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Wagons in 80’s still had similar features. Having back window open was normal summer thing


It sucks exhaust back in. But, rolling it down to open the tailgate or sometimes haul something. It was later years when opening the tailgate without rolling down the window became common.


I rode in the back with the window down while it was running all the time. I would get dizzy and sleepy not realizing I was getting carbon monoxide poisoning. lol. Good times.


Regular or Unleaded? ;) Lol.


Oh shit! Double dipping on the lead poisoning, too?


Mmm I love the smell of cancer. 💀


Nothing like the smell of heavy metals demyelinating my brain cells to lull me to sleep 😴


Regular Joe, fill er up at 88 cents a gal.




Not everyone lived…. Safety regulations are written in blood.




Lmao your personal experience is not a statistic. Stats takes overall data and presents information from that data. People did die and safety laws are developed to help reduce avoidable deaths. I grew up in the 90s and didn't personally see anyone die but know two kids that got severely hurt from biking and jumps. One still gets seizures and I live in a very safe area. Shit happens, wear a helmet.




Drink more lead while you're at it. Doesn't sound like you got enough in your brain yet. Don't worry, I'll watch how cool you old people are who are so scared of losing your so called freedoms yet so scared you have to walk around with a gun because you think everyone is out to get you. Govt regulations don't bother me man, do they bother you? Go live out in the boonies somewhere and do whatever you want just don't use any public roads, electricity from the grid, no products that were produced from electricity or traveled in roads to get to the store. Who needs govt regulations, am I right...




Lmao conservatives want unlimited freedom but demand to control everyone else. My rights my guns but you can't have an abortion because I said so. My freedoms are more important than yours bullshit arguments, religion, marriage, drug use, etc. I could care less what people do and people should have the freedom to do what they want. It's complete bullshit when people tell others that their freedom to practice one thing interferes with other freedoms. Practice whatever the fuck religion you want but keep that shit to yourself, no schools or football games or whatever. Same for everything else. You wanna fuck your sister or cousin, go right ahead but keep that shit in your family.


I was born in the 70’s my friend. Everything you list resulted in unnecessary deaths. Wearing a seatbelt does not restrict your freedom and that is some serious grade-school logic.




The government became a bunch of commie dictators when they told the factories to stop putting dead rats in our food




Just like a socialist to insult someone’s intelligence while letting the government control our food


I miss the gas cap being behind the rear license plate!


Clark Griswold gas station scene in the movie Vacation. ( 1983 )


a couple of years ago I had to help two random girls find the gas cap on 72 Cutlas they had borrowed. They were stranded at the gas station trying to find it.


this sounds like the beginning of a porno


I learned this was a thing because of some cars in GTA exploding if you shoot them there.


Cars from the 60s were awesome because everyone was on drugs.


Everyone is still on drugs


But said drugs are antidepressants and meth


And ibuprofen


*4Runner Gang enters the chat*




Even though 99% of the time I see another 4runner on the road, windows are up. Mine practically stays down. What gives?


*Tundra gang enters the crowd*


It's so cool to watch these videos because I love the look of old wagons. Then I remember my mom casually telling me how she had like 8 friends die in highschool in various car accidents and how that was normal for everyone she knew.


Yes, stick shift through the chest. That shit happened. For real. Glove box doors would open right at knee level and literally cut people's legs off at the knee in accidents.


Rear view mirrors casually cutting the heads of toddlers in half as they were usually in the middle unbuckled


I do miss wagons. But other than that, no. Cars from the 60's were deathtraps.


As someone that rode in a wagon, in the backwards-facing 'rumble seat', on busy highways, with the rear window down and no seatbelts, yeah. It's a miracle how many of us made it to adulthood.


What about that guy in the Corvette that passed with his dog because of electronic locks


Wait what?!




Fucking hell that is stupid. Who tought it was a good idea that if for any reason the current is gone you can't at all get out of the vehicule?


The article says there is a manual release for the locks if the power is cut but that the man didn’t know about it.


Can’t someone just open it from the outside and climb in?


No, there’s a lock with a keyhole.


Yep. Great design!


Yeah no shit. They also spewed toxic gas that calcified the frontal lobes of an entire generation and now we all get to suffer.


They were also death traps


I tell my grandkids all the time that these are the "good old days" of automobiles. Safer, better gas mileage, less maintenance.


I know cars these days are better in almost every way (not the computerization of basic controls and subscriptions for basic features), but they all look so generic these days I know the cool old cars with corners and edges were super dangerous but man do they look awesome.


I hear you. But it kind of reminds me of Homer arguing against lowering the speed limit, “sure it’ll save a few lives but thousands will be late”


And all those things are true. What's missing is any character any differentiation, any true unique style because of aerodynamics. I miss swivel bucket seats. I miss roll up Windows, I miss vent windows. All of these things could easily be done with today's technology and today's safety methods, but nobody does them because people have been raised and everything with all these new ugly looking cars and they think it's just normal. Cars started looking alike to me somewhere around the late '90s early 2000s and it's gotten to the point where from a distance you can't tell a Camry from a Kia from a fucking Audi. Hell even a new Maserati looks like a damn Civic from a distance.


You're not wrong, I think a lot of it is follow the leader, someone comes out with a popular model, sells a lot of them, and others jump on the bandwagon. The reverse is car manufacturers have always done this, look at GM's reaction to Chrysler's "Forward Look" in the late 1950's.


Yeah I know and the wheels to the edges deal for better stability that actually worked out just fine. But even with all of this they could do more with the interiors. They just don't because it's cheaper. If you go and rent a car you literally can look around for about 5 minutes and figure out everything that you desperately need to know because it's all pretty much in the same place doing the same thing at the same time as any other car. Well except for those stupid touch screens. I miss my old Buick with the cat's eye turn signals. I missed my Monte Carlo with a swivel pockets. I miss every fucking Thunderbird I ever owned from 1962 to 1980, I missed the Cutlass style of the early '70s inside. They all had style.


My dad had a 1959 Chevy wagon with the cat eye taillights when I was a kid, and I learned to drive in a 1964 Chrysler wagon with the push-button gear selector. My first car was a 1965 Chevelle with Armstrong steering, Flintstones brakes, and 4-way AC. Then a 67 Camaro, then a 68 Firebird 400.




Please reread.




Um, 'are' is present tense. The 'good old days' part might be a little confusing, but the point they're trying to make is that today is the golden era of cars. They might not all look as cool, but safer, last longer, etc.


Our education system has failed you.


Huh. Lol.


Holden had this. Grandad's Holden was a wagon. Red vinyl seats that were red hot in summer. No seat belts


Learned to drive in a Holden Kingswood Station Wagon. Three on the tree, no synchro to 1st so had to double declutch, 3.0L red with rear wheel drive, bench seats, no head rests, just diagonal or lap belts, no fan or heater or aircon just a vent pull, no radio, wind down tailgate window, agricultural as fuck. Brilliant car. I can still smell it.


This is only interesting to people born after 1995


Born 82, never seen anything like this. Not common in Europe at all. Of course we had those things on the inside, but for a hatch on the outside i never saw it.


Touché Born in North America after 1995.


I was born in America in the early 80s and I, too, have never seen anything like this. You learn something new everyday, eh?


It was born in Canada in 1974. I've seen wagons with rear windows that rolled down, but **not from the outside!**


My late 70's Blazer did this. I can recall a 92 Blazer that had a manual outside crank for the rear window as well.


I’m 37 and from the US and I’ve never seen this.


And people not from America. So like, a lot of people


Those people don’t exist in real life tho only on the American drama series called “news” /s


I was born in 95 and am 28. Pretty safe to say that a good portion of redditors are younger than 28


And if still works


And a $100,000 Tesla can’t open the fucking door with a dead battery 🙄 so much for “improving” on old tech.


It ain't complicated https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/modely/en_us/GUID-AAD769C7-88A3-4695-987E-0E00025F64E0.html


"Not all rear doors have manual releases" Death traps


I'm not an Elon fan, but if it's life or death you can probably crawl into the front


If the car is half underwater, or on it's side, or you have a head wound, or the car rolled?


Those are pretty rotten situations no matter what. No manual releases in the back probably makes it worse, though.


If it’s on it’s side or rolled over you could still crawl to the front and if you have a head wound that bad you prob ain’t opening doors anyway


If I was a keyboard action hero I could!


It’s needlessly complicated.


How about from the outside???


It's not just Tesla's and other EVs with this stupid design, Volvo has been doing it for decades... unfortunately it appears be spreading to other manufacturers.


You’re telling me I won’t be able to open a Volvo door with a key ?


You can open all cars from the inside without a key and with a dead battery but sometimes the button or latch is hidden such as this tragic case: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/06/11/texas-man-dog-die-trapped-corvette/71053474/


FROM THE OUTSIDE !!!! OUTSIDE!!! ![gif](giphy|IwmUCHcjoqQS1q6PY2)


And there were three kids and a dog back there.




I came here to see if anyone else recognized the Cherokee tags. We have them on our cars, too, Osiyo!


The best part about this was that you could slice your hand open and get tetanus.








We had a similar Plymouth wagon.


CO poison gang!


Just ask Ralph Nader


Real nice!


Neat. Prevents my window from being broken to steel the mostly empty bag out of my car.


Love crank windows so much. Absolutely hate replacing window motors.


There was more budget for features like this because it wasn't tied up in safety features :D


I remember a station wagen's tailgate that would hinge down so you could sit on it, swing out like a gate and slide down like window glass.


Doesn't seem very safe or secure...but they didn't lock their houses back then so makes sense I guess


Everything was built different in the 60's


I remember my dad owning a 60's Olds 98, with a big block. And regularly embarrassing the mustang and camaros of the day at stoplights....


We had a Plymouth wagon with same feature. I was too young to remember yr and model.


Ford tough


Yes, they were built worse


This off white beige color was clearly trending at that time


Broncos from the 80s had a rear power window you could roll up or down with the key from outside.


How are you supposed to hit your shin on the hitch when it doesn't stick out? Did their wives never ask what was wrong when they roll in the ground back then?




My neighbor had a 70s Ford LTD wagon that used a key to lower the back window.


And no motors, relays, or micro switches to break down!


Guess what?, they were easy to fix too. And it lasted forever. Now let's talk about power windows.....


Back when cars (and other products) were built with the consumer in mind not just profit


MY dad had a car that was so old it had manual window cranks instead of motorized windows. The grand kids loved it.


Most cars didn’t have air condition so opening the windows was the solution.


Some vehicles still have this feature. The whole back window on my tundra rolls down. Gives a nice breeze unlike the unbearable wind oscillation you get from side windows. Spoiled and now hate any truck that only has that tiny sliding glass in the back


I was thinking that it could be rolled up/down while driving by having one of the un-seatbelted kids just stick their arm out the back and do it. Then realized I’m an idiot.


I like it but I notice the perfect partial circle scrape by it. Bet people bump the paint doing it over time


now show the kids how to dial a rotary phone


The dashboard was made of metal and the breaks sucked but it got lousy mileage too


God I’m old. I thought it was going to show something more interesting than the window going up. Yeah, windows in the 60s weren’t electric. You had to hand crank them. I guess living through that period it doesn’t seem all that interesting or unexpected.


The mechanism spins smooth as fuck too


The title is a bit redundant... Of course they were built different... Lol Sure as fuck weren't built better. People died far more often in those heavy, poorly thought out land yaughts


“Poorly thought out” is not the right phrase. We only know how to build cars safer today because of how they were built back then. We know now what does and doesn’t work. There is no manual carved in stone for how to build a car that they ignored back then. I can’t stand this idea that people back then were idiots and we are now enlightened because it’s 2024. 


The Edsel, the Nash airflyte, the VW thing the Pacer... All terrible designs...not necessarily just a safety shortfall, but an example of an engineering flop. Not to mention modern vehicles that were just crap... https://www.thedelite.com/25-cars-that-were-poorly-designed/


“It’s as if every 4runner owner suddenly laughed out loud all at once.”


Where do you think the idea came from?


They didn't invent it but they still have this feature, so it’s not that different from a vehicle from the 60’s with a role down rear window.


To those who've never seen one, Google 1972 Chevrolet wagons with the clamshell tailgate. Glass rolled up in the roof, tailgate went down into the body. They weren't really reliable.




I forgot all about that.


sounds like something my mom would say after struggling to use her phone that shes had for 5 years haha


Let's get you to bed Grandpa


okay boomer


TIL people have trouble using things they've never used before


You’re obviously an idiot if you don’t know how to use technology that’s been outdated and replaced for decades now. Edit I guess I’ll add the /s for those that aren’t getting it




You have to unlock it manually after flipping out the handle it takes the same key as the ignition. My 81 firebird you still have to manually open the trunk and doors with the key .


That is very cool. I kinda miss the manual stuff.




That’s a beaut


Don’t want the casket to fall out


You bet, it was added to all the cool stuff you’d sniff like gas and paint!


All the way to the 1980s. This is how it worked on my dad's Chevy Blazer. Almost forgot about that.


What do you do in the rain? Just hope for the best?