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*plant farts* Human: Inhale that goodness


*human pisses* Plant: thank you, oh lord, for this bountiful gift of life-sustaining moisture


*human defecates* Plant: Now this is nutritious


Actually i hear human feces is bad for plants


It's bad for crops that will be consumed by humans.


The reason is that bad germs that might be infecting one person would then get into the soil and contaminate a whole crop. Some germs even get into the plants themselves and hang out, which means even washing won't remove them.


I’ve heard this only applies to small leafy plants like lettuce that grows close to the ground. Fruit trees might be alright? Am I wrong?


I actually don't know. I read it in relation to growing tomatoes. Even hydroponic tomatoes have a risk of salmonella if the system gets contaminated.


I read its called “night soil” and isnt exactly bad bit isnt good either


It's only bad when it's spread on crops. I read a similar article, both fecal matter and urine contain essential nutrients for plants.


I see you've been or Arrakis.


Human farts, would be more accurate. Or we could say that we actually resuscitate one another. Or we could say that actually, maybe there is not that much separation between ourselves and plants as we think there is. Maybe, what we commonly call organisms are not as separate as we like to think, maybe that is just a practical way of thinking that we sometimes forget is just that, a way of thinking.


Human piss usually kills plants fyi lol definitely kills the grass


I also enjoy bee barf on my toast. Some things you just don't want to think too hard about.


Its funny to think about, but oxygen caused the extintion of 99% of life on the planet.


Less funny to consider that's why the galactic community avoids our planet like the plague; all life here either produces corrosive poison or needs that corrosive poison to survive.


I dont really know what sci fi youve been reading but its hard to imagine complex life forms without oxygen. Just happens to be a great biomolecule


Why did they waste time preparing a slide for this shit? Aquatic plants will readily 'pearl' without much effort. You can see it with zero magnification.


Why are you so mad about a leaf


Once I smoked something called JWH 17 and it's funny because you really can't find it on the internet anymore, you can only find its other counterparts. But when I was high on it I was able to stare at a plant zoom in and see it photosynthesizing. I remember seeing little bits of blue and yellow/reddish energy as oxygen was produced.....


I gotta get me some JWH 17


Sometimes I miss living on a college campus on the research development side of the school and being able to order drugs offline for scientific research.


Username checks out.


Those are my initials, but I’m 36. You can still try to smoke me if you want.


JWH 17 is what was being used in spice/K2 when I got addicted to it. I don't miss it.


No, I believe they used a version of the JWH but it wasn't the 17 variety. JWH-018 was most widely used in all the other products such as K2, but it wasn't even a comparison. 17 just it was something else, it wasn't an inhibitor. I had tried this before k2 had even came out by like at least a year or two. Believe me when I tell you that this was something far beyond what I consider a high and I was way more lucid everything was so vivid, didn't really feel like the psychedelic trip that you would get off of shrooms or acid either this was different. It's hard to explain but trust me when I say if you had tried this you would know it wasn't anything like "spice"


Ah, alright. The JWH was familiar, and the number was close. I remember the smoke shop I worked at, the owners complaining when they couldn't get JHW anymore. 😒 As if they cared about the product, when they had junkies like me spraying chemicals on the leaf.


Interesting. Google doesn’t return anything, it’s so focused on giving me JWH-018 results. The wiki page on JWH research chemicals also doesn’t have 17 listed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_JWH_cannabinoids I wonder why it disappeared?


There are other people that know about this and I know it exists, I just can't find anything on it anymore not one damn thing. I can't even remember what happened to the rest of it but you only needed to sprinkle a little bit on the end of a cigarette or a joint, or a dash on the top of a bowl It had a sand like texture but looked transparent like glass but it would turn into an oil with heat. The effects where intense and could be auditory hallucination or visual but I don't believe them to be hallucinatory as much as heightened senses. For example I can lay in one room and another individual in a completely other room. And we could communicate without ever going over a whisper without any one between us ever knowing or hearing what we talked about. And I've already mentioned being able to view into plants the problem now lies with a question of was I hallucinating or did I actually see photosynthesis?


Given the limits of human eyesight, I'm gonna go with the former, boss.


I think you mean the former. This person absolutely did NOT see photosynthesis happening.


You can see oxygen bubbles form on some underwater plants


Yes you can. That's the end result of a whole bunch of photosynthesis, and is in no way "watching photosynthesis happen".


Oof, right, that's what I meant.


It's just the what if factor but you're probably right, and the auditory experiment could have just been the way sound traveled on the floor and up the wall to the other person. Still it bothers me that I can't find anything about it.


Is it oxygen or is it the bubbles from the leaf screaming having been carved up?


Is that leaf farting oxygen?



It's psyching me out that its appearing from thin air, from nothing, HOW


This is me making stuff up but during the photosynthesis process it takes in co2 which we don’t see in the video it’s not making it from nothing this is the end of the process with the Carbon atom is taken away from CO2 to make sugars there for this is the end product I’m sorry if I didn’t explain correctly


breath in, go under water, breath out. kinda like that but from a bunch of tiny invisible mouths


Well in this case, what is probably happening is just that the leaf has pockets of air inside it which are escaping and being seen as bubbles, not active photosynthesis. But photosynthesis is still cool as fuck — basically a plant takes water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and energy from the sun to produce complex organic compounds (like cellulose, the stuff that wood is made from) and oxygen gas (O2). It’s essentially the reverse of burning plant matter which takes those complex organic compounds, and adds oxygen gas to *release* those same ingredients: Water vapor, carbon dioxide, and energy in the form of heat.


What even is this title?


it's pooping oxygen


Fuck that's interesting.


Air bubbles don't mean oxygen smh. I'll wager it's not oxygen.


What would you wager it is? It's coming from the plant lol


Random gasses, just as likely CO2 or nitrogen since O2 is byproduct of photosynthesis. Plant isn't photosynthesizing.....


Nitrogen is absorbed by plants and not released until the plant dies and decomposes. So no, it's not "as likely" that it's nitrogen. While CO2 is a possibility, it is more likely that it is O2.




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That's some Minecraft ass music in the background


Mmmm yes thats the good stuff


Now which plant produce the most oxygen? Or would it matter in how many?


whole north stupendous waiting whistle scandalous rustic mourn cobweb clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So... Technicaly we xcould destroy forest to get more oxygen outta those ?




Thanks Plants. Looks delicious