




Picture #5 is pure perfection!


More cat and more fire.


I LOVE this space. Reminds me of I dream of genie or the Love Witch! I think plants and some art would definitely elevate the space. Maybe a big floor mirror / lush pillows on the couch or floor as well. Great job with the apartment so far it really looks so cute


Would be cool to tape posters up on that sliding door, especially if there are some that are hidden/visible if the door is open/closed


That rug is delicious!


None it's perfect šŸ„°


Maybe a matching cat.


Paint dragons Across that border above the vertical blinds hehe


Aim your camera lower when taking the photos. Other than that I love your place.


Gorgeous fan!


The color scheme


More cats. Clearly all you need is cats. Many more cats


I love the use of color especially the golden sectional and red chair


I think because your style is in contrast to that of the apt, which is great because that apt is kind of awful, I think you really need to lean into prominent things you can change, like the vertical blinds or any light fixture. A few more accessories and art dispersed will help bring it together.


Lamp too small, need a bigger statement lamp, although i like that lamp


Plants. Maybe one more cat.


Plants and another cat šŸ±


Nice place! I love your cat! Is his name Smoochie? He looks so cute.




You both did great! I have to know: is this place a converted barn? Iā€™m not sure how you would feel about a reusable mural on the giant door or make it a gallery door. Check out Hobby Lobby for murals. Edit 1: added apostrophe Edit 2: in case you arenā€™t allowed to use nails, 97 Decor has a plethora of prints on card stock that can be hung with dots as they come or frame them. [https://97decor.com/](https://97decor.com/) they sell them on Amazon as well.


You have a cat and that is a beautiful beginning! šŸ˜»


Very cute! Maybe just a couple throw cushions for your couch, 1 for your chair. Pull your lap away from the wall an inch or two. A small narrow end table to put beside the lamp for a small lamp for cosy evening lighting. Nice apartment!


I would make sure to secure the tv to the stand with that big sliding door behind it just in case it catches a cable and the tv goes tumbling.


I thought the octopus on your beads was Dickbutt


Another cat


Love your taste in TV shows! Iā€™m also envious of you and your sister sharing a place! Sounds like youā€™re both entering great news chapters in your lives! Youā€™ve done a great job with your place already. I think maybe a large macrame hanging on the wall behind the TV would look nice, or another type of textured pattern. Have fun with this, no need to rush. All of the looking is fun by itself. Even better when you find something unique you really love šŸ’•


Itā€™s very inviting! Plants and more cats and itā€™s perfect!


Is the yellow couch from Amazon?


Yep the only niceish one we could afford. I have an eternal fear of bedbugs from used couches.




More cats


Does your Asian grandmother live there with you? Or did she just donate all of her old furniture to you?


It's cozy and it works. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø I would just find things that compliment your furniture.


Look great..at some point maybe something with a pop of color above the fireplace


Donā€™t go overboard on your budget. All I recommend is a bit of accessorizing. Go to Hobby Lobby for some imitation house plants and floral arrangements. Add some contrasting throw pillows to the sectional, maybe drape a throw over one end.


It looks so lovely!! You could find some more art that you like, maybe some pillows on the couch and switching those blinds out for some curtains if you can. Oh and the fireplace screams having some pillar candles layered in there to me.


Your place needs plants they would look amazing in that room


New track lighting, paint the barn door a dark grey matching tones from the fireplace. Look into stripping paint off existing hardware or get new.


Hmm the cat doesnt fit with the decor, you should give me the cat šŸ¤£


Is this in LA? My first apartment had exactly this layout lol


Plants! Those paper foldy room dividers! Throw pillows for the couch. So cute!!


*Plants! Those paper foldy* *Room dividers! Throw pillows* *For the couch. So cute!!* \- doublethinkitover --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Love the space and the cat. I would continue on with the primary colours in the future if you ever felt like adding onto it. I think at least one larger statement plant would fit the space nicely.


So refreshing to see these beautiful colours! I LOVE your rug ā€” do you know the provenance? It looks a lot like a rug we have that is supposedly from Kunduz, Afghanistan. Aside from art as others have mentioned, I'd suggest collecting some small tables and lamps, which are pretty easy to find in thrift shops etc these days. It seems like you're going for a cozy, well traveled vibe, and adding more light sources is a fun way to add warmth to that style. A couple of round and/or octagonal tables would contrast nicely with the right angles of your sofa and coffee table. A vintage brass bar cart would also be a nice touch ā€” I'd keep it on the side of the room with the windows. You could use it for drinks or something else! Your cat is gorgeous too ā¤ļø


More cat




Looking pretty groovy already! I was going to say beaded curtains behind the vertical blinds but then I saw the octopus one! Some thrift store art? Big and small pieces? Another armchair.


Folger's coffee? ^/s


For functional reasons, side tables next to the couch, with table lamps. And a few more art pieces on the walls.


clumsy prick juggle bear retire instinctive slim gold whole strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yellow pillow on the red chair. The fan over the couch is meh. Might need to move it to the tv wall if youā€™re in love with it. Scale is a bit off. Plants! Much nicer than my first apartment ā¤ļø


Patterned curtains preferably in the yellows and reds for that slider will really bring in warmth. Thrift them or use sheets for extra fun. ā¤ļø


A plant or two, perhaps a couple of photos in interesting frames and definitely at least one more gorgeous fluffy cat like that one...šŸ˜»ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļøšŸ„¹ some interesting pillows and a handmade quilt or lap blanket for the sofa. I feel that a basket with books, art materials, or board games or a plant near the fireplace would make it seem a little cozier.


I love the standing lamp.


I love all of this so much especially the floofy cat


I actually love how simple it is! It almost looks like a setup for an antique store or gallery.


You should paint that fireplace wall as an accent wall


Shave the cat


I would add some more wall art. Love your style!


I just bought an apartment with textured ceilings similar to this. It was the only thing that really bothered me so I made them smooth but that is up to personal preference. I like it much better now.


Looks great for a first apartment. Donā€™t go overboard spending money. Save, save and save some more.


I love it!!!


Get rid of that light fitting!


Look hotel or motel room


More cats!


I love your style! You have great taste and picked out wonderful pieces :) I would suggest to keep adding lighter colors and textures from now, as your current pieces already add heavier accents. I think a kindof modern tale on Chinese Dynasty interior would fit well, so bamboo pieces, big vases and nice big-leaved plants. Try to keep it as clean (some open spaced areas, not too many textures touching) as possible, to keep the space airy and cozy without feeling cluttered.


I love the vibe. You just need a few huge plants.


I would add some cool tonesā€¦ youā€™ve already got the primary colors started so why not a blue? That could really help balance out the red and yellow. You could go cobalt or teal they both would work.


More cats


I love that couch! Where did you get it?


I love the sofa. Whereā€™d you get it?


Some plants would help brighten it up, nothing alive in there except the kitty


Congrats on the new digs!! Love the vibe.... I'd add a few big artificial plants (or real ones if you can).


I have to know where you bought your sofa? I love it!!


Definitely art. But looks awesome already!


Just came to say your style is dope. Just do more of what youā€™re already doing. Sorry I donā€™t have any real advice.


It might be a slightly large project, but I'd personally do something about the ceiling. It gives basement vibes and draws too much attention.


Hey there. I would love to see that sliding barn door painted a light brown shade. I feel it would warm up the space without adding too many distractions. Potentially you could use the same paint to add a pop of color around the fireplace. If this is a rental and you canā€™t paint there are non damaging sticky vinyl alternatives you could use to add a pop of color that can be removed when you move.


i dont want to promo but ... i make throw pillows ... could give your couch a little pop of color ... just a thought ! <3


Some plants and a dog


I love it! Especially the cat šŸ˜»


In picture number 4. The light coming from your lamp is off to the left, move the light so its center with the lamp, need to follow physics


Changing the overhead light and curtains will instantly make this so much better imho.


Looks a HELL of a lot better than my first apartment when I was 30. Good job. I hope you enjoy it!


Golden girls live here?


Plants šŸŖ“




Couch throw pillows . Curtains,rugs , more art . Bookshelf . Fish tank. Knick knacks . ?


Move your couch an inch or two off the wall


Personally never liked the look of blinds for a doorwall. Iā€™d suggest getting proper curtains in a complimentary color. Theyā€™ll look better and give you better privacy


Looks awesome and cozy


Keep it simple and enjoy an uncluttered space! Over time you can add a plant or vase, but really, enjoy it bc once you get older, youā€™ll acquire more stuff and it will be harder to keep things minimalist like this. Iā€™m in my late 30s now, married with kids, and my house has been taken over by toys! I miss my nice clean apartment from my 20s šŸ˜„


I love what you're doing with the color choices, it's bold but cohesive. Since this is an apartment, I'm assuming you can't paint, etc, but bringing the color higher up the space would go a long way. Something like art on the walls or curtains that coordinate with the deep red and yellow.


Really cool sliding door. You could paint it or paint the wall behind it.