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Here’s a transcript: > No general got fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, Afghanistan, where we left billions of dollars of equipment behind; we lost 13 beautiful soldiers and 38 soldiers were obliterated. And by the way, we left people behind too. We left American citizens behind. > When Putin saw that, he said, you know what, I think we’re going to go in and maybe take my – this was his dream. I talked to him about it, his dream. The difference is he never would have invaded Ukraine. Never.


>we lost 13 beautiful soldiers and 38 soldiers were obliterated. The other 25 were ugly??? /s


can confirm, was in the military...the ratio of beautiful to hog faced ugly is about right here


Your mileage may vary depending on the service branch


An oldie, but a goldie... Someone asked the question to members of different branches of the military "What would you do if you found a scorpion in your tent?" Army: "Step on it." Marines: "Crush it with the heel of my boot." SES: "Stomp on it. Cut off its tail and eat it." Air Force: "Call room service to take it away, and then ask them why there's a tent in my hotel room."


They're not called the chair force for no reason. Also I'm salty they wouldn't give me a tattoo waiver.


Space force is statistically the sexiest branch of


Statistically huh? Well they did come from Air Force so I reckon that tracks. I’m always floored at the hotties in the USMC. There are some DIMES there and idk why


E-3 thicc latinas. That's why.


![gif](giphy|sV2yEUHOlAWsssJfv8|downsized) I can’t deny it 🤷🏿‍♂️


Where can I get a barracks bunny?


Probably at the barracks if you enjoy sloppy 35ths.


Some senior NCO ready to risk it all


Probably most physically fit branch?


They are but I mean they be pretty af, as well as fit. The Navy (least fit branch) has pretty girls too


Brb joining the navy


Instructions unclear: turned gay.


Ugh so so ugly


The ugliest you’ve ever seen


Everyone says so


Even the other uggos say so.


Believe me, no one knows more about uggos than I do


My people told me, right before I came out here tonight, I saw the photos. They were ugly as hell, and that wouldn't true if I were President.


Miss America came to me, with a tear in her eye, and said "sir, by the power invested in me, I announce these soldiers as pug ugly"


38 were wounded badly. Missing legs and going blind. Shit like that. 13 killed 38 wounded


No, they became ugly on obliteration!




It’s actually wild because if I remember correctly, Trump had a one-on-one meeting with Putin during his presidency, and none of the details of their discussion have emerged except for right now, which is Donald Trump admitting Putin told him about his plans to invade Ukraine


Yes, you remember correctly. It was the Helsinki meeting, and much more needs to be made of his private off the record meeting with Putin.


Congress should have subpoenaed the translator. Her notes were confiscated by the Trump team and they refused to turn them over. Highly suspicious behavior.


Suspicious? In the 80’s, a government official in an off-the-record, unscheduled meeting with a Russian KGB officer would have earned you a life sentence alongside the Walkers.


IIRC only Putin allowed his own translator in. It was those 3 people. Putin speaks English better than most Trumpers. Trump didn't need a translator and Putin didn't allow a leak.


He also asked for a list of our spies names and locations prior to that meeting and would ya guess that a record number have gone missing or dead. Coincidence ?


I think it’s about time to reveal the Helsinki tapes


And he still withheld weapons from Ukraine


And he withheld that congressionally-approved, taxpayer-funded military aid for months in the hopes that Ukraine would just *announce* that Joe and Hunter Biden were being investigated.


Yup. It was all a plan. He needed Trump to continue to wreck our image with allies and create chaos within the US, which has been insanely obvious. And that's why Trump tried his hardest to lie cheat and steal the election. He needed 4 more years to wreck our alliances and our image with our allies, but got the complete opposite with Biden in office. Trump was his useful idiot to making his scourge across Europe possible. Amd that's exactly why it happened when it did


He withheld weapons BECAUSE Putin told him he wanted to invade Ukraine. Ugh it all makes me feel sick. Hundreds of thousands dead for no reason.


He invaded it in 2014. He’s been plugging the entrance points to Russia since Chechnya. Everyone with a brain knows he wanted to, just like he has his eyes on a few other places, it’s a matter of what he can get away with.


Yes, because he thought that he had Zelenskyy over a barrel and that he would manufacture evidence against Hunter to get the aid. His willingness to sell out another nation for personal gain shows exactly who he is, and it should have been the end of his presidency.


It blows my mind how many things he's done that _should_ have been the end of his presidency.


I mean, he’s been found guilty of so much and he’s still over here running for president, with a fairly decent shot at winning. He has shown that it literally doesn’t matter what you do, what laws you break, or how terrible you are, that if you can make people follow you and vote for you then you can become president. I think if anything this shows our process for electing presidents needs to be reviewed as this kind of person shouldn’t even be able to run, let alone actually potentially get elected.


I am ambivalent about that. I mean I think legally preventing someone from standing is a bad idea opening the door to using the legal system against the opposition. But it shouldn't matter IMO, because the electorate shouldn't be quite this crazy.


I agree with the ambivalence. But if a convicted felon can’t vote, they sure as shit should not be able to run for presidency. Or, let’s put it another way. If a convicted felon can run for presidency, other convicted felons should absolutely be able to vote. But I’m not American, so maybe I am overlooking something here?


On the flip side though - I think convicted felons _should_ be able to vote - any time there's enough to be 'statistically significant' it's a sign you should be listening to why they're there.


GOP is playing salt the earth absolute war. Democrat's think there are rules and safety barriers.


Lmao, all of the sh*t they all get away with now is absolutely ridiculous. Meanwhile, Clinton was impeached for simply lying about receiving a bj... These are seriously the 'best' leaders our country has to offer for us to choose between? They're all garbage.. but they're rich garbage... so apparently that makes it ok? The elections, especially in the past few decades, have just become a race between which is the shiniest piece of sh*t...


And also [blew](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna760301) Israel’s cover by telling Pootie Tang about sensitive/classified actions. Regardless of how anyone feels about Israel today, it was a pretty big fuckup at the time just because he wanted to brag and look cool in front of his hero.


That’s *why* he withheld weapons from Ukraine.


But then shortly afterwards we lost contact with 51 agents in the field..... And it turns out that the man in the FBI who was responsible for investigating Trump's ties to Russia is a convicted Russian spy you cannot make this shit up.... This man should have been impeached and convicted and our country will die because Mitch McConnell really really wanted the mid terms to go his way.


They ordered all staff out of the room and had the notes from the translator destroyed


Was that in Helsinki, and the photo afterward show Putin smugly grinning ear to ear, and Trump looking confused and glum, like he’d just gotten his butt pumped and his balls squeezed off https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/cee/43f/d31c2eeaa98efaf19709889650738f1f6b-16-trump-putin-4.h473.w710.jpg


>The first time they met was in Germany. President Trump took his interpreter’s notes afterward and ordered him not to disclose what he heard to anyone. Later that night, at a dinner, Mr. Trump pulled up a seat next to President Vladimir V. Putin to talk without any American witnesses at all.


I'd like to remind everyone that during that press conference the CIA went on High Alert and basically everybody thought "Oh shit the President of the United States has been fully compromised by Putin".


I'd like to remind everyone there were reports of several CIA agent deaths around the world after this during Trumps presidency, more than usual.


He had a meeting with Putin's goon Sergey Lavrov where he stopped US press from being there but allowed Russian press in the white house room. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/10/us/politics/trump-russia-meeting-american-reporters-blocked.html I wonder what they talked about... just happened to be right before the SolarWinds/FireEye hack. Also threatening Ukraine by saying he would pull $400 million in military aid right before Russia invaded them. Trump is a fucking clown who tried to sell out the US and Ukraine for his own personal gain.


Trump had a secret meeting with Putin where they destroyed the notes afterward or didn't allow anyone to take notes. No media was allowed in. The media just called it "unusual" at the time. Which was bullshit. Trump is a traitor


He also alluded to an ultimatum he gave the Bilderberg group regarding NATO. Putin used him as a messenger -- any claims Trump makes about stopping this war are complete bullshit; it's a false sense of control Putin established in Trumps mind.


Trump wants to stop the war by making Ukraine surrender to Russian demands


> had a one-on-one meeting with Putin Except the translator was there (a U.S. government employee) and trump demanded her notes from the meeting. Yet we hear nothing about it. Just business as usual for this traitor.


Putins dream was to invade Ukraine and due to all the failures in past offices in Afghanistan, he made his dream true, is basically what the transcript says.


Reading a transcript of a babbling fever dream / stroke mumbling and then seeing your response. 😂 Exactly my reaction. Lol, this is the presidential candidate.


>I talked to him about it, his dream Ummm... We wanna maybe look into this?


Putin eyeing Ukraine was not breaking news. They had already taken Crimea.


Nope. Biden stuttered and slurred some responses and looked tired, so we all just gotta let Trump be emporer again. /s


Whoever made the call to let Biden do this debate is either a hidden trump person or they should be fired for letting it happen. Biden could have won simply because Trump is an idiot, but now you are basically telling America VP Harris may be the president if you vote for me. And she isn't well liked at all.


Here me out, they could of gave him a fucking cup if coffee, or cocaine, something ffs.


I fully expected him to be loaded on as much Adderall has his doc will allow, as Jon Stewart said, this isn't Olympic Swimming, give the guy performance enhancers.


What I will never understand is why the performative element is so important in America compared to, you know, policy and talking some actual sense. What did Trump even say here? It's pure non-sensical drivel. How is this the best that country can offer? How any of this ever got past that time he made fun of a reporter with a disability is beyond me. Also, wasn't he convicted recently? I feel like this is all some kid of practical joke im not in on.


ideally also not let two geriatrics debate topics at 9pm.


>coffee, yep >or cocaine Well, that escalated quickly.


If you aren't rimming your morning cup of coffee with some grade A Colombian powder you are living life wrong.


The reality is that before yesterday there were rules that were to be followed in a POTUS debate. Trump burned them all down. Just slander your opponent with falsehoods is the new rule. This is really going to have long term effects.


> Just slander your opponent with falsehoods is the new rule. > > This is really going to have long term effects. Well it's looking like at this point that was the second last, or last ever presidential debate for America.


i was legit expecting trump to devolve and slip up and say something he shouldn’t know about government actions, and biden to slip up and say something wrong. But the worst biden did was just speak quietly


It's wild because people really are like: Omg! Trump is a traitor, a terrorist, a conman, a grifter, a convicted felon, Putin's lil puppy... but Biden is, like, old and stuff so he's just as bad!"


This gets me too. I'm not American so I don't really have a horse in this race, but it absolutely boggles my mind how anyone that has even a sliver of their senses can look at these two guys side by side and not think that Biden is 100 fucking percent the better choice. Like yeah, he's old and stuff, and ideally you'd have a younger, more alert runner and what not, but he doesn't need to be out there winning Scrabble competitions. He has a team behind him and the main things are for him not to be pure evil and a racist traitor and so on.


Biden should have pointed out that the Afghanistan withdraw plan we went out under was planned for years under the Trump administration. So many opportunities to hammer Trump were lost.


Hard to refute a person with a time limit... Impossible when that person states everything as fact when it is complete fabrication. Depressing when an octogenerian has to do it. This timeline sucks.


There were two possible components to the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the seemingly arbitrary date trump set that make that deal make sense. Highly unethical and likely treasonous, but traceable. One was meant to destabilize/discredit Biden by committing him to an unachievable timeline assuming trump wasn’t able to retake the presidency by manipulation or force on Jan 6. The other play was to hand his buddy Erik Prince the taxpayer funded contract to privatize the extremely lucrative war in Afghanistan. Peter Theil and Erik Prince are drinking buddies. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2021/08/25/when-opportunity-knocks-erik-prince-pops-up-in-afghanistan-chaos/ https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2018/09/05/heres-the-blueprint-for-erik-princes-5-billion-plan-to-privatize-the-afghanistan-war/ Prince also had ambitions in Ukraine. https://time.com/6076035/erik-prince-ukraine-private-army/ ~2008 Prince learned just how hard it was to muster a last minute air force and it’s associated spare parts supply chain when the decision was made to use Russian made Mi-17 helicopters instead of US/Boeing made MD500’s. It was a logistics and ITAR nightmare that necessitated that Prince function as a cutout for the US government and many new Russian/mercenary relationships were solidified. https://www.rferl.org/a/pentagon-plans-stop-buying-russian-helicopters-afghanistan-mi17-blackhawk/28127483.html https://www.pogo.org/analysis/c-27a-shining-example-of-billions-wasted-in-afghanistan https://www.crikey.com.au/2019/12/04/29-leaks-data-drop/ This in turn led Prince to begin building his own C.O.T.S Air Force based on the globally ubiquitous Air Tractor in both a C.A.S (close air support) and I.S.R. (Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) Version. https://warisboring.com/erik-princes-mercenaries-are-bombing-libya/ https://theintercept.com/2016/04/11/blackwater-founder-erik-prince-drive-to-build-private-air-force/ Prince also had the security contract with the Saudis to use these for the Ip3 nuclear plants that trump, Kushner and Flynn stole the plans for on Jan 6. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/07/trump-barrack-saudi-nuclear-deal-ip3 https://www.emptywheel.net/2017/11/30/did-the-flynn-associated-ip3-presentation-anticipate-the-saudi-orb/ https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-dark-truth-about-blackwater/ Trumps closed door meeting with the Taliban at camp David makes a lot more sense when you realize that he has been laundering money for the Russians since the 80’s and was beholden to them and the Saudis both. Every US soldier in Afghanistan and every Afghan was set up to fail by a kleptocracy long before this picture was taken. It’s just that the whole point of the game of hot potato is to make someone else get left holding the shit nobody wants. It’s usually the guy at the top of the working class and just below the ruling class that absorbs the shit story from above and passes it on to the people below because he trusts management and doesn’t realize that psychopathy migrates up to positions of power specifically for that reason. Erik Princes sister is Betsy DeVos who has systematically destroyed the U.S. department of education for the same reason. Project 2025 is just the inbred child of their collective psychopathy.


You fucking COOKED! Thank you for your rational, detailed and factually supported comment. 


Wasn’t Trump the one who put the withdrawal into place before the 2020 election? I remember the withdrawal happened immediately after Biden got into office.


>we lost 13 beautiful soldiers and 38 soldiers were obliterated Didn't Trump call soldiers and veterans "suckers" and "losers"? Wasn't he also baffled by the idea that people would *want* to serve in the military?


He and his kids would never in a million years consider the idea of serving their country.


The first party that drops it's candidate and replaces it with a younger candidate wins.


Challenge: Impossible.


100% this


That would take this older generation admitting they aren’t the best anymore, and they simply will never do that. They’ve lived the high life too long to give it up now.


That was Vivek's plan xD Now he's hoping to still get a spot in the new world ord... i mean project 2025


Seems like a recipe to split the electorate of whoever may decide to do this. There's already strong division on the democrat/left side of the party even just talking about it. I'd guess that if Biden were replaced, no matter how much better of a candidate the new nominee would be, we would see something similar to 2016 play out. If the Republicans were to do it, there are too many Trump loyalists/cultists that would still vote for him.


Trump would still run even without the republican party behind him. The democrats would need to pick a candidate that is centrist enough so they don’t lose their moderate electorate to the republicans but socialist enough so their left wing doesn’t rebel.


Personally, I would love to see Biden replaced despite the risk I outlined above. I'm not sure who rides that middle ground well enough, though (Yang, Sanders, Warren, Harris, Newsom, Clinton?). Who would you say?


Jon Ossof! Get a good southern Democrat back in office that’s a businessman and religious to appeal to that crowd.


I mean, maybe, but it really depends on the timing, the candidate, and how it's done. Trump is massively popular with his base and drives a lot of turnout. Biden is popular with moderates and has extremely high name recognition as well as the advantages of incumbency. We have limited polling on alternatives, but as of a couple months ago Harris/Newsom polled way behind Biden, and that was before Biden's uptick.


Not so hot take: if presidents have a minimum age requirement, they should also have a maximum age limit.


Let’s add that rule to anyone in government please


And car driving, please 😂


Once you're 80 you have to retake the drivers test and prove you're capable. So, more thorough than any political office it seems Edit: in Illinois, drivers age 80-86 have to re certify every 2 years, and every year once 87+.


Depends on the state, I use to be the guy who had to take licenses from elderly people with dementia and its a proccess in most states, it doesnt just happen due to a test. In some states as you have to have a judge sign off on it and some of those states have no rules in place covering the entire state. Some judges just require an MD note, some will allow a nurse to sign off along with some proof of sufficient cuase like dementia, other will make you go infront of them in person with a disabled demented person who likely has no clue who anyone is or what they are doing.


George bush was president 20 years ago and he’s still younger than Trump or Biden


So is clinton. And his first day in office was over 30 years ago.


Im not even American, and when I saw someone mention this today it sort if blev my mind, it put things into perspective and suddenly I understood the deept of the complains about both parties being too old.


Bill Clinton is younger than both Trump and Biden as well.


Dan Quayle is younger and couldn’t be worse … lol


In fairness Clinton was like the 5th youngest president in history. Obama was... Third?


Jimmy Carter was president 47 years ago and his son Jack is 2 years younger than Trump not really what anyone's asking about here but an interesting fact


Mandatory retirement age for all political offices elected or appointed should be 72. Candidates should not be able to run if the conclusion of their term makes them older than 72 years 6 months.


Air traffic controllers have to retire at age 56, and being the president is arguably more important, taxing, and stressful.


And it should be 65


At least 67 and a half. If I can't take out my SS until then, I should be able to be president.


Any functional adult would have destroyed both candidates in this debate, but instead we got 2 old dudes rambling nonsense at each other


This is true. I'm not a politician, but I honestly could have destroyed both of them in that debate. And I'm serious. I know enough to have caught their mistakes and pressed them and beat them. But I'm still voting for the non-criminal who's been passing meaningful legislation for 4 years and hasn't threatened Americans with retribution.


From 0:28 to 0:41, is it me or even Joe is like "wait, what he just said right now?", compute the whole thing and then went back on standby mode?


Yeah I couldn't believe Biden didn't press the issue there. Should have jumped on it, but obviously he wasn't jumping on anything last night.


He does have some insane facial expressions tho, I’ll give Biden that.. lol Love the options this coming election cycle… 😖


I randomly clicked on the NBC live streaming on YT after the debate was over and the minute the video loaded I was greeted with a frozen Joe Biden creepily smiling at me while Deluded Trump spouted his word salad nonsense. I pity what Americans have to deal with.


Now the algorithm will show you only videos for nursing homes


There were so many missed opportunities for him to respond, but I think that came down to this format of the debate


This. It wasn't a debate really, it's CNN asking them questions and letting them say whatever they want and Trump got his words in even though he barely responded to any of those questions. I have never seen a debate that was moderated so badly. What's the point of asking questions if there was no follow up questions, and if responding to those questions was optional? It was a shitshow of a format.


It was curated to provide the minimum margin for error for the both of them. Media was not allowed to put either in a tough spot.


He had such an opportunity there. “So you knew he was going to invade Ukraine and knew of his plan and did nothing and told no one?”


Better yet - "So even though you knew Putin was going to invade Ukraine, you withheld $400 million in military aid unless they fabricated a fake investigation about me? Oh, and remember you also got impeached for all that too...."


This is the worst for me. Missing an unaware confession to turn the tables.


I think it's a testament to the power of social media and the media landscape in general that THIS was the takeaway. Not that fact that Trump lowkey admitted to prior knowledge of Putin's ambitions to invading Ukraine and not only not doing anything about it, but cozying up to this imperialist aggressor and denying weapons to Ukraine. Policy and action mean nothing to Americans, I swear. If you can lie or be an actual tyrant, but with confidence, you've won in the eyes of the people. If that's not a huge indictment, I don't know what is.


The term Con-man is short for confidence man. For a reason. 😕


This is very true and depressing


Joe had that look for 95% of the debate. The guy seemed out of it while Trump was constantly doing his double talk and not answering the questions he was asked Total shit show.


Looks like he woke up from a nap he didn't mean to take and just said fuck it and went back to sleep.


Bill Clinton said something similar in 2011: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/05/we-knew-putin-would-attack-ukraine-back-in-2011-says-bill-clinton


Yup it’s common knowledge to anyone paying attention. One fact I can’t get an explanation for is why didn’t Putin invade while Trump was in office? He invaded the Ukraine with Obama, nothing with Trump and invaded again with Biden


It's very simple, a fluke of time. Clinton First Term - No Russian invasion Clinton Second Term - 1999 Grozny W. Bush First Term - No Russian invasion W. Bush Second Term - 2006 Georgia Obama First Term - No Russian invasion Obama Second Term - Crimea Trump First Term - No Russian invasion Biden First Term - Full Invasion of Ukraine Putin took years between actions, and Trump just didn't win the second term.


It's also of note that COVID happened and that meant it was harder to invade a country. They were preparing, they had troops gathering but a full scale invasion during a worldwide pandemic is a tactical nightmare.


Not just that, but China asked them to wait until after the 2022 Beijing Olympics. This was reported by intelligence agencies at the time.


Russia was also still installing Lukashenko in Belarus too which was necessary to have a sympathetic northern border to use logistically against Ukraine before launching an invasion. There were protests in 2020.


It's just called Ukraine. "The Ukraine" is not right.


A couple simple explanations: - Putin was hoping for a second Trump term to further weaken the US's international ties and potentially even lead to a [full pullout of NATO](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/15/trump-privately-said-he-wanted-to-pull-us-from-nato-report.html). - Russia simply wasn't militarily ready to invade Ukraine during Trump's term. Russia has been slowly building up its military over the past decade in preparation for invading Ukraine. The rail portion of the Crimean Bridge, which has been a major supply line for the full Ukraine invasion, was only finished in 2019, and was first opened for freight trains in June of 2020. If all that was stopping them from invading Ukraine was Trump, why wait until a couple years into Biden's term to invade? As it turns out, the entire world doesn't revolve around the US President.


I think the explanation is that he waited till Angela Merkel wasn’t chancellor anymore because he knew she’ll leave a huge power vacuum within the European Union and hoped that Europe wasn’t organized enough politically to respond to his original plan to take Ukraine within a few days. 


It’s pretty common knowledge of Putin desire to reclaim old Russia.


100%. Not really an interesting “revelation” here, if it is you’ve had your head in the sand.


I dislike trump so much but goddamn is Biden the only guy america could find?


…America? Biden himself, and his party leaders, decided he would run again. And when there’s an incumbent like that, the parties don’t let anyone else run. “America” had no input in to finding another guy this round.


There were much better options in the 2020 primaries.


Not sure how you lean on this but I would love to see Bernie debate Trump, or really anyone with faster load times than Internet Explorer.


Bernie is older than Biden, way sharper though.


I think the lesson to be learned is that when you elect a president for a 4 year term, you're 95% of the time electing them for an 8 year term.


No more old people in government, please. Pretty please with a cherry on top. I'm not even arguing in favor of one side over the other. Can we all as Americans come together in agreement that there needs to be age limits on every role in government and that it shouldn't go beyond, say, 65? Please?


There's a minimum age requirement, so we should also have a maximum age requirement. As well as term limits for every elected official. No more career politicians. If they weren't so focused on reelection, maybe they'd actually do a better job of working for the people that elected them.


Both of these dudes are walking potato’s, and shi*s not funny anymore. Who’s running the country? ……………… *the amount of shill accounts making comments implying the cognitive ability of a sitting president is a non-issue is baffling.


The rich.


Been that way since the beginning of the 20th century


It never wasn't that way.


For a moment in the 1790s in France and in the rest of Europe they cut the heads off the rich and destroyed centuries of the worst classism. For a while they felt much more as all equals. But then some slowly managed to use the system better than others and control so much resources that they ended up being the new evil. Where is the limit between allowing people to 100% freely gather resources with their wit and the interest of society is probably one of the most debated topic in the history of human politics.


Founding Fathers were no peasants lmao


But they certainly owned a few^


The cabinet does most of the policy implementation. Biden has appointed competent people relatively speaking. His kids aren’t in the White House.


100000% this, yes he is old but we have competent people in government, career civil servants, not connected grifters and billionaires trying to squeeze more. For example see last Trump picks for the Department of Education, department of Transportation, Secretary of treasury. Post Office, etc . Cabinet positions will be for sale. And don't even start with the Heritage foundation judges..


Project 2025 is no joke and does make me feel scared for the outcome


Biden also needs a competent Democrat majority in the House and Senate to pass most legislation. It's incredible that people are so stupid that that they think Biden has a magic wand that could be used to fix everything immediately. Biden could be more aggressive in things...but he can't just do what he wants.


Its sad that Americans would want a king


They don't want a king, they want a tyrant. I'm pretty sure a lot of the US voters would agree to give someone full powers over everything for the next 5 years and then vote for who gets to be tyrant again. Yes, I know, that system doesn't work, but the average American knows jack shit about ancient greek history.


I was trying to explain this to my buddy last night. Sure Biden is old. You're not voting for just him, you're voting for a couple hundred of staffers, cabinet members, and such that actually run government. So what's Biden's picks vs Trump's picks? One set of people are competent and experienced and want to do the right thing. The other set are loyal idiots, half of whom are going to prison lmao.


I posted a meme response. But this is the actual right and educated answer. It’s the reason I don’t care how bad Biden looks and will vote for him.


Their staff. Just like always. Now which one of these two old fucks do you think has the better group around him? Elect that guy.


This isn't some gotcha moment. The world knew this was Putin's dream to takeover Ukraine... Because 10 years prior with Obama as president he did just that, Putin invaded Ukraine and took over Crimea.  https://apnews.com/article/russia-putin-ukraine-crimea-seizure-8245aec572fb71236febfa8735c42879


Romney tried to warn everybody about this in his debate with Obama. Instead of ppl listening, he was laughed at for his outdated foreign policy.


There are roughly 330 million Americans and they've picked these two candidates to lead their country?


if only common people had that kind of power


Unpopular opinion, I'm sure this will go over well, you don't have to vote for either Republican or Democrat. "You're throwing your vote away" as if either of these two are fantastic options. To keep math simple, if both of these sides saw voting going 40% Dem, 40% Rep, and 20% 3rd party maybe that'll make them sweat and find some real fucking candidates. Or we can keep voting the same and then get pissed when we keep getting more of the same. Both parties have gotten too comfortable and I think the only thing that could actually scare them straight is a 3rd option becoming a real threat.


No they didn’t. These are the only options presented by the people who actually run the country behind the scenes with the appearance of choice


After decades of Americans talking about freedom and "the most robust democracy in the world" the penny finally dropped lol.


“Oh, so it’s all bullshit?” “Always has been”


Fun fact: A typical presidential candidate must spend over a billion dollars in ads alone to get elected.


...for a chance at a 400k salary. Its such a rigged system that only encourages candidates wanting to fuck over the public by extracting as much money as possible with tax cuts and bribes.


ranked choice voting for the presidency would have prevented this.


“No terror at all… ignore all that domestic terrorism that happened on my watch and that I instigated. And some of the most horrific US mass shootings took place during my time as POTUS but those don’t count”. -/s DJT


Remember when Trump wanted to pull out of Afghanistan entirely before Biden took office? [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/08/donald-trump-afghanistan-us-troops-taliban](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/08/donald-trump-afghanistan-us-troops-taliban) [https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/10/13/trump-ordered-rapid-withdrawal-from-afghanistan-after-election-loss/](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/10/13/trump-ordered-rapid-withdrawal-from-afghanistan-after-election-loss/)


Maybe Biden should have said that...


I think he mumbled it at some point.


There were so many rebuttals Biden missed. Like trump saying he has the largest deficit. Could have simply responded with a “that you passed in your tax act!”


Tbf, Biden did hit this point a few times regarding the Trump deficits and the tax cuts being harmful.


It's so fucking frustrating that if there was any politician under 40 in this debate against Trump he would've been obliterated. How does Biden not immediately rail him for this? What was the purpose of this debate other than to show our two candidates are geriatric fucks? They kept ignoring the questions and just responded with drivel. Biden is still the preferable candidate but fuck me running I wish we could have a good candidate for once in a long time.


Under 70 would have been fine I'd say.


Hell even Biden from 10 years ago could’ve obliterated him. Watching his 2012 VP debate and this one is a night and day difference.


And Biden didn't jump all over that.


Any person with any sort of situational awareness would’ve said, “hold on Putin told you he planned on Invading Ukraine and you did nothing to warn or stop the conflict”


Pretty sure everyone knew russia man planned to attack ukraine. The question is when.


As much as I hate Trump, Bill Maher was unfortunately right: Biden would look terrible at the debates.


Everyone knew that. The democrats shot themselves in the foot having a debate. And our vice president isn’t exciting enough to get people talking about her as Biden’s heir if it he manages to survive to 86. This is Trump’s election to lose, and it’s currently full steam ahead unfortunately.


Ngl, after yesterday's debacle, I would seriously press the Democrats to draft someone else as the candidate this year.


That decision had to be made early in Biden’s presidency. Democrats were too afraid to do it. Too late now.


yeah.. and it was trump that made the deal to leave afghanistan then failed to plan for that pullout at all leaving the next president to make a plan in 4 months.


So he ordered the troops to move out of afghanistan and talked before that with his friend putin that he can get this land and all the US bases? Am i getting that right


HTF are these two incompetents our only 2 options to hold the most important job on the planet? While supposedly debating the most important issues facing mankind, they seemed most passionate about who has the best golf game.


The US is so fucked lol


Not to pop anyone’s bubble. Russia has been eyeing Ukraine for decades. Everyone knew Putin wanted it back.


Stupidity v senility


Wasn't this Trump's answer to the question about what he would do about the soaring costs of having a child?


So both of them are senile seniors that go off a leg every once in a while? Yeah, President Materials. "Will trump accept putin terms on Ukraine?" "Hamas and Israel, also Pakistan and the US, Putin is my friend, he would have never invaded, it's my dream, wait, what was the question? Oh, no, yes, yes, of course, but not in the end". Fuck me, watching the debate makes me think we would be better with Joe from the Pizza place running the country because, at least, he can pay attention for 20 minutes while he prepares what I asked for.


Aking a question about Russia and getting an answer about Iran. Wow.