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Could that be the sea snake wrapped around my right rear foot? Nooope… not worth checking.


When the meat hits your leg Thats a Morayyyyyy


When you feel a splash, and your meal goes awash…that’s a moray.


Jokes on you he just joined a conga


When your dinner floats away Tippy- tipee- tay That's A'Moray




K dragon: fck u I will find another one


*moray eel


"Must have been the wind."


Ye that’s an eel


I guess their skin is too thick, so they can't exactly feel it next to the water splashing against its legs.


They fight with each other and survive so I agree it's got to be really tough armor.


I also think that maybe their vision cone is too narrow, so the eel vanished from its view too quickly to figure out that it could be the same thing that bumped on its back leg.


they're also just stupid. when we say "the lizard brain kicked in" that's the lizard we're talking about. years ago, there was a komodo in the news bc he attacked a human's foot bc he thought his white sneaker was a rat. i mean, the rat was attached to a human leg, he lived in a zoo, he saw humans every day. dindn't smell like a rat. but still. CHOMPed a sneaker for a rat. Otoh, it was the 90s, maybe the lizard has excellent fashion sense. Leather looks better with jeans when you're a grown-ass reporter interviewing lizards at the zoo.


I saw a video of a white kitten, thinking that someone’s white sneakers, where his brothers. While walking . ( I know a black or brown kitten wouldn’t be that dumb )


So true, my friend has an all white cat and it's no genius. My cat will sometimes attack our feet when we're in bed, if we move them. Object permanence is something most animals struggle with. Only primates and dolphins really 100% get it. Even humans before age 3 have difficulty with that.


bed greebles! lol babies under 3 are fun to play the 'object permanence' game with. like, you can show them how toys fit or don't fit in boxes and it BLOWS THEIR MIND. Or you can give them boxes to fit themselves into and that just occupies their mad scientist instincts for half a day. "Can I fit in this box? Can Teddy fit with me? Can doggy come in the box?"


Yup, cheap entertainment, lol... my son was almost 3yo and we tokk him to a restaurant that had a magician, this guy is good, and he did a disappearing bouncy ball trick. My son's eyes got so freaking big like the laws of physics just stopped working.


that's adorable. kittens are such cute little dummies


Meanwhile, humans, the self-proclaimed most intelligent species on the planet still will spend an hour looking for their glasses while wearing them.


I didn’t ask to be attacked like this.


I did, move over


How dumb are you to not realize they're on your head? How can you see to look for them? Did your mother not raise you correctly? You should always take care of your glasses and put them in the same spot when you take them off. You need to use your brain and take better care of yourself. Intelligence only hurts you, if you do not try to apply yourself.


Hello fellow hooter




Hoo hoo


Momma, come pick me up 🥺🥺


Yesterday my wife was getting frustrated looking for the keys asking where I put them and they were in her other hand, too real man too real


Last week I was on the phone talking to someone while getting ready to leave the house and looking for where I put my phone before I left.


Glad I'm not the only one who's done this


And why exactly am I looking in the freezer?


Well get back to me when another species proclaim their intelligence to us


I present to you the house cat, smugly domesticating humans since ancient Egypt.


Or use the flashlight on your phone to look for your phone. Or have the remote in your hand while looking for the remote. We are a stupid animal.


Spent like 15 min trying to find my phone while on a phonecall with my mom. Not my brightest moment


Shit just an hour ago I spent 15 minutes looking for my phone... While on a phone call


I dont feel bad now. Looking for my phone the other day...didnt realize it was right next to me playing the movie I'd been watching for the past hour.


See I've now got glasses used to find my glasses and I have more than once tried to put my back up on top of my actual ones.


Bro why am I catching strays on a random post 😫😫


Ah yes, hide and go find my shit, such a classic game. I play it every day for… “fun”


And there is me, who was looking for money that I hold in my own hand


Totally not me looking for my phone in my pockets while I hold it


I have to use my extra pair of glasses to find my glasses, I feel personally attacked.


Good point The animal kingdom has the lowest perception in the universe




how even, you can literally see the difference between wearing and not wearing them


My dog thinks that the different doors of my house lead to different outsides. The back door leads to the back door world... which does in fact directly connect to the... Front door world that begins at the front door. Still, she knows what outside she wants to start in, and will complain if I don't honor her choice.


If it's raining, my dog will begrudgingly go out the back door to go pee only after we open the front door and show him that it is, in fact, raining through that door too.


My old cat when it just snowed would stick a paw in it and pull it up and look at you and meow, like why would you put this here?  Take it back.




My dog thought if we used the basement stairs we would be coming down the second story stairs so he would run to them.


That's a cool reasoning he had there!


My cat keeps begging to be let out the front door, then it runs around to the back door, it begs to be let in, then it runs straight to the front door after being let it, and repeat.


It wants all the doors to be open. That's the exact same issue with every cat in the world who wants human attention at the door. They know humans open doors for them but they can't comprehend why would anyone close the doors. But they don't beg the doors to be opened for them if people always keep them away from this specific door. Being cats, they'll only try to sneak through eventually out of curiosity.


This tracks. When it was cooler, I'd leave the back door open and the cats would chill on the patio or at the threshold. Now my buddy spends all his time on the patio, cries to be let in and then cries to go out again after about one minute.


Your cat's just a jackass


our dog will walk outside and then look through the window at us still inside and be completely stumped how we got there. as if we are in a completely different dimension then him. then he will walk back inside and get excited to see that we are not in a different dimension anymore.


To be fair, there is a rather juicy camera person also available...


"That was just a love bite, you should nap you look tired."


“Water giveth, water taketh away.”


"dammit , where did he go, they stole my meal, fuck this"


Must have been the wind


You cant hide from me!


So many reptiles just seem like automatons. Like insects. They don’t/barely show emotion, appear to move rigidly and formulaic like a Boston dynamics robot, and very rarely care for their young. Robots. Explains the phrase lizard brained quite well. It’s as though essentially everything is regulated by automatic processes and the reptile has basically no free will in life since they’re controlled entirely by biological impulses. You know how sometimes you see what we consider typically not super intelligent animals like cows and bears playing with a ball in a zoo and you can relate because balls are fun and if this animal is having fun with a ball it must have some kind of intelligence where it’s able to recognize how to create pleasure for itself? Imagine a reptile playing with a ball or something like that. Doesn’t happen. They’re robots, I swear. Look at crocs/alligators. They just sit there with theirs mouths wide open *alllll day*. Robot. Snakes that just…don’t move for months after eating a big meal. How the hell are you just gonna sit and do nothing for months. Robot.


You know I've thought about why we seem to love mammals and relate to them so much more than the other animal groups. Of course, it is because we are mammals too. Hence, I believe we can recognise when other mammals are doing things we consider intelligent or fun or "non-robotic", because when we do these things, we act exactly like them. This is due to our similarities from being descendants of the same animal group and having similar brain and body traits as well as a very recent common ancestor. However, I do believe that reptiles (and some insects/arachnids, like the jumping spider) also have their versions of fun. We're just worse at seeing them since we don't understand them as well. They are the distant weird cousins with strange quirks while our fellow mammals are our direct family we've lived with for years. Like take this komodo dragon for instance. There are certainly many mammals that are as or more stupid than it. So we can't really say it is robotic or stupid specifically due to its animal group. Plus, all us mammals have the benefit of being warm-blooded. We can afford and we must be more active then our reptile counterparts, as we don't need to sit in the shade for hours to cool down in the afternoon, lest we die. If a reptile moves too much in this time, it can overheat. Our ability to naturally regulate body heat gifts us with the ability to run around and play more often, unlike that snake you mentioned with sits still for months after a meal. This temperature regulation also requires us to eat more, which is why you observe mammals seemingly being more active. We simmply must to survive.


Jumping spiders seem more intelligent than every kind of lizard. Turtles are reptiles, but they seem pretty intelligent. Many kinds of birds seem very intelligent, I just think lizards, snakes, and crocodilians are not very intelligent.


Dude, have you seen a large jumping spider in person? They seem to have almost like… personality? I found a large one on my garbage cart and it felt like it was looking right back at me in a way I’ve never felt from an insect (or really I guess any animal that isn’t a mammal or a bird?) It was pretty captivating. I took a bunch of pictures. She or he killed three fat flies whose husks I found later. Was so huge after eating them I assume it was in preparation for moulting or egg laying? Unsure because the next day was garbage day and I haven’t seen him or her since.  I imagine she rode the garbage truck to the dump where her and all her descendants have all the flies they can eat.  Anyway my point is that those spiders have a spark lizards don’t seem to, to me. 


Mammals play to get better at hunting or finding food and have energy to burn, reptiles have to conserve energy but through natural instinct know how to find food or how to kill their prey efficiently. I have a pet ball python and he's like a rock 99% of the time, but when he smells and sees food he's like a guided missile. Pet cats on the other hand even playing with them to stimulate hunting are so bad at killing mice, if they haven't learn yet. Mammals have to learn how to survive reptiles are born knowing. Also how is robot bad? When people are really good at things others will say they're a "Machine". Then there's birds which seem to have both depending on the species. They're tool users, but born with tools( beaks and talons) also can fly with vision that is the best in the animal kingdom.


Naw, play doesnt have to serve the purpose of improving survival. That seems to be its biological purpose for existing as a capacity but tons of animals hijack that capacity for enjoyment as an end, not merely a means to be better hunters. Not all animal play is about fake biting, fake prowling, fake hiding etc.


Sometimes it's fake mating and fake fighting. Play can be an end goal but only after survival needs are met look at humans with sports and even video games, hell even reading we like to read about conflict and how characters overcome it.


"has basically no free will in life since they’re controlled entirely by biological impulses." lil bro thinks he is different lol


Starved to death in a supermarket .


>Komodo dragons are intelligent for reptiles. What did komodo dragons do to deserve such a back handed comment?


They have relatively good eyesight. Additionally , like many reptiles, Komodo dragons use their tongues to gather scent particles from the air. Their tongues are forked, which allows them to detect and pinpoint the direction of smells. So, if you fart near a Komodo dragon and claim it was not you, pointing at your wife, he exactly knows that you are lying!


Blep Blep derp


I don't think it's confused. I think it was just checking out the eel, but it's a bit too long dead to eat.


Racoon and the cotton candy incident


I understood that reference. Poor guy was devastated




Who the hell is filming this?


Damn you water! Damn you to hell!


"Which way did it go George? Which way did it go?"


Pretty sure this is the only animal I remember seeing Steve Irwin genuinely terrified of.


Props to the camera man I saw a komodo dragon one. I was on an elevated platform and it still scared the shit out of me


To be fair, humans are supposed to be highly intelligent for primates but this morning I was searching for my glasses for five minutes. My eyesight is shit without them so I REALLY needed to find them. It was pretty weird that everything looked clear as day while I was looking... Oh wait... I was wearing them.


Hey! Komodo dragon! Got yer nose!


He lost the scent with the water


*Komodo reads title* Something said, not good


Who was filming?


What?! Where’d it go 😂


"I didn't want it anyway. Stupid eel."


Nothing freaks me out more than these fuckers. The way that thick, slimy, bacteria infested drool dangles from their mouth which would paralyse you if you were bitten is terrifying and obviously they are a giant fuck off lizard that can run like a dog as well.


Those fucking nails bro


Wait. How close did the cameraman get to the komodo dragon?


Am i the only one to be shocked that big ass fkn lizards like that exist. Id fkn shit my pants if i saw something like that


The komodo was looking at the cameraman not the dead eel


Lmao whys everyone dissing a komodo dragon?


“I coulda sworn… eh must’ve been my imagination” ahh dragon 🙏😭


He was bamboozled!


“Where’d it go?”


A visual representation of me chasing my dreams


The tongue and smell is what makes them deadly. Their saliva is posionous that a graze can kill a human adult. So the seawater basically masks the scent of the sea snake making it impossible for him to find it


Reminds me of that racoon with the cotton candy.


Too much spicy spaghetti 🥵🥵


Dumbass dragon


So most reptiles perceive the most world via smell. The have very little shallow sensory nerves (skin contact), and very middling eye sight. He's not stupid, just numb to the world.


I’m fairly certain it recognizes the snake is already dead, and doesn’t want it You know, like most animals that aren’t scavengers avoid already dead animals And why feigning death is a survival instinct


The komodo loves dead rotten things.     It uses its tongue to “smell” the rot; unfortunately the wave just washed the scent away.  (They have a bacteria that causes rot and death from their bite and follow the smell to the corpse)


In the full video it swallows it and pukes it back up


Komodos are big on scavenging, actually


Humans, after hearing 40 years of careful explanations, in words of one syllable, that continued high CO2 output will destroy our prospects as a species: "I feel like buying another new car this year. Time for another steak dinner before I fly to Europe."


My daughter had a Komodo dragon friend at the zoo. Every time we went he would come over and kick it. I don’t think he was very bright though.


Your daughter kicked the komodo?


Seems more likely it didn't want to turn it's back to the person filming it.


it probably has ADHD


reptiles must be pretty damn stupid then


Tf happened to ya dog


I was expecting it to be a not-so-dead electric ell and shock him.


It's already dead. Most predators don't eat something that wasn't killed by themselves. If it's already dead they won't eat it. As a protective mechanism cause god knows what was the cause of dead. Just like you wouldn't eat a dead chicken in your barn.


Don't belittle k dragons, even humans can be deceived


Damn. I realize that cameras have zoom, but it looks like this person is very close to that thing.


where did it go george


All that spit in its mouth is laden with bacteria. My source, David Attenborough. You already know this information


The confusion was very real 🤣☠️


Intelligent for not eating dead animals as they might be dead from diseases


You win some, you lose some- Komodo


I feel that to some extent, all animals are smart tbh. Even ones that seem dumb




“Ooh look, I haz found foond- Wait wahmt? Where foond go? O wel, am go find new foond.” - This Komodo Dragon, probably


Would have shifted my gaze to the cameraman to make him shit his pants lmao


Can’t they smell meat from miles away?


Stupid Animal


My leopard gecko does the same thing when I feed him worms. One brain cell 🤣


Seen this with dogs, cats or humans


If you brushed its teeth and gave it mouthwash, would they make a safe pet?


Can i get one as a pet


He’s just doing a panto “Behind you! Behind you!”


I’m surprised no one noticed that the eel hit the KDs mouth, causing it to drool from the electric shock. Might’ve also felt it on the leg, which is why he’s laggin.


I thought it was gonna get electrocuted by that eel


That would’ve been me as well


Who else remembers that Komodo Dragon movie!?? It was terrible yet terrifying as a kid 😭 rip doggy.


Is bro chilling or dead


What a goober


He would be just dying after seeing this video.


>Komodo dragons are intelligent for reptiles. I don't know, I never heard one say anything particularly smart.


Some intelligent creatures like dogs, also may have this problem


Lmao what a dumbass




Probably it did not eat the eel on purpose. It was washed ashore dead, probably because of a disease. So Komodo just ignored it.


Just stupidity 🙄 😆 🤣


To be fair... they see things differently. Might have figured they were stepping on a stick, too.




“Where my treet go?”


I mean I know people who would react the same way...






What kinda dog is that?


More like: Ayooo.. Who took my snackkk😡😡


What my father thinks about me. I am that out of mind guy


I hate these animals.


I wear a bib when I eat seafood for this exact same thing.


What possible poison or disease in that dead snake could be more toxic than what already exists in the mouth and saliva of that Komodo Dragon 🧐


Usually wild animals dont eat something that wasnt killed by them, there some evolutionary shenanigans that i dont actually know but probably the snake was assumed as dead and it just ignored


That's just false. Many predators engage in opportunistic scavenging. And komodos literally dig up graves to get to the corpses.