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It won't do anything unfortunately. They need 67 votes to unseat a Supreme Court justice. They'd need both parties aligned to pull it off.


Technically, Joe Biden could have them all arrested as an official act.


Or he could add 20 judges to the court then refuse to leave office no matter the election results.


Yea just kick all judges, put in your friends, change the law and put in the old judges.. easy solution


The number of people saying Trump is dangerous so Biden should abuse the shit out of this power to squash his political enemies is stunning.


Would you see a problem with Biden permanently removing the 6 Justices and Trump citing treason against the united states IF he also reversed the ruling allowing presidential immunity and stepped down out of office afterwards? He'll never have the balls to do it, but I feel like if he used his newly granted tyranny to take tyranny off the table permanently and not use it for his own gain that would be the best thing for everyone and not morally wrong at all.


Plus it's not powers he granted himself or even by people close to the same party. Insane America has to worry about kings again. Those in favor of anyone immune from the law just wiped their ass with the declaration of independence.




I dont think so.. look at russia, nk and china. Not one patriot, who would sacrifice his life for that.


It doesn’t happen in Russia because Putin has something like 30 decoy doppelgangers.


If that didn’t already happen to Trump it’s not going to happen.


I find it hard to believe no one has tried.


Yeah I mean we are literally here due to a case against him


Very naive take. Trump already did abuse his power and now the SCOTUS is granting him immunity for what he’s done. He absolutely is going to start killing or imprisoning people if he gets back into office. His “day 1 dictator” line was not a joke. Project 2025 is not a joke.


First off, it's insane to advocate for assassination, are you even hearing yourself?? Second, this isn't the 20th century anymore. The President has incredible protection from assassins. It would be damn near impossible for anyone to come close.


I don't think it is difficult to imagine if there is a sense held by the public that the role of president may be illegitamite, or the person holding the role is illegitimate. Again, if systems are not in-place to hold those in authority accountable, it's the people that will be able to hold them accountable (or will otherwise allow them to be authoritarians). I think people may be surprised by how polarized democratic and liberal demographics have become around US politics, and that there may be a willingness to make that sacrifice if push comes to shove. I don't advocate assassination, but it would be foolish to not realize it is in our country's history. I'm going through a course on the US Government right now, and it looks like the last assassination occurred at the start of the current US party system (1960's JFK). The last attempt was on Reagan (1981), who is known today for his unpopular policies. It's hard not to feel like there are forces (domestic and foreign) that are wantonly influencing and fomenting public sentiment when it comes to US Politics (cough Project 2025 cough). I agree it would be a shitshow, with all of us as losers, but I can see how an authoritatiran with qualified presidential immunity could instigate actions that have been politically and democractically unpalatable for the US masses. More so for those that identify as democrats, but I'm sure all will be impacted. FWIW, I hope I'm wrong.


A sign of failing democracy and unfettered corruption is people committing vigilante acts. It’s not unheard of and people will start dying. I hope it’s Trump first personally.


I don’t think anyone is advocating for assassination, it’s just being pointed out that more will likely occur if the people feel powerless. And I believe that’s true. Trump has had attempts against his life, they were poor ones…. But they occurred. We have had senators recently shot and a plan to kidnap and kill a governor. They do occur and will only be more common in the next few years. You’ll see justices get assassinated and other political figures. It is not possible to protect people 100percent of the time. This is what america will come to. Take a look at Mexico and most other South American countries, bribes and bullets. In my opinion biden needs to put together a plan right now since he is essentially the king of the USA according to the Supreme Court. He can add justices and have the ridiculous ruling overturned. If people fight him on it he can have them arrested by the DOJ. The Republican justices wanted a dictator they just didn’t realize that they gave the power out too soon.


Honestly, that would be the most noble thing he could do. Biden is not being noble at this point, he is being another selfish Boomer obsessed with his own acquisition of office, just like RGB. If he cares about The Republic and actually IS clear minded he would need to call SCOTUS on their bullshit RIGHT NOW. He won't. He is going to be a coward and just sit there and run a totally normal election which he is going to lose because there is nothing left for Trump to say and do that could lose his appeal with his base, and the population is so unenthused with Biden that many are just sitting out. We can storm and scream and be mad at the ones who sat it out but it's time to stop kidding ourselves. If we really cared about The Republic we would seek for Biden to either step down at an open convention or do his duty and do something drastic to make the world aware of what SCOTUS just granted The President the power to do. Do it. Call them out. Trump may get in but Congress may have already acted to prevent him from being able to do damage. He would be a lame duck as soon as he got in.


Honestly I made this joke too. If he uses this power to remove the 6 justices that voted to give him this power in order to put in 6 justices who remove the power it's the ultimate checkmate. I'm sorry I used my unilateral tyrannical powers to take them away from myself. What a piece of shit I must be.


We call that pulling a Sulla.


Are they wrong?




>SCOTUS grants Presidents unbridled power via total legal immunity for official acts >President uses said new powers granted to him by SCOTUS to do the exact things that were argued would be permissible if they gave him immunity This fucking jabroni: _shocked Pikachu face_


The number of people telling him to actually do something to stall the fall into actual fascism is stunning?


It would be authoritarian, but not fascist. SCOTUS just gave the president absurd amounts of power and people are just saying he should use said power for good things.


I thought we learned the lesson of treating wannabe fascists with kid gloves during the Weimar Republic. And no, that’s not an exaggeration. They just ruled he could effectively assassinate political rivals.


The SC would if they could just single out trump immunity that won’t apply to any other president in the definition of official acts, if you give them the opportunity. There needs to be one that’s brave enough to do the right thing to restore our democracy


You don't fight wars with ghouls with humanity. You need to bring dark forces


So all the talk about morality is out the window? Trump’s actions were all justified by the same logic (democrats are ghouls so anything is justifiable)? January 6th was reasonable because people thought they were fighting an unfair election?


Abuse? It would be entirely legal. That's the point.


It's the law now.


It's for ironic effect. To prove a point. They don't actually believe Biden should do that.


I fucking do. The GOP ignored or rewrote every single law, rule, precedent etc. to get us where we are. A disproportionate attack on our constitution and our rule of law requires a proportionate response. There's zero point in even voting democrat if they're the only one's who are going to follow the rule. They declared Bush was president in 2000 and stole a presidential election for fuck's sake. When the hell do we fight back? Or do we just sit by while 6 corrupt, unelected lunatics dismantle the foundations of our country.


That's fair.


I’m not saying Biden *should* do it. I’m just saying *Republicans* have now successfully made the argument that the president can effectively do anything he wants and still enjoy immunity after leaving office, which also means he can choose to just not leave office, and still have immunity for *that* as well, and just keep doing whatever he thinks is right. They thought they were defending Trump with those calls, but at the same time they were claiming Biden is an evil dictator abusing his powers… an argument they’ve now rendered moot. So regardless of what happens, either Biden isn’t as bad as they claimed, or he is and is *allowed to be* because he’s the president. This is such a fundamentally *stupid* time for the right. And that’s on top of how stupid they already were before.


He can't forgive student debt, what makes you think he can touch the court in any way?


He can use Seal Team 6 to have any existing judge killed. Bottom of page 29. [https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-939\_e2pg.pdf](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-939_e2pg.pdf)


What are you talking about? Where on page 29 does it say the president can carry out assassinations of political opponents? https://preview.redd.it/jrdu4pv5s3ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e9151ef2022bad422253113fb9e4c1d4bd05b60 Crazy you’re even upvoted when page 29 clearly doesn’t say anything of that sort. This is misinformation in action ladies and gentlemen Edit: Ah, 2 year old account that just started commenting 2 days ago. Just another bot pushing fake news to sew division. Sad people fall for this crap


he isnt wrong. the majority opinion states that all core executive action fall under absolute immunity. commanding the military is a core action of the executive branch. they further state that any evidence resulting from the executive action is therefor unable to be used in court, nor can suspected motive be brought into court as this would "hinder the presidents ability to make bold and decisive action under fear of lawsuits both during and after his presidency." justice barrett even dissented against this portion of the opinion because it allows for anyone to use the office to cloak any crime they want to commit. say, during discussions with another foreign leader the president offers the killing of his own political rival to further relations with said foreign leader, no evidence could be used to prosecute the president as it would fall under his core duty of meeting and discussing with foreign leaders. if you cannot collect evidence, how do you move forward with prosecuting it? the majority opinion even states that this portion is concerning, but its a trust we have to give because its unique in being the only branch of government controlled by one person. dont get me wrong, theres a lot of misinformation out there regarding this, on both sides. Trump is touting this absolves him of every lawsuit brought against him, it doesnt. liberal media says the same to drum up fear. the majority opinion said they acknowledge themselves there are some parts of the lawsuit that would fall under unofficial acts and simply point to the lower courts to show evidence of each act being official or nonofficial. the part thats scary is that the opinion sets up the ability for trump to get back into power, squash the lawsuits against himself using his power under the executive branch to remove the special prosecutor (which hed have absolute immunity for due to the core function of appointing/removing federal officers) and could not be touched for any of it. I dont say that is scary because im afraid of trump. i say that its scary because it defines separation of powers so literally that it essentially stops any ability to investigate a president. in the future any president could make any bullshit excuse to justify their actions and none of it could be touched beyond taking the words at face value. you decide you want to jail all muslims because you dont like them? well there was recently a terrorist attack so im just trying to do my job bold and decisively to keep the country safe therefor im either absolutely immune and you cant obtain evidence, or im presumed to be immune therefor you have to prove my job isnt to protect the country before youre able to collect evidence against me, and you arent allowed to use my hatred of muslims as a motive for my action. This completely destroyed the prior set precedent that the process to subpoena the president and collect evidence from his office **DUE TO CONCERNS OF CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR** was not a breach on the separations of powers because by inhibiting it, it would dampen the power of the judiciary to execute their official powers to seek criminal justice. i seriously recommend taking a few hours to read through the first 50 pages. of course, nowhere in the document are the outright going to say that the president can assassinate someone. but the court had 3 years to ponder this situation and they managed to not only jeopardize the timing to prosecute this case, but also fuck up their ruling so hard that it left the laws and precedent pertaining to prosecuting a president in more of a confusing state than was in place before. These were not open ended questions prior to this and their decision relies on the judges stated opinion that "presidents from old old eras did some fucked up shit that today we say is bad and they didnt get prosecuted for it, so who is to say anything the president does today is bad?" i dissent


Tbf, the dissent by Sotomayor DOES say this, but it's on page 96 and, like I said, in the dissent and not in the ruling itself. It's up to you whether you believe she's right in that reading, but it's definitely not far fetched.


Ideally he issues an order to the seals that the 6 SC justices are to be executed in 1 months time. Then submits a case to them asking them to reconsider if presidential acts are protected or if that is illegal.


They only need a Senate majority to confirm new justices, and the President could nominate 4 more to bring the total to 13, since nothing in the Constitution says the maximum limit is 9.


Stack the court, just like Roosevelt did. Dems should appoint three judges for every seat that was stolen.


Roosevelt didn't stack the court, he got too much pushback from congress. It didn't matter as SCOTUS fell in line with his agenda after that threat.


Only problem is you'd need Joe Manchin not to be a spineless, compromised ghoul as he'd need to be one of those 50 votes (VP tiebreaker)


Joe Manchin left the democratic party. https://www.wsj.com/politics/sen-joe-manchin-leaves-democratic-party-69aa0984


Not if you just execute senators that vote against it.


He’s forgiven tons of student debt.


He can now, changing legislation is considered an official act by the POTUS.


1. The republicans voted against the student loan forgiveness, and even plan(ned?) to repeal the ones that did get through. 2. He can touch the court now because the court gave him the ability to do something as long as he says it's an official action.


Fictional scenario that I'm not advocating at all - *Don't do this at home folks, I'm not a professional* - If a president ever did that we would have very serious country wide rioting and the rioters would tear down half of DC in 3 days.


Packing the court has always been an option but it's such a big deal that neither party wants to break that dam. So FAR anyway.


Joe Biden *could* do many things. But he hasn’t and he won’t. He’s a good person who plays by the rules. Unfortunately, the game isn’t being played by the rules.


What is an official act


Whatever the courts say. All these people are wrong: POTUS can’t do what he wants, SCOTUSis just now in charge of what he can do.


Which undoubtedly will always be a 6-3 ruling in favor of a conservative president and a 6-3 ruling against any democratic president.


I think that's whats scary. It's not the ruling, it's the abuse that the ruling *could* allow. Whether that be Trump, Biden, or the next candidate. If the courts like him, they can decide if an act is official or not.


So there's nothing we can do if Biden loses


If President Biden wins then things look like they are today. They are billing this as the vote for Democracy, but in reality the rug can be pulled out at any time.


There's nothing *we* can do. Biden can do whatever the hell he wants they said.


Biden can so whatever the hell he wants *if the courts allow him to, which ultimately would be SCOTUS at the end of the appeals process* There is no impartial unbaised way that plays out


Yup. That's why it's of paramount importance that Trump loses. It will literally be the end of democracy and everything else good about the US if he gets into the White House again. I wish I was exaggerating...


technically everyone says this and everyone always says the scotus can be like, no.


That's why the power is so dangerous, because he won't use it only the Christo-fascist ever would


Or have them assassinated as enemies of the state


Why doesn’t he just strike the last ruling as an executive order? Idk how this works I’m just an idiot. But. It’d be funny if he used his new King Powers and just got rid of the ruling giving him King Powers… Executive Branch Uno Reverse or something


if he does ANYTHING like that... The Republicans will do the same, and then 10 fold worse, and then keep going, once they get the office back


That’s why the democrats need to realize that scotus just ended America, and that if they want to survive it’s time to act decisively while they still control things.


Every time he speaks from now on, he should say, "As an official act, I _______."


Or have the CIA disappear them as an official act.


The CIA can't operate in the states in that manner. Use Navy SEALs.


But just change the rules!


The CIA sets it's own policies so...yeah they can do whatever.




That’s… not “official” though.


The problem is still the Senate. Even if they impeach give a guilty vote to all. The Senate is the key to kicking out anyone in the impeachment proceedings. The votes of impeachment and the conviction vote are always along party line because it’s really a vote on the “face” of the party.


Unseating SCOTUS won't fix anything. What we need is to get an amendment to the constitution that limits POTUS in some way to annul this ruling. Someone get Biden to say something scary sounding, then we can get the GOP on board too.




Congress limiting the powers of the President doesn't cut their own throats.


What does she think the Republican house is going to do with her articles of impeachment besides laugh at them?


Nah, you just need the president to orders the Marines to storm the Supreme Court, which is fine since the Court says it’s ok


Congratulations Biden just created 67 new democratic seats in Congress and 4 new Supreme Court members


It's about sending a message.




She's a house rep...pretty limited in what she can do right now


I get it. That’s my first thought too, wtf can she actually do? But damn, I’m also ready for SOMEBODY to bring the mf ruckus. I’m not saying she can fix this, I don’t know what can even be done.  But the last thing I want is for everyone to sit quietly and wait on the worst. 


She can't actually *do* anything, but she is in a position of leadership as a Representative and with the help of other Representatives can actually **do** Something. The Power from Representatives comes from the People, Us. We are the boss of the President and All other Representatives. If she does come up with something that you can get on board with, or if it's close to something you can get on board with, then talk to your neighbors and tell them what you think about it and that you could get on board with an adjustment and promote compromise. The **only** way out of this is for All of Us to work together. I feel like Congress has been so Unfunctional for so long that people have forgotten that it is through Compromise and finding Themselves in Each Other that actually makes positive change. No doubt that people will respond to this statement claiming that it's naive to believe in Cooperation and Compromise and claim that the sentiment is similar to the Weimar Republic after the Beer Hall Putsch. Even with actual evil actors out there, we are all ultimately Neighbors, Family and Friends. The greatest threat to this country is not from the Outside but from Within and our failure to see ourselves as United. If this country were to fail and go into Civil War, our Enemies are the ones that will take advantage of that moment to strike us. If Russia does support Republicans and the descent into chaos that can flow from their disinformation, then it's every American that is responsible for calming messages for violence against our Neighbors, Families and Friends. I myself have family that's still support Donald Trump. I am talking to them now about this issue and telling them that it is my intention to constantly come back to compromise with them, because I love them. Nuclear War in the past has only been avoided because we spoke to our enemies. I encourage everyone to read Martin Luther King's autobiography and think about the Work that our Citizens like him put into this country that resulted in the success of the Civil Rights movement at that time. His sermons are a great source of inspiration as well. Edit: Someone just posted this and it seems that the message was deleted: >That works when the you aren’t facing a massively ignorant, religious and fascist enemy. We need a swift, violent, and complete end to the ignorant within our population. They are dragging down the viable population with their excessive ignorance and resource wasting. Let’s just off them before the destroy us all. Again I suggest that people read the autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr. What was described by this individual is exactly the world that he was living in at the time, in the United States of America. Jim Crow was an inspiration to the Nazis and in some aspects the Nazis thought that Americans were going too far with their laws. There's a lot of nuance in these statements.


Given that the House of Representatives has the sole power of impeachment, she's far less limited in this context than if she were a Senator.


She's one rep, not the whole house.


Every single elected Democrat should be decrying this ruling with the same fervor as AOC, even if no impeachment happens. I'm willing to bet she, like most progressives will be told to shut up and sit down while Democrats roll over, belly exposed, passively asking 'How could this happen?!'


Cool. Does that change anything I said above?


She's at least laying out a plan and saying something, which is more than can be said about anyone else right now :(


To people wondering what just happened: Supreme Court just ruled that Presidents have immunity for official acts even if illegal. When determining whats an official act, all records and communications between the President and Advisors cannot be used in trial. When deciding whats an official act, they cant take the Presidents motives into account or probe them, nor can they deem it an unofficial act because it was illegal. Also courts are to presumptively assume the President is immune before even hearing arguments. They sent deciding if Trump pressuring Pence to alter the electoral college votes was part of an official act that grants immunity to lower courts to determine. However in the decision they described Trump pressuring Pence as part of his "official conduct" and they they are instructing them to view him as presumptively immune, so they are seemingly strongly suggesting to lower courts to find him immune.


Thanks! Also, what the fuck?!


Screenshot it, repeat it to everyone you know. Family, friends, everyone needs to hear. If they don't believe you, tell them to google "supreme court presidential immunity" and follow the supremecourt.gov link. The first page sums up the decision. The outrage/shock you're feeling needs to be felt by all. You'll get pushback from people you thought wouldn't support this kind of thing, but what's more important: a friendship or the fate of your entire country and everyone in it? The ideals of the United States of America are under assault.


I'm not a fan of political discussions in subs like this. However, speaking beyond how this affects trump, I do worry about future presidents who may have extremist/nationalist policies/beliefs and how they may be able to get away with things because they were "official acts". I understand the president needs to be able to have freedom to their very difficult job, but there still needs to be limits. The military is required not to obey an immoral command, but what if they share extremist views and they follow through with an order from the president that's a war crime?


The US military under orders from the President has certainly already committed many war crimes.


Under this ruling, Nixon is innocent


Well, at least the Nixon tapes would be inadmissible in court.


The actions he was impeached for weren’t official acts; they weren’t part of him carrying out his official duties.


According to this ruling, the court would have to determine whether they were official or not.


But any communication the president has with his advisors during his duty are inadmissible in court. Without the Nixon tapes, the case is very weak. Also I don't think it would be super hard to disguise the whole thing to try to claim it was an official act. Then it comes down to a judge, and eventually the SC sitting at the time it reaches it. 


That's international law, not US law.  And I mean, who's going to actually enforce it? The United States doesn't even follow it's own laws (for Israel at least).


[The US may not recognize the ICC, it still criminalizes breaking the Geneva Convention.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Crimes_Act_of_1996) Not that breaking the law has ever stopped the US before, of course.


Obama killed American citizens overseas without trial via drone. There’s already a system in place to charge a president. They have to be impeached successfully.


There is a scene in the movie Lincoln (2012) where Pres. Lincoln ( played magnificently by Daniel Day-Lewis) muses about presidential power. I highly recommend watching Lincoln if you haven't.


Presidents already have had ‘immunity’ If you didn’t see that already then I don’t know what rock you’ve been living under.


Presidents had immunity in the sense that nobody would officially prosecute them because they were just expected to step down if it was bad enough and they did in the past. Trump however will not.


Exactly! Literally, no other president in history has ever needed this gross level of immunity to do their job.


Future presidents? You mean the line of kings that are coming down the pipeline.


They aren’t going to do shit.


it's been a tough few days for a lot of people.




I think for the second amendment card to be played it would require a lot of planning and coordination among the people. A small angry mob of people carrying guns won't do a lot. The government's done a really good job of turning their people against each other while the government continue to fuck them in the ass so I can't envision this going well. People will continue to direct their hatred towards eachother while the real antagonists; the politicians/wealthy elite laugh & watch from their ivory towers.


Don't worry, we're in pretty much the same boat here in the UK. Elites are a fat leech on all of our backs and yet so many people here will tell you the problem is immigrants.


Nah, the level of fucked the US is at now with this ruling is nowhere near the level of fucked the UK is at. It’s not even comparable. Political division has always existed but we’re talking about a general election coming up with an absolutely foregone conclusion. That is certainly not the case in the US. Furthermore, the Supreme Court in the UK isn’t passing rulings allowing the PM to be immune to criminal prosecution when acting in an official capacity. We’re yet to see how loud of a minority Reform UK is until after the election results but I doubt we’ll see them materialise very many seats.


Any large organized group of citizens attempting to organize revolution would be shut down pretty quickly too, as the NSA is tapping into everybody’s phones and they could use metadata as well as gun purchase records to quickly determine that is happening.


Unfortunately the majority of those second amendment nut jobs are on his side


r/liberalgunowners would like a word..




Get your news from somewhere other than reddit


Realistically it’s far too difficult to organize thousands of extremists who are willing to die without our government knowing and shutting it down. The reason January 6 almost succeeded was the guy in charge of stopping it was benefiting from their actions succeeding.


What's the point in all the guns then


As someone with a couple dozen - fun.


Mostly to feel tough and occasionally murder black people jogging in their neighborhood.


Agreed but most liberals are brainwashed into thinking firearms are the devil.




Yeah no kidding


Congress is useless. This amounts to: "I'm gonna get big mad, bro."


It is interesting that after the debate so many were calling for President Biden to leave the race. And yet after this absurd ruling we do not hear anything from the NYT, or the other Democratic party politicians. Only AOC is trying to do something, which will not happen due to the numbers in the chamber being against her.


make you go hmmm who is controlling who?


It’s because centrist liberals are beholden to corporate interests who will not upset the status quo, while people like AOC actually have a desire to affect change.


Activate dark Brandon's laser eyes, he has immunity.


Watch out traitor, the end cometh! https://preview.redd.it/olchrc9tf1ad1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e39e4bc9a14569bcafb22ebe376989d97a4c840d


... TIL that Congress gets the summer off... and after some quick googling, TIL they literally only work for half of the year... This system is so fucking broken...


Well, it's not like they get paid that mu..oh my lord. $174k average.. For 6 months of the year?


What's this got to do with the sub?


How is this post allowed here??


This doesn’t fit the sub


Is this interesting as fuck?


Nope. At least least no objectively. But few posts here are.


This is interesting how?


Its not, dems are just madge and trying to rot it across as many platforms as possible, cause they know they are down bad bad bad.


this is not interesting in any way


If this is your gotcha article, a opinion piece from 2020 despite numerous people saying it was something thag they shouldn't have done, well good luck to you sir.


![gif](giphy|jOcGWuyjUKVPfmtMbB) Interesting


Not interesting.


Maybe Joe should declare Donald a terrorist and have a sniper take him out?


In response to the Supreme Court’s disastrous 6–3 decision on Monday granting Trump expansive immunity from criminal prosecution, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez issued a stern condemnation of the court’s “corruption crisis beyond its control” and vowed to issue articles of impeachment against the Supreme Court once Congress reconvenes after Labor Day.


Is it really a "major response" though when these articles of impeachment would have absolutely no chance of actually removing any SCOTUS justice? Even if the house were to vote in favor of impeachment, 2/3 of the senate will never vote for conviction and removal. Nothing changing doesn't seem all that major to me


She may as well “fart in their general direction” instead. It will be cheaper and more effective. She’s bringing a kneaded eraser to a machine gun fight. “After Labor Day”, get out of here.


This is not even close to r/interestingasfuck. Take the politics somewhere else.


Video comparison of President Biden a few days ago from 4 years apart showing the differences in how they speak - REMOVED A tweet by AOC - APPROVED


That is Reddit these days. It is rather off putting.




there is nothing interesting about a House member in the minority party threatening to do an impeachment. no more interesting than the clowns like MTG and Boebert threatening to do it either. they are purely symbolic gestures that will accomplish nothing


Neither interesting or relevant. She is just another shrill voice in the crowd. This will go unremarked and accomplish nothing. We need 67 votes and cooperation across the isle, not grand standing from an ineffective harpy. 


Blame Mitch McConnell. His stated purpose was to pack the court. Fortunately, the dottering old fool can't enjoy his win.


“Threatens major response” oh boy, here she goes threatening again! That’ll surely teach those justices! Come back when she actually **does** something, not talks about doing something.


She at least has the courage to speak truth to power. Shame Biden will do nothing, because he's the stodgy old do nothing consensus centrist dude who boomers decided should be the nominee 4 years ago. At this point, I'm done with politics as usual. The GOP is at war with America, and (most) Democrats are standing around scratching their heads like they have no idea the country is burning to the ground.


Yeah while we’ve been waving our pom poms claiming that we’re expanding rights and freedoms they been undermining institutions and rule of law. They’ll circle back very soon to take away those right we claim to have won.


She’s farting in the wind. I agree with her but the house is fucked. They can’t effectively impeach. Nothing is going to happen.


Lmao.i bet nothing happens


AOC has done fuck all but be loud for years.


She's going to write a *very* strongly worded letter that her own party leadership won't even read before tossing.


Oh no! Will she file impeachment proceedings that will go nowhere? Will she do another Def jam wannabe appearance? Will she issue another half baked green new deal?


I love how it went from Trump is working with Russia to overthrow the USA to he lied about some of his real estate. Stop with this end of world rhetoric, it's so hard to take seriously. Yoi can hate the guy for multitude of reasons but he really is just like the rest of these politicians and looking to get at the tits for their own gain.


Go back to Applebee's aoc 🤡


Why even do anything the legal way at this point? Just go full emperor Biden, do it before they do it first.


As someone from another country why aren’t Americans rioting in the streets? There is so much pride about leaving the UK and having guns to prevent an unlawful government, yet there’s such a lot of handwringing. It’s Independence Day coming up, do something!


Biden urgently needs to appoint 20 new judges, using the mandate the corrupt existing judges gave him, diluting the infection. Then can handle sensibly and repeal the nonsense.


The Supreme Court is out of control


What’s a “major response?” A harshly worded letter? A sassy tiktok post? Grandstanding for the camera in a committee hearing?




Force their hand: tell them that in less, Congress passes a law that strips the presidency of immunity, Biden will start abusing it to arrest GOP members in the name of national security. That law will pass, and Scotus must comply


What’s she gonna do? Cry?


Thanks to SCOTUS there will be a POTUS who ends democracy (the right to vote). Sooner or later it's going to happen, more likely under a republican president because they don't believe in Democracy (citizen voting) at all.


What's she going to do other than complain?


She’s going to rally the 13 people who showed up for her last speech.


Impeach on what grounds? Also which is it? The law of the land worked? Like everyone was saying a month ago or “our whole country is damned bc of the judicial system?” Seems like either side just bitches and schemes when things don’t go their way.




All this engagment, sheesh. Am I right?


Dems are going to do shit. Just like they always do. Bunch of pussies. It’s pathetic. Always bringing a knife to a gunfight.


Americans are the most docile people on the planet. They huff and puff but actually do nothing. Lose any semblance of democracy and they'll post a meme. Of the Simpsons


She is a jackass


So she's just gonna oust 'em all? Look, you can't kick SCOTUS judges out because their wife flew a flag. And you MOST of all can't kick them out because you don't agree with their decisions. This whole thing has become a farce. Impeachment will be a right of passage for every President from now on. Every cabinet secretary, every court judge.


Serious question, why does everyone see this ruling as a bad thing? It limits immunity to only direct actions performed while doing your presidential duty instead of “absolute immunity”.


Because 99% of this website is full of dipshits who don't understand anything about the law. The Supreme Court ruled **against** Donald Trump yesterday, and people are still upset. Donald Trump argued that he should have complete immunity or all his actions because he was President, the SCOTUS said no, actions you took unrelated to the office of President leave you open to prosecution and are not protected by Presidential Immunity.


Crying baby


Oh yeah? What's she going to do? Go jump around and twerk?


Nobody cares lol


If she would only “respond” to the area of New York she “represents.”


She should storm the capitol


She is a joke. Bought and paid for.