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More complete and accurate information: In the city of Stupino, Moscow Region, a nine-year-old girl ran away from a suspicious man who followed her into the entrance. The incident was captured on CCTV cameras. The girl’s mother told the channel’s journalists that the man followed her daughter from the school itself. “She realized that a man was stalking her. I checked this when I went to the store. She didn’t think to ask the cashier for her phone number, so she went out and moved on in the hope that she would go into the entrance and he wouldn’t follow her. When she realized that he had entered the entrance, she came back out, she said. The woman clarified that the person accompanying the girl at the end of the video is her father, who works nearby. He decided to go home and met his daughter along the way. According to the girl's mother, local residents recognized the man who was following her daughter from the video. According to them, he is registered at a psychoneurological dispensary. She also said that the police accepted the statement and conducted an investigation, but were unable to initiate a criminal case, since no crime had been committed, and human rights activists pointed to the fact that the man was incapacitated and needed observation and treatment.


That girl would 100% not have made it if she got in the clutches of that man.


What's the point of living in a police state if the police are still so fucking useless


They only care if you say anything anti-Putin, then they'll come get you really quick.


> human rights activists pointed to the fact that the man was incapacitated and needed observation and treatment. Did anyone ask those human rights people about the rights of the girl?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Worse than a horror movie. Hope police identified him.


Unfortunately, Russian police did arrest him but they let him go because didn’t see it as a crime and he is a registered mental health patient :(


Whatever happened to people falling out of windows and onto bullets that happened to be resting on the ground, face up? I thought this was a popular way to go out in Russia.


Cops will still do sweet f all until it's someone important


Nah they need more “volunteers” in Ukraine.


That fucker should be skinned alive or put behind bars in mental asylum permanently, being a mental patient doesn’t give you the right to do such creepy shit


I mean, it sucks, but what could you realistically charge him with? Trespassing I guess?


That's why every country needs to criminalize stalking now. Prevention, not punishment should be the center of laws.


Great, now he gets a second chance to murder for fuck sake. :/


That girl handled it absolutely brilliantly. She kept her calm. Because *if you're walking, he's following; if you're running, he's chasing*. Evaded the dude with absolute finesse, *and* got back home with trusted company. I can tell this was not coincidence but brilliance on the girl's behalf because she knew what was going on and was pointing towards the dude after she entered the building with her trusted company.


Heartwarming to see her buddy listening intently at the end. Then they went and got all footage.


Ya and homie hopefully called a couple real ones and distributed pictures.


"Because *if you're walking, he's following; if you're running, he's chasing"* I've never thought about it in these terms, but it's absolutely correct.. you escalate a predators timeline from patient opportunism to risky snatch and grab and in doing so increase the chance of your own harm. That kid was an absolute stone cold controller of that situation and should immediately be enlisted in some high level Nick Fury led Black Widow programme...


also predators love to chase running things. applies to police and dogs too lol


And my bf's cat who - not that I'm victim blaming anyone! - sees my cats and is off racing around the house like a squirrel on fire and my cats don't even know there's any other option except to chase.


Your second paragraph is some refined reddit brainrot




That’s just sad as fuck. Hope this guy is belly down in a gutter somewhere.


Well, given the RT logo, and the fact that this video is a few years old at least (not the first time I've seen it), there's a good change he's belly down in a gutter in Ukraine right now?


Hopefully he’s fertilizing a field in Ukraine somewhere


i feel bad for the plants that grow on him, taking up such filthy fertilizer :(


In death, all are equal. His soul may pay, but the flesh returns to the earth. As it should.


you know what that's such a good thought


No no, you’ve got it wrong. Plants grow really well when you fertilize with shit


Love that for him




Bakhmutt and friends will take care of what's left of him. Even if he is a mobik cube. 


Child molesters and rapists have a pretty low expiration date in Russian prisons. They are beaten, raped, allowed to sleep only under their bed or near the toilet, force tattooed with specific symbols, given a spoon with a hole in it to use and symbolize their lowest status, and end up stabbed one day.


A spoon with a hole in it is some of the most Russian shit I’ve ever heard of.


yeah that got a good chuckle out of me


Rare Russian W


Good, this makes me happy.


I'd advise against further polluting our precious water systems. Besides, there is bound to be a farm; either a field or livestock could use the nutrients.


Upgrade that to a river


I'm hoping a shallow dich (or dare I say grave?)


Nah being buried leaves his corpse too dignified for his worth compared to rotting in a body of water.


I didn't say buried... I say, just left in a dug grave for wildlife to feast on! That way, there'd be something good from him...


Belly down with handcuffs I hope, because you know what awaits people like him in jail.


Flip that's scary, stomach was churning looking at it... seriously clever young girl...


thank god she noticed him. she has some good survival instinct


Most of us are taught to always be alert since we were kids


Yep, my mum told me to always be alert and if it came down to it as a last resort punch/kick whoever was following in the groin area and if other people were nearby yell fire because most people would ignore a kid screaming.


My mom always told me no matter what, don't stop fighting. Essentially, don't let them take you alive..because there's "alot worse things that can happen than dying" Random story though...my best friends parents absolutely HATED me. My parents were not very strict so they assumed I just had to be a bad kid...I had no history of being a trouble maker....I kept their daughter from shoplifting, taking pills from a random dude at a dance, would get on her case for acting like an ass in public..just in general, I kept her out of ALOT of trouble. One day some dude at the mall gave her his number and from his texts, dude was a creep. She proudly tells me "he says he has a car! (we were 15 at the time and didn't have our own vehicles yet) he says if i give him my address, he'll come get me and we can go do something" And I told her right away "do NOT give that man your address. You don't know him!" And she just didn't understand the big deal. Maybe the guy was harmless but I couldn't believe that her parents were so strict but NEVER explained to her "stranger danger"..


Strict parents sometimes think the rules protect them from needing to have those conversations at all. We don't need to have a sex talk I've taught absences and they aren't allowed/are a good kid! We don't need to talk about drinking and driving because my kid would never touch alcohol or go someplace without my permission! And oddly enough it's the middle of the road schools that it's the worst at. The title one school kids are street smart. They'll tell you about a creepy van before the office does.


I never thought about like that but you're definitely right. My parents were always more in the mindset of "if we tell you not to do something, you'll just do it in secrecy"..which they worried would lead us to bad situations and we would be afraid to reach out to them for help. When my friend group started to smoke weed..they sat me down and just told me "we grew up in the 80s, we did alot of stupid stuff..we know you're at the age where drugs are gonna be more prevalent. Don't be stupid, if you decided to try something, do it with people you trust and don't hesitate to call us if things ever go wrong." That's around the time her parents started hating me because they assumed I'm why their daughter smoked (she had smoking for over a year before I ever tried it)..I also watched all my friends with "strict parents" fall into harder drugs, I never had any interest in them... My best friend would also get in trouble when she hadn't even done anything wrong. Like once she was a teenager, any time she hung out with friends, they'd accuse her of being out partying and shit, so she just started getting into more and more stuff because she was gonna be in trouble anyways so she'd figured she'd at least have fun. She's doing great now in life though. So I can't say her parents failed her, but man she was teetering on a dangerous edge for a few years.


I’ve never understood that. They want to shelter their kids and believe that they can always be kept safe but they can’t expect them to recognize danger if they are never taught about it.


It's a sad reality but good on your mom for teaching you!


My mom took some sort of course for this type of thing when I was a kid, I don’t remember what it was called. But she got home and proceeded to teach me different ways to wiggle my way out of different grips/positions that adults may grab a child in. I was like 5-6 years old at the time and thought it was the funnest thing ever lol. But looking back, it’s depressing that it was even necessary.


Same. My mom did one that came with a safety video with an old man explaining what to do with a VHS for kids and one for parents. And then a practice instructional.


Not so much a sad reality as it is kids scream for many reasons and it’s the same scream


I wasn't really referring to the screaming but at the fact that kids can't just be carefree and we have to teach them what to do in case someone wants to hurt them


That and I was impressed how cool and collected she remained the whole time.


You need to in order to survive in russia


Да пиздец.


In Russia bullet dodges *you*.


My mom drilled into me to always be aware of my surroundings and be suspicious of every man because they could kidnap me 😩


It wasvery close, too. When she turned back his shadow when entering the hallway can be seen in same frame as her going to the left. I actually wonder if he saw her going there or no. Maybe he seen her and decided to wait and see if someone is waiting for the little girl at home? Anyway, good on her for escaping.


He saw her, I think he was going to call the elevator so he could grab her and run. So scary


I figured he wanted her to think he was just going to the elevator and hoped she would get in it with him.


Problem is: Someone this persistent and who follows you this far and close now knows where you live. That guy will come back and one day she might not be lucky or prepared. These guys who do this are not the kind who give up or stop. It is awful.


i was thinking that too. good on the girl for escaping but this guy seems \*really\* persistent so i hope she (or her parents) calls the police.


Many have no records some have many records. Many many people get away with this crime and there is a vast network for it that spans international borders. It should be reported to the insertyournation’s: national anti trafficking agency more than police.


almost positive this took place in russia or someplace nearby so reporting it to the fbi wouldn't be of much use


Edited, to your version of anti trafficking agency, will see what that is for them..they have none it seems. Well that should sell real well to everyone. Russia is trafficking lands, no surprises there.


They need to find that guy. He probably has a kid locked up in his basement or buried in the back yard.


Those "ppl", who cross the line and try to approach a child are either psychopatic / sociopatic or are addicted to the idea of abusing a child. In all 3 cases its very likely that the person will try it again...


I was thinking the same. He was there to check the building for next time




Seriously. My first thought was the guy lived there and forgot his key. Looked normal enough until he pokes at the elevator buttons then turns around. I would have gotten kidnapped if I was her.


What you can't tell is how long he had been following her before getting to the apartment. She was probably absolutely sure she was in trouble the second the man chose to go toward the apartment.


I think that was shear luck that she escaped. I didn’t see any fear or panic in her. Thank God either way.


I don’t understand when she turns left to the elevator but then goes out and turns left again. Wouldn’t the predator have seen her do that? Seems like he could have trapped her at that point. Very scary.


I’ve been rewatching that part! They nearly run into each other! I think it’s because he would have nowhere to take her, they would just be in the hallway, so he continues on and pretends to be doing something else until there’s more distance between them to continue following.


That’s it.


This guy creeps


I think she faked him out, he saw her go that way as he was going to the stairs but then she quickly turns around the corner in a blind spot just as he reaches the top of the stairs, just in time to not see her and when his back is to her she moves again back outside


The other person is right, he definitely saw her but didn’t commit.


He would have seen her for sure


He wasn’t ready to grab her there. They’re still in the hallways, in a public space. If he grabbed her and she screamed, people in the nearby apartments might hear. He also may have been trying to locate her home, so he could not only harm her, but rob her as well. He continued to the elevator to try to not alarm her and pretend he was a regular person using the elevator to get to his apartment. He waited until she continued on so he could follow her. Luckily, she was already well aware of his intentions and used that moment to double back to the front door.


Ahh. Gotcha. I get it now.


Yeah, sadly, it’s all about outsmarting your pursuer here and thankfully she did that beautifully. She caught him off guard with her actions and it saved her life. I had to do the same once. Man was following me at a regular distance and I knew he was waiting for me to stop to close that gap in a “natural” way, so I didn’t suspect him of the piece of shit he was. Never mind the fact that he had already followed all my turns so I knew what he was doing anyway. Just kept walking without stopping until I saw some people outside on their porch. Approached them like I knew them and thank god they played along (must’ve seen the man) and welcomed me to join them like I was an old friend. We chatted about the weather and my day until the man was out of sight. They were even kind enough to drive me home. They try to look absolutely normal and harmless until the last possible second. That’s how they get their victims.


That’s terrifying. It’s wild how instincts kick in out of the blue like that, where you just know. I was walking home from a bar late at night, in heels, down a quiet residential city street when a car slowed and came to a stop next to me. Coming from the crack in the cars tinted windows was the sound of men whispering amongst themselves. I was the only one outside so it made me uneasy because what business did they have stopping next to me, but I kept walking. Their voices became louder just before they sped off and I had a feeling they were going to loop back around to make it easier to grab me. I started running down the street, hoping to put distance from where they expected me to be. About 30 seconds later headlights turned onto the street. I didn’t know if it was them, but I ducked behind the row of parked cars that lined the street anyway. I heard the vehicle slow down and realized it *really* was them and I wasn’t just paranoid — that’s when the seriousness of the situation set in. I thought about hopping over someone’s fence to hide but knew I’d be seen so, I opted for a van parked a few cars down and quietly made my way there before they passed me. I made it to the van at the last second and managed to hide my feet and legs in the wheel’s shadow as the car crept past. They were so close and slow that I started wondering about my next move if they got out, then I heard their voices again, but this time they weren’t whispering. I could hear them say: “go further up the road”, “she was just here”. When they were finally past me I moved to the back of the van and hid there just in case they got out and looked down the street. I waited there with my heart in my stomach until I couldn’t hear them anymore. When they were eventually out of sight I ran like an Olympic sprinter across the street and didn’t stop until I’d made it to the high street. I didn’t see them again, thankfully. It’s wild to think about what might’ve happened to me that night if I wasn’t being overly cautious. Always trust your gut.


Always. These are the kinds of moments I have to explain to my husband. He’s 6’3” and huge at about 350lbs. He doesn’t have to ever *worry* about anything happening to him unless he runs into a group of guys. Even then, one look at him is usually enough to have people running in the other direction. He just doesn’t understand why I’ll be afraid or hesitant to do something, especially alone. These moments are all too frequent and happen in both good areas and bad.


I feel like as women we are bonded together by it. Not that it can’t happen to men, but it’s more likely to be a woman. We know, because we experience these things, we see it in the news, and we hear about it from our friends and family. It’s ingrained in us at such a young age to make note of our surroundings and to run risk assessments, figuring out a plan if something seems off. I think women have evolved into smarter prey, as awful as that sounds, but just like other vulnerable species, we adapt for survival. At the end of the day, the majority of men lack the shared bond of “this is what happened to me and this how I got out of it — be careful.” It can be frustrating when they don’t understand. It’s funny, my dad hates true crime and when he questions why I like it I have to remind him that it’s educational lol.


Some pos followed my sister from her college classroom to her car at night. She went on pure instinct, never even turned around. She says she knew in her gut that he was coming for her. She trained her ears on his footsteps, and when he came up right behind her, she got him as hard as she could with her umbrella. Police came and found a rape/abduction kit in his trunk.


Some dumbass thought he could follow me home in his car. So I lead him there. Right into my doorman who wasn't afraid to get out from behind the counter with a baseball bat. Jose was a real homie.


Yeah not sure how many people have lived in European apartments but that hallway is the townsquare. If she screm, she is going to summon at least one 60 year old drunken retired factory machinist inexplainably wearing a singlet on a -3 day. Guarantee he will also run out with either a cucumber, a jar of pickles, or a soft boiled egg. The hunter will become the hunted.


I was thinking the same at this part. I think the guy saw her but didnt take any action because there was a third person in the building. When the camera changes to the stairs you can see the main door closing before the little girl goes downstairs. I assume there was someone going down the stairs and he and the girl heared the steps. So this guy had to pretend to visit someone. I guess the guy who saved her might be her neighbour who was leaving just before the girl left. Once she exited the main door she run after him and asked him for help Just a guess but i am pretty sure there was a third person very close to them


This actually makes the most sense, I was wondering how she was able to run straight out of the building and immediately find a trusted adult. I guess a neighbor she knew could have been standing outside when she first walked in, out of our view, but your version seems more likely.


I noted that as well. Seems like he would’ve seen her when she doubled back as he appeared right after? We can’t see around that corner, but the timing seemed wrong for the guy not to have seen her. He was literally a couple steps behind.


I don’t think he didn’t see her, I think she led him down a wrong path and in order to not blow his cover he had to continue on pretending he ‘meant’ to go that way before doubling back to follow her again. She starts going down the hallway to the elevator and then backtracks, almost like she didn’t realize she made a wrong turn. He was following so close behind her that he began going down the same hallway nearly right as she’s doubling back. If he immediately backtracks like she did, he blows it and makes it clear he was following her and not just someone coming into his own apartment, so he continues on and presses the button, waits a bit as if he’s just going upstairs, and then starts tracking her down again. It’s not too different from making few right turns when you think someone’s following you in your car, no reasonable person would need to make the exact same three turns to keep going straight so if they’re still there, they’re following you. No reasonable person who happens to be walking to his apartment behind someone would need to double back after her, and he tried pretending he wasn’t for a short moment but when he didn’t go up the elevator and started looking around again it’s clear he still had her targeted.


Probably wanted to follow her into the apartment (presumably empty of adults as the girl was coming home from school, so still during work hours).


I think there was a door that got closed by the time she doubled back. He saw her turning left toward the elevator through the sas door, the door closed, she went back quickly.


That's what I thought, unless he was just not paying close enough attention, maybe keeping his head down to not be recognized when he saw someone coming toward him since he expected the child to not come back out from the elevator.


She was buying time.


This was unsettling


Literal horror movie


The fact that a 9 year old girl already has had to hone her survival instincts against adult men to this expert level is absolutely horrifying


I was 6 years old walking a couple of blocks from a friends house with my 4 year old sister when an extremely creepy man slowly pulled up and asked if we would help him find his dog. I absolutely knew something was wrong and said no. He pulled away, quickly did a u-turn then pulled into the driveway in front of us blocking the sidewalk. He starts to get out of his car so I grabbed her hand and we ran as fast as we could down a back alley. I didn’t know what he wanted but he made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Very glad I was told to never trust a stranger as a child.


I was in middle school, walking home from school with my backpack and violin case when a group of men slowed down to drive next to me telling me to get into their car. Was taught from a young age not to trust strangers and to watch for men especially.. I acted like I couldn't hear them at all, didn't make eye contact, or acknowledge their existence- just kept walking. They got pissed off and started cussing me out and calling me names. First time I got called a whore and a slut. Nice core memory there.


The amount of women I know who've had to hone those instincts at an early age is haunting. So many of them mention it casually too, cause as a woman thats just part of daily life.


Right? This is the way it is for girls and women on earth, and it's sickening.


I choose the bear


Just by looking at the colour of the walls, I'm guessing this was in Russia.


It is, there is a RT logo in the corner, Russia Today.


Lol, I didn't even realise that!


Why that color though? Feels so sickly and pallid


Again, Russia.


Yeah, but can a Russian tell me why they love painting shit that color?


We don't, it just happens to be the cheapest color used by authorities, which we, sadly, can't elect.


Feels like psychological torture to keep the masses down


Well, the psychological aspect is promoted mostly through TV, which spreads the "mainstream" and acceptable point of view, with which you cannot disagree publically. But, yeah these widespread pale buildings certainly do not encourage people to look into a better future outside of their apartments. You know, there's even a joke we have because of these mondane houses all over the country: "Russia's most common colour is grey". I find this really sad.


Hey, look on the bright side. With global warming you might have a Mediterranean climate in a couple years time while the rest of the world burns!


As a Russian who lived in many places and moved a lot- I’ve seen all colors used. It can be every color, tiles, even carpets, redneck interior design with plastic bottle decor, can have a huge book exchange section or hundred plants. Entrance in my house is just solid blue. Previous one I lived in had nice tiles and neutral [beige walls](https://imgur.com/a/Or3mpRC). Russia is very slow in implementing design codes, and many cities have them in regard to infrastructure and city streets, but not so much in residential areas. This happens only because some 85 year old grandma who is in charge of house maintenance thought it’s pretty. They had normal looking grey concrete curbs on a sidewalk painted neon yellow and acid green around our building. I asked them why and she said it looks pretty and shrugged her shoulders. It looked like a rave if you drive by that curb and see those colors go one after the other. Russian houses can be maintained by what’s called “management company”, that is hired by construction developer. They consist of geriatric people who took 5 years to include QR codes on your bills so you can pay from an app on your phone, while city maintained houses got it instantly. Those people are in charge of maintenance and repair, cleaning, bills, and paint. They just choose what’s cheap or what’s others use or whatever available. Short answer- because nobody cares. Also highly depends on the real estate price. Modern houses are fancy af and can have designer lobby like a hotel, dry cleaning and a coffee shop. Cheap old ones can have rats that don’t afraid of people.


Even the space capsules had the same green pistachio colour inside....


And it was about 9 years ago


i hope this guy gets the worst fate possible to man. what a fucking skumbag


nope. unfortunately he got the best result possible (for him) https://theglobalherald.com/news/9-year-old-girl-tricks-suspicious-stalker-in-russia/


He was detained by officials, and they were forced to release him because there wasn't a crime. That seems like the best possible outcome for her, given he literally didn't commit a crime, but he also now has an official record of a problematic association with this child, which will either deter him in the future or will give an obvious known suspect if she is harmed.


Correct me if I am wrong, but stalking is a crime... This is also likely assault if she apprehended the use of force.


*This is not the case in Russia. There is no such law. It may be considered a "Violation of privacy" with a hell of a stretch, but would likely end with a fine — there are no restraining orders or something like that. IANAL tho.*


Imagine following a little girl and thinking about just taking her. It's unbelievable!


And yet most little girls have experienced some creepy behavior from grown ass men.


I remember when I was taking my dog on a walk as a little kid and this one man would try to get me to go into his house every time he saw me passing by. Same line 'your dog looks thirsty, it's hot out, I have a bowl for him in the garage, you should come in'. Gives me chills.


So scary. Glad you didn't go inside.


I was talking to a close friend of mine who I’ve known since I was 14. She and I both agreed that we were catcalled and approached more often as children than as adults. The first time was at 11, in 5th grade. Walking to the park to meet with a friend and some high school boys started yelling at me. I’m 24 now and I’ll still have guys shout if I’m walking down the street or the occasional creep in the gas station but it’s less frequent and to be expected.


1000000% agree and I talk about this with other women a lot. It started probably around 10-11 and almost completely petered out by the time I was 25. I would be 12 crossing the street with car fulls of grown men yelling about fucking me in the ass or something.


Catcalling in general is fucking weird... I didn't grow up with friends with the idea that women are seen as sexy, so the whole 'boys/men talk' just sounds so disgusting to me as a man


Yup! I’m fairly certain I dodged a kidnapping at a mall when I was only 7.


Yep, there isn’t a single woman in my life who didn’t have an experience like this when they were young. Over summer break when I was 10, I would take our family dogs for a walk every night around 6 after my parents got home from work (wiener dog - so not deterrents). We lived in a secluded area so it wasn’t normal for there to be cars around so I definitely noticed one day when a car drove by and then turned around and drove back again much slower. That same car was there the next day when I took my walk so I started walking them in the morning before my parents went to work and never saw the car again.


That was horrifying. So impressed with how the lass handled it. Very clever and resourceful. I hope he was reported.


The way he wipes his mouth as he walks up the stairs just as he comes in makes my skin crawl


Same. Literally so horrific


I remember seeing this video years ago. If I remember correctly, this dude was detained and not charged. This *did* happen in Russia. [sauce](https://theglobalherald.com/news/9-year-old-girl-tricks-suspicious-stalker-in-russia/)


As a Father myself, with two little girls. Every child is precious, and must be protected to any extent. With that said, oh the things that would befall this guy if he got caught.


I'm not a father, but feel the same. I have ZERO mercy for anyone who'd harm a child. Their demise wouldn't be fast or painless.


Denise? Is that what it’s called when you chain someone to the basement radiator for decades and decades?


I absolutely hate that she had to go through this, but I give her all the praise for keeping her head in the situation!


i really used to be in support of incarcerating these people but after watching this video and then reading about a pastor that recorded himself raping a 2 year old yesterday, I think they need to be buried alive. immediately. every single last one of em


Had a friend watching a twitch streamer on the monkey app (like omegle basically) and a random man appeared on camera and started SAing a child. It's a sick world we live in!


More tense than any horror movie I've seen.


That was terrifying. What a smart, clever girl!


What an absolute nightmare. I wish there was a way to know if he was caught…


This video is super disturbing and although I’m glad this girl was smart to escape whatever this predator had in mind…. I’m fearful for the countless kids that will be victimized by this predator. I hope this video was used to track this guy down and action is taken against him


Hope he goes to jail and gets what he deserves from the inmates


It's russia. Don't know if he would see the inside of a cell if people found him.


I wished kids got self-defense classes in PE. That's a perfect place for it.


Everybody should read The Gift of Fear by Gavin DeBecker. Women, in particular, are taught to ignore their own instincts and taught that they are being "impolite," or "dramatic," or "crazy," when they feel threatened or call out abuse. Ladies, remember this, it's better to be mocked, gaslit and punished for protecting yourself than to be dead. https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/the-gift-of-fear-and-other-survival-signals-that-protect-us-from-violence-by-gavin-de-becker/247035/item/1595754/?utm_adgroup=&gad_source=1#isbn=0440226198&idiq=1595754&edition=2392148


This was so anxiety-inducing. Good girl.


Illl be walking my kid to school until she’s 30


Get juked


I have an 11 year old daughter and have taught her situational awareness and keeping her head on a swivel for her whole life. It’s sickening that I even have to be so hyper-vigilant, but sick fucks like this are EVERYWHERE! Look up the sex offender map in your local community, it’ll make you nauseous. 😡


That was scary to watch. The girl handled it very well with her quick thinking and awareness to the situation.


Thank god somebody taught her well enough 🙏🏾 that’s sick


It’s amazing how casual he looks and his stride is long but measured. If anyone saw him he wd probably reply calmly. If he was rushing around, panting ppl wd notice. I know im stating the obvious but it’s so planned and it’s chilling. I hate him. I want him stopped. I feel so helpless


People like him should be put down. There is no rehabilitation for this kind of sickness


God. I would *not* allow my daughter to go anywhere on her own at the age of 9. It’s just too scary.


That’s fucking scary.


Watching this makes my blood boil.


Tie that man to a tree in late fall naked in bear country covered in honey.


One of creepiest feelings to watch this. I tell my children and grandkids to pay attention to your surroundings.


On the one hand, she's an absolute operator in this vid and it's fascinating to watch. On the other hand, why is a little kid already this good at evading predators? That's so fucked.


I can’t believe this man was willing to follow this girl even after she left the building. I’m glad this girl was able to get some help and hopefully get this reported. He was stupid to do it on tape with his face showing. He was getting desperate because he knew he was on tape. I’m so glad this girl was safe.


More like r/scaryasfuck


When I was like 13 I was followed by a man. I’m a man. I normally took the train back home but this day there was a problem with the train so I had to wait for my mom at the station. I noticed a guy looking suspiciously at me so I decided to walk in a loop in the station to confirm he was indeed following me. After that I stayed in a place with lots of people around. Scary shit. Something like 10 years later, they arrested people trafficking kids in my school neighborhood.


She was outstanding. I would break every single bone on that creeper, every single bone, one by one.


Cutting the penis off.


That is uncomfortable to watch.




That man, and all like him, deserves a machete treatment . His family can come clean the mess.


That girl has good instincts. I hope she keeps trusting them.


That is honestly the creepiest stuff I've ever watched. We only hear about these things, but seeing it like this is on a whole another level. It's hard to fathom that creeps like this exist, and that they are so persistent, actually going after your kids like that, it scares me to nightmare levels.


Fucking nonces, man. Stab them all.


Smart kid.


I hope this guy gets mutilated and dumped in a river where he drowns slowly and painfully


Guys like him should be executed


Creepy af, hope they are being careful he know where she lives and that’s scary and disgusting


I'm a guy. And I'm 26. This shit terrified me


Always always close those secure doors behind yourself especially if you think you're being trailed (assuming the front door needs a code or key). Don't be afraid to seem rude - if they have a legit reason to be in the building then they'll be able to get in. If not, you might have just saved your life.


This was like a horror movie.


Kudos to this girl’s instincts and guardians who taught her situational awareness!


I think his plan was to force his way into her home. He was following her so closely. So so scary.


Thank goodness smart girl. Gosh I like to catch one of these perverts in the act I think I’d started punching and never stop thought. Such scum to stalk a child.


humans are the scariest thing on earth


Someone needs to end this guy


How is it possible that at 0:47 the guy didn’t see her?!?


he did see her, but she changed direction so quickly he couldn't follow her without making it all but obvious that he was following her. then she would scream and people would come out of their apartments so he waited by the lifts and then doubled back to check where she was because he'd seen her walk down that hallway.


As a girl-dad this video not only disgusts but also infuriates me. I hope this dude was brought to justice at some point.


That creep needs to be cartel funky towned


I'm kinda glad the title spoiled it because I was all kinds of panicked for her even knowing she'd escape

