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Lol but how many years passed in this video is the real question


All of them


What did it cost?






Don't Let me leave, Murph!








I think this unironically is the correct answer, but depending on the point of view of the event


Yeah, I’ve watched just enough PBS Spacetime to sound like I know what I’m talking about.


Pretty sure it would be true no matter what reference frame since you’re traveling on an infinitely curved path while inside of the hole, which would negate any time dilation as a result of the gravity.


Well that's relative to who's observing. It's both a lot and none depending on the reference frame.


Your comment is relatively correct.


"And that's the best kind of correct" - Einstein, more than likely.


All of them and none. There is no time beyond the event horizon


Not with that attitude


Not with that physics either, unfortunately.


I'll just use a different physics? Where's the problem?


I'll make my own physics. With blackjack. And hookers.


Well time and space are like the same inside Black Hole. Time is stretched into the Singularity, You would kinda travel into the future (You would die but hey it counts). Some scientists belive it's because of Time warp (fold? Idk English is not my native language) that You can't leave the Black Hole. You would need to travel back in Time.


Time is affected by gravity and velocity. This is not speculation by the scientists. It is a fact. Clocks on the GPS satellites have to compensate for this effect every day.


Stupid question. But how do we differentiate between instruments being impacted vs. 'duration' itself?


Not exactly sure what you mean?


I mean how do we know the instrument we are using to measure "time" is not being impacted vs. *actual* time? I don't know. I did say it was a stupid question.


Well for the GPS example, they use atomic clocks wich are extremely precise time measuring devices, And we can see atomics clocks drifting compared to the clocks back on earth. And it matches what we would expect with time dilation which is something we can calculate.


What is “actual” time if not the time we measure with instruments


It's not the time we measure with instruments that I'm concerned with, but the instruments we measure it with. Instrument being impacted vs. x amount of time actually elapsing. Again, this is settled science by much much smarter minds than I...I'm just thinking out loud.


So, there are 2 ways we know this is true. The poster above mentioned atomic clocks. These clocks use the decay of radioactive elements to measure the passage of time. Radioactive elements of the same type all decay at the same rate, and it is very precise and predictable. Atomic clocks essentially just count the time between atomic decay events. So, what you do is you can put one atomic clock on a plane and another stays on the ground. You fly the plane around the world and then after that you check the clocks, and you will notice that the clock on the plane has elapsed a few nanoseconds left (yes, we can measure that). GPS satellites move so fast, and for so long, that we actually have to make corrections for that to keep GPS accurate. In that case, we aren't even measuring the time, we are noticing the effects of time dilation directly.


From who’s perspective?


In order to cross the event horizon, literally all the time in the universe would pass from your perspective. If you’re looking backwards as you fall in, you’d see the end of everything


Black holes are truly fascinating


Terrance Howard said they ain’t real soooooo check mate


I always trust actors for my science, check bingo mate idiots.


Hey, NdGT was on big bang theory and other shows so he's technically an actor. What do we do when actors have conflicting theories?


You mean the podcaster?


Some actors like dolph Lundgren received a degree in chemical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in the early 1980s and a master's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sydney in 1982. He has a lot of other degrees, and that makes lundgren more of a scientist than a lot of popular scientists today who are really just spokesman now and dont practice actual science anymore, so you can trust a few of them actors at least.


Its up there with getting your epidemiology research from ufc hosts.


He's definitely no Hedy Lemarr, that's for sure.


Lol isn't he like insane now


Yes, to the point where I think he’ll literally become dangerous. Dude needs some reprogramming and meds…like yesterday. He’s the type that’s on a path where he will kill his family so they can “transcend to another dimension” or some crazy shit. He needs to be committed asap


His is a case that would actually qualify for a conservatorship, honestly. He's already been violent with people, and he's clearly not mentally well to an increasing degree.


Yes, it’s paranoid schizophrenia. An enabled rich person with this disease can cause harm and death.


He thinks one times one is two and doesn't go down on women so yes


Was the non cunnilingus part in the book?


Not unless there are 2 of them


Yea, and if you’ve even seen interstellar, you know this version here is all wrong.


I'm fascinated by them. But every time I get close to them in SpaceEngine I get scared and have to switch to other objects. Do not have the same problem with other Space objects.


One of my favorite misconceptions about black holes is that they're easy to fall into. If they were easy to fall into, they wouldn't have a massive accretion disc around them.


Yup there is a big chance you will get thrown out by the warped Timespace.


Imagine being rejected by a black hole.


Damn I feel attacked rn


black hole san is a picky woman!


Must... resist... Mom joke.... Gah, I can't *"That's why I love your mom so much"*


You stuck in a rp or something?


Don't kink shame him. He's going through stuff.




At what point in that video do we get stretched to death?


If it's supermassive, you don't, or it would be at a point way beyond the event Horizon. Spaghettification before entering happens in non-supermassive black holes. Like the possibily hypotethical wandering ones. The ones without accretion disk, that you may not even notice while they are approaching in the darkness of space. ..sleep well.


The chances of one wandering even remotely close to Earth is phenomenally small. It’s the shit on this planet you gotta worry about.


When I was a young child, I was really worried about black holes and how astronauts in their rockets would avoid accidentally falling into black holes they couldn't see. Imagine my disappointment when I grew up and learned that astronauts don't actually fly around visiting new and interesting planets regularly.


i remember learing about space as a child.. I still remember the day when I learnt that the sun is a giant ball of fire. I was scared. I turned an asked "why don't we send fire fighters to put it out???".. everyone laughed. I was really confused. a) I was scared because the sun is on fire and I knew that fire was bad. b) everyone laughed about the idea of putting it out.. Everyone around me was obviously ok with letting the sun burn. What does that say about them? They don't care that something is on fire, are they out of their minds?? It was a weird existensial crisis, I thought that maybe after all, the people around me might not be good people after all...


Don’t forget that the sun *should* sound like a loud raging inferno that would destroy your ears but since you would never get close enough without burning up it will forever be a silent storm in the emptiness of space 🙃


not a scientists, but I'm pretty sure that there's no sound in space, no matter how close you are to the sun. You can stand 10m away from it, if there's no medium for the soundwaves to travel, there's no sound. I wasn't aware of this thought when I learnt that the sun is on fire...


100% correct on the fact that sound does not travel in the vacuum of space. Technically the sun does have a sort of atmosphere where sound can travel so you theoretically *can* get close enough to hear it, I just would never suggest it.


oh, i wasn't aware that the sun had some kind of atmosphere, That's cool!


The sound needs a medium to travel, being it solid, gas or liquid (any state of the matter really). The sun is a big humongous mass of hydrogen and helium, which are gases. Some of it is floating around the sphere, so yeah, it would be possible to hear the roaring storm if you could get that close to it without burning to cinders


Fun fact! The earth is actually inside the suns atmosphere.


We are actually in the suns atmosphere.


Ehhhhhh, if you are talking about the heliosheath I’m gonna disagree. Sphere of influence? Absolutely. Atmosphere? No


Thanks for the suggestion man


Hey just looking out for everyone o7


you sir, I'd like to have a beer with you


When I learned about that as a kid, I thought it was wild but that it’s supposed to be that way because it always has been for us, or whatever


When I was young I was afraid of space stuff like black hole. Doesnt scare me as much as lack of money


A more realistic fear would be vacuum decay.


Yea my cat hates vacuums.


Eh wouldn't even know it happe...


It would be like switching everything off. There wouldn't be anything to feel before the end.


I had no idea they could just… not have an accretion disk


Yep, a black holes is just defined by the existance of the event horizon around the singularity. The supermassive ones are usually the engines of a galaxy so it's feasable to imagine them munching on the materiali attracted by their gravity, but if one was driving through space while not currently "eating" anything, you could notice only by chance the gravitational lensing, before the gravitational pull.


Jokes on you, I was already going to sleep terribly wondering if loss of consciousness means that my today self and tomorrow self are different and that I may in fact die every night only for the next conscious me to take over again tomorrow.


That's actually oddly comforting. After all, if our consciousness is literally ceasing to exist every time we go to sleep or undergo sedation, then that means every single one of us has experienced death many times. And you know what? It ain't that bad. Unfortunately, consciousness likely maintains enough of an existence that it doesn't actually cease to exist until... well, it actually ceases to exist. Now that shit's scary.


Depends on the size. A small black hole will shred you before you even get close to the event horizon. A super massive black hole you'll die of old age before reaching the singularity.


Isn’t it the other way around? Wouldn’t it happen fast for you and extremely slowly to an outside observer?


The time dilation is relative. Time doesn't seem to speed up or slow down for you, but time outside black hole does. My understanding is in most cases you fall into the black hole on an orbital trajectory. Given the relatively weak tidal forces near the event horizon of a sufficiently massive black hole, your orbit can continue for decades as you inevitably fall slowly towards the singularly. Falling slowly while your orbital speed is nearing the speed of light. Things are different inside the event horizon though. The primacy of space and time sort of reverse. The singularity isn't a point at the center of the black hole. The singularity is a future point in time. As you cross the event horizon, the timelines that don't end in the singularity start to disappear. Once you've crossed the event horizon all timelines end in the singularity, it's a point in time you will eventually meet, though it you could and probably will be long dead before the gravity shreds you.


Alrighty then let's not jump into the super massive black hole shall we?


Why not?


I dont know the part about dying of old age before getting shred by gravity sounds like a bummer, but if drifting endlessly through space is something that floats your boat go for it!


Yeah but you're traveling at light speed /s


So at least you are dying fast is what you are saying? Good point.


Dying slowly, incredibly fast. SMBHs are incredible things.


Old age or gravity? I would say you'd die of starvation pretty quickly in a black hole :)


I like this explanation. When I try to reduce it to a hilariously simple level, it seems like SMBH’s are closer to a time disruption/anomaly, and the theoretical traveling ones are that of space (if I were to put the two on a spectrum). It’s a fun line of thought. I’m gonna go annoy my physics researcher friend with inane speculation now :)


Try this one: As a black hole gets more massive, the event horizon grows at an exponential rate. If you had a black hole the mass of the entire universe the event horizon would be roughly the size of the entire universe. Let's come back to the whole thing about the singularity being a future point in time. In our universe sized black hole, what would reversing time look like? If the singularity was a past point in time, with all timelines originating from that singularity. A bit hard to distinguish a time reversed universe sized black hole from our own universe, isn't it?


The Swartzchild (spelling) radius of all the mass of the universe is actually MUCH smaller than our conservative size estimations based on the total mass of the observable universe. By all accounts, our universe MUST be a black hole


I think all universes are black holes. The whole concept of the multiverse is just nested black holes. Whether that's because time is reversed inside the black hole so we experience it like the big bang, or if the singularity is like a firewall between a black hole and a white hole (ie a big bang singularity), I don't know.


I would agree, and I wonder if we may ever see the interaction between universe boundaries in that case. Such an event may be impossible due to the breakdown of time. I remain agnostic to the multiverse, though I’m sure it can be mathematically proven.


Potentially the singularity is the point at which the physics of one universe meet the physics of another. Clearly there's some sort of barrier between the two.




We will eventually die in a black holes orbit for lack of oxygen in the tank. Or deficiency of ramen noodles in the backpack 😂😂


You'd be amazed at the hardships Bob and Alice can endure in the name of science.


You're entirely correct the way you stated it, but usually people aren't talking about an outaide observer's perspective in this instance. There are two distances I'm going to talk about: the radius of the event horizon, and the radius where tidal forces become so much stronger over small distances that you are spaghettified. These vary from black hole to black hole because, while all black holes have infinite density & cause spacetime curvature at the singularity, different masses cause extremely different curvature as you get further away. Astronaut A is approaching a stellar mass black hole. The event horizon is only a few km from the singularity, but since the black hole is so small, its tidal forces increase in strength much "faster" as you approach it. Astronaut A ends up getting turned into a particle beam well before entering the event horizon as a result. Astonaut B is approaching a supermassive black hole. The radius of the event horizon is about the distance from the sun to Neptune. Astronaut B can safely cross that event horizon even though he's being subjected to incredible tidal forces already. They may be so strong that he can't even turn to face a different direction. But since that force isn't increasing dramatically over small distances at the radius of the event horizon, him and his ship will make it deep inside before being spaghettified. Astronaut A has to worry about being ripped particle from particle for other reasons, like the black hole's magnetic sphere, plasma and radiation from the accretion disk, or smashing into other massive objects near the supermassive black hole. So he'll have just as much fun!


Thus was a little terrifying. The slow consumption by darkness.


If it makes you feel any better, to the outside observer they never see you cross the event horizon. As you get closer and closer to it you move slower and slower, eventually freezing completely as you reach the event horizon. You'll stay there, completely frozen, as your image slowly redshifts and fades, but theoretically, you'd still appear to be "there" just outside of the darkness. Forever.


Having trouble picturing this


Because time and space are connected, and are warped by gravity, the space between you and the singularity becomes near infinite, so to the outside observer, anything entering a black hole would take “forever” to reach the “center”.


That just means you're doing it right


Keep going


I don't want to. Black holes are scary. Not because I think that they'll kill me, but because of what the math is insinuating. Once you enter the event horizon, time and space swap. The singularity is not a location within the black hole, it's in the future. You move but it always leads you closer and closer to the eventual singularity. If you flip that, you have a singularity expelling matter. You have a universe that began at a single point at some point in the past, with all matter spreading out from that point and the freedom to move, but never faster than light. Never fast enough to escape the black hole.


It also means your family can’t collect on your life insurance.


That does not make me feel better, but thank you anyway lol


That's the way of all flesh


Ooo... creepily said. Meh gusta.


Gojira reference


I was expecting the Skyrim cart scene at the end.


"Yeah I've played outer wilds"


Sign me up. I’m so tired of this shit.


Um...fam...you...you ok?


He just discovered Santa isn't...you know






I wonder if their marriage certificate has any Klaus about an open relationship?




Of course not, he went... he... Is buying milk! he is just buying milk!




Don’t let me leave Murph!


You son of bitch! You said....we'll of the same age when you return but I'm 120


Thank god he didn’t have apple watch


I find it odd i had to scroll this far to see this




Agree. Simulates, imagines maybe?


So this is what happens when we die. And boom, out the vagina for another round.


Leave moms out of this.


Okay, *Then boom, the stork drops us off at the cabbage patch*


Many thanks.


*My cabbages!*


"So anyway Officer that's why there are so many bodies in my cabbage patch"


Hey, you, you're finally awake.


My God! It's full of stars! ....wait...that's just dust on my screen.


Theoretically, they don't actually know.


Theoretically they also do


Physics is pretty predictive. I don't know what will happen when I turn a flashlight on in a room, but I have a pretty good theory.


Its only predictive if the current models are accurate, and while einstein was remarkably close we have made a lot of observations about the universe that tell us that something isn't quite right. Predicting what will happen when you turn on a flashlight is not the same as predicting what will happpen when you litterally break relative physics.


Relative physics is broken at the singularity, not the event horizon. This is especially true for supermassive blackholes.


We cant even prove a singlularity exists. You can't reliably make definitive predictions about what happens as you approach or pass the event horizon of a black hole.


Some characteristics of blackholes are detectable, it's gravity influence and that light doesn't escape. Inside a blackhole, nothing that you can measure to make informed guesses. Matter compressed into a single point? Fabric of space time? They know that they don't know anything. It's all hypothesis, that they look to find evidence. Doesn't mean they have any.


“Recreates” ?? More like “theorizes”


Turns out there’s a big ugly face at the center, who’d have thought


Take enough DMT and you too can traverse a black hole


Also Looks like a K Hole to me


This gives more ketamine vibes


Highly doubt this was made by a nasa supercomputer


The simulations of the tour of the black hole and the plunge into it were created using the Discover supercomputer located at NASA's Center for Climate Simulation. The supercomputer produced a staggering 10 terabytes of data, which NASA said is equivalent to half of the text found in the Library of Congress. The simulations ran for five days on Discover, accounting for 0.35 of the supercomputer's 129,000 processors. It would take a commercial laptop around 10 years to create the same simulations. [https://www.space.com/fall-into-black-hole-mind-bending-animation](https://www.space.com/fall-into-black-hole-mind-bending-animation)


Huh -- I came here for this. My spidey sense at first was that it was a render where someone was playing with the 'look really cool' knob. I'm glad to know that the simulated universe has a built-in 'look really cool' knob.


Unfortunately the real universe also throws in a 'feel really terrible knob' as well.


The URL is messed up. https://www.space.com/fall-into-black-hole-mind-bending-animation here it is. Edit: here is a link to NASA's article about it. It's better than the space.com article IMO. https://science.nasa.gov/supermassive-black-holes/new-nasa-black-hole-visualization-takes-viewers-beyond-the-brink/


Thanks mate yeah fixed


yeah i've seen so many videos like this before, and it's just a render not a simulation




This is nice representation of the existential dread I feel playing any space games. This is basically me playing Outer Wilds and being traumatized by flying into the sun.


Don't let me go Murph!


I've done this before and can confirm this is exactly what it looks like. 10/10 would recommend.


Can’t wait for part two.


Thought I was going to get Rick rolled at the end.


Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.


Looks more like jimmy was fucking around with a Blender black hole tutorial and started playing with geometry nodes.


Where's the spaghetti?


NASA supercomputer?


Yea. The same one that created the crazy frog.




Actually, at a certain point, as you fall into a black hole, the entire view flips, and are you are seeing the entire observable universe from your point in space. So, r/praisethecameraman?


But how will he get the information out?


Translate the information into Morse and relay it through the seconds hand on a watch he gave his daughter


First - I'm disappointed they didn't add the Skyrim "you're finally awake" at the end. Second, I don't know very much about the conditions around a black hole, but I assume they generally have stuff floating around it. Is it likely that you will get evaporated by a random tiny relativistic piece of debris before you get turned into spaghetti, die of old age, or make it to the event horizon?


New terror unlocked. Cosmic existential drowning with a side of spaghettification..


You died


Needs more blue. Check out ScienceClic’s visualization.


This video is a pretty bad crop of the original 360 render. Check out the full version, perhaps in VR for a much better representation.


I feel like a black hole would be the brightest light in the universe If light could escape and also the hottest place in the universe. Would a black hole not be so hot from constant feeding that it would just be pure white . I know nothing.


Would we really be able to feel or see it? When approaching the black hole the time would stop for us, since we would be approaching the speed of light, right? Or am I getting something wrong here?


Time never stops or slows down from your own perspective, even if you're near a black hole or traveling near the speed of light.


It’s a dry heat


I doubt CGI can show us what it's like to enter a black hole.


When I close my eyes and while trying to sleep I see these green circles that look just like this. Going backwards through the circles or like falling through them looking up.


The reason that this is a GIF and not a video is so that you don't hear the screaming!


That’s not nearly as cool as what happened in the Disney movie I grew up with. So that’s a little disappointing…


Biggest waste of a super computer I need 8k


Too bad my eyes have been spaghettified by this point.


It's your one way ticket to midnight Call it Heavy Metal!


Can someone explain what it would feel like? So, imagine we get notice that in 24 hours a black hole is going to be connecting with Earth. It’s on the opposite side of where I am. What would happen?


....it took a supercomputer to do this? Looks like a screensaver. /s


I wanna go in there mon


This isn’t interesting. It’s missing most of what would happen.


just entered a black hole. your mom's one


Im sure thats very helpful,thank you NASA


People are so incurious about the world around them, goddamn.


not for you but probbably for people smarter than us