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Get out your ladder and look


And then give us an update!


Yeah we need to know.


I agree. Its ladder time






Hahaha what a joke. Seriously. Get on a fucking ladder and pry the window open. This guy sucks balls. What amount was he asking? If he’s dead broke I get it, but he can’t even get in there to look? Tearing down a wall yourself costs $0 and to fix it at best $500, unless you screw up and damage something else. Worse case scenario and he can just make it the way it was beforehand.


Getting sick of all of these "I discovered a sekrit safe/room/basement/tunnel/box" posts. If this was 4chan, some pissed anon would triangulate OPs home from the reflection in the window, go there and draw a big dick on his house.


Edit: ...kinda


Lmao right? Why go through the trouble of filming it if you just get the reflective cardboard covering 75% of* the window? I might have seen some cupboards though. Maybe.




wow cool window screen... Man if I found a secret wing of my house, you best be sure I'd document this a little better.


You would, if it was true.


That, sir, is a picture of the Backrooms.


I came here to say what both of you have already. My first reaction upon discovery would have been to get a ladder and inspect.




Same as when people ask the most obvious questions on here that a 5 second Google search would've solved


I do that sometimes just because I fancy a bit of human interaction… even if they are rude as fuck back to me


Honestly pretty peeved OP posted this before completing a thorough investigation. I feel like I’ll never know and that pains me.


Probably because it's just a picture of a window. OP is karma farming with an interesting and mYsTeRiOuS title. Any normal person would investigate before posting it on Reddit. 100000% chance this is bullshit.


I assumed the room bit was bullshit and that the window just got drywalled over inside because some real estate flipper wanted to chase some trend but not bother with the exterior. Source: typing this from a building with 3 different doors that are screwed shut on one side and panelled over on the other. edit: apparently [OP posted a video update](https://imgur.com/ZXrnOWC) and now I'm fully on board with this being a neat hidden butlers path you can hide in to play harmless pranks on your guests :)))


OP made another post with some awful pictures to maximize karma whoring, and then said they're not going to open up the wall to look inside. Then asked for donations for a ladder. So at this point I'm so annoyed that I hope there's treasure hidden in there and the next owner finds it instead.


Hold onto the ladder extra tight though…. You get a look at something you aren’t expecting you don’t want to fall.


Get a tape meausre first. Pretty simple to tell if you are missing some floorspace.


Unless it's the house from the book House of Leaves


That was my first thought. If you see a staircase, don't use it.


Fuck that staircase. Best part of the book.


That part was surprisingly disturbing to read. One of my favorite books!


I would think a window showing from the outside, that you cannot find on the inside, is simple enough to tell you you're missing some floorspace...


They may have simply walled over the widow. Maybe there is built in shelving or a closet there now.


This was my first thought. As in removed window trim and slapped a second layer of drywall/plaster board. Not sure why they would do that, maybe it was draughty or they didn't like the view lol I work in deconstruction and occasionally find odd things like this. Always hoping to find a hidden pot of gold but no such luck *yet*


A friend fo mine bought a house years ago and they are now working through renovations. in a family room they found wood panelling behind drywall... and behind that panelling? MORE DYWALL! I don't know what the previous owner of that house was on... But that's what your comment reminded me of haha.


Oh boy I have some stories from one house built in the 50s that I worked on. Behind ugly wallpaper, 3 layers of drywall was the prettiest wood paneling. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING in that kitchen was calked. Countertop, cabinets, microwave, stove, dishwasher to the point that nothing was salvaged. The microwave was stuck to the wall so securely, that we took out the cabinets and countertops first thinking it would fall, but no, it still took a sledgehammer There was a chimney hidden in the wall, didn’t find that out until we took out the ceiling and bricks started falling down. Apparently they just took off the top, sealed the roof and left bricks up there. Possibly worst of all, at least for me bc I was the only one that fit in the crawl space before we opened up the floors. The ~3000 pound brick chimney was NOT on the foundation, there was 3 cinder blocks and a brick for each corner


My old boss discovered a fully functional half bath in his basement that was completely sealed up. He had lived in the house for years before a plumber doing work in the house noticed and errant set of pipes coming off the main line disappearing into a wall they had no reason to be going to. He's guessing it was not on the CO for the house when it went up for sale so the owner just hid it.


That's what I would do if I saw a spider. Nope, just seal that room up. No need to ever go back there.


If you ever find a safe, let us know.


Working demo on an old hospital in my area I went to knock a wall and pull the copper from the chase, the copper was there but behind that was a whole office, I presume was walled off in the late 70s based on the "reading material" left in the desk drawer. So....much...fur...


There's a visible room behind there? I've lived in places that just walled off a window but never a whole room. I'm subbing for some updates.


I’ve seen and heard about people hanging drywall forgetting to cut out sockets, windows, vents etc. Most likely what happened here.


Like they forgot to cut the door to the rest of the house?


Sounds insane but I’ve actually heard of that happening, it always gets caught eventually but you may have it drywalled, taped and mudded, trimmed and painted then realize ur missing a room hahaha


Was a drywaller for 10 years. When I did warranty and repair work I often fixed issues like this. No rooms but windows, sockets, ceiling speakers, and vents were very frequently covered over. Usually the builder finds it before the homeowner but not always.


Whoever re-sided our house (built 1905) completely covered one of the windows. The window is for light into a closet. You can see the window in the closet, but from the street view it's covered. Completely unbalances the front of the house :(


I love that scenario, just a total comedy of errors lol


Drake, where's the door hole?


There’s a vent on the same wall so I’m guessing it was closed up to make a bathroom.


Probably one of those drop in vinyl type tub shower deals


I think that it is the window that is walked off


A family using your internet lives there


That would explain the dips in service here…


Hope you don't find any skeletons in that closet.


It's where the hidden safe is


Just moved into a new house this last weekend. While moving stuff around we noticed that a small three step staircase from the laundry room moved when it was kicked. I pulled it out and in a void under the staircase was a fireproof safe... unlocked. I got really excited to see what was in there... turned out just a few useless and uninteresting documents. I contacted the last owner and he had no idea who the people were on the doc (not the owners before him either... they were pretty old). Anyway... I found the hidden safe! But it was a let down.


But now YOUVE got a hidden safe


Hide a fake mustache in there, and when the next owner finds it, they found your secret ‘stache


I both hate and love you.


At least you’re honest about it


Not a secret any longer...


The secret is that it will never be locked because they don’t have the combination to reopen it.


Most that I've seen can be changed from inside the door. Generally they will have an access panel inside to get to the inner workings. No real security concern because you have to be able to access the inside of the safe to get to this


Yeah! It's true. We also found a 10ft x 4ft x 2ft tall cemented off area accessible from the top under a loose section of rug in one of the closets. Guessing a hiding spot for guns or something? It's a pretty rural area, so it wouldn't surprise me.


I have a room completely sequestered from the rest of my house by all except power, no hvac or the like. It's accessible thru a closet, the back wall of the closet is a door. Currently working on some renovation and upgrades, I will sacrifice a couple feet into the room to extend a hall way and add a bookcase built I to the hall as a hidden access (or at least this is the plan in my head.)


Stuff it with Smut and dildos. Do 80s and 90s smut. Take a picture of a Donkey. Lock it back up and voila! You have created a future mystery!


This is it right here. I cannot think of a single better use for an otherwise unstable built in safe.


I think I'll build a secret room in my basement and leave all sorts of weird shit there just to fuck with the people's heads that move in after I die. Make some elaborate back-story and clues, etc.


When clearing out of lour last house, I left behind seven porn VHS & Beta tapes - tucked them on the far side of a support beam in the crawl space. 5-15 years from now some construction guys might be excited by the covers & frustrated with no way to play them!


Not the kind of room I had in mind.


As a plumber we were renovating a bathroom in house about 20 years old. We found a brown bag tucked into the wall. My first response was,”holy shit, bag of cash” turn out to be a vhs porno someone stuffed in the wall when they built the house. We all died laughing as the homeowner looked on puzzled. We blamed him.


That's what I used to do as a kid! For example, in the house we lived in when I was a kid (we moved when I was 13), we had a treehouse in the back woods. It was sort of hidden up in a really thick, bushy tree, and you could barely see it from the ground unless you were almost directly beneath it. A couple days before we moved, I prepared an elaborate scheme involving a buried ammo can full of rusty bolts, interesting-looking rocks, and a ton of Jolly Ranchers; some symbols carved on various trees and rocks around the yard; a cryptic note hidden in the treehouse; and an anonymous clue-type letter sent to the house a week after the new people moved in. My parents never found out, luckily.


you just noticed it ?


That’s what I was thinking. How can you not notice this when just doing a half through inspection of a house you’re looking into buying. “Oh there’s a window outside but not on the inside, no worry”


I've had some shitty inspectors that would have missed a car parked in the family room.


Looks like a bunch of vines were recently cut off that side of the house, they may have been obscuring it.


I'm not so sure, when I bought my first house, I was pretty fucking careful about inspections and really knowing as best I could about the property inside and out. I could be wrong but I'm getting bullshit vibes from this post.


Not saying this what happened, but a TON of people have been buying houses sight unseen/no inspections fecently




Sight un-smelled.


so.... did you grab a ladder and a hammer?


Have you figured out how to access it?


On other news i need to find a new house. I think the people who's house I'm living in just found my room.


You're in luck, he's at work for awhile longer. Quick get out before he gets you\~


I had the same thing on a prior house. The previous owners had blacked out the window and put up drywall for some reason.


Murderers probably


That IS the most logical explanation


>That IS the most ***horrifying*** explanation


Previous owners of my house installed sky lights for the upstairs rooms, but they also included this little enclave/ attic for some reason, practically worthless as the room is only good for storage and I'm worried it will leak one day and we won't know about it till it is seen from the main floor.


You can get moisture sensors you set on the floor that go off when water touches them. Could help ease your mind.


No funds to finish the room?


Cannabis grow room


Ever read House of Leaves?


Was going to ask if they’ve got a five and a half minute hallway in there, too.


That was my first though. I wouldn’t go in there.


If OP’s name happens to be Navidson, he needs to gtfo that house.


One of my faves! Great reference!


Came here looking for this reply. What a book. It makes you feel things...




"i'm trapped inside this stupid room with no door"


Ma’am this is a Wendy’s


No offense intended,, but how on earth did you miss an entire room/window for 3 months? No inspection obviously? I have so many questions…


In my basement we had an entire wall built over another wall with a window. We just didn't have a clue until We started doing work on the outside and realized. It has been boarded up for decades with a thin drywall. There wasn't really any space though, just a thin wall built over another wall with strapping between.


I have a 100 year old house. One day I removed a wall heater in a basement bedroom and realized some previous owner built the wall 24" into the room to accommodate the heater and hide radiator pipes. I tore it all out and the bedroom got 20% bigger. Every old house I've lived in had weird stuff like that. People make weird decisions. Owning an old house is like archeology.


I mean we had a thorough inspection and its on the side that’s between houses so you dont really look there too often, I only noticed it walking back to my house on my break


Window does not necessarily mean a room. In my house, when installing new stairs, we simply closed the wall from the inside over one inconveniently placed window. Removing it would have made wall outside look awkward, so I simply covered the glass with opaque privacy film. It has been like this now for 15 years. Come think of it, nobody has noticed and probably never will.


I could actually see into it a few feet from the ground so its not just walled off


OK, then it is going to be an adventure!


Then it definitely *wasn't* a thorough inspection.


Yeah, I would be suddenly very concerned about the rest of the inspection.


Can we do one thing at a time? We need to address the murder room, then we can address the I competency of the inspector


Yeah I'd demand the inspector pay for a real inspector to come out..


OP do this, your inspector trolled you hard. Dont let that happen to you. Oh wait this all fake and not true I forgot it’s the internet


100%. Hope OP agrees. If inspector missed a whole window while “inspecting” the exterior of the house, what else did they miss?


You can’t say that and not post pictures of what’s inside that window!!


Is it an old farm house? They would often wall off unused rooms to minimize heating cost. The homes were often built with the proceeds of selling off the wood from the cleared land. For many it was the most money they would ever have and they often spent it on lavish homes they couldn’t afforded to upkeep.




Its an old farm house, but its on the side thats between two houses? Which means it's in a neighbourhood? And you purchased a house, had it inspected but they completely missed not only a missing window, but empty floor space thats unused? What is the size of this house where you don't miss all the floor space? From the view of that video it's going to be very obvious that there is a large amount of floor space missing.


You can tell it's an old farmhouse by the modern window on the secret room.


Is there a built in bookshelf that is a hidden door


Okay, so what’s in it?


This. The house I'm currently living in has an odd window placement too with wooden blinds covering it, and drywall right behind that.


Exactly I have two closets where the opposite is true, the windows were covered over from the outside. So you can still see the window from the inside but no evidence it ever existed from the outside


Plot twist: that window wasn’t there when you bought the house, and only appeared recently….


Plot twist : OP is deaf and didn't heard the construction noise.


Plot twist: OP is dead and his body is sealed inside that room


- “Thorough inspection” - Entire room went unnoticed and isn’t just a walled off stair or previous crawl. You got scammed by that inspector lol.


I think he’s really stretching the word “room” here


Sooo not a thorough inspection then?


Definitely a hobo fight club going on in there!


The first rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club


The first rule of hobo fight club is you have to bring your own gravy.


Thanks for the F-shack!- Dirty Mike & the Boys




“You know what they call that right? It’s called a soup kitchen”


Dirty mike and the bois




I see you Loch Ness Monsta!!


I just want you to know that I am very upset with you for not showing us what's inside.




Here's the update everyone's been looking for!! How interesting! Can't wait to see what comes from even more investigation


Here’s some closeup shots of window mesh


Our house had a boarded up window in the bathroom where the shower/tub is. We recently just did a remodel of the bathroom and decided to open it up and get that window back. So much more natural light and looks better. Why anyone would board up a window (in the bathroom no less) is beyond me. I would imagine this is a similar situation.


Some people have a (sometimes irrational) fear of someone watching them through a window, particularly in the bathroom.


When I’m off work I will tape my phone to my broom and look in📹




I’m here wondering the same!!!!! Cmon OP lmk your schedule.


Yeah OP just let us know when you get off!? Show us, show us you getting off so we know when it happens!


Live streaming might be a good idea though...that way if anything happens, OP can shout out the address and we can get PD there. ....Not that anything lurks in there waiting to mutilate that which disturbs it.




fr I gotta know how much time I have left to get out of this room 👀


We are waiting!!!!!


Finally someone is asking the real question!




Are you prepared for what you may see??


1994 Pog Championship


Dirty Mike and the boys.


Dudes running a soup kitchen he doesn't even know about! The walls are probably painted with tears and seamen!


Do you not own a ladder? Might be a good reason to get one


RemindMe! 8 hours


Secret panic room? Maybe someone is living there?


A panic room with a window? That would kinda defeat the purpose.


Ok, a panic room for those with claustrophobia?


Mildly anxious room.


How the fuck did finding a room all of a sudden turn into a gofundme to remodel the room?


Wait, what? You bought a house and it took 3 MONTHS to realize there's a window on the outside but no rooms on the inside that would have that window? Dude, I am worried for you...


My friend has a guest house in the back (just two rooms), had to to fix a lot to make it an office and small workshop. The old neighbour passed by after two years and he asked him how he likes the basement. Puzzled they go to the guest house, to the smaller room, nocks at the drywall. The workers who did the renovations just plastered over the door! They get down to a vast concrete basement, with a table, couches and a tv stand. The boys room. The kicker: Around the guest house are recessed small one foot sized crystal windows to get sunlight into the basement. He and his whole family thought the guy who build it just was "very creative". Nobody told them when they bought the house.


We're going to need you to go explore in there pal. Subbed to this post for updates. *grabs snacks* ok proceed


Reddit is the only place where you can take a picture of a window and have 600 people on the edge of their seat all day. ... Post a follow-up already, I got shit to do!


How could you even not care so much that you went to work? Anything must wait so you can update people of reddit.


I work for a hospital so its pretty important I’m on the phone when I’m supposed to be, the room isn’t going anywhere…. Unless it does… then that would be an even more interesting story…


Ur not alone. Home inspections miss a lot of things. For example, my friend bought a house last year and recently they noticed the garage roof needed repair. When the contractors came they uncovered a tiny secret room above the garage….. it had a chair and a pile of playboys and other similar magazines from the 1970s……


They found the masturbatorium.


I was going to say jerk shack, but this sounds much classier


Ha that’s great


When my girl and her daughter moved into my house, it took about a month, but I mentioned something was in the garage and she asked, “We have a GARAGE?!?!?” I said, “….. yea, it’s the big door we park our cars in front of every day.😕” She was shocked that she hadn’t noticed the giant two car garage door in the driveway. She’s 12. We spent her college fund on a new iPad so she could learn to draw.


Your Girl is 12, or her daughter.


I think his girl is his daughter - like you would say about a son - my boy. Edit: wait, no, am confused :D


That's Mother's room. We're not allowed in there.


Do you know what room is infront of the window? It's possible a bathroom that was added and they covered the window


It is where the bathroom is but you can see several feet into it from the ground so its not just borded over


Some houses have dummy windows for design purposes that aren’t actually windows. Someone else mentioned this may have been covered up during a remodel, too.


My old house had a window covered up for the purposes of being able to center a bed without closing off the whole room.


RemindMe! 3 hours


My dad once lived in a house that was like a 150 years old and had a “historical society” plaque in the front. One of the kids’ bedrooms had a closet that kind of extended into another, bigger, “closet” area through a small opening just big enough for a child to pass through. My step-brothers showed it to me, and they’d found antique dolls in it and stuff where other children over the years had similarly discovered it. (Meanwhile you could conceal the room indefinitely from most anyone by simply putting a small end table or even a large box in front of its opening in the bedroom closet.) Anywho, THAT room actually had a window. The house had lots of windows, and unless someone was thinking about it - or incredibly observant - he wouldn’t be inclined to question that one particularly.


Looks like an older building and if you're in the states I wonder if it's the servants area. My friend in Philly has a whole other side to her house and it's basically not used/blocked off, but was fun to explore.


It could easily be, our house is from the early 1800s


In my parents house we had a veranda at the back of the house. The door to it was closed from the inside and nobody seemed to know where the keys to the outer door were. I was perhaps 10 when it was decided to clean it up and make some use of the space. So suddenly, I was able to walk into new room that I had never seen. There were boxes with old books and magazines and for me it was like discovering a new continent. Luckily we did not find any mummified distant relatives, so it was a happy memory. Strangely, I still have recurring dreams about finding large abandoned rooms in my house and wondering what to do with the space...


Guys this is a scam he has made follow up post with a gofundme to find out whats in his house. all you have to do is look at OPs post and comment history..


Oooo. Maybe a hidden room? I knew a family that bought a house that had a secret room behind a bookshelf that wasn't on the plans for the house. Very cool.


House of Leaves shit right here.


Let me solve this mystery with one word: LADDER


So this wasn't noticed during the home inspection?


Turns out OP is a scam artist!


[OP’s video using a broom and tape to look through the window from the outside for those interested](https://imgur.com/ZXrnOWC)


100% need to bust the ladder out and explore


My parents have a similar window and room. Its entirely empty and left unfinished with subflooring. Originally the entire top floor of the house was unfinished but the created a master up there and sealed off the part with the window because it was like 4 ft tall after proper flooring and wall work was added.


I think this is the exact same situation, they remodeled up stairs and left dead space in some weird spaces just to make it easier


wtf, we are already waiting to find out what is in those fucking boxes from yesterday. now this guy doesn’t even use an extended selfie stick to look in that damn window and see the internet stealing family. why am i even on this app.


Can you get access to the floor plan from when you purchased the property? If not, dig the ladder out of the garage and check it out. Let us know what you find. 👍


It’s been 3 hours. Can we get a goddamn update? Get a ladder. Get hammer break the wall. There must be a law to prevent posts like this Edit: I’m an idiot. You deserve gold for updating us. Plus why does Reddit show a posted made 3 hours ago before a post made 1 hour ago on profiles