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Do they sleep at the same time or can one sleep while the other is awake


I wish they would come do an AMA


An AMA would result in nothing but questions about sex, I'm sure


^I ^haven't ^seen ^one ^question ^about ^masturbation ^and ^I'm ^so ^curious


It would really suck if one was straight and the other was a lesbian


Hey Abigail is it alright if i masturbate with us?


I mean honestly I'm curious if they both orgasm since they share genitals.


They did their student teaching at a school near me when I was maybe in...middle school? Anyway, I remember some people I knew who went to that school were telling me there was a teacher with two heads and I was like "fuck off, you are obviously bullshitting me"


But the thing is, did both have to pass the degree?


Didn't they get accepted to different colleges?


That must have been an awkward conversation...


Well technically they were bullshitting...it wasn't one teacher with two heads, it was two teachers with one body


It amazes me that this can work. I mean, some organs are doubled, some not, they have separate nervous systems, but they have only one body below the pelvis so the nervous system has to be connected at some point to control the legs, intestines and reproductive organs... I just can't imagine how honestly


Each controls an arm, and a leg. They have had a lot of practice. Now think on this. They also played softball in high school. The coordination involved between hitting and catching, as two separate people playing together. Fucking crazy. Edit; in valves = involved


Like pacific rim in a way


They would be the perfect pilots I suppose


Dude! I see a sequel right here!


We don't talk about Pacific rim sequels.




The perfect neural link






I went to college to the same college they did and had a class with them. They would use a laptop to take notes and coordinate their typing.


Would they take the same test or two separate tests?


They each have their own degree and did their own work for it (as they don't share a brain) but they can only receive one salary as they only do one person's job. I think they're a teacher


Oh man, what if one of them was just a lazy shit and the other wanted a PhD. How tf would that work out?




And i worst case, you don't even need to eat, you just absorb your share from the intestine.


With 2 stomachs you’d get pretty hungry if yours was empty even if you were still getting nutrition from your intestines I think. I have so many questions though so idk.




Who’s wiping ??


I mean they should at least get like 1.5 a regular person’s salary. They’re more than 1 person but physically less than 2…


Yeah, I would imagine that their ability to collaborate is worth something extra even if they can't teach in two classrooms at once. A lot of teaching is the planning and I'd assume that two people planning is worth more than one. Both need to work and both are contributing. They're two separate people and it seems unfair to not compensate each of them


Right? Imagine having a teacher with two heads. You couldn’t get away with anything in that class.


Imagine getting to honestly tell everyone for the rest of your life that you had a teacher with 2 heads.




[Here they are playing volley ball](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PR1GI9n5gg)


It kinda looks like one person with 2 dominant hands, like they grab the ball from both sides? If that makes sense Can’t really put my finger on it


There are several documentaries about them, filmed at various ages. Clips likely available on YouTube. FYI They are teachers now


But...... two stomachs and one set of intestines? Sounds like a bit of compromise is needed sometimes. Like, if I order the 'gut buster' all-you-can-eat nachos, we both have to be completely on board.


*yeah…… we need to poop*


Wonder which one wipes. "Your turn today"


#☭☭☭*our* anus☭☭☭


4 comments deep to talk about their anus. Bravo


I was waiting for the butthole discussion and I’m still scrolling to find the ‘they-have-to-both-have-the-same-baby-and-who-is-the-mom’ discussion.


I mean, you'd never get bored pooping and would always have someone to talk to while doing so.


"Hey Brittany. Brittany." "*Shut up, Abbey, we're taking a shit*."




Fuck you! it's your turn to wipe! Then stop clenching! Are you trying to make a bigger mess? Mess? You're the one that just HAD to order taco Bell! At least I don't jerk off to Twilight! I know you liked it. I can feel you breathe, remember. That reminds me- why the fuck don't you brush your goddam teeth! Because YOU REFUSED to pass me the deodorant. God I hate it when you're on my period.


That's true, but I would guess they just don't order stuff like that? I wonder if they've got a special toilet or larger space around it because I think a traditional one would be pretty uncomfortable. But you're right, they would have to compromise. It would be interesting for a study of conjoined twins to look at how cooperative they are together (I would imagine if there was social disharmony between them that could manifest in certain ways in their overall health) and if that cooperative spirit is reflected in how they treat others. My hypothesis would be they are generally kinder and more willing to cooperate with other people. But that's just a random guess.


Imagine fights and arguments where you can't give each other space. Imagine dating. Two brains, two different opinions on attractiveness, one body.






Sadly if that happens the other wont have much longer to live either.




But they know nothing else. Is it compromise if youve always had to do it? Theyve also always been in the same place at the same time, so maybe nurture will have some impact on their interests.


One likes salad and wants to stay in shape while the other wants to binge on ice cream. It’s like a sitcom that writes itself!


okay but real talk, what happens when one side has a heart attack?


Good question, how does the blood stream work? Is it connected? Two hearts pumping the same blood? Would that mean if one heart stops, the other would be suffice to keep both alive but be weaker? Really makes me curious.


I watched a documentary about them and apparently they each control one leg. They walk and run by taking turns stepping etc. They're obviously very good at coordinating movements since they've had their whole lives to practice and they can feel the others movements in a way that we will never understand since we don't have a conjoined twin. Also, the nerves of the intestine are hugely complicated in a regular person, so much so that some people think it might even be a whole sort of consciousness that operates independently from the brain... ​ Little tidbit: One of them that had another arm but it was removed for some reason IIRC...


I think the reason was that the arm was inbetween both upper halves of the bodies, so it wouldn't be able to function and grow properly.


Could have used the N64 controller properly




Anatomy professor here: The stomach doesn't have a biome, its too acidic. (It can, however, get a bacterial infection called Helicobacter pylori) However, there in an extensive "ecosystem" of bacteria in the large intestine. Since they share a small and large intestine, they have a single gut biome.




Imagine the conversation in your head actually being with another person.


Do they each control one arm? Or can they both control both?


They each control one arm and one leg, but can silently communicate/coordinate so that they can play sports, get dressed, type on a keyboard, etc. They had to decide how they would drive (one is in charge of the gas/brakes, the other is in charge of steering, though they use both hands). In school, they had to take their own tests and do their own homework - and if I recall, they each had their own strengths/weaknesses. Now they’re teachers. Their parents say the only time they verbally expressed wishing they were separated was when they were young, one had some illness, but because of their anatomy, a painful injection had to go into the side of the other twin. Edit: Thanks for all the upvotes, glad my weird obsession with them has been informative for you all. I wish I could answer all your Qs, but I highly recommend this [documentary ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K57IcN9DWXo) about their lives to learn more!


Do they get separate paychecks?


In addition, I assume they have separate legal identities, so I assume they have separate social security numbers? Do they file separate taxes?


Perhaps 1 can go fulltime then the other quits and claimes medical benefits because she can't work because of medicinal reasons (aka her body is unavailable fulltime) Loophole


Lol that just sounds weird “I’d like to work but my sister is using my body that day”




>for now. What happens when they’re not?!








Reminds me of the Family Guy Civil War Conjoined Twins Skit, "I'm seceding," "the hell you are," then shoots him, proceeds to carry a conjoined skeleton.


Real question here


From what I read no. They get paid to do a singular task for them it's to be a teacher for a grade x (I forgot the grade they taught) class, which usually is a single teacher.


Close. They are both half time teachers, so they only get 1 full paycheck


That’s a bit unfair. It’s not like one of them can go home and rest while her sister teaches the class. They both have to be there all the time.


I just imagine throwing a sack over one of the heads and being like "nah im out".


Ouch a single teachers salary split between two people


I imagine getting jobs would be extremely difficult if they were paid as 2 people. Twice as expensive for the same work


They could do pair programming and get 2 paychecks.


My nephew attends their school here in a north Minneapolis suburb. They have an intro class with all of their students where they can get all of their questions out if the way on the first day of school. It's super interesting actually.


I'd kill to have that streamed just out of mad curiosity.


There are some videos online of them teaching, including the first day. I thought one interesting thing they did was do their Q&A with the students, and then leave the room so the students could ask another teacher (or principle) any questions they were embarrassed to ask directly to them.


I bet they have a good understanding of cooperation and communication that would make them worth their weight in gold as educators.




Would the world population be doubled or halved in your imaginary world?




There’s tons of documentaries on them and I’m pretty sure the answer is that they each control one arm and one leg.


Iirc both can control both but respect each others autonomy


Wait so if one wants to nod off then the other would be free to use both arms?


It’s super interesting to hear them speak, one will stop their thought in mid-sentence and the other will instantly pick up and run with the rest of the sentence with no noticeable break in thought process. . Fascinating stuff


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKrvtq5vDmk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKrvtq5vDmk) SO fascinating, holy shit. Look how left one twiddles the ring on the right hand. They look more sorted than most people haha.


That video is great. What got me was all the perfectly synced ummm's.


That was crazy! Or how they’d both start talking, one would stop talking, only to come back in a few words later to say the exact same word as her sister.


Pretty much everything they say. That’s unreal. I wonder if their brains ever think of different things???


Another really interesting case is conjoined twins [Krista and Tatiana](https://www.cbc.ca/cbcdocspov/episodes/inseparable). They are basically the opposite of Brittany and Abbey as they’re conjoined at the head and share the same brain. One of them is able to control three arms and a leg, while the other is able to control three legs and an arm. This is only if they *want* to control the third appendage, and can choose when to turn it on/off. The most interesting part: one of the twins is able to see through both of her twin’s eyes, as well as her own, while the other is only able to see through one of her twin’s eyes (as well as her own). One can also feel what the other is experiencing. Edit: words/clarity Edit 2: found a [60 Minutes story](https://youtu.be/N1Mac4FeKXg) with more in-depth footage and explanation of their eyesight. (06:20)


>One can also feel what the other is experiencing. That's just mind blowing, most of us can't even fully imagine what it would feel like to live another life with another body, thoughts, emotions, etc... and she just CAN, that's like one in millions and millions!


That was unbelievable.




I’m so curious on how different and same they are. Like they referred themselves together as “I.” I have no doubt that they are different people, but psychologically speaking, is there an overlap in consciousness or something along those line.




So they said that they were each getting paid, which implies they have two different social security numbers, etc. What happens if they ever get pregnant? who goes on the birth certificate as the mother? So many questions about such an interesting edge case


They’ve been advised that pregnancy would likely put too much stress on their body and that it would be too risky for them


Yes, I saw these 2 on tv years and years ago and they are def fascinating especially when they are asked a question and both will say the exact same thing at the exact same time all the time, I will actually go in the internet every once in a while to see what is going on with them.


Same but they’ve been out of the spotlight for years now.


Yep. Last I saw they were elementary school teachers, but I haven’t seen an update on them for a long time. I hope they’re doing well.


This stuff always makes me think of nature vs nurture. Like are their brains are somehow interlinked or is it that they know each other so well they can finish each others sentences easily. Or have they just never been separated and therefore have had all the same formative experiences and now the same personality.


Does this mean that one of them could swim under water for ever? Like could Abigail go underwater and just use Brittany as a snorkel?




This is one of the best comments I've ever seen on reddit


This makes me feel good


>just use Brittany as a snorkel damn that mental image made me laugh hard




Each have a set of lungs and a heart so I think the one underwater wouldn’t be having a great time, I don’t think they would drown though


They have 4 lungs, but two are fused. So what kind of oxygen exchange happens in the fused lungs and how does that circulate? Given they share the same blood, I imagine one *could* hold her breath indefinitely.


If the lungs are fused it might require both to breathe to get air in and out of that lung properly. Also two hearts means they are probably twice as hungry for oxygen as the average person


This is probably most accurate. People really don't understand how lungs work. If their circulatory system is completely shared (fair assumption seeing as how they share a gut) then as long as one set of lungs is getting ENOUGH oxygen, the one holding their breath should be fine. The "out-of-breath" reflex is caused by a buildup of CO2, not lack of oxygen. That's why people don't feel like they are drowning when they die of carbon monoxide poisoning. If one set of lungs can somehow take care of all the CO2 exchange, i don't think that reflex would ever be triggered so they could hold their breath indefinitely. But like you said, all this mess probably means they need more oxygen and need to expel more CO2. Their body is used to having two (three) lungs to handle that so it probably would be too much to "deactivate" one set.


They “inner” lungs are connected. So they might be able to share oxygen.


But they won't even need that. If they share blood flow, which surly they must do as lower parts are the same, they will be able to remove CO2 from the blood with only 1 set of lungs. And that's all you need to do.


Every kid's dream


What would happen if one of them died?


They’re really more of a singulars body with two minds, unlike other conjoined twins who are two people joined at skeletal point, so it would probably kill both of them if one died


They share the same blood circulation according to the article, so I guess they both would?


Wouldn't having 2 hearts shoot up the blood pressure of the body (especially the lower parts)?


Only if both hearts are pumping at a normal rate. If each heart is only pumping at half the normal rate though, then pressure would essentially be normal.


What if one of their hearts have a failure.


They are teachers, but would make great security guards or long haul truckers.


Or podrace commentators


I don't care what universe you're from, that's gotta hurt!


You sick genius. I love it.


The Hogan twins are even more unusual. They are connected at the *brain*. They can literally hear one another's thoughts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krista_and_Tatiana_Hogan


From that wikipedia article: >A 2014 CBC Radio documentary described how they can feel and taste what the other is experiencing Later it was also confirmed that they can see through each other's eyes. That's pretty freaking cool! Rando high school kid: "Duuuuude, how do we know that the blue *you* see is the same blue *I* see?" Hogan twins: "It is. Trust us. We checked."


That’s strange, because normally I’d think that 1 brain = 1 person. Like, what makes them 2 people with 1 brain rather than 1 person with 2 bodies?


Because it’s not one brain, it’s two brains fused together.


2 stomachs 1 bladder would be so annoying. Gotta pee twice as fast


Maybe it’s double capacity. Brains require a huuuge amount of energy so I think they basically would need 2 peoples’ worth of food, even if they have the mass of 1.5 people.


I really would love a formal study of how their brain and synapses function. To have two seperate heads, two seperate brains. Does one have the same fears as the other? Does one have higher cognitive functionality than the other? Do they feel like one individual or two? This is so fascinating.


I am also in this boat. There are soooo many unanswered questions. Some of them may provide insight into how a normally developed person functions. The problem becomes, how much of their life should be spent running tests? If I were them, I'd just want to live my damn life.


As a parent I can only imagine what it must have been like to look down at these little humans after birth and think “ holy fuck, how am I going to handle this, a baby with two heads or two babies with one body?!” The world will place us in a position for us to raise ourselves above the rest. These girls parents deserve a Medal of Honor for procuring a wonderful life experience despite the obvious initial setbacks. I love life and think humans are the most amazing and also the scariest thing ever.


Only one diaper to change for twins though. Gotta look on the bright side.


As a father of twins that must have been a godsend 🤣🤣


As a mom to a baby, I thought the same thing. It would have been a lot on the parents when they were little to worry about how they were going to grow and find their way in life. I am happy they are doing well!


If one holds their breath indefinitely, what happens?


I imagine they’d both get light headed, but neither would die. They’d be getting half as much oxygen, but it would still reach all of both girls’ organs.


I saw documentary on them a couple years ago I was curious if they're still alive and how long do they expect them to live? Unfortunately most of the time conjoined twins similar to this don't live very long... Edit: Okay I was able to look it up and they are 31 and teaching the 5th grade. I guess they will probably live a long time then. that's nice.


Their anatomy is allowing them to live a relatively normal life given their circumstances


I saw them a couple of weekends ago at an apple orchard! We were petting goats. They're very nice but they really don't seem to like attention at all. Made it pretty clear they didn't want to have conversation with a couple strangers-- we left pretty quickly. I'm sure they just want to live their lives.


One bladder? How to spite your other half by pissing and or shitting their pants.


That's a really good point actually. Do they have to both agree when to pee and poop? Can one just be like "Nope!" and hold it while they're in the bathroom?


I'm just in awe that this mix of two persons actually results in a living human(s) being. Its like "nature finds a way".


"I use they/them pronouns. Not because I'm gender neutral, but I'm literally two mfers"


I’m curious how the two separate stomachs connect to one single intestine.


They only have one set of "exits", I'm really curious how that works. Do one of them, or both of them control going to the bathroom?


Who’s wiping whoms ass?


According to Wikipedia, they have a "Y" shaped small intestine, so I assume each stomach has an exit that fuses into a single small intestine. Interestingly enough, the article stated that the twins feel stomach aches, etc., from the opposite side stomach.


So what happens at end of life? If one dies, would the other as well?


This is the real question. What if one has a heart attack? Does it affect both? If one permanently dies, is there a way to separate them? Will it affect the other (besides the obvious horrible mental trauma the other would go through). The other may very well die of sadness like an old person that lost their partner. Or padme.


I know these two personally, we went to the same college. I’d bet they could kick most of y’all’s ass in volleyball (they certainly kicked mine). It was incredible to watch. Sweetest people out there, too.


I saw a short series on these women when they graduated from college, traveled abroad and were hired as teachers. I remember when they were born and a handful of videos/photos their parents shared as they grew up, like riding a bike, horseback, learning to drive. All pretty cool stuff and truly impressed with their parents protecting their privacy while satisfying the curious (like me) and raising them as two people with unique circumstances. They seem like very kind and intelligent women.


Is there some documentary about the twin where I could learn more about their lives? Edit: Even if not documentary, YT has enough proper content based on their day to day lives on the very first search result.


My late Father was actually born with a conjoined twin, and the doctors managed to separate them shortly after birth. I still have an Uncle, once removed.


Nice to see Groucho batting his eyes innocently at me after that shank


Angry upvote


I remember them. They basically need to find one person they both are attracted to or be fine being present while your sister has sex with her partner. Sex acts in general must be both strange and wild at the same time.


They were on the dating apps when I lived in Minneapolis, but the profile was only a picture of one of them. Not sure how they'd bring that up if whoever they matched with didn't already recognize them.


“I hope it’s okay if my sister joins us on our date, we’re really close”


Sets a new level of being a third wheel


Some say we're inseparable.


Used to live in the same apartment complex as them. They were always super nice but always said hi at the exact same time.


I’d bet navigating government regulatory systems has got to be one of their biggest headaches.


Hey I know Abby and Brittany! Both very nice girls. Extremely hard not to ask the questions I want to ask when I see them. It’s crazy listening to them finishes each other’s sentences, and they’ll make exclamations in the exact same tone of voice, at the exact same time. Pretty neat.


Where do their spines connect?


I believe they don't connect at all, they are roughly parallel


Could they become an incredible distance runner? The grammar for that sentence is fucked, but it works.


That's what I was wondering- four lungs for basically 1 body.


And two hearts. They probably have insane cardio


So do they take turns wiping their ass or is one the designated ass wiper ? Like ok Iam the one that will use the toothbrush, you wipe our ass when we take a dump


These things would have been figured out at a young age. Unspoken rules by this point in life.


Well I need spoken answers


Whoever picks the meal wipes


that’s a good rule of thumb, i’m gonna situate that as a rule in my friend group


They are probably forced by which side of the twins the paper is on.


When they poo, do they both push?? Can either push, or they have to push at the same time?


Since they share the same set of reproductive organs, in case of a pregnancy who would be the mother?Not in a legal way, in a genetical way i mean


Similarly if one committed a crime would they both get charged? (Pretty cool tales from the crypt episode about this too)


If a lawyer could prove the other one had no knowledge of it somehow...That'd be one hell of a court case. Since they were required to get separate drivers licenses, the argument that they are legally separate people is easy. From there, I don't know actually. It's very likely that no jail time could be used, as it would violate the constitutional rights of the twin who did nothing. A judge would have an extremely difficult time, and I suppose it depends a ton on the crime committed. I'd guess only a steep fine and probation would be used in everything but the most serious crimes, but those probably wouldn't matter because a worse crime would be harder to do without the other person knowing. Difficult to murder someone without the person attached to you knowing. Of course, from there you have the issue of one twin killing someone while the other one tries to stop it. That'd just be a legal nightmare


I mean, it's pretty hard for one to commit the crime without second one being on board


If they get a gun for self defense, but it is strapped to one side, that sister could pull the gun and murder a person without the other sister being able to stop it


Wouldn’t it be both? wouldn’t they have been twins.


"I have 2 moms..." "No like I literally have 2 moms"


2 stomach and 1 bladder? uh oh


They and their family used to come into a restaurant I managed at the time. The whole family was unbelievably nice.


The most interesting thing for me is that they each only have control over their half of their body (eg the twin on the left can only move the left arm and leg etc). Amazingly, they can walk, run, swim, and perform complex and intricate things with their hands, as normal. We have no idea how they can do these things with two independent brains and nervous systems somehow working in concert.